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Develop-Online: The Order: 1886 Dev Says "Internet Is The New Playground For Bullies"


In all my years of gaming I've never witnessed a campaign to spread negativity about a game operating at the level as we are seeing right now for The Order.

All the anti-Sony outlets are in Fox News mode right now trashing the game 24/7 for the past week.

What are the anti-Sony outlets?
I'm gonna order a steak, a bottle of wine, and play the shit out of The Order 1886 on Friday. It's gonna be amazing. I'll pay about half the price or more for the steak and wine, finish it within 30-60 minutes, then proceed to play The Order for another 6-7 hours till I finish it. The put my game back on the shelf until I play through it again.... go to the toilet later and flush away the steak and wine, only to ever eat steak and drink wine again, I have to purchase it once more. Do the math. LOL


He's not wrong. About the bullying at least. People are irrational angry about things online.

I reserve judgment if it's worth it's price until I play it. I'm looking forward to it, and if I'm disappointed, so be it.

People aren't clamoring for all-you-can-eat grade F steak. People are saying that if they can get the best steak in the world for $100 that happens to be 400 grams, it doesn't make sense for them to get the best steak in the world for $100 that is 200 grams. Especially when about 40% of the 200 gram steak is made up of fat.

Did The Order personally slight you? If you've played it, fine, but you're awful vocal about criticizing it for some reason.

It's your right to do so, it just seems personal for you.


For everyone saying "let your game do the talking."

They tried that already. Everyone else went ahead and broke the rules. They don't have to be nice anymore.

If we're already at that point then what more needs to be said?


I feel like this is poor damage control on their point. Comparing people who value how much quantity the game contains to people stuffing their mouth with sub - par meat is just a tad conceited of them. The Order looks like a premium product. But most people seem to be worried that it won't play like one.

Also, the game isn't 10 hours. We literally have video evidence to the contrary.

We also have video evidence of pretty much every major game being beaten in a couple of hours - does this mean they are short.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
For everyone saying "let your game do the talking."

They tried that already. Everyone else went ahead and broke the rules. They don't have to be nice anymore.

Did I miss something? It seems like despite the supposed short play time, people who got the game early are enjoying it.


The hate this game is getting is making me want to buy it more even though I wasn't planning to, good job everyone!
And what game in recent memory has had as much shit thrown at it like The Order has?
Even if you exclude the GG bullying (which is a whole 'nother tier of bullshit), I can safely say that plenty of recent games have gotten as much shit as The Order.

DriveClub. Titanfall. Destiny. DmC. No Man's Sky (and that one isn't even out yet).

The list goes on. Some of those games deserved the skepticism. Others didn't.


I've no interest in The Order beyond laughing at this shitstorm but every time one of their people say some something I begin to wonder "why can't the game speak for itself?"

Well first of all, its shining a light on the ill will that some gamers might never see otherwise (not everybody frequents game forums and such). 2nd of all, it feeds trolls that are hating on the game for no reason other than to hate.

It just seems like bad business to try and defend your brand new game against haters before its even come out.
Internet is both good and bad.
I will not judge The Order yet until I play it. The critics will tell me if I should wait until a sale.
Which it is looking like flash sale territory. I don't want to pay 60 for a 4 hour game.


Well, welcome to the internet, Ready at Dawn :S

It's their first new IP for a studio used to making ports and handheld games based on well-received IPs. Some part of it could be inexperience but surely they would have expected that a short linear game at full price would have received heavy criticism.


Unconfirmed Member
And what game in recent memory has had as much shit thrown at it like The Order has?

The game Fuse, and it wasn't even that fucking bad a game (nothing mindblowing but nothing awful either).

I remember the amount of shit thrown at that game, Insomniac and JStevenson on GAF and it makes the treatment The Order has gotten look VERY tame.
Yes, I've read alot about how it would maybe review similarly to either wolfenstein/the first uncharted, that the game isn't quite the nirvana everyone would like for it to be, but with a possible sequel being the greatest thing ever. That's what people are talking about. If some nutter is saying a reviewer doesn't "get" the game fair enough, but show that to me because I missed it.
I feel like this is going to end up being 2015' Wolfenstein: The New Order in terms of how consumers and professional critics praise the game, being that the both sides will see the game vastly different from one another.

Among other sentiments of extrmely similar calibre. Heck, the whole "steak" argument is such a hand wavey one. Just deflection of actual critique.

Ryse, got panned deservedly during, before, and after it came out. This has quite the similarity.
Come on, from what I've heard, that play-through wasn't close to what most mean when they say speed-run.

Someone not picking up collectibles isn't speed running through a game. Someone not standing around, absorbing in the atmosphere and marvelling at the amazing visuals isn't them speed running through the game.

