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#DarkSoulsDowngrade and #YOULIED \\ a.k.a You got some splainin' to do, Namco


∇NKNOWN SHΔPE;104971268 said:
After this logic the PC Version should not be downgraded, because of much more resources.
But it will.
Actually my first thought was maintaining an even quality throughout the game, and so that kind of lighting couldn't work all over. Though that doesn't really explain away some of the rough points, but whatever.
they're very proud of our (positive) reception...

Edit: I guess this means "most people love the game (or a lot of people bought the game) even if it doesnt look like what was advertised at all".

honestly, I don't know who to blame now. From for being deceptive or the consumers for not giving a shit about it.

I certainly won't be paying full price for that game
Thats not even a response. That's akin to serving someone an raw steak and when they ask why you didn't cook it, responding with "i made a meal i'm proud of".


That response doesn't clarify anything.
I guess to them balancing the game means downgrading the graphics massively just before release...

I'm still curious to see how the PC version looks even though I'm pretty sure it wont look much different from the console version :/
At the very least From/Namco should apologize for falsely portraying the game to look like that in the gameplay clips/trailers.
Can someone point out what people expected them to say?
Perhaps that they had been using a previous build of the game to show off to the media and public that they later had to downgrade?Or how about, everything they showed was PC and that the PC version will contain everything that the ps3 and xbox 360 versions did not? I mean they don't admit to anything in that statement. Oh hey btw we pushed to make our game the the best it could be, but since its doing so well with fan and media response, who cares, its printing money right now and we have no answers for you. Hahaha. Just such a dissapointment FROM. Tsk, tsk. Whatever game you guys show off next, I'll expect NOT to look how you present it, months in advance.Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
This is the kind of thing that makes me lose all respect for a developer and publisher, no matter what their reasoning is and how good a game ends up being still. I bet Dark Souls II is a good game, and the PS3 is obviously shitty hardware at this point. Totally shady way to go about it, though. I wonder if, since all the lighting and environment work is apparently finished in the previous PS3 version, they can just add all of that back in for the PC version? Or if that was their plan all along? I don't expect that to happen, at all, but I'll wait and see.
That response doesn't clarify anything.
I guess to them balancing the game means downgrading the graphics massively just before release...

I'm still curious to see how the PC version looks even though I'm pretty sure it wont look much different from the console version :/
At the very least From/Namco should apologize for falsely portraying the game to look like that in the gameplay clips/trailers.

Why did you think this happened? Just for shits and giggles? The game on it's current state fights to stay on constant 30fps.

I'm not saying that there is no issue with them showing preview builds that do not represent the final game. At the same time preview builds do not represent a final product.

Unless someone from FROM goes rogue and leaks out that this was intentionally done to mislead the consumer I don't think we are getting much out of them.
Why did you think this happened? Just for shits and giggles? The game on it's current state fights to stay on constant 30fps.

I'm not saying that there is no issue with them showing preview builds that do not represent the final game. At the same time preview builds do not represent a final product.

Unless someone from FROM goes rogue and leaks out that this was intentionally done to mislead the consumer I don't think we are getting much out of them.

Difference is that the shots on the back of the box are from those preview builds.
Difference is that the shots on the back of the box are from those preview builds.

I have the EU PS3 box right here and the three shots are so small and compressed to hell that it's really hard to even see anything. While they probably are from previous builds, I don't think anyone will feel very misled by looking at them. Bullshots on boxart aren't rare.

While I think the marketing was absolutely intentionally misleading, the shots on the box aren't really adding much by themselves.


Why did you think this happened? Just for shits and giggles? The game on it's current state fights to stay on constant 30fps.

I'm not saying that there is no issue with them showing preview builds that do not represent the final game. At the same time preview builds do not represent a final product.

Unless someone from FROM goes rogue and leaks out that this was intentionally done to mislead the consumer I don't think we are getting much out of them.

I understand that sometimes you have to downgrade the graphics for the game to run smoothly. But the way they did it wasn't right, as in not saying anything and trying to get away with it and being oblivious to the people who want answers.
And that argument doesn't apply to the PC version since you have much stronger hardware there.


user-friendly man-cashews
I'm guessing From is convering up the marketting fuck-up from Bamco but this is pretty fucked up.

