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Danganronpa Community Thread: Thrills! Chills! Kills! Despair!


is this real

PK Gaming

Some thoughts on DRv3:


The artstyle hasn't changed, but the visuals look crisp as fuck. The environments are really nice to look at this time around, and the special effects during the trials are really fantastic.


Now this is what i'm talking about! None of that devianart tier ocs that permeated the DR3 anime, this is how you make DanganRonpa characters. They're just as goofy, cute, sexy, fun and charming as the previous 2 casts and absolutely brimming with potential. My favorites are inventor, dictator, robot and magician girl so you know that each and every one of them are going to die.


Has a somewhat significant role in the demo, and i'm almost going to miss him, lmao. He's really come into his own as a character lately, from standard audience surrogate to a major series regular. That conversation he has with Monokuma at the end is weirdly adorable.


He's in the demo too. He doesn't do much but it's fucking Hajime, so he deserves a shout out.


The new girl on the block ♪

I'm just going to be real with ya'll; Kaede fucking owns. I mean come on, we get a protagonist with an actual talent, who's an assertive leader type (but not always in control) and a girl at that? What dimension am I in? This never happens in a mainstream VN game (especially one with waifus) so hats off to Kodaka for pulling it off. Best of all, is that we avoided an obnoxious "but we already had a female protagonist with Komaru" who. so. did. not. count. From the demo alone, you immediately get this completely different perspective with Kaede (music nerd, content with her life, friendly) and someone like Hajime (insecure as FUCK, pricklyish) and it's just great. Oh and I haven't even covered her lying mechanic which is just has so much goddamn potential.


It's godlike. Tracks are reused yes, but it avoids the ZTD situation where the songs mostly have a new remix with a plethora of new songs thrown in, so it doesn't feel like an overly similar experience.


Is it Fall(?) yet.

Expression Game

Some of the best this series has to offer already. Even Kaede has like 5 great ones and she's the protagonist.

Angie owns. Her broken Japanese is the cutest fucking thing on the planet.


2 weeks until the game is out. I'm not sure if I should just dive straight into the spoilers or try and wait for the english release

PK Gaming

2 weeks until the game is out. I'm not sure if I should just dive straight into the spoilers or try and wait for the english release

Wait and risk being spoiled or dive into an early translated playthrough and neuter your first experience.

Both choices lead to Hope and both choices lead to Despair.


So what are we going to do regarding spoilers once the game actually comes out? I suppose relegating all non-news discussion to an import thread would be the way to go.


Gives all the fucks
I would assume do what was done for Ultra Despair Girls. Have an import thread & keep spoilers in there, then once the US release happens, OT & spoiler thread are separate.
Frankly the biggest spoiler risk is probably someone getting cute and putting the mastermind as their avatar.
That happened here with the first game though I don't think anyone noticed, and they changed their avatar once contacted.

I'm not worried about GAF so much as the rest of the social sites that DR is popular on. Hopefully the English release isn't too far off.


I will be playing the Japanese version the week it comes out even though I would enjoy the game more in English. I don't trust the Internet to not screw this up for me. Even on here we've had MGS4 and Ace Attorney spoiler avatars and Junko avatars to name a few.
At this point, I think the biggest vectors are going to be Tumblr and YouTube, maybe Reddit. But browsing anything DR until the English release is going to be a minefield, knowing how players love to spoil everything.

I just hope no one here tries to play cute and spoils any twist with its avatar.
At this point, I think the biggest vectors are going to be Tumblr and YouTube, maybe Reddit. But browsing anything DR until the English release is going to be a minefield, knowing how players love to spoil everything.

I just hope no one here tries to play cute and spoils any twist with its avatar.

Ah thanks, Im going to unsub from the Danganronpa reddit and set DR filters on twitter so i dont forget


I'm just afraid of stupid-ass MOST BRUTAL EXECUTION SCENE IN DRV3!!!!! thumbnail recommendations that'll pop up on my main page because I listened to a track from the OST.


Gives all the fucks
Looks like the Vita version of V3 will have "voiceover sound quality improvement" DLC. The only other game that I can think of that's done something like that is Valkyrie Drive.


So just recently I learned that the V3 game isn't connected to the first two and I have to watch the anime. So I ended up marathoning the episodes and have to say I'm pretty disappointed in it. The prequel side was slow and the way they showed how the second cast fell into despair was pretty lame, but the other side focusing focusing on the killing was pretty decent. Don't think that part of the anime is as good as the first two games, but eh it was fun enough to watch. The biggest disappointment was what they did to Nagito though, you'd expect him to play a much bigger role or something as he was by far the most interesting character from the three games. But they barely gave him any screen time.


BlackDragonHunt of MangaGamer looked through the V3 demo data and found all of the chapter names and two dead character sprites. She was kind enough not to post any of them, not even with spoiler tags, but there's a chance that someone else might comb through them and start posting spoilers before the game even comes out.


Gives all the fucks
I managed to avoid spoilers for DR1, DR2, and 95% of UDG. I sure as hell hope to keep that streak going with DRV3.

Props to that person not posting the spoiler related data found in the demo.


BlackDragonHunt of MangaGamer looked through the V3 demo data and found all of the chapter names and two dead character sprites. She was kind enough not to post any of them, not even with spoiler tags, but there's a chance that someone else might comb through them and start posting spoilers before the game even comes out.

it's pokemon all over again

PK Gaming

BlackDragonHunt of MangaGamer looked through the V3 demo data and found all of the chapter names and two dead character sprites. She was kind enough not to post any of them, not even with spoiler tags, but there's a chance that someone else might comb through them and start posting spoilers before the game even comes out.


What to do, what to do~
BlackDragonHunt of MangaGamer looked through the V3 demo data and found all of the chapter names and two dead character sprites. She was kind enough not to post any of them, not even with spoiler tags, but there's a chance that someone else might comb through them and start posting spoilers before the game even comes out.

Damn, I thought that would happen until January. Time to unfollow everything Danganronpa for the time being.


I've pre-emptively logged out of my YouTube, deleted YT history and unfollowed my Danganronpa friends on Facebook. Not sure what to do about Tumblr yet. Probably going to ignore it until English release.

PK Gaming

I've... resigned myself to getting partially spoiled. I follow way too many people on twitter, and blocking out words won't stop people from posting one-word screenshots.

I mean pretty soon, even the wiki won't be safe
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