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Crysis 2 PC Gamer Details


Update 2:

DennisK4 said:
Gamereactor - Cevat Yerli Q&A

We picked up a copy of the Finnish Gamereactor magazine and made a list of all of the relevant stuff from the featured interview:

- You play as Nomad.
- Compared to Crysis there will be more openness and freedom of choice, larger gameplay areas and more tactical warfare.- Nanosuit 2 will give players more freedom in how to tackle situations in the battlefield.
- The different aspects of nanosuit 2 are designed to further encourage experimental and fit-for-your-own-style usage of nanosuit's features.
- Cevat thinks that the weakest parts of Crysis were 1) the story, which lacked originality and details 2) the on-rails gameplay style in the end and 3) that there were no console versions.- Compared to the majority of console games, the console gamers will see Crysis 2's freedom and openness as a new and interesting gameplay style.
- The player has again the freedom of choosing what weapons to use and how to use them, or how to take advantage of the environment.
- Crysis 2 will again feature the familiar "Veni Vidi Vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered) gameplay style.
- In Crysis 2 Crytek will, of course, try to surpass the previous Crysis games in graphical splendour and technical features.
- Setting the events of Crysis 2 to New York City was a result of a long thought process; Crytek did not choose New York City because of "console limitations".
- With three previous games set in the jungle Crytek decidedly wanted to avoid making a fourth "jungle game".
- New York as the setting was chosen in the early stages of development; Crytek wanted to see Nomad in a metropol and make the area as a huge sandbox for the player.- Compared to jungle, urban environment offers more opportunities for gameplay based on vertical differences and the player will have more freedom to choose how to progress and plan their attacks.
- Player will be able to jump between floors and buildings, and roll down along a crater wall.
- Cevat did not want to share details on Crysis 2 multiplayer... yet.
- The transition from one nanosuit ability to another will be "softened" in Crysis 2: for a short while before speed changes to power, the player will have both abilities in his possession.
- In the battle against the aliens, New York City will offer plenty of architecture that the player can destroy, protect, climb on and take advantage of.
- Fighting against the alien invasion will be "catastrophically beautiful".
- Crytek have tried to actively avoid of using dark dystopian colors and tones that have been plaguing many games these days.
- Details on the story will not be revealed until summer.
Caesar III said:
short info summary of what I read, not complete and all:

- aliens attacked and ny is destroyed
- they explain one mission
- big ship crashed into skycraper and you have to go there to get some DNA
- big new element is the vertical axis of the game
- in Crysis you could only jump on a car
- this time you can go up the skycrapers to jump off of them for example or to check and mark your targets before you attack

- 4 types of ways to use the nanosuit
- infiltrate - while in this mode you are invisible and can see enemies through walls
- power
- tactic - you can see where you are attacked from, you can hear far away conversations, you can see weapons laying around and stuff
- armor mode - better protection

- they are experimenting with different huds for every mode

- there is a third fraction in the game which is attacking the player AND the aliens

- dark elements with dead bodies swimming around with some flair like in stalker
- color elements like in The Saboteur
- where the alien ship crashed it seems all living is gone, everything is grey and dark, only red and yellow is noticable
- aliens do not look like in Crysis but like Predators. Walking on two legs and has some kind of dreadlocks
- this alien is totally badass and fearful

not complete, don't hurt me if something is wrong. just a small overview ;)


It seems Crysis 2 takes place in New York City. Thanks Linkzg!

Linkzg said:

Don't know if it has been posted because you can't search for some reason, but yeah, New York.


It seems the Crysis 2 PC Gamer issue has finally got out to subscribers and the details have started to come out. Unfortunately I can't link to the site with the details though as they have scans, but here are the details.

Apparently the feature was really short, but if there are any other details from it that come out, I will update the OP.

Mystery Site said:
The February 2010 issue of PCGamer Magazine has the first, tiny morsels of information and in-game screens (above) of EA and Crytek's hotly anticipated, yet secretive Crysis sequel. Announced -- well, teased -- all the way back at EA's E3 press conference, all we've seen so far is the new and improved Nanosuit 2.0, the supersoldier armor our protagonist will be wearing that assists in the killing of aliens and bad guys. That, and glimpses of the CryENGINE 3 technology.

Nathan Camarillo, executive producer on Crysis 2, tells the magazine that the sequel won't take place on another tropical island setting as we're used to. Instead, Crysis 2 makes the jump to a "new style of jungle" -- something they aren't ready to fully discuss just yet.

"We are applying our expertise to a new style of "jungle" which we will discuss more in the upcoming months, but it is definitely far from tropical," says Camarillo. "We are very excited to introduce Crysis-style sandbox gameplay to a different, yet ultimately familiar environment."

