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Denis Dyack: Too Human haters "just don't get it"

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Taken from OXM interview here:


Talks about the themes of the game and addresses criticism of the demo...

I think we took for granted how innovative the game was. First of all, the demo got a tremendous amount of attention. We've had over a million downloads, the reception has been by and large extremely positive.

But what we're also seeing is for the people who don't like it, generally just don't get it. And it's because we've created something so innovative and different. It's ironic, it just shows that human nature of if you don't understand something, you immediately attack it. It's pretty interesting in that regard.

And also another interesting quote...

Given all you've said, how do you want Too Human to be remembered - as a great videogame or for its message?
[pause] Probably for its message. Probably. But I'm not sure.

Do you think that's its priority?
Er... no. I don't know. You're asking questions... I've never been asked that question before. From the standpoint of what do we do as entertainers... the reason I'm an entertainer is that if I can make positive commentary or contribute to society in a positive way, then that's the ultimate goal.


I'm not one of those who finds it amusing to hate on Dyack and SK, but that's some serious hyperbole in the first bolded part. :lol


Given all you've said, how do you want Too Human to be remembered - as a great videogame or for its message?
[pause] Probably for its message. Probably. But I'm not sure.

that sums up Dyack and why Too Human sucks.


They should've asked:
Twin Snakes and Eternal Darkness are great games, why isn't Too Human. And why didn't you listen to critism from people who played the game. I won't blame Denis for ignoring the GAF haters, but I've read plenty of previews and he didn't improve anything that they suggested.


Er... no. I don't know. You're asking questions... I've never been asked that question before.
Amazing. It's like he's openly admitting that, because he's never been asked this question before, he has no idea what to give as a response.


But what we're also seeing is for the people who don't like it, generally just don't get it. And it's because we've created something so innovative and different

A poor man's Diablo is innovative and different...?


force push the doodoo rock
Seriously, I'm to the point where seeing a thread with his name in it pisses me off.

"just don't get it" Get over yourself, Denis.
Oh yeah, he's just a misunderstood genius. Only a select few gaming elite can understand the true intrinsic value of the work. In a few decades perhaps popular taste will have caught up with the trailblazing vision most of us can now only dimly comprehend.


So much hate, so much fun. :lol

Whenever Dyack opens his mouth, it makes me think even less of him. It's like he's the Uwe Boll of gaming.

Anyway, /starts poppin' popcorn.



I haven't even touched that reviews thread, but.........it just blows my mind how the dude just keeps digging himself deeper.

There's just no way to ignore it anymore. Dyack is officially in denial.

I'll honestly be pretty surprised if Microsoft agrees to publish a sequel.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Can't be true.

It just can't be.


I think its kind of interesting that TH is such a polarising game, if you like it, you love it, if you dont like it you hate it. reading the different threads about it on here it's almost like people are talking about 2 different games.



You don't understand, GAF! Dyack is being a martyr for us! No no...Dyack is Noah and we are the bad people still on earth! Clearly, his videogame will be what will be remembered after God punishes us and consumes the Earth with fire!


Given all you've said, how do you want Too Human to be remembered - as a great videogame or for its message?
[pause] Probably for its message. Probably. But I'm not sure.

As God's representative on Earth, I, Denis Dyack, tell you, that Too Human was created for a greater good. People are not supposed to have fun with the game, they only need to get its message
- and its message is that we've ripped them off with paying USD 60 for this sucking game. HAHAHA
"But what we're also seeing is for the people who don't like it, generally just don't get it. And it's because we've created something so innovative and different. It's ironic, it just shows that human nature of if you don't understand something, you immediately attack it. It's pretty interesting in that regard."

i remember Olimario using this in the Kirby Air ride thread.


Unconfirmed Member
Personally I don't care if the developer is an ass or not, just make a good game that I can enjoy. Having only tried the demo I can say I thought it was mediocre at best, and I wouldn't spend $30 on it, let alone $60.
Reminds me of Eggebrecht and his rant about how reviewers "hate motion controls" and then sending out "How to play Lair" books to various publications.

Just go sit in the bunker and hope that sales are respectable, going after the press isn't going to do you any favours whatsoever.


but ever so delicious
sp0rsk said:
Seriously, I'm to the point where seeing a thread with his name in it pisses me off.

"just don't get it" Get over yourself, Denis.

This, i hope he doesnt come back on 1up yours and ramble on for no fucking reason.

I have no real problem with a guy believing in his own product, but fuck, when just about everyone is like "this is mediocre" pay some fucking attention to what they are saying, just might help you make a better sequal.


if my in-game avatar falls through the floor into a void of nothingness, is that because the game thinks I don't get it and has rejected me?


evlcookie said:
This, i hope he doesnt come back on 1up yours and ramble on for no fucking reason..
For some sadistic reason, I almost hope he does. He is very grating, but it's all extremely entertaining because it's genuine.

Most people couldn't put on such a brilliant show because they'd be faking it. Dyack is genuinely in true, psychological denial. Really. The guy is a borderline nutcase now.
i hate bees said:
Like all great artists it may be that his work will never be truly appreciated until he's dead.

If you're reading this Dyack, I would really like to appreciate your work.

WOW guys.


Man is crazy i'd say but damn.


He has been in denial since the first trailers hit and people began to criticize heavily (all the talk about NeoGAF "hurting society"). It simply even more obvious now.

His enormous ego simply won't allow to confront the fact that his beloved game is not as good as he think it is.


i hate bees said:
Like all great artists it may be that his work will never be truly appreciated until he's dead.

If you're reading this Dyack, I would really like to appreciate your work.
What the fuck. I hope you get banned for this.


i hate bees said:
Like all great artists it may be that his work will never be truly appreciated until he's dead.

If you're reading this Dyack, I would really like to appreciate your work.

This is why we can't have nice things. Some moron always has to take it too far. Congratulations, you have just helped legitimize Dyack's anti-GAF diatribe.


i hate bees said:
Like all great artists it may be that his work will never be truly appreciated until he's dead.

If you're reading this Dyack, I would really like to appreciate your work.

Wow. Congratulations, you're getting permabanned.


i hate bees said:
Like all great artists it may be that his work will never be truly appreciated until he's dead.

If you're reading this Dyack, I would really like to appreciate your work.

Dang dude.

Anyway I like and will defend the game to some extent, but I just simply can't do the same for Denis. Just say something about how you're disappointed some people don't understand or enjoy the game, don't try to claim it's too innovative :lol

sp0rsk said:
Sigh, and now the thread is ruined.

The thread was already ruined when it was just a twinkle in his daddy's eye. I just seriously want it to be like, 2 weeks from now. Everyone on both sides are largely acting like assholes, I would just like to be over this.


i hate bees said:
I'm only playing :( chill fellas.

I was playing when I made this comment after a huge discussion about Cuba:

"What kind of people name themselves after a brand of cigars, anyway?"

Still got banned.
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