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Cringeworthy things you've seen gamers in person do?

I'm sorry, but whenever these kind of topics show up, some of the replies can't but help make me think that some of you people must live lives bereft of all joy or expression. Like half the shit that gets posted in this thread isn't remotely cringeworthy.

Also, I'm really starting to hate the use of the word "cringe."

Calling out others for liking something.

Cringing at perfectly normal thing.

There's this guy I know who constantly defends Ubisoft. If me and my other friends are alone and mention their name he suddenly appears and starts defending them. We will be talking about something completely unrelated and the topic will somehow turn to Ubisoft.

We are actually starting to believe he's an Ubisoft employee it's getting so bad. It's soooo cringey!!

And then some of you guys just have no chill whatsoever. Damn.


No, that's not what happened. People got called homophobic for saying Ellie looked "manly" (she didn't, but it's not like it'd be inherently a bad thing) or saying she was a "lesbian stereotype".

If someone said "I don't like that design because her shirt is ugly" or "I don't like her hair style" no one would have called that homophobic. But if someone say something like "she looks like a dyke" (or coded language to basically say this) then that'd be homophobic.

Your disingenuousness is sad and desperate.

I wasn't speaking of those with obvious distaste of the humanizing design. My initial point was those who did not like the design for artistic reasons being treated as those who who had other, less than legitimate reasons. The broadstroke judgment is my issue.
Dude, come on. Don't do this.

Juat to counter this I wanna say I appreciate Eden's posts in threads like that. They speak up for what's right.

I am doing this. You can speak up for what's right in a manner that is not condescending, belittling, and abusive of others who hold different points of view.
Demo kiosk for Test Drive on the PSone.
Game had huge loading times, my friend thought the game had crashed because it was taking so long, turns tv off and on again to fix the problem.


Some wowhead told me smash bros was a kids game and that I was a freak for playing nintendo games. This dude pours hours into cod and wow. (In 2016.) Needless to say, I fired him.

Can't have people who verbally judge other people like that working for me.

Hope it was worth it.

I am cringing at this right now. I know you are a big Nintendo fan but this...wow...
I remember overhearing a conversation during a college class one day. Two guys were talking about what games they play. The one guy said, "I like call of duty, GTA, madden". You know, the games that are socially acceptable to like among normal people bereft of any individuality or flair. And then the other guy said, "I like to play JRPGs". there was a brutal second of silence before the professor said something loudly to make us all shut up and listen to him, which saved his fucking ass. I would have loved to hear the rest of what that conversation was about to turn into.
Some wowhead told me smash bros was a kids game and that I was a freak for playing nintendo games. This dude pours hours into cod and wow. (In 2016.) Needless to say, I fired him.

Can't have people who verbally judge other people like that working for me.

Hope it was worth it.

lol u are a hero
I knew a guy in high school who would stand in the middle of the common area (with hundreds of students milling around and going to class) and be like "HEY EVERYBODY WATCH ME DO BUTTERFLY FROM DDR ON HEAVY DIFFICULTY" and would proceed to do all the steps, which he had memorized, to no music at all, as people shot him weird looks and gave him a wide berth.

Dude had no self-awareness or any concept of what was appropriate in public. He wasn't solely about video game cringes...in one of the classes I was in with him, people used to make up really stupid non-sequitur George Bush jokes and tell them to him quietly, and he'd do a long, loud belly laugh every time and get into trouble for disrupting class. I don't know what his angle was.


I'd of thought this would of been some sort of stealth Gamestop stories thread but ehhhh. I've heard a lot of bad things just from that place alone.


Neo Member
working in a used game shop i was actually surprised by the lack of dicks shopping there, could have had something to do with the area being pretty devoid of nerds though.

one that sticks out though was a middle aged guy wearing sunglasses bragging about having 99 platinum trophies and that he only played 'real games, hard games'
Since the penalty for death in Fable 2 was so minor, my friend never took the time to learn the combat so what happened was anytime he played the game he just hammered on the X button non-stop with no timing or spacing whatsoever.

Maybe not cringe worthy, but definitely annoying as hell, plus I think it permanently made my 360 controllers X button more mushy.


For an interpersonal communication class we had to team up with someone and make a conflict and act it out in class. Their conflict was one of them crashing their car and that caused them to lose a LoL game.... Their act was a play by play of LoL on pizza boxes. I have the recording

Also the paper they gave everyone, half of it was LoL slang definitions and the last 2 pages were comment boxes
I wasn't speaking of those with obvious distaste of the humanizing design. My initial point was those who did not like the design for artistic reasons being treated as those who who had other, less than legitimate reasons. The broadstroke judgment is my issue.

