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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Nudes tho my dude. NUDES!!!!

Although sending nudes if she's just after attention is a weird one. Compliment fishing perhaps? Maybe she just wanted to send someone nudes for the hell of it. I mean, I can't remember any instances where someone who wanted attention sent nudes without at least first exhausting other attention seeking avenues and even then they were more suggestive pics rather than straight nudes.

I've seen people send nudes while they're only looking for attention and/or compliments, though generally it's to randos over Facebook instead of an online dating sites. Like not even conversation or much of anything other than friending, one or two lines, then bam.

Maybe the times have changed :p

Okay GAF, I didn't think I would ever come here for dating advice, but now I want to talk to someone.

I'm working FIFO and have been for most of my professional career and see it happening for some time still. I have only been on one date in the past two or three years and that was back in a city. There's a girl I like here, I don't know how the hell to ask her for a date within camp (limited stuff to do) or even whether dating someone from work would be a good idea, but with my future outlook continuing to be this sort of work I thought I should go ahead and ask her.

I have thought of a few things to invite her to do with me (one may involve me accidentally burning food), but I am still tossing back and forth on whether I should even try to get involved with anyone at my work to begin with. I read the bit in the OP, but I don't know if I should feel different with my workplace. FIFO workers can feel very isolated and I know my time here would be better with someone to spend it with.

1. Why do you have to finagle a scenario to be around her?
2. Do you know if she's even single or not?
3. Sounds like she's your only other co-worker, sounds like asking her out is like the worst idea ever, considering that this is your career and so, so much can go wrong in this scenario.
4. Can you not just be friends?


not looking for advice but rather wanting to confirm whether a recent ex had pulled a shit move...

after two months or so of dating 'girl' decides (after consultation) to call it off which was for the best as it was getting messy/intense for the both of us

as our friendship groups overlap quite a bit we agreed on not seeing each other for two weeks after the break to make it easier - this was successful aside from a brief unplanned meeting one week afterwards that lasted for fifteen minutes with no issues..

with a mutual friends birthday at a bar coming up just under two weeks after the break we spoke on the phone, confirmed that it was all chill and that we would both attend - on the evening the group was around 25 people at it's peak with the majority being "my" friends, although she does know most of them

as the night went on everything was quite cool, she seemed slightly awkward at first however that was to be expected...fast forward a few hours and girl (who brought one of her close friends with her) was sitting apart from the larger group with some dude that she presumably invited..

for the rest of the evening they sat apart, laughing, touching etc.. although i noticed i didn't really pay it much thought and continued to enjoy my time with my friends - as the evening wound down there were only half a dozen of my close friends left (plus girl and her new dude)

they join us and chat for a handful of minutes, then dude leaves and a few minutes later girl does as well...one or two minutes pass and we are told that the bar is closing and we need to leave - as we get outside i spot girl and new dude leaving together

this makes me feel quite shit and the full realisation of what happened hits me, friends comfort me etc.. time passes, im feeling terrible, we talk several times, she apologises, it gets really messy then worse and now week or two later its okay...

im over the situation, or nearly at least...however theres a little part of me that still wonders whether if it was that "bad" - was what girl did really that bad to elicit such a strong reaction from me? im not ashamed of my feelings or reaction and im confident that what she did was unacceptable however it has been communicated that maybe it's something that i should not have been so caught up on?

You... guys broke up, and she found someone else. No, she didn't do anything wrong. Thinking that it's unacceptable that an ex, no matter how fresh said ex was, can't be seen with another person is not right on you.

Just because you were apparently ignoring the breakup and the emotions of it doesn't make it her fault for moving on quicker than you did. Besides, y'all were only dating two months, this wasn't some years long ordeal.


I feel now more than ever you need to have an actual conversation about exclusivity. Even if you've been 'dating' for three months, you still both need to do it just so you both have an idea of what's going on, if either person is still seeing other people, etc.

Assuming you're exclusive because you've together X amount of time is where things start to go wrong.

Miles is right. The conversation must be had. It doesn't have to be a big deal, it doesn't have to be awkward, but it has to be had. I was seeing my GF for about 6 weeks when we had the talk. From my end, after about 2 weeks I'd ceased my Tinder use and hadn't been talking/dating other girls, and it turned out she had done the same around the same time, and then we were officially exclusive and life moved on.