Let's not try and suggest speed run suddenly had a new meaning...

Wait, how many hours of "standing around, absorbing in the atmosphere and marveling at the amazing visuals," are you expecting gamers to do in place of actual gameplay? Does this include the 2 1/2 hours of cutscenes?


You know first it was "the black bars" now it's the length of the game and next week it will be the missing DLC. It's the fucking Internet and people love to moan about things they probably have no interest in it in the first place. The trick is not to get bothered by the trolls too much and pick the constructive and valid criticism out so that maybe your next game could become even better.


I really hate this kind of comparison, it's so fucking stupid.

In order for it to remotely work, you have to assume that both your steak is really fucking good and worth the $100 you're asking, and also that the only alternative is all-you-can-eat of shit steaks.

Is this the case? Highly subjective.

I'd argue that Dark Souls is a $100 steak (that got way cheaper over time, just like The Order will) with so many fucking kg that you can feed your entire family. What then? What when you have two high quality steaks for the same price, but one offers a lot more? Is he now inclined to agree that maybe his game isn't worth the price? I don't think he is.

And I'm not even touching the fact that many people will inevitably think that his steak is the bad one, and also expensive as shit.

I really hate the point he's trying to make.

I do agree that the hate towards their game jumps through hoops to keep hating, definitely. But that's the case with every game, really, especially exclusives. Even if the games aren't actually very good, if they were multiplatform by some random dev, people would just ignore them.

But there's also the other side of the coin, those games also have a blind defense force that will defend that game with their lives, even if they actually deserve the criticism.

Remember the The Last of Us review thread and the Polygon score? That was very embarrassing. I adore The Last of Us, and I completely disagree with Polygon's score, but that does not justify shitting on their opinion before I even got a chance to play the game they supposedly at the very least finished once.

And they were actually the first ones to talk about infinite ammo scripted sequences, which didn't bother me nearly as much as it did bother them apparently, but it's still a thing in the game that no one else remembered to mention. They weren't making shit up to justify their score, and even if they were, how the hell would we know before playing the game?

But of course everyone will focus on how the internet is mean. Who would complain about people blindly defending their product, even when they don't know anything about it? It's Ubisoft's dream, I guess.

To talk about The Order specifically, remember the whole "no people of other races in London"? Both sides looked incredibly stupid when the game actually have minorities in it. Both the side trying to take offense to it and the side defending the fact that the game didn't have minorities because it was more immersive or whatever the fuck they came up with as excuses.

I don't think it is. There's valid criticism out there but there is also bullying and unnecessary vitriol. Just peruse some of the Twitter or Youtube comments.

They specifically mentioned GAF in another interview, we're not talking about the ridiculous bullshit they have to deal with on youtube or twitter, with thing like threats to developers being somewhat common place.

If we were, I don't think anyone would disagree, to the point where it would be pointless talking about it.

EDIT: It was actually this same interview.


Criticizing a 60 dollar game for only offering 3-4 hours of gameplay = bullying

This takes persecution complexes to a whole new level.

There is absolutely no reason on their behalf that they might be facing criticism. None whatsoever. That's an impossible notion. Remember when everyone was bullying Wolfenstein: New Order? You don't? Well, try harder. It's just random aggression.


King of Gaslighting
Glass jaws and weak chins

Glass jaw? For the better part of a year they've dealt with (with aplomb I might say) insane criticism about their game. Yet they finally respond to this morass of negativity and all of a sudden they've got "glass jaws. . ."



Its probablY more like watching a dude eat a steak in front of you.

Haha :D


Those bullies.


I certainly hope the reviewers don't blindly follow the negative hype and review the game for its own merits and faults.

From what I hear about people actually playing the game, it's quite good, with a few defaults that don't prevent them from really enjoying the game. Really hoping the game turn out great, and that the reviews reflect that. RaD doesn't deserve the unfounded shit storm they faced ever since they first presented their game...

To be honest, the gaming community as a whole should be ashamed of the way we treated this game - and any pseudo controversial high profile exclusive game for that matter.


The steak analogy is weird. Normally you don't expect millions of people to pay a hundred dollars for a steak. Console gaming is supposed to be an affordable and approachable form of the gaming hobby, so making analogies with ultra premium products that're entirely unreachable for the average consumer really defies all logic.

That said, I do agree that many people are too vehement in their criticism. It's very possible to rely an honest appraisal of a game or company, without venturing into personally insulting territory.


Facts about the game's length, which originated when someone completed a speedrun of the game in five hours, have been misrepresented, Jan argued.

Calling that playthrough a speedrun is being insincere.
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