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Devil's Third Retail Build Single Player Impressions


What a stupid post. I have a WiiU and enjoy it greatly. Sometimes a shit game is a shit game.

Good for you, but I wasn't talking about you. If you thought I was, well, that's your call.

When people are serial-posting how much they hate this game before playing it, Bayonetta 2 syndrome is all that comes to mind.


Have you?

Still not getting why there is so much fucking hate about this game.. It's not even that people think it's a POS game.. It's that people will shit on others who are excited for it or if they think it looks good. That is what I mean by hate.

actually all I'm seeing is you and memecomplex shitting on anyone who dares say that this awful looking game is probably awful.

I mean.. "scrubs". wtf.

but hey, prove us wrong, upload a video of your masterful play when it ships, and we'll all get on board.


Good for you, but I wasn't talking about you. If you thought I was, well, that's your call.

When people are serial-posting how much they hate this game before playing it, Bayonetta 2 syndrome is all that comes to mind.

Bayonetta was universally praised in preview and review. Don't think this resembles that situation at all.


actually all I'm seeing is you and memecomplex shitting on anyone who dares say that this awful looking game is probably awful.

I mean.. "scrubs". wtf.

but hey, prove us wrong, upload a video of your masterful play when it ships, and we'll all get on board.

please feel free to show me instances of myself "shitting on anyone" or calling people "scrubs."
Wasn't responding to you and no I haven't played it but all the previewers saying its a piece of shit have. I wasn't shitting on him for being excited about the game. I do think it's extremely arrogant that he thinks everyone who doesn't like the game is a hater scrub player with groupthink. It's much more likely that the game is shit than that he's some special snowflake who's the only one who can see its hidden genius.

Uh yeah ok, who am I to question professional gaming journalists?

They have played thousands of games and logged thousands of hours playing gaming games.

What do I know. If they say this game is shit, then it is.

Happy now?

actually all I'm seeing is you and memecomplex shitting on anyone who dares say that this awful looking game is probably awful.

I mean.. "scrubs". wtf.

but hey, prove us wrong, upload a video of your masterful play when it ships, and we'll all get on board.

Dude, I know it's hard to read posts when you're skimming through them with fiery passion. But as I explained before I used the term scrubs as a hyperbole, in response to this game being the worst POS Nintendo's ever published and PS2 level GFX. Hyperbole begets hyperbole. It's only karma.

And lastly I don't need to get anyone on board. I'm just poking my head in here to see why there was so much negativity because like Ozium I just don't understand it myself. Is it primarily because the game looks janky? Is it because it's fun to see a celebrity game developer fall on his face?
Someone made a cool graphical comparison video between E3 2014's build and the current one:

To me there's definitely an improvement. The lighting has been changed to make it actually suit the scene, the main character's model is higher poly (his bald head isn't as jagged anymore, see 1:23), lots of objects have more detail, there's added lens flare in one of the cutscenes.

Yes, it's low budget, but some effort's clearly gone into it. If they really didn't care I doubt the trees would be swaying about when that helicopter lands. But to cherry pick screenshots and call it a PS2 game is unfair given the tech involved in general. "Low budget" is still how it'd describe it when it's looking at its worst.

Generally I agree with memecomplex's posts. So far any impressions are based on the early single player campaign, yet some sites and people can't stop bashing it. Then again, Nintendo of Europe didn't exactly handle this in the smartest way -- if this was a major Nintendo release it'd probably have had a press event at NoE/NUK offices where players are only restricted to play select segments of the game, and online would likely have been encouraged. I remember stumbling across an online Splatoon Miiverse community for reviewers before that game launched, for example.

If the online turns out to be good, then they've truly messed things up, as the damage has been done.


Big "N" Live 100 - Devil's Third Video Preview

It also sadly shows that the turret section in the airport with the terrible car model, and a texture never pops onto it. So it could just legitimately be a crap model that they didn't update (the rest of the area looks fin, if mediocre).

eh? the texture on that car model IS 'popped' on... wheels and windows are defined. definitely does not have that blurry n64 look from the other video.


Have you?

Still not getting why there is so much fucking hate about this game.. It's not even that people think it's a POS game.. It's that people will shit on others who are excited for it or if they think it looks good. That is what I mean by hate.

Itagaki is always talking shit about people sincerely (poor hayashi, whether you like that guy or not) and he is a completely egotistic Diva. It's a bit cathartic to see someone with his hubris humbled so thoroughly.

