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Destiny 2 |OT2| Leviathan Wakes (Spoiler Tag ALL Raid Discussion)


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
i hate the crucible control game type in this game. it doesn't feel right

Control is the only PvP type I don't hate because it's the ONE gamemode that kind of forces people to split up and doesn't devolve in stupid 4v4 teamshotting.


i hate the crucible control game type in this game. it doesn't feel right

Same, hate it so much I will usually just go into the competitive playlist were you can't get it. Absolutely terrible mode in D2.
Really hope they let us pick what mode we want to play soon, that way I'll never have to play it again.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Good run, guys. Despite my disconnect lol
Exhausting? I mean no one HAD to keep grinding for a perfect roll. A good player with a shit roll could still do just fine. The random perks though made loot a hell of a lot more fun than it is now. It was fun getting the same gun, especially one you liked, to see what rolls it had. Same with comparing the same guns with friends, it was fun to get the same weapon yet different and compare the two... Now? That's gone. Now everyone has the same damn gun and if you get a duplicate, you immediately know you're trashing one of them.

The only real issue I see in D1 is that some perks were pretty terrible and should've been removed. No reason why you can't just create a pool of good perks that everything can pull from.

That's the thing with random rolls. Even if you have a good gun with no good rolls, you're pressured to grind for the same weapon over and over till you get a perfect roll just so you can get an advantage. To me, that's no fun grinding at all and not you're not gonna convince me that it is a fun grinding.

If they allow us to customize perks with legendaries/exotics, fine with me.
I have a legendary 3 burst sidearm called the last hope. It is disgusting in close. I’m melting people 1v1 with it. Reminds me of my beloved trespasser. It’s amazing. I’m sure bungie will nerf them. The ttk is crazy fast.

Omolon's 3-burst sidearms are fantastic. I can recommend both Last Dance and Last Hope, they have slight variations for preference but are both awesome

Yep that's the one. So satisfying to use.

Really suits an aggressive play style too.


What's wrong with it?

Other than people still not realizing multiple people in a hill aren't needed, heh.

My biggest problem is the spawns always seem terrible, either flipping nonstop or spawning you with the other team and I always get it on the terrible maps, which does it no favours.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Control is the only mode that doesn't make me question my life

I actually get wrecked in control.

Maybe I just don't understand the strategy.

Kill confirmed or whatever it's called is where I'm currently excelling.


My biggest problem is the spawns always seem terrible, either flipping nonstop or spawning you with the other team and I always get it on the terrible maps, which does it no favours.

The spawns are pretty broken in all the modes, but in the beta it was fairly easy to tell when they'd flip, not sure what happened.


I can't stand Destiny PVP solo, need to be in a group and shootin the shit in order to enjoy myself. I enjoyed competitive the 1st week but that was because most teams didn't know what they were doing yet. I only like maybe 4 maps and the rest i hate or dont care for. way too many trades, friendly player collision still sucks and i hate getting shot around corners or shooting people that are lagging. in some ways it's an improvement but others it's worse than D1.

I tried trials and could only get 2 wins on 1 ticket, in D1 i went to the lighthouse on several occasions. I atleast got the trophy so now i have no desire to do trials again (all my characters are 300+ and i only have 1 raid clear so the drops arent even worthwhile imo) I'll make an exception for countdown on midtown though. also fuck survival mode.

As for MIDA, i've been playing a lot of PVP for the call to arms and just the other day switched to MIDA (got it at 305 now), kinda amazing how much easier PVP seems now. I was using scathlocke or w/e it's called and having a good time with it but MIDA will clean house in the mid to long range game. Can you beat a MIDA, of course but anyone out of position is going to get beat.
D1 PvP is an absolute shitshow right now, but it's far more entertaining far more often, and I will take it over D2 outside of Trials. I like Trials in D2 better than Trials in D1 since HoW, but that's probably because the Eternity map is easy to play. Just scout down a lane until somebody gets team shot. I've played like one person who was actually good at the game; everything else is about being in the right place and looking the right direction.


My hughest possible power set up is 292..

Popped a booster, did about 25 public events, then the crucible challenges for the day and the planet challenges.

I received six or seven purple engrams (and dozens of trash blues) that all rolled out at 283. Working as intended?


That's nice. Lots of people enjoyed them even if you didn't. I personally enjoyed CoO and the Forge. Don't have to bring those exact same ones back, but similar stuff in the same mold out in the environment would be cool. I also wrote down a number of other things.

The other things you mentioned were very small and nitpicky.
I didn't mention those for that reason.

I'm not seeing a whole lot to ask for from D1 to this game. Some of the changes were design decisions and I'm enjoying the new take a lot more than I expected.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
My hughest possible power set up is 292..

Popped a booster, did about 25 public events, then the crucible challenges for the day and the planet challenges.

