Good trailer, but art-wise it didn't give me the cyberpunk/80s/William Gibson/Bladerunner vibe. It looks more like updated, fairly generic SF. The logo alone is more suggestive in that respect.
Yeah you just described my dream game.Somebody one day needs to make the plunge and make a Dark Souls/ZombiU like sandbox/Metroidvania survival horror set in a filthy, grungy cyberpunk world. No bloated story telling. Rich, deep, player agency driven mechanics. Emphasis on exploration, the unknown, and the unpredictability of the game world. A bleak cyber horror. Yes please.
Blade Runner dude
Somebody one day needs to make the plunge and make a Dark Souls/ZombiU like sandbox/Metroidvania survival horror set in a filthy, grungy cyberpunk world. No bloated story telling. Rich, deep, player agency driven mechanics. Emphasis on exploration, the unknown, and the unpredictability of the game world. A bleak cyber horror. Yes please.
2015. Realtime. 60fps. 3D. Oculus Rift. Berieve.![]()
If you’re really unlucky, you might draw Psycho Squad detail. Psycho Squad guys get the job of hunting down heavily armed andarmored cyborgs who’ve flipped out. Sure,the PS guys have access to rail guns,gyros and Avs.But a cyber psycho can walk through machine gun fire and not feel it. A lot of the Psycho Squad detectives are crazy themselves. They load up with boosted reflexes,get some monstrously huge guns, and go hunt the cyborgs solo. But you're not that crazy. Yet.
The Psycho Squad
Cyberpsychosis is a big problem in the 2000’s. While state sponsored therapy is an option, the hardest part is getting the patient into the psychologist/s office. What do you do when a metal armored, cyber-boosted maniac starts randomly killing people? lf you’re the Government, you organize a special squad of professional police with one job——to hunt down and capture or kill murderous cyberpsychos.
Cybersquads are common to most urban police departments, going under names like C-SWAT (Cybernetic Special Weapons Sr Tactical Squad), PSYCHE-DIV, CYB-Enforcement and MAX·TAC (Maximum Force Tactical Division). They are armed with the best in armor, commo equipment and vehicles. Most carry weapons that start at the light cannon range and up.
They are, by nature, not very nice people.
As the Braindance becomes a more socially acceptable form of entertainment, there are also dangers which must be realized. As with most forms of mass-market entertainment, there is a problem with illegal duplication and distribution of the Braindance chips. There are many dangers in purchasing these illegal chips.
Although the mass produced chips are carefully screened for acts which may cause disruption of a person’s mental or bodily functions, and those which may not be suitable for some are labeled with a warning, home produced Braindances are under no such jurisdiction. There have been many reports of illegally produced tapes in which the recording contains the death of the 'dancer. The bodily shock of dying, even when in recorded form, is enough to stop the heart of a viewer.
There are also reports of sado-masochistic acts which usually resultin the death of the subject. Needless to say, these are not mass market chips, and the Braindance recording industry does not condone such acts.
As previously hinted at, the Braindance has only recently become socially acceptable as entertainment.
Most of this is due to its origins; after all, who wants to experience the same thing which has been used to punish criminals?
Another common fear associated with the Braindance was that of subliminal suggestion. When the Braindance became available to the public, there was a rumor spread that people’s personalities were being altered, or even overridden by the Braindance. lt was soon discovered that there were several black market chips
that were doing just mat. The person would jack into the program and find themselves as a Netrunner, just as his personality gets overwritten by a liche program. The liche programming was strong enough to actually overwrite the person, even though they were receiving the programming from a source other than the Net.
Despite the drawbacks of negative rumors and the illegal and sometimes dangerous black market chips, the Braindance indusury is growing with amazing speed. Although it may be too early to tell for sure, the Braindance may soon surpass the movie as the preferred entertainment choice for this generation.
There's one way to hang out over the Edge and still keep it wired, and that's therapy.
The C-SWAT drags you in, screaming and tearing at the walls, and straps you down to
a heavy metal psychatrist's couch. Probes deactivate your cybersystems one by one,
while the shrink jacks your rabid psyche into the braindance, Then begins the long,
arduous process of disassembling your brain and reconstructing it in a more socially
acceptable form. One that doesn’t get its kicks out of eating dead bodies, for example.
Somebody one day needs to make the plunge and make a Dark Souls/ZombiU like sandbox/Metroidvania survival horror set in a filthy, grungy cyberpunk world. No bloated story telling. Rich, deep, player agency driven mechanics. Emphasis on exploration, the unknown, and the unpredictability of the game world. A bleak cyber horror. Yes please.
You are out of your mind if you think even a single 690 could do that in 60fps. No way no how. Look at the hair, look at the fuzz on the jackets, look at the lack of jaggies on anything, the texture scuff, at the skin, at the folding of the fabric, just no. It's not happening.2015. Realtime. 60fps. 3D. Oculus Rift. Berieve. 
