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Develop-Online: The Order: 1886 Dev Says "Internet Is The New Playground For Bullies"


In all my years of gaming I've never witnessed a campaign to spread negativity about a game operating at the level as we are seeing right now for The Order.

All the anti-Sony outlets are in Fox News mode right now trashing the game 24/7 for the past week.
He's not wrong, and with so many games coming out these days and only a finite amount of time to spend on playing, I'd much prefer a medium-rare, center-cut sirloin than a huge, dry, tbone steak.

Hopefully people can look beyond the current situation with TO1886 and think about how this contributes to the rampant online abuse culture that's seemingly making headlines all the time- regardless of how small his specific gripe may be.
People bashed this game from the first footage shown. It seems to have a disproportionate amount of "criticism" thrown towards it. Probably because it's an exclusive and those always have a tougher go at things. This thread will probably see a lot more of the same faces that have shat up the other threads.


Terrible analogies and terrible damage control

The order isn't a 100$ steak, it's a 60$ single player cinematic experience ("game")

His analogy is perfectly fine. He believes his product is high quality, and those that pay for it will enjoy it. Not everyone will agree, but that's why we are able to choose which games we buy.

How did you enjoy the game? By your comment, it seems you've played it.
I feel like this is poor damage control on their point. Comparing people who value how much quantity the game contains to people stuffing their mouth with sub - par meat is just a tad conceited of them. The Order looks like a premium product. But most people seem to be worried that it won't play like one.

Also, the game isn't 10 hours. We literally have video evidence to the contrary.
It is a cinematic experience with combat being interupted by tons of QTEs, lack luster AI, but with good graphics and nice sound design. People acting like these 3-6 hours of game (the parts where you are ACTUALLY playing) as being XXX-good have at this point, for me, drank the coolaid.

The worst part is that people are comparing it to wolfenstein now, complaining that reviewers "just won't get it," that it is "art" and therefore beyond reproach, or that it is "sequel founding" and these dudes need our pity.

This game has brought out quite a weird string of apologeticas for AAA empty-headed experience. It is really making me question the actual values that a lot of GAFers purport to have when they "lol" at COD or other games. I find it bizarre.
on topic: The internet is a hard place and is full of dicks. Those dicks do stupid things. But you are a company behind a massive corporation funding you and advertising your game. You can only expect so much leniency.

What the hell are you on about? Drank the coolaid?

Is it that hard to imagine people being excited for a story-driven TPS?


...I don't think you understand what an analogy is.

Yes, Jan understands that The Order is not a $100 steak.

The "internet" keeps trying to summarize value as one number based on... something. Anything. It's like people refuse to accept 350 years of development in Economics.
When you start comparing your game to 100$ steaks, you open yourself to some serious criticism because a 100$ steak is more or less supposed to be a top of the Line steak.

The Order has yet to prove that it's more than your average TPS with insanely good graphics, tons of (non playable) cutscenes and filled with QTEs

In short, it was a stupid and terrible analogy


pip pip cheerio you slags!
It is a cinematic experience with combat being interupted by tons of QTEs, lack luster AI, but with good graphics and nice sound design. People acting like these 3-6 hours of game (the parts where you are ACTUALLY playing) as being XXX-good have at this point, for me, drank the coolaid.

The worst part is that people are comparing it to wolfenstein now, complaining that reviewers "just won't get it," that it is "art" and therefore beyond reproach, or that it is "sequel founding" and these dudes need our pity.

This game has brought out quite a weird string of apologeticas for AAA empty-headed experience. It is really making me question the actual values that a lot of GAFers purport to have when they "lol" at COD or other games. I find it bizarre.
on topic: The internet is a hard place and is full of dicks. But you are a company behind a massive corporation funding you and advertising your game. You can only expect so much leniency.

People are reading the impressions of what people have been playing, if that's drinking the kool-aid then alright.
Jan said that when players complete The Order: 1886, they won't think it's a "short" game. In fact, he said its length will be similar to other games in the shooter genre. Facts about the game's length, which originated when someone completed a speedrun of the game in five hours, have been misrepresented, Jan argued.

Jan should learn what a speedrun is.

Come on, from what I've heard, that play-through wasn't close to what most mean when they say speed-run.

Someone not picking up collectibles isn't speed running through a game. Someone not standing around, absorbing in the atmosphere and marvelling at the amazing visuals isn't them speed running through the game.

Let's not try and suggest speed run suddenly had a new meaning...
"People are looking for something to throw at our game, some reason to hate it. I'm excited to hear what people who have actually played the game think about it, how do they feel about the quality and the quantity? I think by and large that most people are going to be satisfied."



I saw a let's play and it definitely does not play like a "$100 steak", it's more like an overpriced supermarket steak with very fancy packaging.


And what game in recent memory has had as much shit thrown at it like The Order has?

Tons of games do all the time. I remember Fallout 3 being a big one before it launched. It was just a constant barrage of hate and shit towards the game which instantly vanished after it released. There was nothing but toxic comments about it beforehand though.


It feels like the whole situation surrounding The Order 1886 is about to become disastrous. Calling out the internet like this is never a good move.