I received six or seven purple engrams (and dozens of trash blues) that all rolled out at 283. Working as intended?


Only Exotics, Milestones as well as Trials&Raid gear will drop above your LL at this point. Rest will drop at non-Modded highest power -5 (so if everything is modded, at highest LL-10)
That's the thing with random rolls. Even if you have a good gun with no good rolls, you're pressured to grind for the same weapon over and over till you get a perfect roll just so you can get an advantage. To me, that's no fun grinding at all and not you're not gonna convince me that it is a fun grinding.

If they allow us to customize perks with legendaries/exotics, fine with me.

I agree grinding for a perfect roll isn't fun... That's why I never did it, lol. But what is fun is knowing that picking up a duplicate weapon won't necessarily be the same gun. Having options and variety in a loot game is a good thing.


i hate the crucible control game type in this game. it doesn't feel right
I much prefer it. There is way less dancing in a circle, waiting until you can play the game some more. I also prefer less sniping, smaller team sizes and longer ttk. It's like they made the game just for me.


Is there any reason to hold onto rep tokens when leveling up? I turned in a few, but I'm not sure how it works yet or where/if I get rewards from it. Not sure if i should have waited until lvl 20 to cash them in.
Is there any reason to hold onto rep tokens when leveling up? I turned in a few, but I'm not sure how it works yet or where/if I get rewards from it. Not sure if i should have waited until lvl 20 to cash them in.

Yes, hold on to them. Do not cash in until you have reached Level 20 and Power Level 260. They are an important way to go from PL 260 to 265.
Has anyone had a problem with pre-rendered cutscenes skipping? I'm wondering if it might just be my disc, and if I should ask for a replacement from Amazon. It doesn't happen *every* time.
I'm stuck in this mod farming hell! I just want a legendary counterbalance mod or two for my kinetic but the rng is so stacked against me and rare mods cost 2.5k a pop.
Never understood the hate for crucible, I always have fun with it. I have good games and bad games but it's always fun.

Hopefully gonna try leviathan tomorrow as I have the day off work. Hoping I have some luck and get a good auto to fuse with my main but we shall see.


I beat Nightfall using Guided Games. It took me 20 minutes to actually get connected to a group. It took us two tries-but we took our time and carefully made sure to get every Oracle we could. We won with over 7 minutes left.
During that 20 minute wait, do you just float in orbit?


The Cryptarch's Bane
I like the PvP a lot more than I did in destiny 1. I love succeeding with a coordinated team. I'm getting better too, feels good. About Control specifically, I hated Control in particular because of how capping a point was just begging to get constantly oneshot by any number of things on tons of maps, but I am able to at least tolerate it in D2 with a team that plays strategically.


Gold Member
I like the PvP a lot more than I did in destiny 1. I love succeeding with a coordinated team. I'm getting better too, feels good. About Control specifically, I hated Control in particular because of how capping a point was just begging to get constantly oneshot by any number of things on tons of maps, but I am able to at least tolerate it in D2 with a team that plays strategically.

I agree with this.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
So, is that Reddit power level guide still valid?

The PL 280+ part suggests you start a new character of the same class, get to level 20, transfer all your 280ish gear, and redo all the shit you did previously, to yield bigger PL drops...

Worth it?
I like the PvP a lot more than I did in destiny 1. I love succeeding with a coordinated team. I'm getting better too, feels good. About Control specifically, I hated Control in particular because of how capping a point was just begging to get constantly oneshot by any number of things on tons of maps, but I am able to at least tolerate it in D2 with a team that plays strategically.

I completely agree with this. I feel that a good coordinated group of friends makes PVP fun and not crap.
Crucible has been great with friends, but I was hating randoms...until I started sticking really close to my group and it's been fine since then. You usually have at least 1 or 2 people on your team that know to do the same and if that's the case it's alot more interesting.

I do wish they had a free for all mode. Sometimes you just wanna lone wolf it.
So, is that Reddit power level guide still valid?

The PL 280+ part suggests you start a new character of the same class, get to level 20, transfer all your 280ish gear, and redo all the shit you did previously, to yield bigger PL drops...

Worth it?

No. They patched that out. A new character of the same class will get the same level of awards as the original.

A new character of a different class will see the LL benefit though.


So, is that Reddit power level guide still valid?

The PL 280+ part suggests you start a new character of the same class, get to level 20, transfer all your 280ish gear, and redo all the shit you did previously, to yield bigger PL drops...

Worth it?

no, alt characters of the same class will not receive milestone gear that improves overall PL.


During that 20 minute wait, do you just float in orbit?

Yep. And it said “Looking for Guider...”
Or something like that. When I first clicked on it, it told me there would be a 20ish minute wait-i thought that was odd but it was pretty accurate. I just did some work while I waited.
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