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Devil's Third (Itagaki PS360) announced, debut trailer inside

Mr. B Natural said:
You're right, but at the time most gamers weren't desensitized like they are now. There's no possible way gore is ever going to create a sense of dread anymore to gamers. There's too much of it. It's been done to a pulpy bloody death.

That's why we go the other direction and have fun with it.

This game needs to pull an NG2 and allow players to throw mutilated corpses at each other.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
God's Beard said:
Show me one console game that is a multiplayer TPS with ninja gaiden-style melee and movement. Fuck, show me a competitive TPS with platforming. This is less similar to gears of war than ninja gaiden was to devil may cry.
I dont understand how people are NOT seeing this....
MassiveAttack said:
Believe me, I know that. However, judging from the trailer, the current phase of development and the target release window, E3 was too soon. That said, THQ Partners needed to flex a little PR muscle so I get the impetus. The question is simply what is best for the game. TGS or GDC 2011 may have been better timing.

They said is not a THQ partners project.They are treating it as a THQ core project with an external developer.


djtiesto said:
Sadly, looks generic and the color palette used is pretty ugly, more yellow and ochre and brown stuff. Expected the game to at least look vibrant, like the rest of Itagaki's games.

Too many Japanese devs are 'westernizing' their product into some generic mishmash of American concepts this gen. Then they save their most interesting stuff for handhelds.
I agree, and it's getting more common. Is it even really helping their sales?
God's Beard said:
Show me one console game that is a multiplayer TPS with ninja gaiden-style melee and movement. Fuck, show me a competitive TPS with platforming. This is less similar to gears of war than ninja gaiden was to devil may cry.

Do you really want me to list off all the TPS open world games with ultra-violent melee and weapon combat that have come out in the last 4 years? really? You can say "but this is like that but better" and maybe that's true. But I can't tell quite yet, and neither can you. All I know is that this has been done for to death this gen and it's NOT interesting.

Or do you want me to list off the games that are pretty much just like the previous game, but with multiplayer thrown in for good measure? Cause that list might be even larger. Not interesting and more "me too" going on.

The obvious sell to me (and I may be wrong but i doubt it) is that this is yet another freggin open world tps, but with ninja gaiden flare. I don't even have to put the controller in my hand to know how this is going to play out. That's not my definition of interesting.

And yes, ultraviolent gore IS a huge selling point for this game, which is why just about every scene had a display of ultraviolence and gore. Itagaki still thinks this childish shit is really neato. You can call it "style" but when everyone else is doing it, I'd rather call it plain and compensation.
MassiveAttack said:
Believe me, I know that. However, judging from the trailer, the current phase of development and the target release window, E3 was too soon. That said, THQ Partners needed to flex a little PR muscle so I get the impetus. The question is simply what is best for the game. TGS or GDC 2011 may have been better timing.

I think TGS isn't too idea given it's a shooter, GDC might of been a better time but would it seem like THQ didn't have the confidence to show it at a bigger show? I think we also need to take into account Itagaki is an egotist and media-darling and this puts him back in the limelight, it gives him an excuse to be interviewed about how much he hates Tekken over the next two years :D

All in all I don't think it will be too detrimental to the title. Release a multiplayer demo at next E3 and then reveal the single player w/demo at the GDC before it's release. Essentially they convey that it's going to be a game as solid as NG early on and then build up the hype as it's visuals and presentation/single players take huge steps forwards.

Not to say that it would work to successfully build up the hype required for a potentially AAA 3rd party fresh IP, but I also can't think of any examples to prove that it would/wouldn't. It's maybe closest to what Blizzard do but that's discounting the known company and franchises.

It's certainly better than the Square-Enix rout of providing CGI 3 years in advance of the release then showing nothing but CGI until the final year :lol
God's Beard said:
The only other game to play like this was an ugly, poorly animated, niche Korean PC game from 2005 that was so horrendously coded that the incrdibly broken glitches became the default mode of gameplay.

And despite all that, it was fun. Now, one of the most talented teams with a history of action games is taking a stab at the same formula? Sign me up.

I mentioned The Specialists on the 1st/2nd page which was somewhat similar in concept, actually good and one of the reasons I'm looking forwards to this game (I wanted The Specialists source so bad :()



Worships the porcelain goddess
:lol showing this when the release is 2012 or possibly later.

What's the over/under on the amount of shooters that will released during that time frame? I'm saying 75.


