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Crackdown 3 - Gameplay in Free Roam including Black Hole Gun and Abilities


Another Black Hole one. And some jumping.




A few takeaways:

1. This YouTuber is fucking awful and definitely not "so sick", it's not even what he says so much as his really annoying voice

2. He seems to have a really poor knowledge and understanding of games in general, like he said some really stupid shit

3. How small are the buildings? Most of the roofs he landed on had a tiny footprint, like one incredibly small room

4. This game doesn't look very good
How did the running and jumping animation actually get worse? The jumping animation in the original was awesome and made jumps feel awesome. There's no weight to the animation in this one. If you're not going to offer anything new mechanically, at least do it as well as the original...

I knew I wasn't crazy. I noticed the jumps and landings looked weird too.


Wow, this Youtuber is embarrassing. "That's so sick" constantly, to such normal things. No knowledge of the game at all; why are you showing it? Why even talk over it if you don't know anything about it?

As for the game, it shows promise, but, I don't know. It just looks really low-budget (for a AAA game). I don't know if it's a great fall showing for MS. But, hey, if it turns out well, I'll be happy.


Why does it look like a 360 game? there is nothing seen here to justify such visuals, other than devs having extremely low budget.
It looks quite fun but I worry that it's going to get totally swallowed. Makes me think of that "name some games which are being sent out to die" thread we had a couple of months back. I mean it's going to be vying against a resurgent Assassin's Creed, fresh from a year off with a revamped style and a much more expansive, Witcher 3 style, open world. Also Shadow of War, which is looking excellent and is seemingly iterating well on it's killer Nemesis system feature. Destiny 2 is also hitting earlier in the autumn and is already looking like a very solid iteration on what is now a well established and great fun franchise with some of the best 1st person gunplay around.

Where does Crackdown 3 fit amongst these big hitters? There are lots of fantastic things to spend money on this autumn for Xbox owners, including a spanking new piece of console hardware. I can't imagine spending money on this at launch. Seems like a classic "wait till its on sale" type of game to me.
Those games you mentioned aren't even the games it will be directly competing against (though what you mentioned may play a role in buys this fall). Crackdown 3 comes out Nov 7th. What comes out right before and right after? CoD and Battlefront.

Only big, established franchises can really launch around stuff like that and still get their own. At the very least, a big graphical showpiece could have drawn some attention but that won't be the case here. It will be a really tough sell for MS.
There is supposedly up to 15,000 physics props in play at any moment, which up to 4 fully levelled up Agents can go to town with. I guess that is one reason why the graphics are 'restricted'. But it's also partly visual style too, cell shading in an angular, semi-futuristic city. The native feed I watched a while back looked fine to me, it's Crackdown.

BTW it is Sumo who said about the 15K physics objects, so they were talking about the campaign not the separate multiplayer. I think anyway.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
This game looks embarrassing. Microsoft should just cancel it now and save the imminent backlash.


Wow, this Youtuber is embarrassing. "That's so sick" constantly, to such normal things. No knowledge of the game at all; why are you showing it? Why even talk over it if you don't know anything about it?

As for the game, it shows promise, but, I don't know. It just looks really low-budget (for a AAA game). I don't know if it's a great fall showing for MS. But, hey, if it turns out well, I'll be happy.
I remember watching him a lot back in 2013 I think. Dude is like the polar opposite of GAF. No tech stuff or keeping up with the latest in the industry really. Guy just has a good time playing games.
The game graphics/art style looks off. It's ranged from bad to good looking for me based on the video lol. I think it'll look pretty dang good in person though. Does look like fun. Black hole gun does look pretty sick ;)


Looks more like a indie game with a tech demo about its engine, instead an AAA game (at least in budget) with a lot of years in development


I cannot wait to play this game. Looks like a super amped Crackdown.

I'm going to take the punt and say the game will look a lot better IRL. Feel like compression on the art style removes the finer details.
In this age, this is a budget game look.

I noticed the same thing. Crazy destruction sure, but putting this game up against something like the Horizon DLC out at the same time is a rough comparison. Even in shiny 4k on the X.

The cel shaded style was odd even in part one and now it just looks off-putting.
I think with that demo as well you need to remember it was only in the first start out area of the game, the easy low grade bit. And it was restricted to a 'time attack' against some basic grunts. There were no bosses, mechs, transforming vehicles, or any other unknown stuff. The trailer gives a glimpse of some better stuff.

They should have shown it much better though than they did at E3, plus the true multiplayer. Oh well, Gamescom it is.


I may not be a fan of the art style, but the gameplay here looks pretty solid.

I was glad to see footage out there that showed they retained the sort of "fast/twitchy" gameplay of the older games after you were leveled up a bit. That was one of the things that stood out in the old games from other open-world games from the same time period. The game, at its best, has a real frantic feel. Playing Crackdown next to something like GTA IV was night-and-day.


This game looks embarrassing. Microsoft should just cancel it now and save the imminent backlash.

Backlash of what? People too shortsighted to see that last years gameplay videos were set in a metropolis and this years E3 videos are set in outskirts with little to no skyscrapers/ high buildings? Or people too shortsighted to see that the visuals are cell shaded? Or people too shortsighted to understand that visuals of this game are tied to the performance during hectic moments? You can make the game look like Witcher 3 but you'll have to scale back the explosions by a lot. This is Crackdown, get out of here with your shallow remarks if you don't understand the franchise.


