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Destiny 2 once again doesn't have matchmaking for non-Raid content


Tragic victim of fan death
Why do people try to compare raid matchmaking in MMOs to Destiny? It's not even a fair comparison.


How many posts have you made in this thread about it though? If you instead popped in the OT and said "Hey I'm Blake, who wants to NF? I'm in orbit. My PSN is ____."

You'd likely have a couple people join you quickly, you'd make friends from this humongous site you clearly frequent, and would see the contrary side to your argument.

Mark Knowsworthy said on stage at Gamescom. "Destiny 2 is a game to play with friends."
If you say "I don't want to make friends" then ok, point made.
But if you're here already, make your next post in the OT and meet some cool people.

Blake, serious: Quick story time.

I've played with multiple (as in: a LOT of) GAFers. Some of them have played with or know folks from Bungie.

Do you know who Dan Miller is? He was a big part of the Vault of Glass' design.
I invited a buddy to do HM VoG, who brought Dan with him. That night he finally got his Vex Mythoclast and was super jazzed. Talked to us about the game for about 30 minutes. Now and then (because he knows we're from GAF) he'll pop into party to say hi or say "Guys, want to run a NF?"

Stuff like that nearly never happens when you just "push a button." You get to meet people. Cool people. Give it a shot. You might just like it.

That's nice for you. I just want to play the game without having to spend time outside of the game finding two other Australians on PS4 to do a nightfall with though. Not asking for your community thread to disband and stop having your fun. Just letting the people who don't want that to actually be able to have fun too.


And this is why I won't be getting the game. People I usually play with have no interest in it.

I'd love to get it but ah well

And my game time isn't something that comes up regularly so can't exactly plan this with randomers online

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I believe a compromise exists.

Players that have successfully completed these strikes/raids at least once should have access to a matchmaking service in that there it is assumed knowledge is understood and learned and coordination comes a bit more naturally and dynamically. FFXIV(for example) offers filters for its matchmaking/party finder for players to split potential players into those looking to grind vs those looking to experience.

In the case of Destiny, it does reach a certain point quick(at least in D1) where this strict gating only really serves to hinder the hardcore player base. Understandable that this early into the release, most players are still experiencing these runs for the first time, but beyond that initial learning push I see no reason to acquiesce something to the dedicated fans.
This is amazing. It's the consumers job to open up end game content for themselves. And no, guided games is not the solution people were looking for. There isn't a single person who keeps squawking about Guided Games that can explain why this is a better option than just allowing people to CHOOSE to Match Make the way it's been done for decades. "Oh it's so toxic if you lose", "you need co-ordination. . .", etc. etc. do not answer the choice question.

If a person can come to GAF and post they can post in LFG and get a better team and experience than any matchmaking would if they only stopped being scared and did something for themselves for 5 seconds. Like you say it is not Bungie's job to open up the end game content for everyone.

Also I can take a shot at explaining why guided games are better: They let you choose the type of matchmake you want. Normal matchmaking would just set you up with someone. Guided games make it so you can specifically pic if you want to be guided or are there to help out. That when thinking about how raids work in Destiny takes away the whole match making being bad for it issue.

Hey, remember when Destiny 1 had all the story outside of the game? Let's keep that going too! It's good when you need to stop playing the game to have game play experiences happen.

This has nothing to do with this issue at hand at all.

And it's actually good when you bother to spend at least 10 seconds to make the experience of the game you enjoy better.

Going to an LFG site,thread,group will always be better than matchmaking in any game.

Hey, remember when Destiny 1 had all the story outside of the game? Let's keep that going too! It's good when you need to stop playing the game to have game play experiences happen.

Like you are stopping the gaming experience to come post in GAF? Man developers suck not putting boards in their own games to discuss it. It is a similar attitude. It is actually good when you stop your gaming experiences to go toa spot that makes that gaming experience even better. GAF definitely does it for discussion right?

If it's not in the game, I'm not gonna bother.

A very stupid and conceited attitude. It takes you like 10 seconds to make a post depending on where. I would say it takes 5 seconds in GAF, but you decide that you are over it. You will post how you are above that and that if you need to do extra work it is not for you, but you've done more work that you'd ever would on an LFG posting here.


Tragic victim of fan death
That's nice for you. I just want to play the game without having to spend time outside of the game finding two other Australians on PS4 to do a nightfall with though. Not asking for your community thread to disband and stop having your fun. Just letting the people who don't want that to actually be able to have fun too.

