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Crackdown 3 - Gameplay in Free Roam including Black Hole Gun and Abilities


Looks very poor. The visuals are very bad both in terms of fidelity and art style. And there is very little environment destruction which I thought was the draw but now I hear it's multiplayer only. Yeah this is a hard, hard pass.


The controls and traversals look fantastic. But that's not enough. Not when they've talked about the complex destruction from day 1 and now decided to removed the destruction from single player. That's just plain stupid.

I too find it disappointing they spent so much time hyping destruction when it's only used in multiplayer (they were clearly too focused on the service aspect yet again), but that aside it seems what we're left with is.. classic Crackdown. That was the most fun I had in an open world game last generation, so I'm open to more of that. Would have thought other fans felt the same way.


Looks like the focus has been the controls, which looks solid, great traversals, but otherwise it doesn't impress me. The enemies are way too easy, cannon fodder with zero difficulty, pretty much looks like they're testing a game engine rather than testing a game. And the destruction is gone??? Bad bad bad decision. The bland environent is okay if you know that everything breaks but without that they need a ton of extra polish, better geometry, textures, lighting, etc.

10 PRINT "The destruction is still in multiplayer and has always only been in multiplayer."
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Every video I see of Crackdown 3, reminds me that there are people that still believes that this looks better (or even remotely as fun) than Saint Rows IV.

How odd.

Different kind of experience IMO. I tend to enjoy the locomotion and weapons in Crackdown more. Transforming vehicle is a bonus. If we start talking about missions then SR has a massive advantage there of course.


Looks like Crackdown. As in, it looks like it's a few years old. Loved the original game, so if they've kept the 'take on whoever you like whenever you want' structure then this will have some worth but I'm disappointed it's not more of a looker, that the gameplay loop looks identical to the original and that the destruction is limited to the MP stuff only.


Different kind of experience IMO. I tend to enjoy the locomotion and weapons in Crackdown more. Transforming vehicle is a bonus. If we start talking about missions then SR has a massive advantage there of course.

Saints Row 4 traversal was a chore. And the world was relatively lifeless. Especially when you started to run up the skyscrapers, which had such boring architecture. It just felt like you weren't supposed to be up there. Crackdown invites you to explore everything with puzzles in the architecture itself.


"Is this made by Microsoft too I think, just like Sunset Overdrive. I wonder if the same people worked on it."

"I dunno if it's 60 frames or not, there's like no lag" - as it drops to probably 20fps

Come on man... holy shit. Just stop.


Not only art is hideous. I can't believe how bad technically is too. Framerate is awful and doesn't seem fun.
I have no idea how someone who has played Crackdown before can say this after watching the developer commentary and gameplay videos (which this is) from E3.



if this is Microsoft's big release for the year(not including Forza) then my xbox will continue to be a Rocket League w/friends machine.
The complaints in here are comical. Crackdown 3 is looking so damn fun, I can't wait to play it with friends and blow shit up. I don't know what people are expecting but this is exactly what I wanted out of a new Crackdown; it's been many years since I've scratched this itch.
Looks like the focus has been the controls, which looks solid, great traversals, but otherwise it doesn't impress me. The enemies are way too easy, cannon fodder with zero difficulty, pretty much looks like they're testing a game engine rather than testing a game. And the destruction is gone??? Bad bad bad decision. The bland environent is okay if you know that everything breaks but without that they need a ton of extra polish, better geometry, textures, lighting, etc.

No it is for multiplayer only.


This sparked a number of questions about the destruction in Crackdown 3. Had it been ditched? Is the game still using the fancy dedicated server tech to make blowing up buildings ultra realistic in the open world?

It turns out Microsoft decided to focus on Crackdown 3's campaign at E3, and the dedicated server-powered destruction is limited to multiplayer. There is basic destruction in the campaign, but not the kind that raised eyebrows back in 2015.

Fast forward to E3 2017, and fans had hoped to see more of this tech in the game, or at least get a sense of how it works as part of gameplay. But a proper multiplayer reveal will have to wait until a later event this year.

"The destruction was always planned for the multiplayer side of the game," Gareth Wilson, design director at Sumo Digital, told me at E3 last week.

"We've got this big competitive multiplayer game where you play in a large multiplayer arena, 20-30 minute battles, and the aim of the game is to smash the crap out of their tower, and they have to destroy your tower before the time runs out.