He adds that the team "expects to have increased verticality over the traditional Crysis sandbox," and as such the enemy AI is being overhauled to utilize their new surroundings. When queried on the "Crysis is going to consoles, so the design must be gimped" topic, Camarillo explains that that's "not necessarily" the case. "In some ways it has allowed us to avoid overdesigning features, to keep the focus narrower and tight for a compelling experience on all platforms."

Further, Crytek want their Far Cry successor to finally be included among the "successful cross-platform shooter franchises." "There are many successful cross-platform shooter franchises on the market, and it's time that Crysis sat proudly among that group." Crysis 2 is currently slated for release in the latter half of 2010.

Since people are wondering about the "new jungle", the one scanned screenshot has some trees, a road, a military vehicle that I think has forest camo, a gray/orange glowy thing, and a warehouse/metal shed thing.

It's kind of blurry and janky so it's a bit hard to make everything out.
Crysis guy said:
to keep the focus narrower and tight for a compelling experience on all platforms

So the deign has been compromised by targetting lower spec. hardware, not surprising but still disappointing.


What I really liked about Crysis was that a stock location like "beach houses" or "enemy compound" could be approached from any direction. In most other modern shooters it is train track shit going on a guided tour through a shoebox.

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brain_stew said:
So the deign has been compromised by targetting lower spec. hardware, not surprising but still disappointing.
Crytek could design a shooter for the N64 and it would still be awesome.


I'm very excited for this game, only have a PS3 so I never got to try either Crysis or Warhead. But for some reason I don't see it coming in 2010. Also seems like they're moving away from lush jungles from the sound of it. When they say new jungles I think of the concrete kind. :( Hope I'm wrong...
Jtwo said:
Crytek could design a shooter for the N64 and it would still be awesome.

I'm sure it would be, still doesn't mean that the sequal isn't being made under much tighter restrictions than the original. We all knew it was going to happen of course, still doesn't stop it from being crappy news. Its not about graphics, it never has been, but the open ended gameplay and physics is what set Crysis apart from other shooters, and it would be a shame if these areas in particular need to be compromised.


Sinatar said:
New type of "jungle"?

The urban jungle, aka a city? First person Crackdown?
The one scanned screenshot has some trees, a road, a military vehicle that I think has forest camo, a gray/orange glowy thing, and a warehouse/metal shed thing.

It's kind of blurry and janky so it's a bit hard to make everything out.
Mystery Site said:
"New kind of jungle"

Urban jungle? That'd possibly tie in with reduced specs for consoles, less open world streches and fauna to render.

Beaten by Sinatar, whoops, sorry :lol
Glad someone else had the same idea though!
Sinatar said:
New type of "jungle"?

The urban jungle, aka a city? First person Crackdown?

Tropical jungle, rainforest jungle, african jungle, dense jungle... There's plenty of different kind of jungle around the world... Even if I doubt Crysis 2 will make us travel so much...


brain_stew said:
So the deign has been compromised by targetting lower spec. hardware, not surprising but still disappointing.

I didn't find Crysis or Warhead to be that open. There was a lot of environment around, but there was never any reason for me to no follow the set path.

KareBear said:
This being on consoles is such a shame and kills my enthusiasm for it.

Yeah, God forbid Crytek wanting to make some additional money in order to keep funding great achievements in video game technology.


You know, I had an idea for a game the other day: an open world game set in a literal urban jungle.

As in, it's a post apocolyptic world, but not in the same way as all the other games where everything is destroyed. Instead, you'd be in a city which is pretty much fully intact, but overrun by jungle and wildlife. Sorta like I Am Legend, but more pronounced.

Does anything like that exist?


I am glad that console exclusive gamers will finally be able to enjoy Crysis. I just hope that any compromises they make will not drastically change the gameplay experience.


legend166 said:
You know, I had an idea for a game the other day: an open world game set in a literal urban jungle.

As in, it's a post apocolyptic world, but not in the same way as all the other games where everything is destroyed. Instead, you'd be in a city which is pretty much fully intact, but overrun by jungle and wildlife. Sorta like I Am Legend, but more pronounced.

Does anything like that exist?
Sounds like "I am Alive" or whatever that probably cancelled Ubisoft game was called


azentium said:
I am glad that console exclusive gamers will finally be able to enjoy Crysis. I just hope that any compromises they make will not drastically change the gameplay experience.
Judging by the cover it's taking a new direction:



Nirolak said:
Judging by the cover it's taking a new direction:
Well if they go urban based to the level of detail of the interior ship then it should look stunning. Be nice if we got African jungle for a change; though I wasn't a big fan of Far Cry 2.