What if you join a group and you determine that 30 minutes in and it's shit? Are you going to stick with it for 5-7+ hours trying to brute force it? If you leave, can you imagine what the experience is like for the remaining 5 players? I mean.... ultimately, at the end of the day, wouldn't you feel like you wasted X amount of time?


That's nice for you. I just want to play the game without having to spend time outside of the game finding two other Australians on PS4 to do a nightfall with though. Not asking for your community thread to disband and stop having your fun. Just letting the people who don't want that to actually be able to have fun too.

And yet off the top of my head I KNOW two Australians from DGAF that play Destiny on PS4 and are active on Discord and the thread.

Your loss man, Ruthless and Kurt are both super freaking cool.



Guided games exists, and will be in full effect soon. Its basically best-case-scenario matchmaking if you play solo, so this is hardly a valid complaint.

And then there's Trials. Philosophically, what is the point in wanting to engage in specifically designed hypercompetitive team-based multiplayer if you aren't going to put in the tiny amount of effort to get a team together?

The only valid complaint is "I'm into pvp but dont have any friends," though in this case I think Bungie wants you to find a clan and go from there. Hence Guided Games introducing you to a clan.
Why do people try to compare raid matchmaking in MMOs to Destiny? It's not even a fair comparison.

Probably because Destiny rips pretty much every aspect of their end game (including their raid structure) from those types of games that have arguably greater encompassing solutions for this issue that, frankly, shouldn't have existed in the first place.

I don't play WoW, but all FFXIV content can be attempted by a group of random people. They just have better tools to allow that (markers to be placed on the ground, much more in depth filtering for party searching, etc). They are given the tools to do all of this within the game. Do you want to snore through an easy normal mode raid with randoms? Go ahead. Want to bash your head with 7 other randoms in the hardest content in the game, go ahead.

I just don't see the downside in ripping that from MMOs as well. It doesn't do anything to take away from those that like to group up and only gives those that don't have the desire to group up an opportunity to at least attempt the hard content. I think Guided Games is a neat idea, but I don't think it's the full solution, especially as this content ages and gets easier, which always happens.


This is a weird omission. And I never understand the arguments against it. Someone who thinks it would result in a bad experience could just...not use it. They'd continue playing with friends or using outside tools to form groups and nothing would change.

It's a bit jarring coming from WoW where you can find a group for anything within the game, though maybe everyone having a keyboard there makes communication easier and thus makes it more feasible to include an in-game group finder. I could see that being a concern, but again, anyone who didn't like it could simply ignore the feature.

Edit: this is sort of reminding me of the debate around Bungie's lack of matchmaking in Halo. I can't even remember what the game mode was called now...it was like the horde mode basically in I think ODST and they didn't want to include matchmaking. Seems they just don't believe in the concept.


This is a weird omission. And I never understand the arguments against it.

And we who have friends lists populated with people all over the world that we met from GAF will never understand the logic of making a post to complain about it over making a simple, possibly pride-swallowing post to, you know, engage with the community.


What if you join a group and you determine that 30 minutes in and it's shit? Are you going to stick with it for 5-7+ hours trying to brute force it? If you leave, can you imagine what the experience is like for the remaining 5 players? I mean.... ultimately, at the end of the day, wouldn't you feel like you wasted X amount of time?

I've played MMO's for a long time now. Bad groups happen. Doesn't really bother me.

And yet off the top of my head I KNOW two Australians from DGAF that play Destiny on PS4 and are active on Discord and the thread.

Your loss man, Ruthless and Kurt are both super freaking cool.


I'm sure they are very cool, but I'd have to look outside of Destiny 2 to organise a group to play with them at whatever random time I happen to be playing.


Tragic victim of fan death
Probably because Destiny rips pretty much every aspect of their end game (including their raid structure) from those types of games that have arguably greater encompassing solutions for this issue that, frankly, shouldn't have existed in the first place.

I don't play WoW, but all FFXIV content can be attempted by a group of random people. They juts have better tools to allow that (markers to be placed on the ground, much more in depth filtering for party searching, etc).

I just don't see the downside in ripping that from MMOs as well. It doesn't do anything to take away from those that like to group up and only gives those that don't have the desire to group up an opportunity to at least attempt the hard content.

Gonna use the Vault of Glass as an example and going to use FFXIV as an example.