"That's where the destruction works great."

Wilson explained that Sumo decided against putting the dedicated server-based destruction in the campaign, which can be played cooperatively by up to four people, for a couple of reasons. One, so the game could be played offline. And two, because the story is about saving the city of New Providence, not destroying it


Crackdown 3 impressed earlier this week with a demonstration of its fully destructible world, but that functionality will only be available in multiplayer.

That's according to Dave Jones, who revealed that the destruction's reliance on being connected to the cloud means it's a multiplayer-only feature in the Xbox One game. "Yes, [destruction is] exclusive to the multiplayer mode," Jones said when asked in an IGN interview. "You have to be online for multiplayer, and at that point we can connect to the cloud and really expand the experience."


10 PRINT "The destruction is still in multiplayer and has always only been in multiplayer."
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This is true, but they've been awful at the messaging. In 2014, when it was just called Crackdown, we had

Microsoft described the title as "a new iteration of the groundbreaking open-world action series that features a whole new campaign — fully playable in co-op — and uses Xbox Live to power a city that isn't just an exciting place to play, but is a part of your destructive arsenal."

Then when it resurfaced a year later at Gamescom we had the 'oh we're actually making two games' story, from Dave Jones himself:

"We have to be very clear about this," franchise creator Dave Jones said after demoing the game at Gamescom. "In the multiplayer, it's 100 percent destructible, and it's forever — forever, as long as the game lasts. We haven't said what structure of the multiplayer game is yet, but it is ... 100 percent destructible environments and 100 percent persistent over whatever sort of game session we're talking about."

To be clear, there is destructibility in the campaign, but it's toned down for practical reasons. If you wandered around and laid waste to the town, you'd destroy missions alongside buildings. Plus, you know, you're trying to save the city in the story, not destroy it.

So they're still mentioning destruction and single player in the same breath. It's no wonder people have gotten confused and maybe if they actually showed this incredible mind blowing multiplayer then we'd be a heck of a lot more hyped.

The single player that they have been showing looks like a tacked on afterthought pasted together by the B team rather than the multiplayer masterpiece Dave Jones actually wants to make.


Fine, but the game was worked on well before the reveal in June 2014 and Reagent and Ruffian games were involved at the onset. If you go to the official website of Crackdown 3 now the studios listed are Microsoft Studios, Reagent Games, Cloudgine and Sumo Digital. Having work that was done on the game for well over a year before the reveal and coming in just 2 years later on a huge open world game and accomplishing what they did is pretty damn impressive. Besides that, Reagent have been the lead devs on the project the entire time and they are the ones that are going the pay the biggest price in all of this if the game is a financial and critical failure, which appears likely given the current reception here and the competition in Agents of Mayhem diluting the water.
Actually Ruffian came on board about a year ago or so to help Reagent, who is a really small team. Sumo is doing most of the heavy lifting on this game, as with a healthy staff at Microsoft.
Reagent - Dave Jones's game company
Cloudgine - Another Dave Jone's game tech company
Sumo Digital - Single Player Dev
Ruffian - Crackdown 2 devs brought on to help with MP

Reagent, Cloudgine and Ruffian are all in Dundee as well.


10 PRINT "The destruction is still in multiplayer and has always only been in multiplayer."
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As I said previously in the thread they did imply you could take down crime lords living on top of a skyscraper by blowing it up, so it's only natural some would assume that means destruction is in single player as well.


I genuinely had no idea that GAF would be Graphics > Gameplay.

I've never said that graphics are better than gameplay, about Crackdown 3 or any other game.

I'm simply saying that for various reasons including low poly count and poor animation, the demos of Crackdown 3 really have the look of a game from last generation.

I understand that the resolution will be much, much better but if you told me that demo was made the Saint's Row engine, I would probably believe you. Graphically, it's not impressive at all.
After having some time to digest the video I'm a little mixed. Graphically, I think people are being a little harsh though people saying it looks like a Crackdown remaster are kind of on point. Gameplay wise, this is unadulterated Crackdown for better or worse. If you were in to the first game, I'm not sure why you'd think this doesn't look like fun unless your gaming tastes have changed a lot (which is valid. It's been a while). I do agree that maybe not enough has changed since the first. Aesthetically, though I know the single player can't do the multiplayer's level of destruction, I think the world could still use more damage. Like windows blown out from explosions or gunfire, or cracks on the pavement when you pound down, or maybe divets in the wall when hit by missile launchers. It would bring a lot of life to the environment.