You mean "legitimate" like:
Of course it matters. But nothing should be forced into the narrative for the sake of representation. If Ellie is in fact gay and that is part of the intended narrative, nothing should sway them away from delivering it as such. But the adverse also exists. If there was no intention in exploring the ambiguity of her sexuality, it should not be forced for the sake of said representation.

Legitimate concerns, folks. Don't put gay characters in your games if you're not going to make a documentary on their sexuality.

Also, right here is the reason why spending five minutes checking someone's post history is the smart thing to do before spending twenty minutes explaining them about the effects of concern trolls to the discussion:

I swear, defensive people like you are as bad as those saying women don't deserve an equal spot.

At this rate, every game and movie are going to involve one of each gender of every race, religion, and creed. When everything includes everything, everything includes nothing.

Ah well, lesson learned. Put on ignore and move on.


Everytime someone takes console wars serious and wants another company to fail just because the person doesn't like them.

It happens all the time, it happens on here and it is fucking embarassing.
Some wowhead told me smash bros was a kids game and that I was a freak for playing nintendo games. This dude pours hours into cod and wow. (In 2016.) Needless to say, I fired him.

Can't have people who verbally judge other people like that working for me.

Hope it was worth it.



You mean "legitimate" like:

Legitimate concerns, folks. Don't put gay characters in your games if you're not going to make a documentary on their sexuality.

Also, right here is the reason why spending five minutes checking someone's post history is the smart thing to do before spending twenty minutes explaining them about the effects of concern trolls to the discussion:

You are pulling posts from over half a year ago. In that time, a lot of my views have changed. It's another reason I stopped posting in that other thread as the points you two made were given enough respect to be considered before I opened my mouth again.

But I'm just a big meanie. I get it. Again, if you're interested in actually conversing and not simply judging, let me know when you chill out a little.


Some wowhead told me smash bros was a kids game and that I was a freak for playing nintendo games. This dude pours hours into cod and wow. (In 2016.) Needless to say, I fired him.

Can't have people who verbally judge other people like that working for me.

Hope it was worth it.
Well done.
Also, I'm really starting to hate the use of the word "cringe."

You and me both. Cringe as a noun or adjective (or cringeworthy, aka "awkward", a perfectly fine word) is having a terrible effect on people's abilities to describe anything or react to anything negatively without invoking it. And if every single thing truly makes you cringe, you're probably a super awkward person.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Reading the posts in this thread is making me feel depressed...

I wasn't speaking of those with obvious distaste of the humanizing design. My initial point was those who did not like the design for artistic reasons being treated as those who who had other, less than legitimate reasons. The broadstroke judgment is my issue.
The people who simply didn't like the design weren't pounced on in that thread.


The people who simply didn't like the design weren't pounced on in that thread.

There were instances, sure. Not saying by you. But even in this thread we've had people admit that if a person is not able to articulate adequately (adequately being a subjective metric) why a particular design wasn't liked, that they would label that person a bigot. Issues aside, we have to agree that the guilty until proven innocent isn't any sort of way any of us would like to be treated.

EDIT: And for what it's worth, while I believe you and I have the same end goal in mind, I think we have very different perspectives on the matter and I appreciate keeping cool throughout this conversation. Breath of fresh air, really. Genuinely wish more people would take the time to discuss rather than simply get offended and attack. This goes for both sides.


I once saw a bunch of nerds who posted on a video game forum tell other nerds that they weren't as nerdy as some other nerds.

its weird that the lack of self awareness this place has at times.

like legit spending any amount of time talking about videogames on the internet could be considered cringy by a lot of people.

perhaps have some empathy and let people be themselves...as weird as that may be (barring things like abuse like the pokemon guy mentioned earlier). We are all nerds at the end of the day...like it or not..and while there are levels to it; most won't see it that way at all.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
There were instances, sure. Not saying by you. But even in this thread we've had people admit that if a person is not able to articulate adequately (adequately being a subjective metric) why a particular design wasn't liked, that they would label that person a bigot. Issues aside, we have to agree that the guilty until proven innocent isn't any sort of way any of us would like to be treated.
Because of the context. Typically a person should be able to accurately say what they like/dislike about a design, it's a design, a design usually has several key factors, if those factors aren't working, then it's typically easy to articulate why. But like when a perfectly fine character design is receiving reactions like "I just don't like it," and happens to be a minority or woman.. You can't escape the side eye in that situation.