FFXIV is a standard MMO with the trinity roles. Tank, DPS, and healer. For all intents and purposes, the game was designed for dungeons and raid with players having an already pre-determined role in mind and they cannot deviate from that role. This is a fact. Destiny's encounters are not like that Strikes are no so mechanically intensive that they require role designation. Vault of Glass does. Whether that's the relic runner, the oracle killer, people who teleport, etc w/e. The point is that people are required to fulfill specific roles. Players can queue into raids with specific roles sure, but what if the person who queued into that role sucks in reality and the raid is a colossal failure. Let's take it a step further, what if the raids have multiple encounters and there are different role combinations. Then matchmaking has to be more granular. The more granular, the harder it is to find a match. There are too many non-fixed variables and too many deviations in Destiny that makes matchmaking unequivocal to normal MMOs.


It's just that there doesn't seem to be a downside to traditional matchmaking that is totally voluntary. If people want to attempt the raid with a bunch of random people, why not let them try? A bunch of other, more difficult raid encounters in other games let people do that and have been letting them do that for years.

Everything that exists in guided games right now could still exist with matchmaking. There could still be incentives to have a big premade group helping out some random. The clan reputation stuff could still exist with traditional matchmaking.

I'm of the mindset that there needs to be better in game tools to promote coordination as well. Something like markers that MMOs use, for example.

The argument that it's too hard/complicated gets really weak as the raid ages anyways. How effective is Guided Games going to be after the game has been out for two months, for example? At that point, most people that would raid probably have. They probably know the encounter/have solved the puzzle enough to the point where it's probably cleared by a bunch of randoms doing the raid together. Raids in general aren't hard for very long. Once it "clicks" it's going through the motions more than anything else. This is how it's been for every single raid I've ever done, including every single Destiny raid.

Listen I, and I think everyone in DGAF, agrees with you that there should be in game tools to better assemble fireteams. That's something I wanted in D1, like a built in LFG feature in game. Xbox has one built into the dash. Not sure about Playstation. On PC I assume (I hope) it will let you text chat in the tower.

I think giving players an option for a standard matchmaking experience for raids is setting up everyone that does it for failure. Especially with this raid. I can't fathom a regular MM experience. At least with guided games you get people that have a strategy and can work with you. At least with guided games they MM you into a fireteam first to establish communication. I assume even with guided games, someone with no mic will be tossed to the curb as they should.

Maybe at a certain point they can loosen the parameters for the raid. But certain encounters, even in D1, required communication. You were a huge hinderance without it.

They said they want more people to experience raids. Guided games are the perfect solution. Hell its even more matchmaking than a built in LFG feature.
Probably because Destiny rips pretty much every aspect of their end game (including their raid structure) from those types of games that have arguably greater encompassing solutions for this issue that, frankly, shouldn't have existed in the first place.

I don't play WoW, but all FFXIV content can be attempted by a group of random people. They just have better tools to allow that (markers to be placed on the ground, much more in depth filtering for party searching, etc). They are given the tools to do all of this within the game. Do you want to snore through an easy normal mode raid with randoms? Go ahead. Want to bash your head with 7 other randoms in the hardest content in the game, go ahead.

I just don't see the downside in ripping that from MMOs as well. It doesn't do anything to take away from those that like to group up and only gives those that don't have the desire to group up an opportunity to at least attempt the hard content. I think Guided Games is a neat idea, but I don't think it's the full solution, especially as this content ages and gets easier, which always happens.
But those tools are in place at the expense of the community. I think Bungie is taking Activision/Blizzard's experience and making sure they don't make the same mistakes. Current WoW has so many questions, dungeons, and raids that you don't need a community to fulfil a lack of content. Destiny 2 doesn't have this luxury and Bungie is banking that replayability, in the end, will lean heavily on the relationships established through Group and Clans.

Destiny is about shooting aliens with friends. Otherwise it's a 30 hour experience no different than any other FPS.
... Trials is a team based "competitive" mode, it shouldn't have any kind of matchmaking since it's common sense that you will try to play with a regular group of people to get the best of your team.
Why is it OK for every other competitive team based mode in every other game to have matchmaking, but not Destiny?


aka Mannny
Why is it OK for every other competitive team based mode in every other game to have matchmaking, but not Destiny?
Because this game mode is specifically for pre-made teams? There is a “competitive” mode for match making that is much more casual (hence the inclusion of matchmaking). These are the same reasons the prestige nightfall and raid will not be including guided games. Bungie expects mandatory communication and pre-made teams for those modes...