Prey 2![]()
Looks like a lot of futuristic cyberpunk games will be coming out in the future.
Remember me and now this ;o.
Somebody one day needs to make the plunge and make a Dark Souls/ZombiU like sandbox/Metroidvania survival horror set in a filthy, grungy cyberpunk world. No bloated story telling. Rich, deep, player agency driven mechanics. Emphasis on exploration, the unknown, and the unpredictability of the game world. A bleak cyber horror. Yes please.
Just got home from work to watch this.
So much hate it's getting, for fucking nothing. SMH
Can't wait till it's finally here.
Coming...when it's ready. -> Perfect!![]()
For the curious, here are the core Roles (classes) in Cyberpunk 2020:
Rockerboys - Think an edgier version of the Macross idols. Their special skill is inspiration and inciting action.
Solos - Ronin who live on the Edge. Black op or white knight? Their special ability is to react faster than anyone else in a fight.
Netrunner - Hackers who live on the Net slinging intrusion countermeasures like a digital wizard. Only Netrunner's can use cyberdecks at full efficiency.
Techies - High-tech low-lifes who keep the gadgets working. Split into techies (keep your junk running) and medtechs (keep you meatbags running).
Medias - There's a sickness in the City, and you're live on the scene covering it. Special skill is your credibility and believability.
Cops - The Street has never been meaner. Special skill to intimidate and control others based on your legal authority and pull.
Corporates - Business raiders playing the game from the Street to their future penthouse. They can call on corporate resources, from bodyguards to buying buildings.
Fixer - It's not what you know. It's who you know and what they can provide. Fixers have their ear to the Street and know who to lean on and where to score the best deals.
Nomads - Only pussies live in the City. Your Family is the only home you really need. You can call on your extended Family for assistance.
For the curious, here are the core Roles (classes) in Cyberpunk 2020:
Medias - There's a sickness in the City, and you're live on the scene covering it. Special skill is your credibility and believability.
I suspect that it will be like Syndicate and Deus Ex. First or third person shooter mechanics with slowdown to represent reflex boosters/speedware.Do we know anything about the gameplay? I've seen a tabletop game mentioned, does that point towards turn-based?
Somebody one day needs to make the plunge and make a Dark Souls/ZombiU like sandbox/Metroidvania survival horror set in a filthy, grungy cyberpunk world. No bloated story telling. Rich, deep, player agency driven mechanics. Emphasis on exploration, the unknown, and the unpredictability of the game world. A bleak cyber horror. Yes please.
You are out of your mind if you think even a single 690 could do that in 60fps. No way no how. Look at the hair, look at the fuzz on the jackets, look at the lack of jaggies on anything, the texture scuff, at the skin, at the folding of the fabric, just no. It's not happening.
Some cool stuff from the 2020 books:
On the Psycho Squad:
Braindance and therapy
For the curious, here are the core Roles (classes) in Cyberpunk 2020:
Looks cool but wow, that track is awful.
1. No advertising whatsoeverhow could dredd bomb so hard, it's a great small budget film that should have been a hit
go see it while you wait for this
Does anyone else think the woman from the trailer looks like Shannon Elizabeth?
Trailer was okay but that song was awful.
Does anyone else think the woman from the trailer looks like Shannon Elizabeth?
Was anyone else reminded of the first episode of AD Police when watching the trailer?
I'm convinced this teaser was a micro origin story for the Cop class. From the teaser images, to the focus on the police in the trailer itself, it seemed too self contained and centered to be about the general, open-world game.
Can't wait for the Corporate teaser.
Oh man, this would be so dope if true.Instead of the game just having a "Blade Runner" feel/storyline, or just a "Ghost in the Shell" feel/storyline, each of these gets represented through different the different classes.
AD Police was released in 1990. Cyberpunk 2013 came out in 1988. CP2020 came out in 1990.
CP2013 had basically the same Humanity Loss mechanic as the later editions, including calling the mental break cyberpsychosis. This wasn't exactly a novel element, and Walter John Williams (, among others, used the idea. Interesting that WJW wrote the Cyberpunk sourcebook that adapted his novel Hardwired to the R Talsorian system. Another interesting data point: it was WJW that forced FASA to change the name of the hovertanks from "panzers" to "thunderbirds" in later editions of Shadowrun.
Bubblegum Crisis was a HUGE influence on Mike Pondsmith and other R. Talsorian works. They are the guys who created the RPG adaptation of that setting, for example. I don't recall cyberpsychosis elements in BC per se, so I assume it was inspired elsewhere (such an element isn't common in the source fiction so I assume it originated largely as a game balance mechanic).Bubblegum Crisis is set within the same universe as AD Police and they're featured heavily in the original OVA series (1987). I'm not saying one influenced the other, just that the Imagery is very similar.