Mr. B Natural said:
Do you really want me to list off all the TPS open world games with ultra-violent melee and weapon combat that have come out in the last 4 years? really?
I do.

All of them.

I am not doubting that there is games, but it can be fun.

Mr. B Natural said:
I don't even have to put the controller in my hand to know how this is going to play out.
So apparently there's going to be vehicles in this game, and so far it's only half a year into production. It probably took all that time just to finish writing the engine. There's also going to be a complete, story-driven single player mode for the people that don't want to play Gunz. Itagaki claims it's the most elaborate story in a shooter, but I don't know if I believe him. I imagine that they only showed multiplayer because that's all they have now. In the final build there will be an experience system with perks and unlocks, MW2 style.

The only thing that worries me right now is that Itagaki says that he's taking his DOA knowledge of proper frame data, etc into designing the game balance. I feel like this is a distinctly japanese game design ethos that caused Capcom a lot of grief with Lost Planet.

Mr. B Natural said:
Do you really want me to list off all the TPS open world games with ultra-violent melee and weapon combat that have come out in the last 4 years? really? You can say "but this is like that but better" and maybe that's true. But I can't tell quite yet, and neither can you. All I know is that this has been done for to death this gen and it's NOT interesting.

Or do you want me to list off the games that are pretty much just like the previous game, but with multiplayer thrown in for good measure? Cause that list might be even larger. Not interesting and more "me too" going on.

Ok, so I ask you to show me examples of A, and you spout off how many examples of B and C you can list? Besides, Itagaki said he's going for mainstream, but in his own style. He's not trying to create a new genre.


Felium Defensor
Kintaro said:
:lol showing this when the release is 2012 or possibly later.

What's the over/under on the amount of shooters that will released during that time frame? I'm saying 75.
What?! I thought it would drop Fall next year the latest. :/
I can understand why he'd want to make a title that moved away from the bleach-clean Tecmo aesthetic but i really wanted more color :(

also i don't like guns boo


il capo silenzioso
canova said:
no. I'm not kidding or being sarcastic. I'm dead serious, totally sick with shooters, no matter how the developers flavor it

You like Demon's souls..I like you..shut up. :D

And seriously guys, generic ? are we watching the same trailer ?.. is it the art style ? I'm sure they're gonna beef it up later on since its only 10% complete.


only seen the SD trailer, so i can't really judge the graphics from a technical standpoint (looked competent, while not really impressive) but i really don't get the hate.

It's fast, well animated and you can tell it plays smoothly, plus a third person hack'n'slash + platform + shooter with a strong multiplayer component is the absolute opposite of "common" these days.

Not really convinced by (lack of distinctive) artstyle, but other than that game itself looks promising.


That looks cool. Getting a Bayonetta vibe from this. Although I'd probably be getting a Ninja Gaiden vibe if I'd played Ninja Gaiden.


AniHawk said:
That looks cool. Getting a Bayonetta vibe from this. Although I'd probably be getting a Ninja Gaiden vibe if I'd played Ninja Gaiden.
You really should give it a try. If you have an Xbox 1 or 360 get Black, if not but you do have a PS3 get Sigma 1. Very awesome.


StuBurns said:
You really should give it a try. If you have an Xbox 1 or 360 get Black, if not but you do have a PS3 get Sigma 1. Very awesome.

actually i bought ninja gaiden with my xbox back in 2004 and then never played it. actually, i bought the xbox just to play ninja gaiden, and then never played it. weird history there. part of it is that i'm not very good with action games (although i managed decently enough with Kamiya's titles).

CcrooK said:

just sayin' from an over-the-top, tongue-in-cheek sort of way. a lot of it was the music.


Trucker Sexologist
Kintaro said:
:lol showing this when the release is 2012 or possibly later.

What's the over/under on the amount of shooters that will released during that time frame? I'm saying 75.
Somehow I don't see Itagaki doing a standard 3rd person shooter. So out of that 75 there might only be 1 or 2 that play anything like DT, if that.
God's Beard said:
The only thing that worries me right now is that Itagaki says that he's taking his DOA knowledge of proper frame data, etc into designing the game balance. I feel like this is a distinctly japanese game design ethos that caused Capcom a lot of grief with Lost Planet.


Shooters that put the player in control of a camera with a gun attached are just awful.
PepsimanVsJoe said:

Shooters that put the player in control of a camera with a gun attached are just awful.