Because this game mode is specifically for pre-made teams? There is a “competitive” mode for match making that is much more casual (hence the inclusion of matchmaking). These are the same reasons the prestige nightfall and raid will not be including guided games. Bungie expects mandatory communication and pre-made teams for those modes...

and if people are just 'matchmaking' on forums like this with people they otherwise don't know, how is that ANY different whatsoever? It's not.


Junior Member
An excuse to not have matchmaking, if i'm being honest. Bungie will jump through 100 different hoops before doing what people ask for.

Don't bother op alot of destiny fans would rather you use out of game websites then to have bungie work on a way to put matchmaking in the game for all activities

Exactly. Bungie needs to have matchmaking for all modes, regardless of if things like Discord exist.

Destiny's matchmaking is below the standard vs other multiplayer online games.


I've played MMO's for a long time now. Bad groups happen. Doesn't really bother me.

I'm sure they are very cool, but I'd have to look outside of Destiny 2 to organise a group to play with them at whatever random time I happen to be playing.

Rizzi, are you on your computer as you respond to these posts? Or your phone. Since I chat on Discord on my phone I can literally @ruthless right now and say "RUFFLES (nickname) do you want to do the NF in 30 minutes?"

You live in the same time zone I assume. I'm just saying if you played a NF with Ruthless you'd be like "Dude was dang cool! He's like a super sherpa! (He is)"

There's a reason for my first NF I messaged him to play it WITH HIM. I live in NJ. 14 hours difference. My son and I did it with him first try.

You can have randoms, or Ruffles.

(sigh sigh sigh)


How many posts have you made in this thread about it though? If you instead popped in the OT and said "Hey I'm Blake, who wants to NF? I'm in orbit. My PSN is ____."

Well that's just it. People shouldn't need to go to a 3rd party's forum to find someone to play with when every other game in the genre has these basic functionalities.
People have other stuff to do and when I sit down to play a game, I want to play a game, not sit in front of my computer hoping someone will answer my party request while I wait around twiddling my thumbs.
This denial of basic functionality on Bungie's part is especially frustrating since every other shooter has matachmaking for every coop activity.

Even FF14, a MMO that is by nature far more complex than destiny has matchmaking for EVERY piece of content.
and if people are just 'matchmaking' on forums like this with people they otherwise don't know, how is that ANY different whatsoever? It's not.
Its worse, because Bungie can automatically match people with good connections, proximity, skill, etc, in seconds.

Because this game mode is specifically for pre-made teams? There is a ”competitive" mode for match making that is much more casual (hence the inclusion of matchmaking). These are the same reasons the prestige nightfall and raid will not be including guided games. Bungie expects mandatory communication and pre-made teams for those modes...
Just seems very odd to me considering how many hardcore competitive games do have matchmaking. Its their choice to make of course.


Rizzi, are you on your computer as you respond to these posts? Or your phone. Since I chat on Discord on my phone I can literally @ruthless right now and say "RUFFLES (nickname) do you want to do the NF in 30 minutes?"

You live in the same time zone I assume. I'm just saying if you played a NF with Ruthless you'd be like "Dude was dang cool! He's like a super sherpa! (He is)"

There's a reason for my first NF I messaged him to play it WITH HIM. I live in NJ. 14 hours differently. My son and I did it with him first try.

You can have randoms, or Ruffles.

(sigh sigh sigh)

And if they says no then what? You sit and what for them to come available


And we who have friends lists populated with people all over the world that we met from GAF will never understand the logic of making a post to complain about it over making a simple, possibly pride-swallowing post to, you know, engage with the community.
I guess a post like this just sort of furthers my confusion. Someone such as yourself with a list of people to play with wouldn't have to deal with matchmaking. Its inclusion wouldn't affect you.

Also not sure I follow on the pride thing. I'm lucky in that I have a few friends / co-workers that I've been playing with, and if I didn't have that I wouldn't mind going into the GAF thread to join up with people, but I understand why others might not want to or wouldn't feel comfortable. It doesn't really strike me as a "pride" thing.

edit: I should mention that I can see why Bungie wouldn't want matchmaking for everything. Even a PC MMO like WoW doesn't enable that for difficult content. But it does have decent LFG tools in-game for every level of content.
And if they says no then what? You sit and what for them to come available
On 9/26 you'll be able to use guided games to queue up and be matchmade into a NF.