I mean, the tone in development when itagaki left Team Ninja was huge. Itagaki was always self-concerned with how he spoke about development. Hayashi did nothing but praise the team once Itagaki left. Essentially, Itagaki doubled down on the Auteur rhetoric about his games at the cost of everyone else who went into making them, yet isn't delivering when he's off on his own.

Time may tell if this game is a technically flawed gem, but I am not expecting "The Evil Within" style reception here

Not really. Every action game has some reviewers (and many more salty players) who can't get their heads around it or bash it for not playing the way they want. Extend that to fighting games and anything else that takes some amount of skill.

I'm not hopeful, but, that said, the graphics may be very confirmed to be shit, the verdict on the actual gameplay is still up in the air.

You're describing Devil May Cry 3 reviews to a T. So so many reviews were hating on that game for being too hard.


Someone made a cool graphical comparison video between E3 2014's build and the current one:

To me there's definitely an improvement. The lighting has been changed to make it actually suit the scene, the main character's model is higher poly (his bald head isn't as jagged anymore, see 1:23), lots of objects have more detail, there's added lens flare in one of the cutscenes.

Yes, it's low budget, but some effort's clearly gone into it. If they really didn't care I doubt the trees would be swaying about when that helicopter lands. But to cherry pick screenshots and call it a PS2 game is unfair given the tech involved in general. "Low budget" is still how it'd describe it when it's looking at its worst.

Generally I agree with memecomplex's posts. So far any impressions are based on the early single player campaign, yet some sites and people can't stop bashing it. Then again, Nintendo of Europe didn't exactly handle this in the smartest way -- if this was a major Nintendo release it'd probably have had a press event at NoE/NUK offices where players are only restricted to play select segments of the game, and online would likely have been encouraged. I remember stumbling across an online Splatoon Miiverse community for reviewers before that game launched, for example.

If the online turns out to be good, then they've truly messed things up, as the damage has been done.

Looks to me like the lighting took a huge hit. Especially the characters in the cutscenes look more as if they were taken from a Silicon Knights GCN title than a Wii U game.
eh? the texture on that car model IS 'popped' on... wheels and windows are defined. definitely does not have that blurry n64 look from the other video.

Looking at it again, your are right. The texture is there, and looks better than N64, It's the car model itself that is N64 levels of poor. I'm not trying to hate either, I'm buying this day 1, and the scene as a whole looks detailed enough, I was just assuming that the car would have a normal map, making the model appear more curvy/better. They should have just deleted it from the scene, since it sticks out like a sore thumb.

Looks to me like the lighting took a huge hit. Especially the characters in the cutscenes look more as if they were taken from a Silicon Knights GCN title than a Wii U game.

I'm not sure I agree, but there is something about the final version that just looks washed out at a glance. But when you suggest the lighting is worse, directly comparing the videos scene for scene, there are areas in the final release that quite obviously show more shadowing, such as the canvas on the army truck at 0:08, and especially at 0:56. All shadows and more seem to be there, along with extra detail in the final release, but the shadows seem to be more transparent and have softer edges. I suppose you are referring to the lighting in the scene as a whole?
The impressions that went up today by Chris Schilling are the best I've read so far. He firstly addresses the hyperbole surrounding the game, and then actually explains what makes the game flawed -- many previous previews have just pointed to bad visuals and a dodgy framerate -- and suggests that it hasn't come off so well from its troubled development period. Defintiely the most balanced piece out there, and one that picks apart what it does well and poorly, with examples to boot.

Devil’s Third is not a top-tier action game. It’s not even a mid-tier one. But let’s cut through the hyperbole here. No, it’s not much of a looker, but its graphics are not PS2 standard. It’s not the worst game Nintendo has ever published by a long stretch, particularly when you consider the likes of FlingSmash, Pokémon Dash, Super Mario Ball, and Urban Champion. In the pantheon of third-person action games, it’s not as shonky and tedious as Tecmo’s own Quantum Theory, nor as outright hateful as the risible Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z, possibly the most soul-crushingly miserable experience I’ve had in nine years of reviewing games. It’s a mediocre game with considerable performance issues and some laughable AI, but at the same time I’d be lying if I said I didn’t sporadically experience some base pleasures from this knowingly knuckle-headed game.

More centrally, the combination of melee combat and first-person shooting just doesn’t really work. Many of the early encounters are balanced to accommodate both approaches, and so the AI is heroically stupid. The first boss is defeated by crouching behind a piece of cover and popping out to shoot him as he stands stock still, haphazardly spraying machine gun fire that barely scratches you.