You're asking for trouble if you're 6 months or a year in and have been living off assumptions the whole time.



im over the situation, or nearly at least...however theres a little part of me that still wonders whether if it was that "bad" - was what girl did really that bad to elicit such a strong reaction from me? im not ashamed of my feelings or reaction and im confident that what she did was unacceptable however it has been communicated that maybe it's something that i should not have been so caught up on?

People already answered but I think this is one of those things that can't be reinforced enough. She wasn't your girlfriend anymore. She doesn't own you anything. You don't get to say what is unacceptable about her any longer.

It's very normal to not like it, but this is on you, not on her.


I've seen people send nudes while they're only looking for attention and/or compliments, though generally it's to randos over Facebook instead of an online dating sites. Like not even conversation or much of anything other than friending, one or two lines, then bam.

Maybe the times have changed :p

Things went from 1-100 right quick. I got her number, began the typical first meet setup. "Do you want to get drinks Thursday?" was met with "I want you, naked in my bed, now". That became "but I don't give my address to random guys", then boobs. After 30 min of flirting/lite cybering, tried to nail down a time and location for drinks, 'cause then I won't be a stranger - silence.
Things went from 1-100 right quick. I got her number, began the typical first meet setup. "Do you want to get drinks Thursday?" was met with "I want you, naked in my bed, now". That became "but I don't give my address to random guys", then boobs. After 30 min of flirting/lite cybering, tried to nail down a time and location for drinks, 'cause then I won't be a stranger - silence.


So i just turned 30 and while i never really got problems telling girls i'm still living with my parents, i feel it's about damn time i move out.

Many dates could have ended at my place and i feel it's now an handicap.

Girls will never tell it to my face but it's a dealbreaker for some for sure.

If you're 30yo and living at home, then spending $100-$200 for a hotel to bang out a date should be no problem. You are/have been building a very nice savings account by living at home, right?

Living at home in your late 20s/30s is really only a problem if you let it be....and also to the kind of woman you want to date/fuck. Many women your age are also living at home. It all depends on why you're living at home at your age. Are you living there so that you can build a nice nest egg to buy a house/condo in the near future? Or because you're still in college full time? Or because you just want to keep your bills low so you can party more?

Again, it's really dependent on the type of woman you want to attract. Some women won't care, as they are in the same situation. For others, it can be a dealbreaker.

And yes, it's not going to be any easier the older you get.
To the 30 year old, don't feel so down. A lot of women sure do care about how well you are doing in life and whether you have your own place, but a lot of others don't. And yeah, you could totally just go to a hotel or something if need be.

In the meantime, use this as motivation to get out there and find a place to move to when you do land that job.


So I'm in a rather incredibly shitty situation in my life right now and to top it off I just got my heart broken...

Although a lot of people have suggested hitting the gym, I think that getting a job is more important. Yes, searching for a job can be tough but many girls are more interested in a stable man than a man with a six pack. Concentrate on getting a job first, then get other things in order before getting back on the dating scene

not looking for advice but rather wanting to confirm whether a recent ex had pulled a shit move...

I wouldn't consider what she did a shit move, more unfortunate. Unless she was really rubbing it in your face and kissing in front of you (which it doesn't sound like). In fact, it sounds like she was pretty discreet about it, leaving separately etc. Girls will always find it easier to move on because they will always get attention from new guys if they put themselves out there. I think you just weren't quite over it yet but chin up


Although a lot of people have suggested hitting the gym, I think that getting a job is more important. Yes, searching for a job can be tough but many girls are more interested in a stable man than a man with a six pack. Concentrate on getting a job first, then get other things in order before getting back on the dating scene


I mean searching for a job all day every day is pretty goddamn depressing. At least go to the gym to break up the soul crushing nature of it. I mean the gym will probably be an hour or so a few times a week anyway.


Let's not pretend like the gym isn't soul crushing either haha. Yes, working out has many great benefits and is more or less necessary, but it sucks. Never once have I enjoyed going to the gym, and I tend to think those who say they enjoy it are lying. It's a necessary evil. Emphasis on evil. The best part about the gym is when I'm leaving it. Probably my least favorite hour of the day. I love putting on muscle and looking good, but I detest the time spent working on it.
Let's not pretend like the gym isn't soul crushing either haha. Yes, working out has many great benefits and is more or less necessary, but it sucks. Never once have I enjoyed going to the gym, and I tend to think those who say they enjoy it are lying. It's a necessary evil. Emphasis on evil. The best part about the gym is when I'm leaving it. Probably my least favorite hour of the day. I love putting on muscle and looking good, but I detest the time spent working on it.
Go with a friend. I never go alone. I've went twice in the last year or so and it was boring AF. I gym twice a week and run several other days. I would just be thinking about a dumb fucking thing I just did if I went alone lmao.. ughh.


