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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided's Near-Future Prague is Such an Amazingly Detailed Hub


I think the hub was too big for its own good, completely killed the pace of the game if you wanted to explore most of it.


I should probably get around to playing this...managed to pick it up for 12 bucks at family video and it's just sitting on my hard drive. I did enjoy what I played of the city though...I was a huge fan of the previous title.


Gold Member
I'm LTTP on this one, but recently picked it up, Amazon had it for 16 bucks, quite a deal. Really digging it.


I think Golem City is the best depiction of a Cyberpunk setting in any game so far. Its beautiful..

Dammit gaf... I have a huge backlog and you're gonna make me put the disc back in..


Yeah everything I've heard and read about that game makes the hub sound amazing. I've got it waiting for me sometime this summer so I'll get to check it out for myself.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I think the hub was too big for its own good, completely killed the pace of the game if you wanted to explore most of it.

I think it's well-sized. Large enough to offer a fair amount of content for curious players but not quite too big that it feels overwhelming to explore.


yep really love the hub design especially as a person who lives in Prague for 6 years now, but i am realyl conficted about what they did with the language :-(
... so many "google-translate" level posters , theatre level dubon hobos, hobo-level language on policemen and worst of all russian accents on a lot of them :-(


I think it's well-sized. Large enough to offer a fair amount of content for curious players but not quite too big that it feels overwhelming to explore.

That's actually my problem with it. It has a completely different flow compared to the main missions (which is when the game works best) and yet it takes up like half of the play time if you add all 3 visits together. Ironically, this part in the new Thief (which is pretty much 1:1 to DXMD when it comes to how these two games are structured) was way better than the missions, partly because breaking into people's apartments and looking for secrets actually befits a thief. Prague to me felt like something I had to get out of the way before I could return to the good parts, and it damn near killed the game for me.

Of course the fault lies with me and my completionist nature, but still.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
That's actually my problem with it. It has a completely different flow compared to the main missions (which is when the game works best) and yet it takes up like half of the play time if you add all 3 visits together. Ironically, this part in the new Thief (which is pretty much 1:1 to DXMD when it comes to how these two games are structured) was way better than the missions, partly because breaking into people's apartments and looking for secrets actually befits a thief. Prague to me felt like something I had to get out of the way before I could return to the good parts, and it damn near killed the game for me.

Of course the fault lies with me and my completionist nature, but still.

Ah, understandable. I generally don't mind busywork in games, so veering off the beaten path to explore or whatever typically doesn't feel like a detraction to me. (As implied, there are exceptions, such as the daunting task of thoroughly exploring Novigrad in The Witcher 3, which even I eventually cast aside.) The combination of the historical tourism foundation of AssCreed and Ubi's predilection for collectables is why it's probably my favourite series, icon overload and all.


I have to agree. I loved my time with the game. There was a lot to be found in each location. The game had a ton of content for those that like doing everything. This thread makes me want to start another play through.
Completely agree. Prague was such a joy to explore.

Really bums me out that the series was killed off.

I didn't realize it was dead. Sad. I really enjoyed it. I'm finally now playing the previous game on Xbox One through 360 BC. It's scratching a good itch. At some point I may purchase again with the DLC I didn't get the first time and just take my time to savor it.
It's great in terms of being dense and interesting to explore, but I didn't like how the partitioning of the areas was handled, or rather how the game wanted you to juggle between the areas. The poorer part of Prague could've felt a bit more distinct too compared to the latter hub area.

What bothered me most though was that daylight Prague didn't really feel very cyberpunk, or Deus Ex. I think they could've used the night time more. Golem city was much better in terms of cyberpunk design, but it really should've been a second hub rather than a fairly constricted story mission. It's such a pity SE decided to gut the game and force in that stupid microtransaction mode instead.


It has very high highs and very low lows. Prague's dense, nonlinear design really recaptures the open-ended feeling of the first Deus Ex in a way that is special and unusual. As someone who likes the hubs in these games better than the missions, it was a delight.

But it honestly didn't spark my imagination as much as, say Hengsha from Human Revolution. As others have pointed out, it didn't feel very cyberpunk, especially in the day time. That kind of a grounded, subtle setting would have been a commendable change of pace had Prague been one of two or three hubs. But the fact that it was the entire game made it a tough pill to swallow. Also, as others have pointed out, the fact that it had to be divided into four sections with long load screens felt really antithetical to the immersive open feeling they were striving for.


