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Dan Ryckert wrote a book on anxiety?

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I suffer from anxiety and was looking for some books. I was searching on Amazon from some books, and noticed one written by one Dan Ryckert. Could it be I thought? And yes, GB's very own wrote it. Anyone read it? Sounds interesting.




Dan Ryckert is like a real life Forrest Gump. I'm not sure I'd want to read an anxiety book by Forrest Gump.
I wouldn't say it's a book on anxiety, it's specifically about his own experience with anxiety. It's titled almost like it could be a self-help book, but it's more of an autobiography.

That's the impression I get anyway, I haven't actually read it.

Dan Ryckert is like a real life Forrest Gump. I'm not sure I'd want to read an anxiety book by Forrest Gump.

Does anyone have a greatest-hits of the guy? I basically only know him from the Super Mario roller coaster video, and I've followed him on Twitter since around the time I first saw that. I keep reading that he's comically ignorant of how the world works, sounds funny but I don't want to listen to the hours-long Bombcast on the off-chance he'll say something unintentionally funny.




No no no.

I already listen to enough of his questionable advice on Danswers.

There is such a thing as too much Dan Ryckert.
Dan obviously puts a lot of effort into intentionally getting people riled up with feigned ignorance and trolling. I started to realize it was at least -partially- shtick recently.
I wouldn't say it's a book on anxiety, it's specifically about his own experience with anxiety. It's titled almost like it could be a self-help book, but it's more of an autobiography.

That's the impression I get anyway, I haven't actually read it.

Does anyone have a greatest-hits of the guy? I basically only know him from the Super Mario roller coaster video, and I've followed him on Twitter since around the time I first saw that. I keep reading that he's comically ignorant of how the world works, sounds funny but I don't want to listen to the hours-long Bombcast on the off-chance he'll say something unintentionally funny.

This, maybe?
I wouldn't say it's a book on anxiety, it's specifically about his own experience with anxiety. It's titled almost like it could be a self-help book, but it's more of an autobiography.

That's the impression I get anyway, I haven't actually read it.

Does anyone have a greatest-hits of the guy? I basically only know him from the Super Mario roller coaster video, and I've followed him on Twitter since around the time I first saw that. I keep reading that he's comically ignorant of how the world works, sounds funny but I don't want to listen to the hours-long Bombcast on the off-chance he'll say something unintentionally funny.

The Tail of the Sun Super Replay is the greatest thing this man has ever done. It's like a collection of everything that makes Dan Dan. It's on Youtube.
He has talked about living with anxiety in a few of the premium podcasts. Also how he deal with panic attacks. He also mentioned when he first was asked to speak on camera (when he started in Game Informer) it was a huge trigger for anxiety issues.

People in here, even mods,are kinda speaking dismissively of the issues at hand. Kinda disappointed in this forum to be honest.






No no no.

I already listen to enough of his questionable advice on Danswers.

There is such a thing as too much Dan Ryckert.

If you listened to Danswers shouldn't you already know about the book? He's talked about it on like the last 3 episodes of it


Dan obviously puts a lot of effort into intentionally getting people riled up with feigned ignorance and trolling. I started to realize it was at least -partially- shtick recently.

when dan started talking about being a huge comedy geek it became really obvious he was playing a character. personally i think he's hilarious and i love what he added to the site, but i can also see how people would be turned off by it.

i haven't read anxiety as an ally and have never suffered from the disorder so i don't feel comfortable making a value judgement on the book, but i'm definitely curious to see what other people think.


Dan Ryckert is like a real life Forrest Gump. I'm not sure I'd want to read an anxiety book by Forrest Gump.

I always suspect he's smarter than he often appears on GB stuff (playing dumb).

Would be interested in reading for sure, nice find.
If you listened to Danswers shouldn't you already know about the book? He's talked about it on like the last 3 episodes of it

He has.

I just still don't accept that he has a published work.

Edit: Considering I was a fan of his articles & reviews in GI, it's really short sighted I didn't think he could write a book or a few.


Once upon a time Dan told a story about how he thought "egg whites" meant the shells. He--allegedly--put the shells in a pan and made them hot.

I'm curious if this book is sincere at all. I suspect so. Gunna take a pass though.


I sped read the title of the book and the "an" and the "ally" close together made my mind think that it was another word.
It blows my mind that he majored in Film Studies.

see, Dan says shit like that on the podcast and QLs and stuff, like for example when he said something along the lines of that he doesn't understand why people would watch black and white movies because "we have color now," but then he turns around and makes subtle references to Dr. Strangelove and constantly talks about how good The Wire and Deadwood are. He clearly has pretty good taste in movies and TV. i'm pretty sure most of that is just him saying things because he knows exactly the effect it has on people

also Air Force Gator is legitimately hilarious

- J - D -

I suspect that the public persona of Dan Ryckert is partly a masterfully constructed character. It's tough to gauge how much of his naivete is feigned, but either way, true or false, it makes me wary of buying into it. That said, he's great on Giant Bomb. All the best of luck to him, especially if he's really just pulling one over everyone.


About 3/4 through it right now. It's really good. A lot of great anecdotes about his struggles during college and post college. I've started to struggle with anxiety lately, and have dealt with depression and PTSD for a long time. It's nice to relate with someone who's been through it and has become successful with dealing with anxiety.
I read it out of curiosity. I believe myself to have significant social anxiety, but his descriptions of crippling anxiety attacks, and the real physical pain involved were eye opening. That dude is positive in ways I can never be.


how many wrestling references does it have?
I need word count

Anxiety put some serious heat on him, he was gassed early on, but he reversed the heat and wouldn't sell anymore. He ended up stiffing anxiety and jobbing it out with a quick squash, which finally put him over as a top baby face.

basically it's the Bash at the Beach '95 of self help books.
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