Go with a friend. I never go alone. I've went twice in the last year or so and it was boring AF. I gym twice a week and run several other days. I would just be thinking about a dumb fucking thing I just did if I went alone lmao.. ughh.

For me it's like:

*do first exercise*
*realize I still have like 10 more exercises to do*
*realize that's like 30 more sets*
*realize that's like 300 more reps*
*hate life*
*repeat these steps after completing each exercise*
*be fucking joyous when I get to the last exercise and put the final weight down*
*fly out of there like a jet*


Go with a friend. I never go alone. I've went twice in the last year or so and it was boring AF. I gym twice a week and run several other days. I would just be thinking about a dumb fucking thing I just did if I went alone lmao.. ughh.

I don't like going with a friend either. I used to do it/witness lots of people doing it, and while it might be less awful, it also ends up taking a lot longer and becoming a social thing, and the only thing worse than being stuck at the gym for 1 hour is being stuck there for 2. That's why I go alone now, so I can get through stuff fast and leave.


Let's not pretend like the gym isn't soul crushing either haha. Yes, working out has many great benefits and is more or less necessary, but it sucks. Never once have I enjoyed going to the gym, and I tend to think those who say they enjoy it are lying. It's a necessary evil. Emphasis on evil. The best part about the gym is when I'm leaving it. Probably my least favorite hour of the day. I love putting on muscle and looking good, but I detest the time spent working on it.

Dude... you're so fucking wrong about this. Like... 100% wrong. If you hate going to the gym then you're doing it wrong.

Try a program like P90X or Insanity instead. Or go to classes. If you're just lifting and it isn't fun, then do something that is more structured and challenging. There are many fun ways to get ripped that are more then just putting on headphones and doing reps.

Myself, I do P90X and it keeps things moving. It never feels like a slog.

not looking for advice but rather wanting to confirm whether a recent ex had pulled a shit move...

after two months or so of dating 'girl' decides (after consultation) to call it off which was for the best as it was getting messy/intense for the both of us

as our friendship groups overlap quite a bit we agreed on not seeing each other for two weeks after the break to make it easier - this was successful aside from a brief unplanned meeting one week afterwards that lasted for fifteen minutes with no issues..

with a mutual friends birthday at a bar coming up just under two weeks after the break we spoke on the phone, confirmed that it was all chill and that we would both attend - on the evening the group was around 25 people at it's peak with the majority being "my" friends, although she does know most of them

as the night went on everything was quite cool, she seemed slightly awkward at first however that was to be expected...fast forward a few hours and girl (who brought one of her close friends with her) was sitting apart from the larger group with some dude that she presumably invited..

for the rest of the evening they sat apart, laughing, touching etc.. although i noticed i didn't really pay it much thought and continued to enjoy my time with my friends - as the evening wound down there were only half a dozen of my close friends left (plus girl and her new dude)

they join us and chat for a handful of minutes, then dude leaves and a few minutes later girl does as well...one or two minutes pass and we are told that the bar is closing and we need to leave - as we get outside i spot girl and new dude leaving together

this makes me feel quite shit and the full realisation of what happened hits me, friends comfort me etc.. time passes, im feeling terrible, we talk several times, she apologises, it gets really messy then worse and now week or two later its okay...

im over the situation, or nearly at least...however theres a little part of me that still wonders whether if it was that "bad" - was what girl did really that bad to elicit such a strong reaction from me? im not ashamed of my feelings or reaction and im confident that what she did was unacceptable however it has been communicated that maybe it's something that i should not have been so caught up on?

Your ex could have warned you she was bringing a dude she's seeing, but she didn't really do anything wrong. You're not ready to see that but it's really not her problem.
Although a lot of people have suggested hitting the gym, I think that getting a job is more important. Yes, searching for a job can be tough but many girls are more interested in a stable man than a man with a six pack. Concentrate on getting a job first, then get other things in order before getting back on the

Going to the gym takes like 2 hours tops. Getting a job is important but even if you treat it as an 8 hour job you should still have plenty of time for other things that are good for you. The last thinkg brotha needs to do is sulk every moment of every day because he is jobless. It fucking blows. Don't lead him down that path.

