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DF: Orbis vs Durango Spec Analysis

PS4 OS is rumored to be 512mb. So games would have 3.5GB GDDR5.

MS is rumored to reserve 2-3GB out of 8GB. So the RAM difference isn't really that big.

Yeah, I'm presuming that the PS4 OS will end up at half a gif rather than a whole gig.
If MS do end up reserving 3GB, then RAM wise it doesn't even look like a contest between the Durango's 5GB@68GB/s+32MB@100(192?)GB/s and Orbis' 3.5GB@172-192GB/s.


Sony didn't say that. A rumour said that. Edge or Kotaku wasn't it?

So basically Sony & Microsoft didn't say anything about the specs too... the hell do you are talking about exactly? :\ Everything has been reported until now is not a straight word of both companies.
Do ROPs have any impact on FPS? Or is it purely an issue of resolution?

ROPs takes care of the final rendering process. They take all the shit happening in the buffers and all, and draw the final image. You need more or less depending on desired rendering output. 32 modern ROPS can handle way over 1080P.

This doesn't mean the GPU can do 1200P/60fps Uncharted 4. Only that the bottleneck will be in any other place.
Aiming for 720p gives you a blurry, laggy scaled mess on all 1080p screens and 3/4 of "720p" ones.

What an absolute load of FUD. A Pixar movie at 720p, scaled to 1080p still looks immense. That's not to say PS4/Durango will be capable of that level of IQ, but the point still stands; 720p can look more than acceptable on a 1080p panel.

It's more than just resolution.
Forget secret sauce. I want Blast Processing! That was dope.

I don't know if I have developed a knowledge gap for hardware talk since I went into the medical field and filled my head with human being related language or something, but I can't make heads or tails of all of this tech discussion on new consoles anymore.

That being said, it sounds like Orbis might be the way to go, which means I will be "jumping off" and going PS4 this time around.

I await E3...I just wanna see the receipts...err games.
I still don't think they'd even care, and just chalk it up to Wipeout's cleaner, glossier "look" rather than its tech. Similarly, I remember booting up the R&CA4One demo in front of someone who had played every previous Ratchet, and the first thing I said when I saw it was "wow, 30fps Ratchet feels fucked up", and they were like "what? How can you even notice something like that?" To me it was glaringly obvious to the point of distraction, and this Ratchet vet wasn't just apathetic, he was clueless.

I know this is all anecdotal, and people could counter by citing COD's success running at 60 (I believe it would do fine at 30), but I really don't think people at enthusiast forums like this realize how little the mass market gives a shit about this stuff.

I'm pretty sure Sony at least will target 1080p for their games. Even third party games should on average be way higher than 720p. Resolution has always increased every gen.


Tier Whore
I can't play Sony exclusives on my PC, and I want my Sony exclusives to be at 1080p. Going 720p next gen would be a huge mistake. 720p would be flat out unacceptable for what is supposed to be a huge leap graphically.

Can barely notice the difference between 720p and 1080p movies... isn't it suppose to only make a difference over 50 inches displays anyway?


If the iPad can do retina resolution with close to/better than current gen visuals I'm sure the new Xbox and Playstation will be more than powerful enough to handle 1080p without sacrificing extra sparks and shit.


Well the DF article makes an interesting point, that not all data needs fast bandwidth in game development. A mix of high bandwidth through the esRAM, low bandwidth and high quantities seems like it could make for optimal results for the developer using memory management systems to take advantage

Then we can go back to Crysis and the like saying 8GB is the minimum they need.

32 MB is only 32 MB. If you expect it to do wonders, it wont.
I'm pretty sure Sony at least will target 1080p for their games. Even third party games should on average be way higher than 720p. Resolution has always increased every gen.
I'm sure they will too, just saying that it's not going to be a bullet point that average gamers are going to base purchases off of, and they wouldn't boycott it if they weren't 1080p. Most wouldn't notice, even the ones that would end up playing ugly scaled 720p on their expensive 1080p screens.


