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Destiny Alpha Gameplay Leaks [Update: Luke from Bungie comments, read post 1557]


I've been excited for this game for such a long time....but after these leaks, my excitement is starting to dissipate.

The gameplay really does look bland and boring. The design is interesting, but the execution just isn't there.

In every major gameplay video we've seen since last year's E3 reveal, we've seen a major focus on the same gameplay paradigm - circulate a given area and defeat wave after wave of incoming enemies.

I really hope Bungie has something more interesting to show us at E3.


Bungie's just running into bad luck it seems. Even when the game gets 'leaked', it ends up being a free-roam patrol mode, which is inherently "boring" in the sense that the player is not playing for a specific objective. That doesn't excuse the other apparent issues the game has, but it also doesn't show what Destiny is setting itself up to be.

And neither has Bungie. So I'm hoping we get a good look at Campaign and/or Competitive Multiplayer next week. The dancing .gif from earlier reminded me of what I was really looking for in the game - customizing my character and running around large spaces with my brother shooting everything that moves. That on its own will be quite a ride, especially if half of what they said ends up happening. I hope it's not all talk though. I don't think it's going to be a bad game (nor do I want it to do), but we really haven't seen anything that shows it's going to be the "next big thing". That's the problem.

Unsolicited reveals like these are less biased than developer presentations at least. I don't want to hear anymore buzzwords or read anymore articles. Show us something worthwhile and then when the beta comes around we'll see for ourselves.

It seems lose lose, bungie shows campaign stuff, the strike missions, everyone wants to see the open world, they show the open world stuff, it looks boring.
and Bungie said they want Destiny to be their "Star Wars".. lmao!

the Destiny defense task force is damage controlling hard in this thread. Destiny looks boring and generic. something tells me Bungie dropped the ball with this game. although the forced hype and marketing for Destiny will probably cause this game to sell well just like what happened with Watch Dogs.
It seems lose lose, bungie shows campaign stuff, the strike missions, everyone wants to see the open world, they show the open world stuff, it looks boring.

All they need to do is show a mission of the Campaign that demonstrates the customization, open world, and player interactions. This is routine stuff they had no problem doing in the past. What they're doing now is like showing a player doing donuts in a Warthog on Blood Gulch and calling it "a shooter to define a generation".

They had the right idea with their demo at last E3, but everything since has been more of the same.


All they need to do is show a mission of the Campaign that demonstrates the customization, open world, and player interactions. This is routine stuff they had no problem doing in the past.

What they're doing now is like showing a player doing donuts in a Warthog on Blood Gulch and calling it "a shooter to define a generation".

they showed 2, the first reveal (entering the cosmodrome) and the strike mission (the one that ended just before the boss fight). They show off they weapon customization (the legendary weapon path), etc.


Calling a game garbage based on a few alpha videos is pretty silly, but I think it's still okay to express personal disinterest based on the same videos.

I know what your saying. In this case I'm thinking that peoples expectations are massive since this is bungie. We haven't gotten anything amazing or cool yet so people are calling it boring. Even call of duty videos don't get this much looks like nothing new commenting.
and Bungie said they want Destiny to be their "Star Wars".. lmao!

the Destiny defense task force is damage controlling hard in this thread. Destiny looks boring and generic. something tells me Bungie dropped the ball with this game. although the forced hype and marketing for Destiny will probably cause this game to sell well just like what happened with Watch Dogs.

I thought it looked like Halo x Borderlands. That's all I ever expected/wanted it to be. So the game looks fucking great to me.

And Watch Dogs is fantastic - downgrades and all. It deserves the success, by far the most polished/complete Ubisoft game I've played so far.