Let's not pretend like the gym isn't soul crushing either haha. Yes, working out has many great benefits and is more or less necessary, but it sucks. Never once have I enjoyed going to the gym, and I tend to think those who say they enjoy it are lying. It's a necessary evil. Emphasis on evil. The best part about the gym is when I'm leaving it. Probably my least favorite hour of the day. I love putting on muscle and looking good, but I detest the time spent working on it.

I love going to the gym. Chest day is best day. Legs are great as well. You just gotta find a routine you like and mix it up. A partner helps too. I dunno. I woildnt do it if I didnt like it. It also helps if you play sports. You dunno how good it feels until you finish through contact on a lay up :p


This was a first...girl is super into the conversation, sent unprovoked nudes even, yet still went silent the moment I suggest a time and place for meeting up.

I know what you're thinking, "the time should've been now, and the place someone's bedroom". I proposed that, twice. If this was one of those games where she wanted me to push the issue until she relents, ain't nobody got time for that.
She was probably just looking for attention

Or those pics wasn't hers.


Let's not pretend like the gym isn't soul crushing either haha. Yes, working out has many great benefits and is more or less necessary, but it sucks. Never once have I enjoyed going to the gym, and I tend to think those who say they enjoy it are lying. It's a necessary evil. Emphasis on evil. The best part about the gym is when I'm leaving it. Probably my least favorite hour of the day. I love putting on muscle and looking good, but I detest the time spent working on it.

I go to the gym for stress relief and anger management >.>

The anger helps with those gainz

But the key to exercising is finding something you like to do, sounds like what you're doing isn't for you. Maybe try swimming or group classes or something.
I go to the gym for stress relief and anger management >.>

The anger helps with those gainz

But the key to exercising is finding something you like to do, sounds like what you're doing isn't for you. Maybe try swimming or group classes or something.

I hate normal gym stuff. I use a pull up bar at home and push ups and running for pretty much everything.

Then i started rock climbing. It kicked my ass but im getting better and it is an awesome place to bring people on a date. Also yoga.
I'm sorry, I haven't yet experienced a break up myself but if it were to happen, I think the thing to do would be to explore new things to do. Try to develop hobbies and find new things to like, and spend time on. A lot of people always suggest going to the Gym if you don't already, and I can tell you first hand that going to the gym, while painful, makes you feel better about yourself because you are taking literal steps to become healthier and stronger and boosts your self esteem, something that is quite low at the end of a relationship. Just give it time.

We have one suggestion that we'll parrot until the universe meets its entropic heat death - hit the gym. Not because you're ugly or anything like that...you have a lot of time and energy and you need something to focus it on. It's hard to think about life when you're counting reps, maintaining proper form, and breathing properly.

Hit the gym, find new/old hobbies to take joy in. Take some time to yourself--jumping asap into a new relationship won't help you as a person, despite the comfort it might bring.

I do recommend exercising a better social balance with your friends next time around though (if possible). Devoting all your time into a relationship can be taxing in its own right, we all still need to be individuals :)

Lift heavy weights. Seriously.

Also is there some activity you always wanted to try but couldnt find the time to do? Right now, plan to do it. Do it this week if possible. No is the time to try new things and build yourself up bud. It's gonna take a while to get over a 5 year relationship but being busy and active with help.

Thank-you for the over whelming responses. The ball hockey league and pickup hockey that I do literally just ended a couple of weeks ago so my main physical hobbies are donezo. Doing the gym sounds like the right choice, I need it and I've always found that I felt great after doing physical actives.

Plus this video kind of hit home with me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mbp0DugfCA

Does not compute.

Spend that time finding a job. Network in your field. Do freelance work. Start a business in your field. Write insightful stuff in your field that makes you seem like an expert and get noticed.

Although a lot of people have suggested hitting the gym, I think that getting a job is more important. Yes, searching for a job can be tough but many girls are more interested in a stable man than a man with a six pack. Concentrate on getting a job first, then get other things in order before getting back on the dating scene

You're both right; this relationship has been taking up a considerable amount of my time these past few awful weeks and it's about time I really commit to getting a job in my field; not just applying through e-mail. I've spent a good chunk of today applying, and I've selected a few jobs that I'll be personally delivering my resume to their offices and reaching out to people on LinkedIn.

Thank-you all for your thoughts. It means a lot of me.