On the one hand I am glad that we will get either a new forest setting (Northern?) or a city enviroment rather than the somewhat tired tropical jungle, but on the other hand I worry how much the sorta open-world feel of Crysis will be gimped.

I liked Crysis better than Warhead though they are both great games - actually some of the best shooters ever.
legend166 said:
You know, I had an idea for a game the other day: an open world game set in a literal urban jungle.

As in, it's a post apocolyptic world, but not in the same way as all the other games where everything is destroyed. Instead, you'd be in a city which is pretty much fully intact, but overrun by jungle and wildlife. Sorta like I Am Legend, but more pronounced.

Does anything like that exist?

Not open world, but stylistically spot on is the new Ninja Theory game Enslaved.


They said in an interview, they want "post apolcolyptic" but with an emphasis on nature taking back the cities rather than a wasteland asthetic.
brain_stew said:
So the deign has been compromised by targetting lower spec. hardware, not surprising but still disappointing.

It sounds like they're making the game more vertical instead of having more ground area.

From the vague description, I'm guessing a "concrete" jungle, some kind of urban environment, being the backdrop for Crysis 2. Verticality would come from the buildings and skyscrapers obviously.

Edit: Beaten like a rented mule. :(
j-wood said:
I have a feeling we are in for some MW2 esque disappointment because of the jump to console versions guys :(

It's ok, we'll still have advanced features like mouse and keyboard control, as well as being able to change the graphics settings.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
j-wood said:
I have a feeling we are in for some MW2 esque disappointment because of the jump to console versions guys :(
But the graphics comparisons will be glorious!


I don't understand why developers reveal their games in this retarded way. I saw the scanned image - WTF!!

Why the hell don't the provide the magazine with some high res, high quality screenshots of their game? Or just put some flattering shots on the net. WTF is this shit :lol


So if there is an urban jungle/whatever else

How the hell are they going to make it follow on from the ending of the first game...

even a new suit makes it impossible.


No additional functions
Nirolak said:
It seems the Crysis 2 PC Gamer issue has finally got out to subscribers and the details have started to come out. Unfortunately I can't link to the site with the details though as they have scans, but here are the details.

Apparently the feature was really short, but if there are any other details from it that come out, I will update the OP.


Since people are wondering about the "new jungle", the one scanned screenshot has some trees, a road, a military vehicle that I think has forest camo, a gray/orange glowy thing, and a warehouse/metal shed thing.

It's kind of blurry and janky so it's a bit hard to make everything out.

To elaborate on the scan. The orange think looks like a portal/teleporter. Imagine the save station in the Metroid Prime games. It looks to be a similar environment from the first two games, but it's really too hard to tell if it's in a jungle or city. Maybe it will have time travel. Who knows, but it's nice to know the game is coming along. I can't wait to play. There are a ton of great games coming out in 2010/2011.

Edit -
Reno7728 said:
So if there is an urban jungle/whatever else

How the hell are they going to make it follow on from the ending of the first game...

even a new suit makes it impossible.
I was wondering that too. I'm guessing they'll make another spinoff like Warhead to finish off that story line.
This sounds pretty disappointing that they did like we all assumed and gimped the game so it would work on consoles. Why couldn't they just make a spinoff for consoles? What a joke.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
This sounds pretty disappointing that they did like we all assumed and gimped the game so it would work on consoles. Why couldn't they just make a spinoff for consoles? What a joke.

I don't think there's any doubt it'll still wreck shit on the PC.


I don't know what I'm more excited for, the boycotts, petitions and the endless whining or the game itself. For now I'm going with the former :D
Haven't we known this would take place in a city since the unveiling of CryEngine 3? Or did we assume that came from a random environment?
tenritsu said:
I don't think there's any doubt it'll still wreck shit on the PC.

It'll most likely still be good but it's disappointing to see them alter the game from what they envisioned due to crappier console hardware. That's just crap in my mind.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
peakish said:
An alien jungle would be cool.

Crysis on Pandora? Day 1.

I'd want something a little more mindblowning out of an alien jungle. Not the Amazon Rainforest with extra glowing.


dakilla13 said:
Mirror's Edge platforming combined with Crysis' shooting = Crysis 2?
This was done in a Crysis flowchart of about 4Kb iirc - had Nomad in full on parkour style movement

Also the idea of an alien jungle is amazing - I would shoot Pandora to bits :lol


How About No said:
Haven't we known this would take place in a city since the unveiling of CryEngine 3? Or did we assume that came from a random environment?
I had a feeling, plus they showed the 'next-gen pc' footage and it was in some subway environment or something.
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