I can't get over that Peter Dinklage does the voice, I only see Tyrion in my head. So many Halo influences also.
God, no one has played the game yet and just by looking at it, it's boring? Give me a break. Can we just play the game before we start judging books by its cover, or the boring player who doesn't know how to aim while shooting. And besides, it's a alpha. It's not even the final representation of the game. There's a whole story and so many other maps and places for us to even judge one small section of a multi universe . Come on guys.
God, no one has played the game yet and just by looking at it, it's boring? Give me a break. Can we just play the game before we start judging books by its cover, or the boring player who doesn't know how to aim while shooting. And besides, it's a alpha. It's not even the final representation of the game. There's a whole story and so many other maps and places for us to even judge one small section of a multi universe . Come on guys.

Seeing that you are not a Junior Member, I am shocked that you are suprised at this.
God, no one has played the game yet and just by looking at it, it's boring? Give me a break. Can we just play the game before we start judging books by its cover, or the boring player who doesn't know how to aim while shooting. And besides, it's a alpha. It's not even the final representation of the game. There's a whole story and so many other maps and places for us to even judge one small section of a multi universe . Come on guys.

At this point does it matter? Plenty of us think it looks great. Most of those that are saying it is boring are going to get sucked in and buy no matter what they say now provided they can afford at least one game. And the fact is plenty of individuals that like the game will purchase it while those saying, "Dude, this sux" are people with whom you would not want to game anyway. Win/Win.
God, no one has played the game yet and just by looking at it, it's boring? Give me a break. Can we just play the game before we start judging books by its cover, or the boring player who doesn't know how to aim while shooting. And besides, it's a alpha. It's not even the final representation of the game. There's a whole story and so many other maps and places for us to even judge one small section of a multi universe . Come on guys.

i think the first time people saw Halo 1, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo Reach people could tell just by snippets that those games would be great. Destiny so far isn't having that affect, that should tell you something right there.


God, no one has played the game yet and just by looking at it, it's boring? Give me a break. Can we just play the game before we start judging books by its cover, or the boring player who doesn't know how to aim while shooting. And besides, it's a alpha. It's not even the final representation of the game. There's a whole story and so many other maps and places for us to even judge one small section of a multi universe . Come on guys.

What was shown looks super boring. Not to say the whole game is like that. But I know without a shred of doubt that If I was to play like the guy in those videos, and everyone else was playing the same way. I would be bored to death.

People have different standards of what makes an FPS good, and none of what I love and enjoy was featured in those videos.


i think the first time people saw Halo 1, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo Reach people could tell just by snippets those games would be great. Destiny so far isn't having that affect, that should tell you something right there.

man, we have a different opinion on it. People were down talking halo so bad because it was on consoles, said it looked boring, stupid and wouldn't work.
Switching from 1st to 3rd person is extremely lazy design IMO. Also, it is disorienting. Those powers should be done in first person.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Judging from Watch_Dogs and all the hate in this thread, the game is sure to sell incredibly well.


Switching from 1st to 3rd person is extremely lazy design IMO. Also, it is disorienting. Those powers should be done in first person.

i think you got it backwards. It's lazy to keep it in first person, it's harder to build an entire camera mechanic, plus it makes the effect look so much better.


Switching from 1st to 3rd person is extremely lazy design IMO. Also, it is disorienting. Those powers should be done in first person.

What is lazy about it? You may not like the choice because apparently it is disorientating (hardly), but what makes it lazy?
Concept wise Destiny got me, Borderlands got boring simply because the enemies health got way to high and their AI was not interesting. I don't want another circle strafe co-op shooter.

Like others it does look boring but I'm willing to wait til we get closer to release to pass final judgement on purchasing or not.
Seeing that you are not a Junior Member, I am shocked that you are suprised at this.

Surprised is not the word but just annoyed. Every game ends up like this and then some people complain about why we can't have nice things. It's like people literally suck the hype out of themselves or in other words, disinterest themselves from a game that otherwise is good. It happened with Watch Dogs and it ended up being a good game that people trashed to death. Playing the game makes a huge difference than just looks.

At this point does it matter? Plenty of us think it looks great. Most of those that are saying it is boring are going to get sucked in and buy no matter what they say now provided they can afford at least one game. And the fact is plenty of individuals that like the game will purchase it while those saying, "Dude, this sux" are people with whom you would not want to game anyway. Win/Win.