Not preordering the PC version for sure now.
Why did you think this happened? Just for shits and giggles? The game on it's current state fights to stay on constant 30fps.

I'm not saying that there is no issue with them showing preview builds that do not represent the final game. At the same time preview builds do not represent a final product.

Unless someone from FROM goes rogue and leaks out that this was intentionally done to mislead the consumer I don't think we are getting much out of them.


Been trying to hammer this point but people seemed to expect miracles from the console version because they got demo builds to be pretty

Wasn't there a bunch of posts referencing large issues with the Network test performance? Writing was on the wall and even then PS3 version still looks damn good on my display. Its within my expectations for the game on the platform since I consider the highest quality visuals to be coming form the PC version

Normal logical assumptions should have spelled all of this out but if the PC version suck then Ill be eating my words and raising the pitchforks with you
Hmm. I had heard of this downgrade but thought nothing of it. I never realized it was this bad.

Gonna stick to Dark Souls for now. Maybe get DS2 after a price drop.
Hmm. I had heard of this downgrade but thought nothing of it. I never realized it was this bad.

Gonna stick to Dark Souls for now. Maybe get DS2 after a price drop.

The visual fidelity is literally comparable to the first two games on the SAME platform

Its makes no sense to avoid this game if you enjoyed the first two. If you were expecting a leap in fidelity I dont see why you wouldn't just wait for the PC version

This is so silly


Difference is that the shots on the back of the box are from those preview builds.

Untrue. I have both Collector's(which contains Black Armor) and Regular versions for PS3 NA, and the shots on all three versions are most assuredly from a recent build. To me it looks like the build displayed in B-roll for a more recent preview event, and not the demos they had people play in the past.

Images on back of Collector's, Black Armor, and Regular Edition boxes:


These shots are close up character shots to showcase a boss/enemy and multiplayer invasions, as well do not portray lighting or detail significantly enough to make a positive or negative assessment. Not only that, but they are so dark and tiny on the box, the only things you can make out are that they are characters with weapons and armor. That's about it.


That's their fault for thinking their PS3's and 360's are as good as their PS4's and One's (or PC).
Why you put fault on people that saw pics and videos of a game running on the console they own is beyond me.

Some people can't stop vomiting shit to defend their Gods. Get it clear: From and Namco scammed their customers with false advertising. There's no other way to look at it and that "response" only shows they don't regret a bit what they did.

I'm glad I'm not brainwashed.
Way to ruin your reputation...
I'll never preorder a From Software game again.

This is just as bad as any apologist bullshit in here.

The apologists deny the merit of prima facie truth and the doomsayers deny the existence of a fantastic, great looking game.

The hyperbole from both ends needs to staaaaaaaaaaahp.
Fuck, I wish I was an expert on Japanese culture because now if the pc version doesnt match what pc gamers are hoping for then From really shot themselves in the foot and probably made a lot of money on that anyway.... Aarrgghhh, it really sucks.

I'm disappointed in From mostly because since the reveal trailer they particularly insisted on the fact that they would focus a lot on the visual aspect in DSII. Of course there are a lot of things that make the Souls series so great but the graphics aren't one of them. Shame because the art is great.


Fuck, I wish I was an expert on Japanese culture because now if the pc version doesnt match what pc gamers are hoping for then From really shot themselves in the foot and probably made a lot of money on that anyway.... Aarrgghhh, it really sucks.

I'm disappointed in From mostly because since the reveal trailer they particularly insisted on the fact that they would focus a lot on the visual aspect in DSII. Of course there are a lot of things that make the Souls series so great but the graphics aren't one of them. Shame because the art is great.



This is just as bad as any apologist bullshit in here.

The apologists deny the merit of prima facie truth and the doomsayers deny the existence of a fantastic, great looking game.

The hyperbole from both ends needs to staaaaaaaaaaahp.

He just said he will never "preorder" again, not that he would never buy one of their games. His statement isn't hyperbolic at all. I fully advise anyone who becomes skeptical about a company's release-day game quality to take a wait and see approach for impressions.