That said, I think part of the problem is that PR wise they seem to be holding a lot back that they shouldn't and aren't showcasing the game very well. For example, the transforming cars are in the game and have been improved, but we haven't seen any of that. That's kind of a big part of Crackdown. More importantly though there are things like certain bosses controlling the environment. For example when one is in control of the metro system, it has laser turrets that travel it and destroy stuff (or you). Defeating that boss takes that away from them (and I think might even give it to you IIRC). Nothing they've shown communicates that though Also I think the multiplayer and it's destruction might be a dark horse reason to pick the game up on it's own but we haven't seen that for a long while and focusing solely on the campaign during E3, though understandable, sends a confusing message about the game that makes it look like it's totally gone.

So yeah, I don't know. As a fan of Crackdown 1, I'm excited to play this because it looks like a throwback to that game's pure sandbox fun, but I totally understand people feeling like it's not really evolved at all or looks underwhelming.
Ah, TheRadBrad, usually a decent YouTuber. However this is everything I've already seen during E3. Was hoping for something really new.

Still don't know about this game. Certainly doesn't strike me as a game that has been in development for many many years. Definitely think the reason is the developer. It is what it is but man MS needs more studios like Coalition and 343.


The youtube quality is what it is, but it looks like there's a lot of subtle SSR effects going on along surfaces all around the environments. I have a feeling this artstyle works a lot better in person than it does on Youtube at first glance.

None of the Crackdown games have been visual showcases, but they've still held their own respectively. I have a feeling the fun factor will "win out" the same way it has for the others.

Headlights cast out from cars spiraling into a black hole:

Explosions reflecting off incidental solar panels:

I've missed this rocket launcher.


It looks quite fun but I worry that it's going to get totally swallowed. Makes me think of that "name some games which are being sent out to die" thread we had a couple of months back. I mean it's going to be vying against a resurgent Assassin's Creed, fresh from a year off with a revamped style and a much more expansive, Witcher 3 style, open world. Also Shadow of War, which is looking excellent and is seemingly iterating well on it's killer Nemesis system feature. Destiny 2 is also hitting earlier in the autumn and is already looking like a very solid iteration on what is now a well established and great fun franchise with some of the best 1st person gunplay around.

Where does Crackdown 3 fit amongst these big hitters? There are lots of fantastic things to spend money on this autumn for Xbox owners, including a spanking new piece of console hardware. I can't imagine spending money on this at launch. Seems like a classic "wait till its on sale" type of game to me.
It looks quite fun but I worry that it's going to get totally swallowed. Makes me think of that "name some games which are being sent out to die" thread we had a couple of months back. I mean it's going to be vying against a resurgent Assassin's Creed, fresh from a year off with a revamped style and a much more expansive, Witcher 3 style, open world. Also Shadow of War, which is looking excellent and is seemingly iterating well on it's killer Nemesis system feature. Destiny 2 is also hitting earlier in the autumn and is already looking like a very solid iteration on what is now a well established and great fun franchise with some of the best 1st person gunplay around.

Where does Crackdown 3 fit amongst these big hitters? There are lots of fantastic things to spend money on this autumn for Xbox owners, including a spanking new piece of console hardware. I can't imagine spending money on this at launch. Seems like a classic "wait till its on sale" type of game to me.
I'm anticipating Crackdown 3 more than those three titles you mentioned combined, but at the same time I can understand the "wait till it drops" mentality because it'll probably be on sale come Black Friday.

I'm going to put a lot of time in this game so it's a day one purchase for me.


It's Crackdown and it has orbs. My $60 will be well spent on this game. It looks fun, and I want to play fun games.
How did the running and jumping animation actually get worse? The jumping animation in the original was awesome and made jumps feel awesome. There's no weight to the animation in this one. If you're not going to offer anything new mechanically, at least do it as well as the original...


Graphically I wasn't very impressed with this single player footage. I dig CD though and this looks fun plus I want to try the multiplayer if the damage doesn't get downgraded so maybe I'll pick it up.
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