This is not a Win/Win to me. Maybe I'm optimistic all the time but I feel like people want to enjoy things more than they lead themselves to believe. Either way, it just sucks the wind out of what's to come for the game. There's still so much we don't know and we are already calling it quits? It makes no sense.


The game just looks so generic, like your run of the mill FPS. Nothing I've seen of this game so far screams "buy me".

Saying the word "generic" is the laziest form of criticism.

How many open world Sci-Fi FPS games with RPGs elements are there?
I don't know about "GAF" but the people in this thread sure are salty for reasons I don't understand or agree with.

I just want a good/unique/fun/addictive reason to shoot things. Just burned out on shooting things, really.

Borderlands is cool because of the loot drops and funny tone and it's not brown & gray.


Saying the word "generic" is the laziest form of criticism.

How many open world Sci-Fi FPS games with RPGs elements are there?

Definitely not enough to use the term generic. But explaining the gunplay as generic is pretty accurate, from what has been shown in the videos. I imagine there is a lot more to shooting guns and using powers in Destiny, but from the footage, the shooty bang bang part is pretty damn generic and run of the mill FPS of the past 5-7 years.
i think the first time people saw Halo 1, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo Reach people could tell just by snippets that those games would be great. Destiny so far isn't having that affect, that should tell you something right there.

First off, this is footage that wasn't to be shown at all so this was not a snippet. This was leaked gameplay of ALPHA footage. You haven't even seen the different abilities, you haven't seen the different boss levels, but just a small capture part of the game where nothing is really going on. If I was to walk into someone playing a part in Halo that literally was just running and unlocking something, would it be fair to call the game boring if I haven't seen or player the rest of it? It wouldn't be, I haven't seen it all or experienced it all to say something like that.

What was shown looks super boring. Not to say the whole game is like that. But I know without a shred of doubt that If I was to play like the guy in those videos, and everyone else was playing the same way. I would be bored to death.

People have different standards of what makes an FPS good, and none of what I love and enjoy was featured in those videos.

Are you going to play like that? Is that a guarantee? Did you also forget you don't play this game alone while in this footage it was just him. That specific part in the re-upload shows a public event. He was alone in that public event. There was no other persons but him, but obviously in the actual game there will be more people as we saw in last year's E3 event.

It's okay to have your standards in FPS, but how do you know something has fit your standards if you haven't played it yet?


People really need to get over the alpha distinction for games. Alpha really just means it is a restricted pool of testers. In general, I have never noticed a difference from "leaked alpha" to the final game. Of course there are exceptions, but for the most part, what we are seeing is what Destiny will look come September.

I don't think its wrong to judge the game by this footage.
i think you got it backwards. It's lazy to keep it in first person, it's harder to build an entire camera mechanic, plus it makes the effect look so much better.
Designing 1st person animations is hard, they require more detail, more context, more effects because of how close you are. Similarly, in real life... do you see yourself suddenly in the third person because you do something?

What is so special about the ability being used in the video that it needs to go 3rd person? Other than the fact that it is easier from an art and design perspecitive to just say... yeah make that third person... it requires less detail.

An example of this in the other bungie games would be the pointless 3rd person camera changes in halo 3 when you pick up a larger weapon, or even the chang from first person to 3rd person in the warthog side seat. Only reason they did that is because how imprecise controllers are.

Similarly, you require a less detailed animation set, texture, etc...

What is lazy about it? You may not like the choice because apparently it is disorientating (hardly), but what makes it lazy?

To reiterate the above, it is lazy due to less budgeting for appropriate detailed First person art, but also lazy from a design perspective. It is much more complex and stenuous to get something looking right in first person, resorting to third person (when it has nothing to do with FOV problems) is lazy.

Unless it is impossible to communicate what is happening in first person, an FPS game should stay in FPS. It looks more detailed, communicates a sense of presenceand does not break illusion.

Similarly quick FOV changes always look bad. And that is exactly what is happening in this Destiny footage.
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