One thing that I found surprising today was that every friend who I lost contact with has been super supportive with everything I'm going through. Phone calls, messaging, setting up nights together, building up my confidence... I guess I didn't expect that and well I feel loved (as corny as that sounds).


I mean searching for a job all day every day is pretty goddamn depressing. At least go to the gym to break up the soul crushing nature of it. I mean the gym will probably be an hour or so a few times a week anyway.

Yeah, job searching is soul crushing. Finding an excuse to leave the house for a bit is always nice. I'm going to try to do it several times a week, it will be a nice break and luckily the one nearby is cheap.


I really screwed up today and I know it. I e-mailed her once, messaged her and let her a message on her phone... That's not healthy and is pretty much crazy ex-boyfriend material (though atleast I didn't send her horrible things, just saying how horrible it was how we left things and how if she ever wanted to talk about it...). I really wish I didn't do that. I need to accept that it's over and that if she wants to talk about it she can reach me. I deleted her from my phone just to make sure I don't do that again :/ I'm struggling, but I hope I can get myself on the right path.
I don't like going with a friend either. I used to do it/witness lots of people doing it, and while it might be less awful, it also ends up taking a lot longer and becoming a social thing, and the only thing worse than being stuck at the gym for 1 hour is being stuck there for 2. That's why I go alone now, so I can get through stuff fast and leave.
Well I go with my best friend. Instead of it taking 40m, it takes 1 hour. Sometimes we also talk for like 10-20 mins outside near our cars about random shit post workout if we have time. I only go twice a week (push, pull) and don't mind it at all while every other time I've went alone it felt like work. Sometimes it's 3x a week but I run several days a week, so I don't see much point in that. :\ I have a really really good relationship with my buddy, so it works out really well and it's always only with him. There's maybe 3-4 people I would consider going to work out with tbh, I'm a huge extrovert but that's a picky thing for me.

And if I went alone, my mind would wonder especially now since I had a clusterfuck in regards to title of the topic which would just annoy me while working out.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Man, my luck on OKC has been horrible, for the past month.

I mean, not that it's ever been great, but it feels worse than usual. And I'm not sure why. Have hardly changed anything in my profile. :/
Well, things ended with the kinda-ex I'd been sorta seeing non-exclusively over the past few months. We just really weren't compatible. If someone asked me how I felt, my honest answer would be: "I don't." (My therapist suggested that I might have alexithymia, or at least a mild form of it.)

I've had enough false starts that I can file this away as lessons learned and try not to catastrophize. It's legitimately starting to feel like I'm the only one in my social circle that's still single and not popping out children, or at the very least not weathering a real adult relationship, which means I suppose I'm approaching man-child territory by some definition. This doesn't actually bother me, except occasionally in the abstract, and I know that people don't have relationship-expiration dates. But still, I guess at some point it should be a cause for concern.

That said, I'm going to a law school friend's wedding this weekend, and I'm bummed I never have +1s to things, but at least I'll be unattached there.

You know, it's truly a hassle to spend part of the waking hours worrying about shit like relationships and meeting people.
What the hell is FIFO? I only know it as first in, first out. Like when we would rotate produce at the restaurant.
Fly in fly out, remote job where the nearest town has a population of about 150.

Thanks for the advice anyway, she definitely isn't my only other coworker and works in a different area on site than me.

I might sit back for a while though. It sounds like I'm probably thinking quite selfishly on this and as said, maybe should just be friends. I also just found out I may have another job elsewhere to go to soon, so if I am released from this contract I may not be on this site for many more rosters.


Man, I hate it when you're in conversation with a girl, everything's going well, and they start mentioning things that kill the mood. "I'm high", okay, as long as it's lite stuff. "I have a warrant out for my arrest" ummm, what?

I got tired of dating Grad students, so thought I'd try women who are less defined by their career. I may have over-corrected.
Man, I hate it when you're in conversation with a girl, everything's going well, and they start mentioning things that kill the mood. "I'm high", okay, as long as it's lite stuff. "I have a warrant out for my arrest" ummm, what?

I got tired of dating Grad students, so thought I'd try women who are less defined by their career. I may have over-corrected.

Quite the understatement.


Man, my luck on OKC has been horrible, for the past month.

I mean, not that it's ever been great, but it feels worse than usual. And I'm not sure why. Have hardly changed anything in my profile. :/

Have you netted results in the past? I'm going to start OkC eventually..


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Have you netted results in the past? I'm going to start OkC eventually..