One of the best from last year, i've seen it for like £8 on Xbox or PS4 which is insane value. Still need to pick up the DLC.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Great looking art, but it didn't pull me in at all. I was far more interested in the settings of the first game.
Totally agree, the hub was nothing short of spectacular, with many secrets in almost every nook and cranny. Overall, Mankind Divided is imo one of the most underappreciated AAA game in recent memory.

Yeah I'm playing this game right now after being hesitant because of the wom and the game is awesome. I really have no clue why the hell it was bad mouthed as much as it was. It's truly underappreciated.


It's this game worth it by itself or should I go through Human Revolutions first?

I'd definitely recommend playing Human Revoultion, but if you are not interested in it, there is actually a pretty nice summary as soon as you start playing Mankind Divided, so you won't miss out in the Story department.

Mankind Divided is definitely worth playing, as it has pretty nice level design and the gameplay is just fantastic. Story is a little on the meh side, but all in all it's still a great package.


I was gonna comment that it's one of the best hubs in recent years, then I tried to think of others and uhh.. I think it might be the GOAT hub tbh. What do you guys prefer over it?

I loved the castle in Suikoden 2 and the Normandy in ME games but in terms of gameplay they have nothing on prague.


So many people praising it here, it must be really good... if you don't understand the language.

Not sure what you think that has to do with anything? Prague is VERY good in MD. That entire game's couple of hubs is probably about the size of Novigrad in TW3 in terms of just floorspace, but the verticality and explorabilty of every tiny bit of it....like, the size of the game is not that big, but it was easily a 30-35 hour experience the first time through, and I didn't even scratch the surface when it came to just randomly exploring the whole thing (though I did a fair bit).


Finished this recently, being a big deus ex fan i went into it a bit annoyed knowing it was the only hub. But whilst it is shorter than HR they did an amazing job with the world building here. Some of the finest detail I've seen in a game, and so many things to discover.

At the end of the game I wasn't dissapointed with it at all, everything I'd want from a deus ex.

I loved how the city changed when you come back to it at different times of day, though the last time
during the curfew, as fun as it was having to sneak around the streets (i was doing a no kill run), I was a bit miffed when it only triggered a mission when i was on the opposite side of a map, requiring me to sneak back across the map to a place id just been.

Always hoped the timeline would sync up to a full remaster or reimagining of Deus Ex, my favourite game of all time.


My only real complaint with Prague was how they scatter side quests around it to guarantee maximum load screens. You almost always need to take one or more trains to get them done.

That was my issue with it too, especially in the last quarter of the game where it seemed that every quest began in one district and ended in the other. I got fed up of seeing that same animation of Jensen walking down a tunnel over and over again.


I have a crapton of issues with MD, even as a guy who put in over 90 hours into the game, and loves Deus Ex. MD's story is mediocre at best, the supporting cast is unmemorable, and the game ends way too abruptly. I'll give the game this though; Prague in MD is a well crafted interconnected map. There are endless ways to break into apartments, stores, storage rooms etc. I just wish there were more hubs. Revisiting Prague over and over got old for me.

Good game overall.


Not sure what you think that has to do with anything? Prague is VERY good in MD. That entire game's couple of hubs is probably about the size of Novigrad in TW3 in terms of just floorspace, but the verticality and explorabilty of every tiny bit of it....like, the size of the game is not that big, but it was easily a 30-35 hour experience the first time through, and I didn't even scratch the surface when it came to just randomly exploring the whole thing (though I did a fair bit).

Yeah took me 33 hours, it's more than Human Revolution. To be honest though, those damn trains. I don't have SSD so the train rides took a big chunk of game time =D


i reeeeally appreciated the art team's fixation on geometric art used in a lot of the architecture

so good


Started the game recently aware of what to expect, but Prague design continues to blow me away... I should be over 10+ hours and I still haven't left for
Golem City

So much options to get around things and valuable shit to pick up
Greatly detailed but far too small for a game like this. Still had to load between halves of the city.

This game needs to be set in 1 city. All those side areas do is take away resources from building a better main city. Loading going in/out of buildings only. Better combat AI and way better NPC AI. Residents need to be able to call into police and the police need to respond to bodies that are found/ take them away. The more police that get killed by the player the more police get more aggressive with citizens and in a tighter patrol around the police station area of the city. I'd go all in. Humans attacking augs or vice very randomly then massively depending on game choices. Too many AI challenges for current gaming I suspect. We should be there but we arent because few studios put NPC and enemy AI as their design focus.

i reeeeally appreciated the art team's fixation on geometric art used in a lot of the architecture

so good

The art design of nearly everything about the game is so incredible that it seems entirely plausible. I could absolutely seeing the fashion of these last 2 games being something people would wear.


