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Craziest thing a GameStop employee has said to you.


"This opened copy of Mario Kart is actually new because no one ever used it. I put the game into the box and sealed it with this little sticker. If that sticker is broken, you can't return the game because it is used."

Get home, break the "seal" sticker, and open the box to find no game inside.

GAMESTOP. What a great store.
In GAME rather than Gamestop, but one time I went back because there wasn't a game inside the box I'd just bought and they tried to tell me that because I'd left the store there was no proof I hadn't just taken it out myself. I tried to get the manager to look it up on the cctv (which I assume they have) to prove they never put it in there, but in the end he just swapped it for another one and sent me on my way to get rid of me. Which was good, I guess, but it stuck with me.
Now if I ever buy something in a store that does that I tear the sticker off before I leave the counter to check.
I once had one of them ask me what I was doing and try to tell me rather urgently that if I took the sticker off I wouldn't be able to return it. I told them if I opened it and there was a problem it would be perfectly obvious to everyone there that the problem was theirs, not mine.
They'd put the wrong game in there. They looked rather sheepish when I told them that it wasn't the game I paid for and they had to go searching for the right one, but they never actually apologised for it which pissed me off.
I still do it every time but most of them don't bother querying it, they just look vaguely annoyed that I'm taking up their counter space.

My dad, on the other hand, has met some super helpful Gamestop folks in Maine. He was over there visting friends and I sent him with a load of pictures of Vita and 3DS games and asked him if he could try and get hold of some of them for me because they're so much cheaper there, or have actually come out there, or have been released physically there. They really went out of their way helping him, finding out which nearby stores had them and directing him to them, and ordering some of them in for him in one case. It was super surprising after all the bad stuff I normally hear about them online.
In summer 2007/8 when I got my 360 a GameCrazy employee tried to get me to buy a PS3 instead because "it has better exclusives"


Not a GameStop employee, but a "PC City" one.

"Why are you buying GameCube games? I have a PS2, that's what you should get. The GameCube is shit, man"

To this day I still regret not replying "Fuck you dumbass, leave me alone"


Neo Member
When I tried to buy a Nintendo 3DS on launch and picked up Super Street Fighter 4 for it I was told that I needed to buy it on the 360 because that's where the real gamers play. When I replied that I was buying it for future nintendo games he told me that the 3DS would not be getting any of those since no one wanted it....Just a real jerk

Red Mage

Trying to convince someone to pre-order Lightning Returns because it was going to be bigger than Skyrim.

I went to GameStop to buy MLB 15 The Show for Vita. Went up to the cash and was asked if I wanted an extended warranty. She said lots of people have been coming back with Vita cartridge like this because it's a portable system so it's easy for the game to break and get dirty. I said no and she kept on insisting. I got out of there without the warranty and had a good laugh because MLB The Show on Vita doesn't even come with a cartridge it's just a paper with a code in the box.

You walked up to a stack of money?
Him: "do you play league?"
Me: "no, I don't like those games."
Him: "right, I bet it's because you suck."
Me: "at the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo."
Him: "adc bot"

Gorilla warfare huh?


Me: "Can i get a copy of Bloodborne?"

Employee: "Sure, What system?"

Me sarcastically: "Suprise me."

Employee: "Well we only have the PS4 version right now..."

Lol... these guys really dont give a fuck about their job... even if youre not ACTUALLY a gamer working for gamestop... the very least know your fucking product.

This has to be my biggest pet peeve at GS. anytime i ask for an exclusive (like hard exclusives not timed ones) and an employee either thinks its on both... or is coming out for the other at some point (because sony doesnt own uncharted, and ms doesnt own halo right?)

An employee who likely isn't a gamer likely isn't going to be paying attention to what games are exclusive to what systems, especially when they're likely selling a lot of games during the day that are multiplatform. Asking you "what system" is probably just an automatic response they have queued up any time someone asks them for any game, that and it probably helps them go to the right shelf to grab the game.

Them asking you a quick question does no harm to you and probably saves you a little of time overall. Jeez.
While picking up my copy of ultra despair girls on vita:

Employee:" I can't believe they are making a game spin off on the vita, the anime was so good. I can't wait for the second season to come out"

Me: " why not get the a vita and play all three games now?"

Employee:" the games are just spin-offs. Why do you think they are all on the vita?"
I don't know, do you think they're turning away your business in hopes of generating more preorders for other games in the future? I kind of doubt they'd go that far. I have no doubt they'll happily tell you that it's the truth, but it's sort of hard to imagine them just sitting on a copy

It depends on the person, but some of them were absolutely sitting on copies because I used to work at the store in question. My store manager said he did it to "train people to preorder". Our DM was an ultra nutcase about preorders, so I get it.


The employees at my GameStop always talk about Pokemon. Like, I'll just be browsing and they are talking about starters or whatever.