No need to go on a forum or chat. It's a feature of the game currently being beta tested right now.


aka Mannny
And if they says no then what? You sit and what for them to come available
No you hit up many of the hundreds of other people on gaf playing the game or use guided games if you so please (which is a more involved form of matchmaking—there, you get your compromise and bungie catering to a vocal minority).


Well that's just it. People shouldn't need to go to a 3rd party's forum

BUT YOU'RE ON IT RIGHT NOW (smashes head against wall)

And if they says no then what? You sit and what for them to come available

I did! I would rather do the Nightfall with Ruthless than do it with randoms. He KNOWS the encounter. He was like "Guys, move with me now, we're going up the ramp, get behind this box and get ready to pop your super. You ready? Let's go!"

It's like you guys are looking for friends to play with and you're in probably the best Destiny community on the exact same forum you're posting on, but you hold your ears and shut your eyes and close your mouth and refuse to meet people. egads

(gives up)


Didn't we have this exact same thread back for Destiny 1, with the exact same arguments for/against it?

I feel like I'm stuck in time because I'm honestly seeing the same defenses for it, word for word.
BUT YOU'RE ON IT RIGHT NOW (smashes head against wall)

I think you are completely missing the point. The point isn't about people that just browse gaf or reddit in their free time. The point, generally, is about people that don't necessarily want to use a third party to match up with players when an in-game matchmaking system could functionally do the exact same thing in terms of attempting/clearing content.
Why is it OK for every other competitive team based mode in every other game to have matchmaking, but not Destiny?
I am a CSGO addict. The game is the 2nd greatest game ever created IMO (best being Fallout New Vegas of course). I MM every night for about 2-3 games and rarely ever do I get a team that is good. CSGO is team orientated and yet the struggle is so real. Valve has decided that they don't care very much about the user experience and focus more on balance and skins. So, while CSGO has a competitive-based option, it doesn't mean the experience is any good. Is this what you want for Destiny?


I am Korean.
I think you are completely missing the point. The point isn't about people that just browse gaf or reddit in their free time. The point, generally, is about people that don't necessarily want to use a third party to match up with players when an in-game matchmaking system could functionally do the exact same thing.

Yeah, but a kludge is much more leet.


Didn't we have this exact same thread back for Destiny 1, with the exact same arguments for/against it?

I feel like I'm stuck in time because I'm honestly seeing the same defenses for it, word for word.
The difference is bungie put in a solution for it that is essentially matchmaking with a "Don't be a dick and have a mic" splash screen "agreement"

But people don't think thats good enough and would rather spend 30 minutes trying to get into a communicating group with standard MM

Basically, the people complaining that guided games aren't a good solution essentially say we want the option to have a really horrible time with standard MM

EDIT: But yes, trials should have guided games.


aka Mannny
Didn't we have this exact same thread back for Destiny 1, with the exact same arguments for/against it?

I feel like I'm stuck in time because I'm honestly seeing the same defenses for it, word for word.
They’ve implemented tools for a more involved form of match making for these modes (except hard raid and nightfall and trials) So no you’re not stuck in time just being ignorant?

Less reason to waste time on the game. Not much a loss if Bungie wants to treat people this way.
Treat people what way? Please see above.

R aka Bon

yea, I don't see how mm in either mode affect the people that want to be competetive, they can still use apps or whatever for teams while the rest of us can play something like trials... Heck that is how must games operate, and it even works in the crucibles competitive mode. (I just want to be able to play)
BUT YOU'RE ON IT RIGHT NOW (smashes head against wall)
Yes, use a forum, wait for responses and PMs, then shift over to the console and send/accept friend requests, set up a party (including party wrangling if people are already in parties) and then hopefully jump into a match with a full team if everybody stuck around throughout.

Or... hit the matchmaking button in-game and get quick responses that are also better matches for technical/skill/gear/any-other-game-metric.

I am a CSGO addict. The game is the 2nd greatest game ever created IMO (best being Fallout New Vegas of course). I MM every night for about 2-3 games and rarely ever do I get a team that is good. CSGO is team orientated and yet the struggle is so real. Valve has decided that they don't care very much about the user experience and focus more on balance and skins. So, while CSGO has a competitive-based option, it doesn't mean the experience is any good. Is this what you want for Destiny?
What I want is not to waste time wrangling cats when there is an option to auto-wrangle them. And this wouldn't stop you from putting together a team of regulars as you normally do.