If the game is good, then it should be able to speak for itself. Don't tell me that your game is amazing, let me determine your game is amazing

This applies to everything
I haven't played the game yet so I can't comment on any of that. But saying people who enjoy it have drank koolaid is a really dumb statement.

Everyone has different tastes.

People defending the game's content, given everything we know, with those defenses "is the the kool-aid" that I am talking about.

I also can assume people's tastes are heavily influenced by mass-media culture and hype-culture. Soimething which i can also, due to my taste, find repulsive.
People are reading the impressions of what people have been playing, if that's drinking the kool-aid then alright.

Go to the thread and examine the comments of people who are referencing and talking about the game's "reception" and "reviewal" and its "critique."
What the hell are you on about? Drank the coolaid?

Is it that hard to imagine people being excited for a story-driven TPS?

No, sadly it isn't. And that is why i find it so troubling.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
No. The Internet should now what a speedrun means. "Misrepresented" means that people have took a wrong conclusion about the dude that finished the game in 5 hours.

He doesn't say that it's not posible to finish the game in 5 hours, he's just said that a normal dude playing a game at a normal pace won't finish it that fast and that people has misunderstood that.

I know he didn't say it wasn't possible, but that playthrough was...a playthrough. The guy went at a normal pace, so calling it a speedrun is wrong.

I'm not really fussed about the time it will take to finish and am playing through it regardless, but that's a really weak defense to see them use.
Tons of games do all the time. I remember Fallout 3 being a big one before it launched. It was just a constant barrage of hate and shit towards the game which instantly vanished after it released. There was nothing but toxic comments about it beforehand though.

Yup. This stuff happens all the time. Ryse had TONS of shit thrown at it. Dead Rising 3 got a lot of shit too because of the DF article with news of fps and resolution as well.


The Birthday Skeleton
So, how many Michelin stars does RAD have?

Also, I think it really makes light of the real bullies. Criticizing a product (even if the critique is unfair) is not the same with attacking people.
And what game in recent memory has had as much shit thrown at it like The Order has?

Thief? Hitman Absolution? Fallout 3? Ryse? Every Call of Duty post 4? Sunset Overdrive? Driveclub? Evolve? Uncharted? Halo 4? Destiny?

Like, varying degrees of "well yeah but ___ deserves it" in there, but let's not pretend The Order is the first game to discover a skeptic audience.
RAD should just ignore the internet (including GAF). The Order will do just fine, no matter what people are angry about. Just because there is a very vocal subset of people that got it into their head that the game must fail for reasons doesn't make it so.


In my experience, the fancier, more expensive steaks also tend to be bigger because they're cut thicker

This is a steak thread, right?


While I agree with pretty much everything he says the truth is that there in the video-game world there are ton of high quality steaks that are cheaper than the one he tries to sell.

But this is more related to the whole "AAA games are expensive as hell" instead of the length vs price discussion.
People bashed this game from the first footage shown. It seems to have a disproportionate amount of "criticism" thrown towards it. Probably because it's an exclusive and those always have a tougher go at things. This thread will probably see a lot more of the same faces that have shat up the other threads.

Disproportionate to what? Are all games suppose to get equal amounts of positivety vs negativity?

I don't mean to single your post out but I see a ton of comments about people "out to get" this game and I just don't understand them. From what I've seen about the game I can pretty easily see why people are so critical of it. It's had quite a few lacklustre showings in the past (and conferences and such), and the length thing doesn't help in relation to those less than stellar showings. It seems sensible to me that there's a larger amount of people out there who are sceptical of this one than the average big-budget game.


For everyone saying "let your game do the talking."

They tried that already. Everyone else went ahead and broke the rules. They don't have to be nice anymore.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Yup. Let the game speak for itself, hell, let reviewers speak on the behalf of the damn game.

And quite honestly, after the colossal, smelly shit storm that's called GamersGate, you equate people shit talking a game's length to bullying? Fuck right off. So people say bad things about your game? Other people are getting constant death threats.

I'm not sure how this got twisted into them saying we are receiving an equivalent response to gamergate threats.

People defending the game's content, given everything we know, with those defenses "is the the kool-aid" that I am talking about.

I also can assume people's tastes are heavily influenced by mass-media culture and hype-culture. Soimething which i can also, due to my taste, find repulsive.

Go to the thread and examine the comments of people who are referencing and talking about the game's "reception" and "reviewal" and its "critique."

Yes, I've read alot about how it would maybe review similarly to either wolfenstein/the first uncharted, that the game isn't quite the nirvana everyone would like for it to be, but with a possible sequel being the greatest thing ever. That's what people are talking about. If some nutter is saying a reviewer doesn't "get" the game fair enough, but show that to me because I missed it.


the piano man
grow a thicker skin, RAD,

when we get a major zelda (freaking ZELDA, not a new, unproven generic shooter IP) it gets panned by waves and waves of haters, regardless of the quality of the game, nintendo ignores them just like they should.

you should ignore them too


People aren't clamoring for all-you-can-eat grade F steak. People are saying that if they can get the best steak in the world for $100 that happens to be 400 grams, it doesn't make sense for them to get the best steak in the world for $100 that is 200 grams. Especially when about 40% of the 200 gram steak is made up of fat.
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