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Deus Ex HR Reviews Thread

Lostconfused said:
87 for the Witcher 2 and 88 for Human Revolution. Clearly games press is biased in favor of guns. But either, I think its fitting that the two best games this year would score so similarly.

Wasn't Witcher 2 buggy as hell though upon initial release?

steadfast said:
I envision the breakdancer with a head that is the New Thread button and Adam with Bishop's avatar head knocking it the fuck out.
I must find the hooker smackdown comp!


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Wasn't Witcher 2 buggy as hell though upon initial release?

I think every wrpg/rpg-hybrid this gen has been buggy as hell upon release this gen. Especially on PC. From what I remember, Mass Effect 2 was perhaps the most polished out the gate, and even that had the occasional bit of jank.

I am typically happy when I can get a crpg to A) launch and B) crash less frequently than ever 4-5 hours. At least during the first couple days/weeks.


I went to an amusement park today, so right now I'm wayyyyy beat. On the plus side, I'll be up extra early to start this bitch.


Gustav said:
Call me crazy, but for some reason I love Kevin VanOrd.

His reviews are great.

By that I mean he gives a great synopsis of the game without spoiling it and his conclusions about the game are always well supported with examples and are clearly explained.

Also, he is a great writer.

Rare to find both of these things in a video game review.


psykomyko said:
Would my PC be able to run this at, at least medium settings?

Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E7400
2.80 GHz
6.00 GB RAM
nVidia GeForce 9500 GT

I am so tempted to just get it on GMG for $34 instead of getting it on console. Would much rather play it on PC, but I don't have that great of a PC.

A 9500GT is not a gaming card, I pretty sure you can't.


Sinatar said:
They gave this game the same score as Invisible War was my point.

IGN has become a lot stingier with their 9s ever since they switched to a 20-point review scale (away from their old 100 point scale). Looking at 360 games, Portal 2 is the only game this year to get a 9.5. Four other games got 9s (inluding DE:HR). I remember being very surprised last holiday when IGN gave Black Ops, AssCreed: Brotherhood, Fallout:New Vegas, and other big releases 8-8.5. Previously, all of those games would have been shoe ins for 8.7-9.3 from IGN. I remember joking to my brother that Halo:Reach's review from IGN would be "Probably the worst game in the franchise to date. A disappointment in every way. - 9.5"


Lost all credibility.
Are there any reviews that go in depth with how the weapons feel and combat in general? I'm curious about how viable it is to play through killing everyone and if it still feels rewarding.


Mikey Jr. said:
Any word on which version (360/PS3) performs better? 360 is better loading, but what about textures, fps?
If you're installing the game, yes, 360 has faster loading. It seems (according to LoT) that the 360 version nudges out the PS3 version in visuals, but only in a small way. Both games have about the same framerates and no tearing. Excellent multiplatform work by these guys -- sounds like you can't go wrong either way.


Did Kagari ever post his/her/its review? I'm curious what site they work for. *edit* Profile says rpgsite.net, and I couldn't get the site to work to find the review, so I'm guessing not yet.
Blizzard said:
Did Kagari ever post his/her/its review? I'm curious what site they work for. *edit* Profile says rpgsite.net, and I couldn't get the site to work to find the review, so I'm guessing not yet.


I'm curious to read it as well...


Lostconfused said:
87 for the Witcher 2 and 88 for Human Revolution. Clearly games press is biased in favor of guns. But either, I think its fitting that the two best games this year would score so similarly.
Well, TW2 didn't exactly end on a high note. That most likely was their reason for a lower score imo.
Hurting now that I'm on the east coast. Those breakdance/chokeslam videos are A+ though, never thought I might see something on par with Mass Effect's anti-journalist moveset...


I'm pretty sure I don't hate that it has no multiplayer. In fact I would hate it if it did, fuck these people that need deathmatch in every game. It's beyond pathetic.


I'd hate it if it did have a multiplayer.

Tacked on multiplayer to single player franchises is one of the worst trends this generation.

the exception being AC brotherhood


Funny this is only the third highest reviewing release in the past two weeks. Xenoblade Chroincles and Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online are both higher.

What a fantastic August this has ended up being, between the three games already mentioned, El Shaddai and Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet.
Witchers release was not buggy for the official version (GOG). I hope the spetember patch adds more time to 3rd chapter. Or gives us a 4th. The first 2 are some the best moments of gaming this gen.
if my girlfriend tries to steal this and start a game alongside mine, i will have to kindly ask her to refrain. she has a habit of snatching my new games while im too busy to play for a few days, then she's always playing them when i want to, so i end up taking the back seat.

Commanche Raisin Toast said:
if my girlfriend tries to steal this and start a game alongside mine, i will have to kindly ask her to refrain. she has a habit of snatching my new games while im too busy to play for a few days, then she's always playing them when i want to, so i end up taking the back seat.

Sir, there are some methods of distracting her from that position which you may want to learn about.


oneils said:
His reviews are great.

By that I mean he gives a great synopsis of the game without spoiling it and his conclusions about the game are always well supported with examples and are clearly explained.