All the time.

How can you talk about Pokemon that much? I go in to preorder something and they always try to push me to preorder the new Pokemon. Suggest me something else. You know me by now.


An employee who likely isn't a gamer likely isn't going to be paying attention to what games are exclusive to what systems, especially when they're likely selling a lot of games during the day that are multiplatform. Asking you "what system" is probably just an automatic response they have queued up any time someone asks them for any game, that and it probably helps them go to the right shelf to grab the game.

Them asking you a quick question does no harm to you and probably saves you a little of time overall. Jeez.

But why do game stores hire people who don't know anything about games?
First off, I rarely if ever go to Gamestop, and if I do it is usually a last resort. I go maybe twice a year, sadly.

I was trying to track down a present for a friend, and it was just a random sports game. Nothing that exciting. But, at check out, the guy asked me if I wanted to buy a copy of Bloodborne because it was just released. I said no, and he said, and I quote: "I figured as much. You don't look like you have aspergers. Only kids who come in buying it are weird."

I just said that's interesting, paid, and left, dreading the next time I have to go to a GameStop with the unwashed customer masses and the jerk employees.
You need to chill. The employee just wants to know so they don't have to thumb through the Five or Six other draws/shelves of games for other platforms.

It's just a job to some people (and should be nothing more given the pay, benefits, and career growth opportunities), Instead of the snark you could have just informed the clerk that it's only on PlayStation and saved you both some time..

I like the surprise me line, thats good. But yea for some it's just a job, still they should be somewhat informed. I'd rather they at least have a slight idea of what they are selling, than wear friggin mario make hard hats.
Not to me, but a GS employee told a friend of mine that you need a memory card to save on Wii and that the on board flash memory was just for Virtual Console games.


But why do game stores hire people who don't know anything about games?

They're less likely to steal shit. Also it doesn't actually take any depth of knowledge to take a product off a shelf ring it up and put it into a bag.


The rare chance I shop there I always end up giggling waiting in line or laughing at the cashier telling me some bull shit or trying to up sell to me. The most recent bad experience was me going in and asking if they still had preorders for the majoras mask new 3ds and the lady said no it's sold out everywhere and sold out in like 15 mins country wide. I said oh ok well thanks, but it'll go on sale on bestbuys website the next day and she argued with me that I was wrong. I said no, it will, and bye and the next day I ordered on successfully from bestbuy!

Do they tell their employees to read the worst rumors and tell customers that it's fact to feel informed and educated?


Me: "Can i get a copy of Bloodborne?"

Employee: "Sure, What system?"

Me sarcastically: "Suprise me."

Employee: "Well we only have the PS4 version right now..."

Lol... these guys really dont give a fuck about their job... even if youre not ACTUALLY a gamer working for gamestop... the very least know your fucking product.

This has to be my biggest pet peeve at GS. anytime i ask for an exclusive (like hard exclusives not timed ones) and an employee either thinks its on both... or is coming out for the other at some point (because sony doesnt own uncharted, and ms doesnt own halo right?)
They have 1000 games there, no way should they be expected to study and memorize the exclusivity and features of each one. Working at GS is no more prestigious than working at the grocery store, and there's no reason to expect that the bag boy knows the nutrition facts of your frozen pizza. You know what you want, so just cooperate with them.


**me going to to the cashier with my copy of Shadow of the Colossus**

GSGuy: "Dude, you should buy God of War instead, that's a mature title. 'Has titties and blood man!"

Me: "Ehhh, no thanks"
But why do game stores hire people who don't know anything about games?

When I go to Gamestop I'd rather deal with someone who doesn' tknow shit about games. You don't have to be a fanatic or an enthusiast to know enough to be a competent sales person. Far too often at places like Gamestop I've encountered employees where it seems like the store prioritized "games knowledge" ahead of basic social and sales person skills. I once worked at a shoe store selling (predominantly) women's shoes and it's not like I was online on women's shoes forums every night.


There was another game that released that night.
Was outnumbered like 50 to 2 by NBA pickups.
Ah, that's context that was missing.

Still seems like a harmless question given there were people there for it, albeit small in comparison. Wait, the NBA pick ups were the overwhelming ones?


Employee: Will this be it?

Me: Yes, thanks.

Employee: That will be $21.60

Me: (pays for game)

Employee: Have a good day.

I leave store feeling weird that that they didn't even ask about preorders.


It depends on the person, but some of them were absolutely sitting on copies because I used to work at the store in question. My store manager said he did it to "train people to preorder". Our DM was an ultra nutcase about preorders, so I get it.

Jeez. I guess from the perspective of a salesperson, you aren't directly concerned with sales output, your preorder numbers are what you're getting pressured on. Still ridiculous. Anyway it had the opposite effect on me, I started assuming they really didn't have stock on a lot of these games and just went to other stores first to waste less time.