So are ones that have debilitating hitstun.

Haunted said:
The trailer makes it look like a pure multiplayer game.

That's because it's all they have to show now. Final will have a full story mode.


This looks like a ton of fun to me. I just watched the segment from the GTTV episode, and you guys are right - there are at least 4 scenes that are censored in the GameTrailers.com version. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
God's Beard said:
So are ones that have debilitating hitstun.

I don't see the problem with it. Somebody gets the jump on you in any other multiplayer game you're dead anyway. Still I can accept that the system needs work.

Then again there are a 100,000 shooters out there that all play exactly like one another so if it bothers gamers that much they're free to move on.


God's Beard said:
So are ones that have debilitating hitstun.

That's because it's all they have to show now. Final will have a full story mode.
I hope it's a proper SP campaign and not a series of disjointed arena matches like Quake III, UT etc.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
I don't see the problem with it. Somebody gets the jump on you in any other multiplayer game you're dead anyway. Still I can accept that the system needs work.

Then again there are a 100,000 shooters out there that all play exactly like one another so if it bothers gamers that much they're free to move on.

It's not about being different, it's about frustration. What's the benefit of headhots if you're guaranteed a kill on a quick draw?


Technosteve said:
I wonder why they didn't show a CGI trailer with non game play elements?

Because they're confident enough in their own game where they don't need to rely on flash movies to sell it to the audience.


Technosteve said:
I wonder why they didn't show a CGI trailer with non game play elements?

Because the trailer was designed to show off all the cool things you can do in the game. The battle engine is in about beta state right now.

eshwaaz said:
This looks like a ton of fun to me. I just watched the segment from the GTTV episode, and you guys are right - there are at least 4 scenes that are censored in the GameTrailers.com version. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Even the GTTV episode had some segments censored. Watch the Eurogamer trailer.


Trucker Sexologist
Safe Bet said:
It looks stupid and juvenile but expected.

I'm still waiting for someone to use gore properly, like DOOM did.

It should elicit a feeling of revulsion, not celebration.
I thought the uncensored trailer was pretty ghoulish. But I guess we're all desensitized gamers here.


It's too early to make a fair comment but Itagaki hasn't really disappointed me yet (yes, even NG2 in it's unfinished glory was still , at it's core an enjoyable game).

So I all I can really do is wait and see.

It IS rather telling that our first glimpse of this game is what can only be summed up as a pre-alpha multiplayer test. This as opposed to some fancy 2 minute CG trailer that shows nothing of the game. It tells me Valhalla has an eagerness and a confidence in this game that most studios do not have in their own products.

The 2012 comment in an above post is likely not far off from the truth, I'd anticipate Summer 2011 at the earliest but depending on how much THQ lets them polish this up it could even be spring 2012. Which begs the question of just how successful they plan to be with this...


Pachinko said:
It IS rather telling that our first glimpse of this game is what can only be summed up as a pre-alpha multiplayer test. This as opposed to some fancy 2 minute CG trailer that shows nothing of the game. It tells me Valhalla has an eagerness and a confidence in this game that most studios do not have in their own products.

Very good point. I'm among those who largely ignore CG trailers - show me at least in-engine stuff, or don't bother.
I am surprised at some of the comments. Such as already labeling it a conventional TPS considering both what Team Ninja's forte is and what Itagaki has said about the melee aspect of this game.

"In looking at real combat, close combat has a more visceral bloody feel to it. I want to get more of that close combat feel in [Devil's Third],""

"place a major emphasis on shooting—along with "deep melee and fighting systems"— and boast a robust multiplayer component."

" We've brought all the lessons and know-how to bear on this project. For example, in Dead or Alive details such as going from standing state to crouching state - how many frames should that be, and the real details of working a system like that. There are only a couple of people in the world who really understand how that works, and that's just one piece of knowledge we're bringing to this."

It is pretty obvious they are putting some time into the melee combat which is something Team Ninja is known for. Though I haven't played Wet yet. That could also have had a combat system on par with the DoA or Ninja Gaiden series, but I am doubtful.

Personally, the depth and challenge of the gameplay systems is one of only thing I look forward to in an action game (or video games in general.) It is also the main aspect of the Ninja Gaiden games. The combat depth is something that wouldn't necessarily come off fully in trailer form. Outside of the higher level aspects such as it having both shooter and melee aspects along with level of speed of the game-play unless they were aiming for it to be a more cinematic trailer.)
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