I have. The last two major relationships, in fact, were from there. But you have to send out literally hundreds of messages before anyone responds (at least, I had to).
Man, I hate it when you're in conversation with a girl, everything's going well, and they start mentioning things that kill the mood. "I'm high", okay, as long as it's lite stuff. "I have a warrant out for my arrest" ummm, what?

I got tired of dating Grad students, so thought I'd try women who are less defined by their career. I may have over-corrected.

Part of me really wants you to continue talking to arrest warrant, just to see how deep that hole goes. Because you know that's just scratching the surface if that's what she's willing to tell you right off the bat.


Part of me really wants you to continue talking to arrest warrant, just to see how deep that hole goes. Because you know that's just scratching the surface if that's what she's willing to tell you right off the bat.

Turns out it was just unpaid fines. She divulged that later, after realizing how "warrant out for my arrest" sounds without context. I stopped talking to her once she mentioned her kids. From the moment I graduated college until about 2 years ago, I was babysitting my sisters' kids 3-4 nights a week. I have no interest in children for the foreseeable future.
Turns out it was just unpaid fines. She divulged that later, after realizing how "warrant out for my arrest" sounds without context. I stopped talking to her once she mentioned her kids. From the moment I graduated college until about 2 years ago, I was babysitting my sisters' kids 3-4 nights a week. I have no interest in children for the foreseeable future.

That sucks, I was hoping for some serious crime where you could look up to see if there's a reward and then lure her into a coffee date and have her apprehended and collect the reward.

Salamando, lover of fine foods and women, hater kids and will hand in your ass into the cops for dat moneh!

Yes, I am insanely bored. Work is boring, wife(STB) has gone to the Lake District with her mum to see friends with absolutely no consideration for me or if I'd like to go...I didn't want to go, but sometimes you just like to be asked. Is that really too much...to ask?
Turns out it was just unpaid fines. She divulged that later, after realizing how "warrant out for my arrest" sounds without context. I stopped talking to her once she mentioned her kids. From the moment I graduated college until about 2 years ago, I was babysitting my sisters' kids 3-4 nights a week. I have no interest in children for the foreseeable future.

Red flag looking for a baby daddy?
Yes, I am insanely bored. Work is boring, wife(STB) has gone to the Lake District with her mum to see friends with absolutely no consideration for me or if I'd like to go...I didn't want to go, but sometimes you just like to be asked. Is that really too much...to ask?

Enjoy that freedom mate, as soon as you are married she'll start controlling you more.
Man, I hate it when you're in conversation with a girl, everything's going well, and they start mentioning things that kill the mood. "I'm high", okay, as long as it's lite stuff. "I have a warrant out for my arrest" ummm, what?

I got tired of dating Grad students, so thought I'd try women who are less defined by their career. I may have over-corrected.

lmao. It's better to know beforehand though instead of going to her house and she is snorting cocaine and you understand that the fun she mentioned also involved that.Sighs


Yes, I am insanely bored. Work is boring, wife(STB) has gone to the Lake District with her mum to see friends with absolutely no consideration for me or if I'd like to go...I didn't want to go, but sometimes you just like to be asked. Is that really too much...to ask?

Definitely not. I have made sure my GF knows that I want to be asked to do things even if she think I'm gonna say no. Just to be asked.
Enjoy that freedom mate, as soon as you are married she'll start controlling you more.

You're not the only one to say this and it's entirely possible she'll change after we're officially married, but she's not the controlling type. If I decide to go out with a few friends, she'll just chill at home or invite her friends or call up her mum and see what she's doing.

She's never 'stay at home or 'you can't go out', I am on the lookout for such signs though, these things can be slow to happen and before you know you're being told where you go and what can do...

Definitely not. I have made sure my GF knows that I want to be asked to do things even if she think I'm gonna say no. Just to be asked.

I'm going to be a huge dick about this when she comes back and make her feel guilty as fuck.


I didn't want to go, but sometimes you just like to be asked. Is that really too much...to ask?

lol I know that feeling, though not with my SO, just with other people I live with

Like, you could have asked me if it's okay it this dude is our couch surfing roommate for six month or something

(I would have said yes anyway, he's a cool dude in a tough time, but still, I live here too ya know)

Definitely not. I have made sure my GF knows that I want to be asked to do things even if she think I'm gonna say no. Just to be asked.

Hey your name is back to normal

(that was you, right)
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