Alternatively, you can wade into the fray with an iron bar, a machete or a pair of kukri, and take down regular grunts simply by bashing the light and strong attack buttons. Later, that changes: melee is far too risky a strategy when you’ve got RPGs and miniguns to contend with, and so you simply hang back and take pot shots. At other times, you’ll be asked to deal with agile ninjas and know it’s time to let your sword do the talking (partly because the first-person aiming is so stiff). In other words, the two disciplines are rarely combined in any meaningful way – though it’s a cathartic moment when you battle through a testing set-piece and get to hack apart any stragglers you haven’t already gunned down.

It’s no surprise that the best parts of Devil’s Third are when it steps through the cloud of smoke and says “tonight, Matthew, I’m going to be Ninja Gaiden”; notably a sequence in a Japanese-style pleasure district against an army of robed warriors. Admittedly, it’s not a brilliant impersonation (it’s never as slick or as responsive as it needs to be) though at least the camera is rarely so capricious. Meanwhile, the boss battles are entertainingly staged, if occasionally frustrating. Itagaki is still a fan of the one-hit-kill move, though the wind-up animations for these are easy enough to read after the first death, giving you plenty of time to take evasive action.

Definitely worth a read.


ive seen people say that theyre still gonna buy it despite the negative previews
they must have a lot of cash to waste or wii u owners just want more stuff to play
The impressions that went up today by Chris Schilling are the best I've read so far. He firstly addresses the hyperbole surrounding the game, and then actually explains what makes the game flawed -- many previous previews have just pointed to bad visuals and a dodgy framerate -- and suggests that it hasn't come off so well from its troubled development period. Defintiely the most balanced piece out there, and one that picks apart what it does well and poorly, with examples to boot.

Definitely worth a read.

It's curious they bring Quantum Theory to the table, because I happened to play it recently and found it pretty entertaining, while overall mediocre and very rough. But it had some uniqueness both in aesthetics and in gameplay that made me stick with it until the end. Bosses were imposing and fun. I even restarted on hard and I say it could have been a lot of fun if it wasn't definitely ruined by an unnerving dead zone on the aim control that made a constantly good play level impossible to achieve.

I see D'sT in a similar way, with the high probability to be actually way better, because from what I saw, the game looks to have fast and responsive controls. That said, I simply love this game setting and character designs.
Hm, I haven't played Quantum Theory, might have to check it out -- one of those games that slipped past my radar.

Binary Domain has a far-from bad reputation and I really enjoyed it, though I can't see how Devil's Third will match it in terms of how it all comes together. My fingers are still crossed for the online mode.
"not quite as terrible as Urban Champion and Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z, just aggressively mediocre and filled with compromises that speak to its protracted stay in development hell" - most positive preview of Devil's Third, 2015


Unconfirmed Member
I honestly didn't even think that Yaiba was that bad as a button masher on easy. It's when you play on any other difficulty it shits the bed due to being ridiculously unfair.

Not that that's exactly glowing praise :p But I'll probably get some fun out of Devils Third, not at full price though.
The impressions that went up today by Chris Schilling are the best I've read so far. He firstly addresses the hyperbole surrounding the game, and then actually explains what makes the game flawed -- many previous previews have just pointed to bad visuals and a dodgy framerate -- and suggests that it hasn't come off so well from its troubled development period. Defintiely the most balanced piece out there, and one that picks apart what it does well and poorly, with examples to boot.

Definitely worth a read.

That hits the spot.
I guess we'll be hearing about online multiplayer impressions very soon, though it's disappointing that it won't be NoE pushing for them.

The game's out in a week in Japan, and I can't see there being any impressions from EU websites about the online before then.


The impressions that went up today by Chris Schilling are the best I've read so far. He firstly addresses the hyperbole surrounding the game, and then actually explains what makes the game flawed -- many previous previews have just pointed to bad visuals and a dodgy framerate -- and suggests that it hasn't come off so well from its troubled development period. Defintiely the most balanced piece out there, and one that picks apart what it does well and poorly, with examples to boot.

Definitely worth a read.

It's not as bad Yaiba? Good enough for me. That game was shit but at least bearable for a few hours.


Itagaki can NOT BE FORGIVEN for going to Nintendo. This is his delicious penalty.
It's less this and more that Itagaki's fans were expecting a Ninja Gaiden level masterpiece, anything less would have been a disaster. Let's not pretend the game is only getting hate from Nintendo haters, when Nintendo themselves at some point thought the game wasn't good enough for them to publish in the US.
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