Also, he is a great writer.

Rare to find both of these things in a video game review.

I think he's the best around, currently. IGN wishes they had someones of his caliber.


IceDoesntHelp said:
You'll love:
The entertaining cyberpunk story
Extremely polished everything
Open ended gameplay and maps
You'll hate:
No multiplayer modes
Easy to abuse enemy AI
Minor control issues
WTF kind of logic is that??? Why would I "hate" the lack of a multiplayer mode in a single player game?

That's like complaining about a sports car that doesn't do off-raod.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Wasn't Witcher 2 buggy as hell though upon initial release?
I actually got the game recently, and I don't think it's too great. Then again, I didn't like the first one much either. I hear the Witcher 2 gets better the further you get into it, but I don't see how it will end up better than something like Dragon Age: Origins in any aspect.

edit: Besides for being better at not shoving DLC in your face. I actually stopped playing DA:O because of the game asking me to buy DLC to do quests. I mean, the characters are great, the combat is fun, and all of that, but I was offended. Games shouldn't do that.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
3rdman said:
WTF kind of logic is that??? Why would I "hate" the lack of a multiplayer mode in a single player game?

That's like complaining about a sports car that doesn't do off-raod.

Though, it can sometimes work well with this sort of game. System Shock 2 in CO-OP is one of the best CO-OP experiences I've ever had and that was designed as a single player game.

I don't think it would ever work with DX, though, due to the amount of dialog. Still bizarre that the original DX features multiplayer.
3rdman said:
WTF kind of logic is that??? Why would I "hate" the lack of a multiplayer mode in a single player game?

That's like complaining about a sports car that doesn't do off-raod.

Or complaining about the lack of good reviews on a shitty game website

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I like Games Radar's articles but fuck their reviews are bad.


3rdman said:
WTF kind of logic is that??? Why would I "hate" the lack of a multiplayer mode in a single player game?

That's like complaining about a sports car that doesn't do off-raod.
Considering they're one of the few who gave it a perfect 10/10, I wouldn't complain too much. Maybe they just wanted a negative, and their negative category happens to be called "you'll hate" instead of "cons" or "negatives".
Fine Ham Abounds said:
Sir, there are some methods of distracting her from that position which you may want to learn about.

funny thing is she has her own PS3 in the bedroom, and has a handful of games she hasn't finished (a few not even started), but always seems most interested in the newest game i get. she's already joking about playing Skyrim before i do. (buying 2 copies would be a waste of money)

hopefully it's too technical for her. she doesn't like shooters, so that helps me a little bit. :p


Green Scar said:
Or complaining about the lack of good reviews on a shitty game website
I only really follow EDGE scores so whether or not Gamesradar is worth reading or not is unknown to me.


3rdman said:
I only really follow EDGE scores so whether or not Gamesradar is worth reading or not is unknown to me.
Gamesradar is bottom-of-the-barrel stuff along the likes of The Escapist, Destructoid, Joystiq or IGN.
DaBuddaDa said:
Gamesradar is bottom-of-the-barrel stuff along the likes of The Escapist, Destructoid, Joystiq or IGN.

Actually, Gamesradar is worse than all four of those. And those are pretty fucking bad websites for reviews (apart from Yahtzee, haha)


Green Scar said:
Actually, Gamesradar is worse than all four of those. And those are pretty fucking bad websites for reviews (apart from Yahtzee, haha)
Yes, Yahtzee is great, and lucky he has a site at all that's willing to pay him to do what he does. Otherwise, I'd never be on the Escapist's site.

I tend to find Eurogamer, Rock Paper Shotgun, EDGE, GameInformer and Giantbomb to be the best sources of published reviews. GameTrailers, Gamespot, Machinima and Ars Technica are sometimes good too, but more hit-or-miss.
Game is awesome, but I'm having some intermittent but frequent sound static/looping. Anyone else have this or know how to fix it? I'm on PC.
Those are some nice positive reviews. I am now convinced to get the game on day 1 for Europe, although I am still somewhat concerned about the tech (especially the facial animation) breaking immersion.


GamesRadar is no where near as bad as some of you like to think. They've had a poor reputation for ages, but no one I know can actually formulate one good reason as to why they're so supposedly bad without saying something like "DERP THEY GIVE THIS GAME AN 8 INSTEAD OF A 10".


3rdman said:
WTF kind of logic is that??? Why would I "hate" the lack of a multiplayer mode in a single player game?

That's like complaining about a sports car that doesn't do off-raod.

No think of it as a compliment, you would wish there was a splinter cell style multiplayer option once you have finished the game
Kagari said:
I found this very disappointing to hear:
There are also a few gripes regarding the gameplay systems. DXHR claims to let the player ‘choose’ their course of action throughout the game, but the truth of the matter is that it forces you to use stealth more often than not. While it's easy to spec Adam to be more combat-focused, Ammo is extremely limited even in the easier game modes - even though enemies themselves are plentiful, they drop little ammunition. You’re better off just sneaking by the lot of them to conserve everything you have for bigger battles and boss fights.
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