If the iPad can do retina resolution with close to/better than current gen visuals I'm sure the new Xbox and Playstation will be more than powerful enough to handle 1080p without sacrificing extra sparks and shit.

uh. what?
Again with the secret sauce -___- .
Evertime Orbis seems to be ahead of Durango, someone (Aegis, Proelite, etc) comes out with some unspecific blah blah.
Orbis has better GPU? No problem, Durango has GPU secret sauce.
Orbis has better RAM? Nor problem, Durango has RAM secret sauce.
Orbis has 4 CUs for computing? No problem, Durango has CPU secret sauce.

Hold on Wii U has Custom Sauce™ also. That sauce will put it's delicious flavor right there with Orbis and Durango.


Speaking to game makers, the impression we come away with is that not every feature in a game actually requires ultra-fast memory.

What great consolation.

Hey guys not every program needs a fast processor.

The wizard is such a cock teaser.


People please take note: Designing a game machine with a unified pool of very fast RAM is the EFFICIENT way to do so.

This is why X360 was more efficient than PS3 and why Orbis looks to be more efficient than Durango, it's not brute force it's the most straight forward method of designing a game machine.
People please take note: Designing a game machine with a unified pool of very fast RAM is the EFFICIENT way to do so.

This is why X360 was more efficient than PS3 and why Orbis looks to be more efficient than Durango, it's not brute force it's the most straight forward method of designing a game machine.

No. You all overestimate the importance of RAM. 360 is more efficient than PS3 due to Unified Shaders GPU being a better GPU.

RAM do not proccess anything or increase FPS. RAM just should be fast enough to not be a bottleneck.

I can't believe GAF focus so much on RAM speed when there is significant more shader power on Orbis than on Durango. That's the point that makes Orbis a stronger gaming machine, not the RAM setup.

RAM speed is the new Mhz for the newcomers.


I should have said on console. But then you'd have to be a bit mad if you thought I meant the PC version.

Guys are being stupid. Ipad games look great one advantage they usually don't draw as much in the environment. But a lot of Ipad games look like early gen 360 PS3 games.
Can barely notice the difference between 720p and 1080p movies... isn't it suppose to only make a difference over 50 inches displays anyway?

Maybe your eyes aren't trained to see the difference. But a lot of folks know what to look for to find the flaws even if they aren't looking for intentionally.

Guys are being stupid. Ipad games look great one advantage they usually don't draw as much in the environment. But a lot of Ipad games look like early gen 360 PS3 games.

No they dont believe me.


All this talk of 720p and sub HD is depressing. I have a 50 inch plasma and I can tell the difference between 720 and 1080 on it.


It's a shame Microsoft didn't go for a similar design to Sony, as it seems that is the preferable choice. Either way, I'm sure multiplatform projects will still look very similar on the two consoles, with the PS4 having an extra bell and whistle here and there.

Just like this gen, multiplatform quality will come down to which platform sells better and becomes the lead platform for development.
Like what? Even simple launch games like VT3 are full 1080p/60fps.

you're aware VT3 running at 1080p/60fps is very much an exception, right? most launch games weren't anywhere near that.

His point is valid- most ipad games aren't any more complex than a PS2 game running in HD. something like a PS3/360 version of COD is way, WAY past it's capabilities. there's simply too much going on.

the small size of the ipad does a lot to hide it's shortcomings. Blow the same image up on a 55 inch HDTV and it gets really obvious, really fast.


No. You all overestimate the importance of RAM. 360 is more efficient than PS3 due to Unified Shaders GPU being a better GPU.

RAM do not proccess anything or increase FPS. RAM just should be fast enough to not be a bottleneck.

I can't believe GAF focus so much on RAM speed when there is significant more shader power on Orbis than on Durango. That's the point that makes Orbis a stronger gaming machine, not the RAM setup.

RAM speed is the new Mhz for the newcomers.

I think it has only become an issue because of the gap in capacity, bandwidth notwithstanding. To people 8>4 purely from a numerical standpoint. And most consumers will have superficial knowledge about the differences in RAM types and their nuances which set them apart. And some on this board think that actual 8GB will be available for games and more to the point have started to draw conclusions about implications of having such capacity for games at the moment and for the future.

At the end of the day, perhaps it comes down to RAM not being an obstacle in the path of GPU and all it can achieve.


Maybe your eyes aren't trained to see the difference. But a lot of folks know what to look for to find the flaws even if they aren't looking for intentionally.

