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DayZ - zombie apocalypse online FFA permadeath survival Arma II mod


Fuuuuuuuck. First time I've been genuinely jealous of the PC crowd for a long time. I'm gonna have to get myself a rig.


Totally agree. I think within 30 minutes of playing around and a few youtube tutorials I had a mission with random objectives and artillery support. It was really easy to build as there are a lot of tools for randomly generating missions built right into the editor and it is really easy to jump right from the editor into testing it out.

Plus, there's even loads of mods out there including zombie mods which contains modules to spawn zombies, stuff like that. Believe one of these mods contain a campaign as well. Then you can just build you own Day Z, place a few characters playable in MP, invite your friends and you got your own zombie survival adventure with real permadeath ( If you don't create it, dying in a simple MP scenario means you won't be able to rejoin that mission again, at all ). Means you can also place some vehicles, create your bases, do some massive zombie attack defend missions and the list goes on.

So much potential.

Game also has a lot of great horror campaign mods, with islands, great music and an insane atmosphere. Reason why this Day Z thing isn't that interesting to me, played it for years in various forms in ArmA II, now it just went mainstream with a more focused mod.


Totally agree. I think within 30 minutes of playing around and a few youtube tutorials I had a mission with random objectives and artillery support. It was really easy to build as there are a lot of tools for randomly generating missions built right into the editor and it is really easy to jump right from the editor into testing it out.

Ya the editor is the highlight of the game to me. Well of course the game is great otherwise the editor would be shit. But totally agree. In 30 minutes with no script work you can make entire battles. The waypoint system, the grouping systems, the ability to adjust every unit with slider bars for ammo, fuel, health, appearance, really make it insanely easy.

For example I have a co-op mission than 7 of our lan group play almost every time we get together and it is totally different every single time. We have played that mission maybe 300 times and each time its totally unique. Amazing game.


Has this been posted?


Arma II - DayZ Modification - Arma II CO giveaway at 150 Viewers!
Seems like the devs are talking about it.

Didn't expect this number of players so now aiming to fix game killing bugs and getting enough servers for everyone.

edit: Dev wants to create separate jet/plane parts so you have to build it/repair it

edit 2: Focus is on stability on what has been developed. Tents and vehicles mainly.

Dogs are being developed. Used to find food etc.


I probably shouldn't have started playing during the night. It seems some of the bandits think it's cool to go down to the towns closest to the spawn points and camp with sniper rifles when it gets dark.

I can understand playing a bandit, but camping just to kill freshly spawned players I don't. Only shows a lack of balls.


Assholes get outta that raffle... I got only a 1% chance to win.
It's goingg dowwnnn.

Dev seems to have a strong will to keep the hardcore element there and not let money ruin it (aka in app purchases). That's what I got from what he said.


hahaha just played for an hour, that was great. WAS THAT YOU FANBOI ?

teamed up with some other dude, then slowly crawled through some towns evading zombies constantly, stocking up on gear and looking for some water for me. Pretty tense at times because they can really surround you if you don't move enough

Then we entered some large town near the coast and saw some flares, so we decided to get up into a tower. It was stocked with supplies, which we were checking out while some others (who didnt respond to chat) were fighting zombies and dropping flares outside.

Suddenly I see some guy running to the entrance, followed by some zombies. I warn my partner who is gearing up, try to get some angle to safely blast the zombies, but before we know it he's already up the stairs... FUCKING BANDIT (first one I've seen, still immediately recognized he was not "OK" lol )

he instantly kills fanboi :( then I instantly kill him :). so now I'm stuck in a tower with around 20 zombies next to the stairs :| tried to get some more loot but zombies hit me and now I'm low on blood

think I'll play some more in daytime tomorrow :p

so question: I played the same part for 15 minutes in the afternoon (like 12 hours ago). Then there were no zombies and hardly any loot. Now at night there are zombies everywhere around you (in town) and there are winchesters and rifles + equipment/ammo/food everywhere. Does difficulty/loot depend on the time or on the server settings ?


'Waiting for server to response' ;\ I just want to play, i even see chat, but cant get into the proper game.


I think there is a bug with swimming right now, I've lost my backpack and all its contents twice while swimming, with no way to retrieve it.

Just got swarmed by a mob of zombies, it was awesome (first one's I've seen in 2+ hours of playing), there's was like 15 of them. I died.


Has this been posted?


Arma II - DayZ Modification - Arma II CO giveaway at 150 Viewers!

is that - Rocket talking? something about kickstarter and answering questions...

I think there is a bug with swimming right now, I've lost my backpack and all its contents twice while swimming, with no way to retrieve it.

Just got swarmed by a mob of zombies, it was awesome (first one's I've seen in 2+ hours of playing), there's was like 15 of them. I died.
hmm, that has happened in vanilla game for ages. Your character gets tired to swim and drops the heavy load. And yeah, the game is mostly about running 70% of the time and 20% fighting, 10% doing something else/getting into the center of the action.


I think there is a bug with swimming right now, I've lost my backpack and all its contents twice while swimming, with no way to retrieve it.

Yeah, that has been in ArmA II since forever. Not sure whether it's a bug or intentional 'realism' feature, not being able to swim fully packed with gear. Still think it's a controversy point among the core ArmA II players :p


I think there is a bug with swimming right now, I've lost my backpack and all its contents twice while swimming, with no way to retrieve it.