You need to chill. The employee just wants to know so they don't have to thumb through the Five or Six other draws/shelves of games for other platforms.

It's just a job to some people (and should be nothing more given the pay, benefits, and career growth opportunities), Instead of the snark you could have just informed the clerk that it's only on PlayStation and saved you both some time..

chill? i worked for gamestop... i have every right to complain about retarded employees... its not MY job to inform them that theyre wrong about the products theyre selling.. lol are you kidding me?

and if its just a job... then do your job and know your product... just because its a low paying "dumb job" doesnt mean the employees get a pass. A job is a job... "know your product" is like business 101
This was a few years ago, but a friend of mine walked into our nearby Gamestop to purchase one of those limited edition PS2 Street Fighter controllers (this one, to be precise). He grabs it, takes it to the cashier and gets his money ready.

Cashier: Can I interest you in preordering Madden today?
Friend: Nah, it's ok. I'm not really into sports games.
Cashier: What?? No way, what kinds of games do you even play then?
*Friend looks down at the controller, then down at his own shirt*
Friend: ....puzzle games.


chill? i worked for gamestop... i have every right to complain about retarded employees... its not MY job to inform them that theyre wrong about the products theyre selling.. lol are you kidding me?

and if its just a job... then do your job and know your product... just because its a low paying "dumb job" doesnt mean the employees get a pass. A job is a job... "know your product" is like business 101

lol, I hope you're not in retail anymore...


But why do game stores hire people who don't know anything about games?

Because that's not their job. Their job is to not steal money, be pleasant, and restock. It's your job to know what game you want to buy.

chill? i worked for gamestop... i have every right to complain about retarded employees... its not MY job to inform them that theyre wrong about the products theyre selling.. lol are you kidding me?

and if its just a job... then do your job and know your product... just because its a low paying "dumb job" doesnt mean the employees get a pass. A job is a job... "know your product" is like business 101

They're not running a business, they're running a cash register at near minimum wage.
A guy at GameCrazy wouldn't sell me a game unless i pre ordered something else. I think it was Street Fighter 4 i wanted to buy and he wouldn't sell it to me unless i pre ordered Resident Evil 5.
The rare chance I shop there I always end up giggling waiting in line or laughing at the cashier telling me some bull shit or trying to up sell to me. The most recent bad experience was me going in and asking if they still had preorders for the majoras mask new 3ds and the lady said no it's sold out everywhere and sold out in like 15 mins country wide. I said oh ok well thanks, but it'll go on sale on bestbuys website the next day and she argued with me that I was wrong. I said no, it will, and bye and the next day I ordered on successfully from bestbuy!

Do they tell their employees to read the worst rumors and tell customers that it's fact to feel informed and educated?

It did, in fact, sell out under fifteen minutes on our ordering system, however.

You got lucky with a BB preorder. Extremely so.

"You're going to save SOOOOOOOOOO Much money with the gamestop membership"

Pretty sure I've saved like three hundred bucks this year on mine.


This was a few years ago, but a friend of mine walked into our nearby Gamestop to purchase one of those limited edition PS2 Street Fighter controllers (this one, to be precise). He grabs it, takes it to the cashier and gets his money ready.

Cashier: Can I interest you in preordering Madden today?
Friend: Nah, it's ok. I'm not really into sports games.
Cashier: What?? No way, what kinds of games do you even play then?
*Friend looks down at the controller, then down at his own shirt*
Friend: ....puzzle games.

Friend missed a chance to say "Good ones!"


But why do game stores hire people who don't know anything about games?

When I go to Gamestop I'd rather deal with someone who doesn' tknow shit about games. You don't have to be a fanatic or an enthusiast to know enough to be a competent sales person. Far too often at places like Gamestop I've encountered employees where it seems like the store prioritized "games knowledge" ahead of basic social and sales person skills. I once worked at a shoe store selling (predominantly) women's shoes and it's not like I was online on women's shoes forums every night.

Exactly, knowledge of games is not necessary to sell them, just knowledge of how to perform their jobs, it's almost beneficial if they are not the overly opinionated type that we gamers tend to be. Plus, people need to work.


The Last of Us gets crazy great reviews, I decide to go pick it up on day 1 at like 7:00 PM.

"I dunno man, we might be sold out. You really should have pre-ordered... oh, looks like we still have a few copies." (*holds up stack of 6-8 copies*)

"But next time you should really pre-order."
Wow... Sounds like a pretty awful store :).

Here in Belgium we sort of only have one store that is focussed to gaming only and I've never heard things I read here.


I do remember another time I got into an argument over Silent Hill: Downpour. The clerk insisted it was Downfall. I found the game and brought it to him and he said "Whatever" and mumbled something under his breathe as he walked off. I assume he was talking shit about me. Some people just can't handle being wrong.
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