I think with that demo as well you need to remember it was only in the first start out area of the game, the easy low grade bit. And it was restricted to a 'time attack' against some basic grunts. There were no bosses, mechs, transforming vehicles, or any other unknown stuff. The trailer gives a glimpse of some better stuff.

They should have shown it much better though than they did at E3, plus the true multiplayer. Oh well, Gamescom it is.

Yeah MS its own fault really. All the live gameplay on streams and recorded vids from E3 all looked alot better then the trailer they showed. But alot of people are gonna miss that and only will know the trailer. They should have gone balls out with the MP stuff during the show.
If it's anything like the first game, it should be a lot of fun to play but graphically it is a little underwhelming though.

Apart from 4k, have they actually said anything about the X enhancements for the game ? Because what's been shown so far, doesn't seem to do much to take advantage of the X and for a 1st party game, that seems disappointing.


I may not be a fan of the art style, but the gameplay here looks pretty solid.

It looks like Crackdown.

You know what also looked like Crackdown? Crackdown 2.

"That sure is Crackdown" seems to be the only thing there is to say about it.
This game looks embarrassing. Microsoft should just cancel it now and save the imminent backlash.
Jesus lol, these hot takes are fucking crazy.
Backlash of what? People too shortsighted to see that last years gameplay videos were set in a metropolis and this years E3 videos are set in outskirts with little to no skyscrapers/ high buildings? Or people too shortsighted to see that the visuals are cell shaded? Or people too shortsighted to understand that visuals of this game are tied to the performance during hectic moments? You can make the game look like Witcher 3 but you'll have to scale back the explosions by a lot. This is Crackdown, get out of here with your shallow remarks if you don't understand the franchise.
Yet another 'I must post to show Xbox in the most positive light possible' comment from the master.

There's a difference between pushing hardware and deciding against doing that, the Ubi developer was quoted as saying they were going for parity between console versions and that isn't something I want to reward with my money.

Crackdown is a beloved franchise for me because of the memories I have of it back on the 360, that's why I'm looking forward to it. Also, as its a cel shaded game its never going to be the looker that a Horizon, Uncharted or Gears are, then again

“We’ve got something like 15,000 simultaneous props moving around in our game (Crackdown 3)"

I don't think Gears, Uncharted or Horizon are doing that either. Context is a wonderful thing.

Now bow down to your master :)


Junior Member
I may not be a fan of the art style, but the gameplay here looks pretty solid.

Pretty much my thoughts. Gameplay looks solid.

I was expecting a lot more impact and velocity from the movements, animations isn't so hot. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how this actually looks with 4k/HDR on my screen and such, but the explosions and chaos all look quite nice.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Backlash of what? People too shortsighted to see that last years gameplay videos were set in a metropolis and this years E3 videos are set in outskirts with little to no skyscrapers/ high buildings? Or people too shortsighted to see that the visuals are cell shaded? Or people too shortsighted to understand that visuals of this game are tied to the performance during hectic moments? You can make the game look like Witcher 3 but you'll have to scale back the explosions by a lot. This is Crackdown, get out of here with your shallow remarks if you don't understand the franchise.
Backlash at the years of hype amounting to a mediocre game with inevitable poor reception. I do understand the nostalgia based off of a good first entry to the franchise, but CD2 was bad and this doesn't look to be changing that trajectory. Certainly, this should not be a showcase game for the XB1X.


It looks like a modern gen Crackdown to me *shrug* the series has never been known for being a graphical powerhouse. Give me good performance, co-op, plenty of orbs, big explosions and I'll be happy.

Really curious to see how the PC version turns out.
Looks exactly like the first game would look on modern hardware, which is good.

All I need is online coop.

This is perfect anti-open-world-fatigue game: jump around and fuck shit up, don't care about the story, markers, and shit like that.

Can't wait.


Looks awfully low-budget for a flagship first-party title.

But Crackdown still has somewhat of a fanbase I reckon and those people will probably enjoy this game. Still, i'm betting this game is sent out to die.


Backlash at the years of hype amounting to a mediocre game with inevitable poor reception. I do understand the nostalgia based off of a good first entry to the franchise, but CD2 was bad and this doesn't look to be changing that trajectory. Certainly, this should not be a showcase game for the XB1X.

How do you know the game is mediocre? We are months and a beta away from release. Crackdown 2 was bad because it was a recycled, lesser Crackdown made by a decomposing studio in 9 months time and failed to capture C1's feel. Crackdown 3 is exciting because the gameplay impressions mention in a good way that it feels like Crackdown. Also, no, this is not a showcase game. Anthem is a showcase game as they have specifically introduced it as such at E3. Frame it all you want.
Looks like another Microsoft thread on NeoGaf

Team downplay trying their hardest

Game looks great can't wait

Give me a break. Maybe it just doesn't look very good to a lot of people (myself included).

And to be honest, most Xbox exclusives haven't fared nearly as well critically as Sony's big hitters (Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5, etc.) so it's not like our opinions are an aberration.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Give me a break. Maybe it just doesn't look very good to a lot of people (myself included).

And to be honest, most Xbox exclusives haven't fared nearly as well critically as Sony's big hitters (Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Persona 5, etc.) so it's not like our opinions are an aberration.

People are telling MS to cancel the game. GTFO with concern trolling and list wars.
I can't imagine this ending up as anything more than mediocre. Feels like one of those IP's that broke out but every sequel failed to capture that lightning in a bottle again.
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