I really wish they'd said something about the PC version.

I mean, if you guys were expecting anything but PR-speak relating to the console release, I don't know what to tell you. That was always the answer we were going to get and I think certain posters predicted as much a few pages back.

However, I don't know whether the silence on the PC version is comforting or deeply troubling. I'm leaning towards the latter.


- No comment on the PC version.
- Didn't address the accusations of them lying about some of the demos running on PS3 hardware (like the PlayStation Access video)

Their response is deliberately lacking and I find that a bit insulting as a once potential consumer of their products.
Rule #1 of Spin: Answer the question you wish they had asked not what they actually asked

Wow what 'Sorry you were offended at our lies' kind of BS is this? Even a 'Hey we thought we could get there had to change at last minute....media plans already in place..too late to change' would have been more acceptable than that. We know why the downgrade happened what we don't know is why From or Namco Bandai chose to continue to use deceptive footage to advertise the game.
Why you put fault on people that saw pics and videos of a game running on the console they own is beyond me.

Some people can't stop vomiting shit to defend their Gods. Get it clear: From and Namco scammed their customers with false advertising. There's no other way to look at it and that "response" only shows they don't regret a bit what they did.

I'm glad I'm not brainwashed.


this is so neurotic and over sensationalized

And its insulting to just immediately call any who disagree as mindless fanboys

Thats not the cause of disagreement. I would argue that we have a game that falls within the expectations of the platform visually. I cant seem to think why people would expect otherwise just cause of some demo builds.

The comparison shots DO showcase huge differences. The reasonable assumption being that the higher fidelity version is indeed the PC (on which the game was corely built on) version.

Its clear the PS3/360 version was shown in a better state but again the reasonable assumption is that it was scaled down to meet performance demands. Game runs better or equal to the games that came before it anyways. It sits nicely next to any other comparable games on the platform

One could argue that

- From should have never demoed the game in that state on last gen consoles.

But why not? Maybe at that point in development they were unsure if the performance would be upheld.

- From should have made an explicit statement about the decisions right AFTER the results of the Tests.

Sure that would have been nice. Not something I expect from Marketing/PR reps though. Drop bad news right before the release of a high profile release?

I mean I am all for transparency but I would have never noticed such a thing on my own and once I DID see this topic I thought nothing of it

That doesn't make me a fanboy. The game fell within my expectations of a last gen game on these platforms and we have the Next Gen versions on the horizon

Given the context its easy to see why I think this is all overblown. That makes me a fanboy?


I really wish they'd said something about the PC version.

This. I didn't expect Namco to actually apologize for their intentionally misleading marketing but to not even mention the PC version is garbage. All I want is a confirmed PC screenshot from one of the downgraded areas.
We've got a statement on MCV:
"Throughout the game development process, a game is constantly being balanced not only in game playability, but also in the realm of resource management,” From told MCV.

“A developer is always challenged with creating the most rewarding gaming experience while delivering continuity in graphical quality, gameplay dynamics, and balance within the game. The final version of Dark Souls II displays the culmination of this delicate balance and we’re very proud of the positive media and fan reception for the game.”

Did they make that statement out of a random PR generator?
Thats not the cause of disagreement. I would argue that we have a game that falls within the expectations of the platform visually. I cant seem to think why people would expect otherwise just cause of some demo builds.

You can't understand why people would expect what was shown to them as PS3 footage to be footage from a PS3?

Good game or bad game it was sold using footage that was in no way indicative of final quality, even after they knew they couldn't hit that standard they didn't fire up a launch trailer to be upfront about it. That is wrong.
That dun goofed thinking the consoles could do those graphics in the first place.

Its silly in context since it was a multiplatform game with PC explicitly stated as the lead platform.

You would assume all media would be indicative of the best version of the game.

People are really hung up on the preview builds and boxart


That dun goofed thinking the consoles could do those graphics in the first place.

Late generation console games are usually the ones to surprise visually. Look at TLOU. I would have told you that was impossible on a PS3 a few years ago. It wasn't outside the realm of reason to hope that the PS3 version would actually look like the trailers when those were labelled as being direct PS3 captures.
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