I think you are completely missing the point. The point isn't about people that just browse gaf or reddit in their free time. The point, generally, is about people that don't necessarily want to use a third party to match up with players when an in-game matchmaking system could functionally do the exact same thing.

Dan I completely get the point.

People want to click a button, spin the wheel, and hope they get a great solid, matchmade fireteam that is capable of doing any content in Destiny at the exact time of their choosing.

The issue is, Bungie has said that they want a community. To meet people and make friends.

You can tell those of us from DGAF. We're here saying:

"Hey guys there are a boatload of us that are cool, that know the encounters, that are friendly, that like playing, that are helpful, and are more likely to provide an experience that would leave you like "Heck man that was pretty rad. I would love to play with JUST these people because the alternative is frankly, kinda iffy."

We just fail to get how people will make all these passive aggressive posts about how the game doesn't have this and they can't make friends or don't have any and can't meet any... But yet they're literally like a forum click away from a full friends list.

That's all man.


aka Mannny
Yes, use a forum, wait for responses and PMs, then shift over to the console and send/accept friend requests, set up a party (including party wrangling if people are already in parties) and then hopefully jump into a match with a full team if everybody stuck around throughout.

Or... hit the matchmaking button in-game and get quick responses that are also better matches for technical/skill/gear/any-other-game-metric.
Hmmm seems like tales from your ass?


BUT YOU'RE ON IT RIGHT NOW (smashes head against wall)

I did! I would rather do the Nightfall with Ruthless than do it with randoms. He KNOWS the encounter. He was like "Guys, move with me now, we're going up the ramp, get behind this box and get ready to pop your super. You ready? Let's go!"

It's like you guys are looking for friends to play with and you're in probably the best Destiny community on the exact same forum you're posting on, but you hold your ears and shut your eyes and close your mouth and refuse to meet people. egads

(gives up)

Theoretically, if someone was playing Destiny, and NOT a member of NeoGAF or really any online forum, and wanted to just match with random people so they can see/attempt content, what are you telling them?

Because these people exist. In plentiful numbers. People who don't join/use forums, and yet play videogames.

Every other video game has some form or method to create groups from randoms without ever having to actually leave the game. And honestly nowadays they would be lambasted if you couldn't. This is effectively a solved problem.

Why does Destiny get a free pass when it doesn't bother?

The issue is, Bungie has said that they want a community. To meet people and make friends.

Know what's great for meeting random new people and making new friends? An option that matches you with random people who also have an interest in doing the same piece of content you're doing.


Why gate the Spire and a trophy behind it?

Honestly, if you are the type of player who cares about trophies you've almost certainly done something crazier than finding three other people to join your multiplayer team and winning one match.

Yes, use a forum, wait for responses and PMs, then shift over to the console and send/accept friend requests, set up a party (including party wrangling if people are already in parties) and then hopefully jump into a match with a full team if everybody stuck around throughout.

Or... hit the matchmaking button in-game and get quick responses that are also better matches for technical/skill/gear/any-other-game-metric.

What I want is not to waste time wrangling cats when there is an option to auto-wrangle them. And this wouldn't stop you from putting together a team of regulars as you normally do.

Theres a thread right now about Vanilla WoW, and how cool it used to be. Matchmaking and convenience poisoned WoWs community. There is a strong argument to be made for how putting in a "just push this button" option would attract lazy players, lower the percieved player investment, and poison the sense of team building and comradery that even the tiniest bit of effort rewards.

Guided games is effectively what you are looking for, anyway, so I really dont get what you think youre missing out on.
Hmmm seems like tales from your ass?
That's how matchmaking works. I learned that from Bungie.

The point about the metrics is that Bungie could use data they have ready access to in order to match players. That could be player skill. That could be connection quality. That could be gear score. It could be anything. Either way it could utilize data that isn't readily available for people finding other players through out-of-band means.
Didn't we have this exact same thread back for Destiny 1, with the exact same arguments for/against it?

I feel like I'm stuck in time because I'm honestly seeing the same defenses for it, word for word.
Yeah and it's weird because bungie has added matchmaking for people who want to solo queue for raids and nightfalls. It's just called guided games and is launching next week from beta.

This entire thread seems based on a false premise.
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