Greatly detailed but far too small for a game like this. Still had to load between halves of the city.

This game needs to be set in 1 city. All those side areas do is take away resources from building a better main city. Loading going in/out of buildings only. Better combat AI and way better NPC AI. Residents need to be able to call into police and the police need to respond to bodies that are found/ take them away. The more police that get killed by the player the more police get more aggressive with citizens and in a tighter patrol around the police station area of the city. I'd go all in. Humans attacking augs or vice very randomly then massively depending on game choices. Too many AI challenges for current gaming I suspect. We should be there but we arent because few studios put NPC and enemy AI as their design focus.

The art design of nearly everything about the game is so incredible that it seems entirely plausible. I could absolutely seeing the fashion of these last 2 games being something people would wear.

What? Loading going in and out of buildings would be 100 times worse than what we have (Which is loading the two different halves). While everyone knows the load times were WAY too long, it still meant within each section you have full immersive reign to sneak into places a million ways, break out windows and go in, etc. That would all be lost if buildings were separate loads. I just don't think losing the side mission areas would add much, maybe they add another say, half of one of the current areas in size to Prague, but you'd lose all the diversity the mission zones added.
Started the game recently aware of what to expect, but Prague design continues to blow me away... I should be over 10+ hours and I still haven't left for
Golem City
If you're the explorer type, you could easily break 10-15+ hours without advancing to Golem. However, keep in mind that certain quests and locations won't be available until after you're back from Golem. For me, Prague #2 is where the game really shines, because then you have the entire map available for exploration.


What? Loading going in and out of buildings would be 100 times worse than what we have (Which is loading the two different halves). While everyone knows the load times were WAY too long, it still meant within each section you have full immersive reign to sneak into places a million ways, break out windows and go in, etc. That would all be lost if buildings were separate loads. I just don't think losing the side mission areas would add much, maybe they add another say, half of one of the current areas in size to Prague, but you'd lose all the diversity the mission zones added.
Exactly. Separating interiors and exteriors is the quickest way of murdering the game. At that point you may just call it sth else, not Deus Ex.


i love this game. im on my 3rd full playthrough, new game + (trying to max out everything). everytime i play this game i discover something new. someplace i havent been, some corner i havent explored. there are times where there could be up to 5 different ways to entire a building, its crazy.

ps: Anyone play the recent DLC "A Criminal Past"? i did not expect it to be that deep, it felt like a 3rd of the game was added to MD.
Exactly. Separating interiors and exteriors is the quickest way of murdering the game. At that point you may just call it sth else, not Deus Ex.

You had to load to go into buildings in Detroit in Human Revolution.

This game just needs to be bigger in scope. Bigger city. I doubt the team that had to split Prague in half could manage both a bigger no-split city and fully enter-able buildings. Especially if you do it right and put your materials out to the public and crowd source apartment designs in exchange for an in game rewards. Now you have fully designed apartment buildings. With doors that work this time.
Is the ad on this building meant to dissuade people from jumping off the bridge to commit suicide?

Oh no, something far more sinister.

IIRC, just out of frame in that screenshot there's the VersaLife logo at the bottom of the poster and it's an ad for some PILLS.

Remember kids, don't do drugs, but do get doped up on Big Pharma's PILLS.


Yeah I don't think that's a big factor in a quality of such game.

Not sure what you think that has to do with anything? Prague is VERY good in MD. That entire game's couple of hubs is probably about the size of Novigrad in TW3 in terms of just floorspace, but the verticality and explorabilty of every tiny bit of it....like, the size of the game is not that big, but it was easily a 30-35 hour experience the first time through, and I didn't even scratch the surface when it came to just randomly exploring the whole thing (though I did a fair bit).

I think it's a huge factor if every text everywhere sounds like random words mashed together by a 10 year old who got a bit crazy with Google Translate.


In terms of detail maybe but MD blows it away in the interactivity department as well.

I was also annoyed they didn't just call it New Orleans considering that's basically what it was, it even had a blatant Jackson Square.

If it was called New Orleans, then there'd be a camp of people saying how it wasn't like the real NOLA. With a fictionalized version more features could be modified.

Other games used New Orleans --

Infamous 2 called it "New Marais"


Assassin's Creed Liberation --


Fun trivia...

  • Infamous' first city was "Empire City" Their second city was "New Marais"
  • Mafia's second city was "Empire Bay" Their third city had a district internally called "West Marais" (completely coincidental)


I'm actually a huge fan of the fact that they had Prague by day. The aesthetic and music really created a "cold" feeling that was appropriate for the game. If anything, I wish they ditched some of the other areas and just expanded on Prague even more.
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