Just got swarmed by a mob of zombies, it was awesome (first one's I've seen in 2+ hours of playing), there's was like 15 of them. I died.

That's not a bug. You want to not drown you ditch all your stuff.


can someone confirm for me that in order to play this mod i need ARMA II: Combined Operations and thats all correct?


can someone confirm for me that in order to play this mod i need ARMA II: Combined Operations and thats all correct?

Yeah, if you want player characters with better textures you'll need the Private Military Company dlc too (CO has a lite version of the dlc with lowres textures).


Got into one EU server, a guy met me after like 80 seconds when i was changing graphics settings and saluted me, so i saluted back. He wanted to follow me, so i went up the shore without changing those settings. After like 50 steps, he shot me to the back ;\ I lived for a whole 180 seconds.

AA settings 8 is SMAA right?

That night on EU servers not great for starting.


Yeah, if you want player characters with better textures you'll need the Private Military Company dlc too (CO has a lite version of the dlc with lowres textures).

ok but the military company game says i need ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead to play. im just not going to be playing that right. im just spending the $ for the mod?


ok but the military company game says i need ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead to play. im just not going to be playing that right. im just spending the $ for the mod?

Combined Ops = Arma II + Operation Arrowhead. You don't have to worry about it.


yes that's correct. PMC DLC can also give better looking character models, but that is unneeded for it to work.

On a side note, the PMC campaign is their best. Nothing like uncovering an international conspiracy and storming Blackwater's compound with a captured tank.


Got into one EU server, a guy met me after like 80 seconds when i was changing graphics setting and saluted me, so i saluted back. He wanted to follow me, so i went up the shore without changing those settings. After like 50 steps, he shot me to the back ;\ I lived for a whole 180 seconds.

AA settings 8 is SMAA right?

That night on EU servers not great for starting.

Yeah it's pretty brutal, I was sneaking about near Cherno earlier and saw someone get murdered. I was also spying on a few guys on an apartment building roof killing zombies and throwing down flares on to the streets.

At one point I had to go straight through a group of houses crawling with zombies, I think I counted 8 or 9 in a 40-50m radius. It was terrifying, lol. They sound like they're even closer than they actually are which makes it worse. Only good thing about night is it makes you less visible to zombies too.

Oh yeah, I ended up seeing the guy I saved in the middle of the forest with a blood transfusion again on the server and he told me I saved his life. Maybe we'll run in to each other again sometime.


ok, so who wants to take me under there wing.

edit: damn this download is going to take forever.


Also, it's worth pointing out that the Arma X: Anniversary Edition is 30eur on steam, it has everything released for Arma including the Arma II dlc (and ofc the base game and operation arrowhead)


Also, it's worth pointing out that the Arma X: Anniversary Edition is 30eur on steam, it has everything released for Arma including the Arma II dlc (and ofc the base game and operation arrowhead)

and you missed telling me by like 4 minutes :[
Dev on stream said their is cellphones and a generator in the game. You can rig lights to the generator or a pump. The pump is for fueling vehicles faster and whatnot.
Just read this thread and immediately got the game :D Just waiting for Steam to download it. If a GAF groups get going count me in as I need to learn the ropes haha.


I'm on NZ server [that one with 30+ players], if anyone want to join my nick is KKRT, i'm on the starting area near railroads

No, i'm not ;\ i'm getting kicked, because of ping grrrrrr.
If you're getting shot from behind or are worried about it when you meet someone new, do the good ol' walk sideways and stare at each other routine. The few times I've met up wth random people it's been uneasy for a good few minutes and cities. Whenever you lose track you want to find them to make sure they don't have a gun to your back. It's inevitable you'll be betrayed but I recommend not being right next to the person and, obviously, not right infront of them if you can help it.


Well thanks to gaf I am downloading arma 2 from steam and can't wait to play this game. I'll be trying to get my friends involved in this as well. I hope this thing takes off like mine craft and base endless potential.
I'm just installing ARMA 2 now, it seemed to download much quicker than I thought it would. Hopefully I'll be able to give the game a shot tonight.
God that was fun, only got like 3 hours in since I have to get to work soon but this is something special. Solo'ing is definitely not for people who can't handle being under considerable and perpetual amounts of stress.

Strangely reminiscent of Journey, in a twisted way.


Maybe I'm missing something, but this isn't all that fun. It's too dark at night to do anything when first starting and getting shot on sight by other players for absolutely no reason seems more like deathmatch than zombie survival.
Maybe I'm missing something, but this isn't all that fun. It's too dark at night to do anything when first starting and getting shot on sight by other players for absolutely no reason seems more like deathmatch than zombie survival.

You have to use flares or chem lights at night to see (or hope it's a clear sky with moon light). I'd suggest playing during day time on a server for the first time if you're not one for wondering in the dark. Most people ask if you're friendly before shooting, though there are bandits to watch out for. I've yet to be killed by a bandit, honestly, but there are obviously plenty of stories about it here. Take it slow, scout for movement, and don't run around. If you see someone from a distance ask over chat if they're friendly then be cautious until there's some sort of trust.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Maybe I'm missing something, but this isn't all that fun. It's too dark at night to do anything when first starting and getting shot on sight by other players for absolutely no reason seems more like deathmatch than zombie survival.

Its a survival game. Humans are more threatening than zombies. Cause thats probably how it would actually end up.
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