A college pc gamer friend of mine brought with him the box of his newly purchased memory sticks to school and had it in display, in his desk in front of him throughout the whole day for everyone to see. Some would joke around with him and ask what that was and he would spend minutes proudly explaining the brand, memory type and speed.

That same day, he had something to show me. He apparently also brought the whole box of a new 8800 gts, stuffed in his bag. I seriously didn't know how to react lol


Calling out others for liking something.

I went into one store belonging to a small, local gaming chain called Play 'n' Trade a few years ago, to see if they had a copy of Lego Rock Band. Inside there was a, shall we say generously proportioned fellow with stubble flowing straight down into his shirt collar, forcefully declaiming all the negative opinions on games he'd read on the internet, while the poor clerk was forced to listen to him.

When I told the clerk what I was looking for, I heard a theatrical, scoffing grunt from my left. I had planned to ignore the guy when I came in, but I looked him in the eye and asked him if he had a problem with my gaming choices. He said no in a haughty manner, and I paid for my game and left. I'm sure there were comments after I left.

People like that overly opinionated slug make me hate this hobby sometimes and make us all look bad. It's just games, man.


The crowd that shops at my local gamestop is intolerable. They're napoleon dynamit type dudes that get uncomfortably close during checkout and critique your purchases.

They also eye-molest any female that comes in. Or swarm them to suggest games.


Because of the context. Typically a person should be able to accurately say what they like/dislike about a design, it's a design, a design usually has several key factors, if those factors aren't working, then it's typically easy to articulate why. But like when a perfectly fine character design is receiving reactions like "I just don't like it," and happens to be a minority or woman.. You can't escape the side eye in that situation.

I guess I'm just wired differently. I'm one to not act until I know what I am acting against. Especially when acting is something like accusing someone of bigotry. A person may in fact be a bigot and I don't know and fankly, I think that is ok that I don't know. If my purpose was to convert bigots though, I would certainly be more aggressive about it. The sad truth is they are out there. We see them every day. But I will allow them to reveal themselves as bigots as it's not my job to do it for them.


There was this one customer that insisted that Dreamcast 2 was coming. I almost went into an argument with him until I decided it wasn't worth the time. He also thought CDi was the bomb so he was clearly a crazy person. This was 5-ish years ago. I wonder if he's still so sure.
You and me both. Cringe as a noun or adjective (or cringeworthy, aka "awkward", a perfectly fine word) is having a terrible effect on people's abilities to describe anything or react to anything negatively without invoking it. And if every single thing truly makes you cringe, you're probably a super awkward person.

Exactly. It joins other words such as "disgusting" or "embarrassing" that are constantly thrown around here so liberally that they virtually lose all meaning.

Otherwise y'all motherfuckers must walk around looking like this all day:


Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I guess I'm just wired differently. I'm one to not act until I know what I am acting against. Especially when acting is something like accusing someone of bigotry. A person may in fact be a bigot and I don't know and fankly, I think that is ok that I don't know. If my purpose was to convert bigots though, I would certainly be more aggressive about it. The sad truth is they are out there. We see them every day. But I will allow them to reveal themselves as bigots as it's not my job to do it for them.
That's how normalization happens, might as well call it out before they become more emboldened.
My best friend, when playing The Force Unleashed, will get super alpha, his eyes will get wide, and he'll fight enemies like he suddenly feels powerful or something and it just looks creepy and weird. Nothing else in his life makes him act like that. I hate it.


Was in the middle of asking a girl out in high school and some guy who was a stereotypical geek/nerd/etc. comes up to me and asks me if I made sure to get the treasure chest you could miss in Beville Temple in FFX.

I glared at him.

Needless to say I went home with my hand that day.


Video Game tattoos but I am not a big fan of tattoos in general. I would never get one. For me a video game related tattoo is just another layer of WHY? Whatever makes people happy I guess. Your bod not mine.
I was at a party and this nerd changed the music from Drake to the Metal Gear Rising soundtrack.

Instant cringe.

I'm imagining one dance playing, everyone's having a good time, then the music abruptly stops. Yells of discontent from the crowd. Then...

I've heard people say 'owned' and 'pwnd' out loud.

Video Game tattoos but I am not a big fan of tattoos in general. I would never get one. For me a video game related tattoo is just another layer of WHY? Whatever makes people happy I guess. Your bod not mine.

If it means something to you, why not?

I've thought about getting a triforce tattoo but I'm afraid of needles. I also think it's to expensive..

I was at a party and this nerd changed the music from Drake to the Metal Gear Rising soundtrack.

Instant cringe.

I feel like listening to Drake is the only cringe worthy part of this story to be honest.
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