Can't see the difference either, maybe on 50" and bigger screens it's very noticeable, but on 32-46" not much, if any. Try to watch blu-ray movies like Avatar etc. in both 1080p and 720p on the PS3, it looks pretty much exactly the same. It's just that the IQ in CGI movies is so high that the resolution doesn't matter that much, unlike games where the IQ is far from perfect.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
This is a great article that breaks the differences well for a layman who doesn't understand computing terms, so I appreciated it. Thanks for sharing.
Just like this gen, multiplatform quality will come down to which platform sells better and becomes the lead platform for development.

Well, even this gen the quality gap wouldn't be like it is if it weren't for the PS3 being a headache to develop for. Sony seems to have cleared that up with the PS4.


No. You all overestimate the importance of RAM. 360 is more efficient than PS3 due to Unified Shaders GPU being a better GPU.

RAM do not proccess anything or increase FPS. RAM just should be fast enough to not be a bottleneck.

I can't believe GAF focus so much on RAM speed when there is significant more shader power on Orbis than on Durango. That's the point that makes Orbis a stronger gaming machine, not the RAM setup.

RAM speed is the new Mhz for the newcomers.

indeed, just fast enough not to be bottleneck for all that sauce flowing through!
Whenever the 8GB / 4GB RAM differences are mentioned, these articles say that Microsoft needs 8GB on Xbox to function as a full media center instead of being focused on the games. But why? Both the PS3 and 360 can run music streaming services (Music Unlimited and Rhapsody) and video streaming services (Netflix) just fine.

Why would the Orbis be a worse media player with "only" 4GB RAM than Durango with 8GB RAM, while the 360 is doing fine with only 512MB?
Just like this gen, multiplatform quality will come down to which platform sells better and becomes the lead platform for development.

You really think that when ,in most cases, the Xbox 360 version of multiplat games look/run better than PS3 the version, it's because the Xbox 360 sells better? Seriously?

Whenever the 8GB / 4GB RAM differences are mentioned, these articles say that Microsoft needs 8GB on Xbox to function as a full media center instead of being focused on the games. But why? Both the PS3 and 360 can run music streaming services (Music Unlimited and Rhapsody) and video streaming services (Netflix) just fine.

Why would the Orbis be a worse media player with "only" 4GB RAM than Durango with 8GB RAM, while the 360 is doing fine with only 512MB?

Nobody knows what the media capabilities of the NextBox will be like. But seeing as Microsoft make a living out of optimising software (Xbox 360 OS footprint pretty small), them requiring 3GB for services must mean they're up to something huge.


I think it has only become an issue because of the gap in capacity, bandwidth notwithstanding. To people 8>4 purely from a numerical standpoint. And most consumers will have superficial knowledge about the differences in RAM types and their nuances which set them apart. And some on this board think that actual 8GB will be available for games and more to the point have started to draw conclusions about implications of having such capacity for games at the moment and for the future.

At the end of the day, perhaps it comes down to RAM not being an obstacle in the path of GPU and all it can achieve.

all the paper spec wont matter... is the games that will matter... it Sony can show better looking games then... if they cant, then doesnt matter whats the actual power of consoles.

as soon as exclusives and multiplatforms are out, we and everyone else will be able to see.


No. You all overestimate the importance of RAM. 360 is more efficient than PS3 due to Unified Shaders GPU being a better GPU.

RAM do not proccess anything or increase FPS. RAM just should be fast enough to not be a bottleneck.

I can't believe GAF focus so much on RAM speed when there is significant more shader power on Orbis than on Durango. That's the point that makes Orbis a stronger gaming machine, not the RAM setup.

RAM speed is the new Mhz for the newcomers.

I'm not a newcomer dude, and of course shader power is important but what can you do with shader power if the GPU is starving?

RAM speed is important as everything else in the system, if sony's solution is overkill that is a whole other issue.

Boss Man

Why would the Orbis be a worse media player with "only" 4GB RAM than Durango with 8GB RAM, while the 360 is doing fine with only 512MB?
Well...it's apparently going to be doing a lot new than what the 360 did. The first things that come to mind are a heavier OS and/or running multiple apps at once.
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