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Diablo 3 Beta [Beta withdrawal underway!]

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longest week ever..... HUNNNNNNNGHHHHHHH

anyone have suggestions of things to do to pass time (besides work)?

Grind on your housework, chores and work out like next week Mike Tyson's in your shower and you just dropped the soap. God knows after D-day you won't get another chance for any of this shit.


anyone have suggestions of things to do to pass time (besides work)?
If you want to keep yourself occupied with something Diablo III-related, you could try coming up with a bunch of different skill builds. So far I've made like 40 across each character class. Some are pure novelty, but others are pretty cool. And naming them is half the fun! Starting to lose steam, though. =\
I came upon a pretty effective method for making the wait seem less, and it's diablo 2. Well, really specific diablo 2. I'm doing an all poison dagger necro. A man, a plan, a knife. 7 days, let's do this.
Grind on your housework, chores and work out like next week Mike Tyson's in your shower and you just dropped the soap. God knows after D-day you won't get another chance for any of this shit.

This. I did like 8 loads of laundry yesterday, and spent almost all my time after work cleaning the apartment.


I'm going to lose weight (muscle mass most likely) playing this game. The same thing happened when Dark Souls came out and I put like 80 hours in over the course of a week.


I guess you know thats really not healthy. You should do a 30-60 minute workout with your own bodyweight(squat, pushup and so on) if you play that long.


longest week ever..... HUNNNNNNNGHHHHHHH

anyone have suggestions of things to do to pass time (besides work)?
Need suggestions bad. It's nice that we are all going through this torment together at least. We will beat the shit out of this week!! D3 will be our epic rare orange beautiful shining loot :)
I'm going to plan the shit out of that weeks meals, as I have to cook for myself and my GF some nights every week.
Someone suggested the slow cooker, which I like as I can start it in the morning.


I guess you know thats really not healthy. You should do a 30-60 minute workout with your own bodyweight(squat, pushup and so on) if you play that long.

Yeah, I get really into it and I pretty much forget to eat. I keep hydrated so it's not as if I was ever in any physical danger, but it wasn't the best idea.

Maybe I'll fill my desk drawers with protein bars this time around.


This game is not going to be kind to my japanese grade :l


Luckily, my finals are all before the game comes out. I've literally got nothing else to do until some summer classes I signed up for. I fully expect to be through normal within the first two days, and probably to inferno by the end of the week.

How long Inferno will take... no one knows


So I just found out the store I preordered my collectors edition at won't be doing a midnight launch. What. The. Fuck. Every other one of its stores in the vicinity will be except for the one I specifically went to. Now I have to wait until 10am launch day to get it. Wtf am I going to do the night before? I know I won't be sleeping...


So I just found out the store I preordered my collectors edition at won't be doing a midnight launch. What. The. Fuck. Every other one of its stores in the vicinity will be except for the one I specifically went to. Now I have to wait until 10am launch day to get it. Wtf am I going to do the night before? I know I won't be sleeping...

You'd be staring at a log in screen until 3am eastern anyway. Get a good nights sleep and kick ass all day on the 15th.


Can you increase the difficulty right off the bat? I don't even want to bother with normal difficulty. It was so easy in beta.

You have to start on Normal and work your way up. I think it's more akin to New Game+ as opposed to a Normal/Medium/Hard "setting"


Can you increase the difficulty right off the bat? I don't even want to bother with normal difficulty. It was so easy in beta.

The challenge should ramp up significantly after SK. The enemies up to that point are slow and incredibly predictable (with one or two exceptions). The Skeleton King is also predictable, with only two real attacks, and not enough damage per swing to take out a player that has done the bare minimum of armor equipping.


When I make a female witch doctor her name will be MrsEndugu.

My lead up to release on Tuesday morning goes like this. Go to bed early Sunday night wake up at 6:00 and go to the gym. Come home and get cleaned up eat breakfast and sit in front of my computer because I am working from home that day. Tap my foot and stare at the clock impatiently or try to get as much work done as possible to make time pass. Log off at 5:30 have a light snack, nap until 11 PM. Watch the D1 and D2 videos ZealousD made, another snack then if servers hold start playing with my brother at 2 am.

Going to work out everyday and go to bed around 1 every night waking up at 8 and have several veggie and fruit trays that I make up beforehand and the odd redbull with lots of water and some good dark chocolate broken into little chunks that are perfect for savoring.

I am taking vacation from Tuesday on and can't freaking wait.


When I make a female witch doctor her name will be MrsEndugu.

My lead up to release on Tuesday morning goes like this. Go to bed early Sunday night wake up at 6:00 and go to the gym. Come home and get cleaned up eat breakfast and sit in front of my computer because I am working from home that day. Tap my foot and stare at the clock impatiently or try to get as much work done as possible to make time pass. Log off at 5:30 have a light snack, nap until 11 PM. Watch the D1 and D2 videos ZealousD made, another snack then if servers hold start playing with my brother at 2 am.

Going to work out everyday and go to bed around 1 every night waking up at 8 and have several veggie and fruit trays that I make up beforehand and the odd redbull with lots of water and some good dark chocolate broken into little chunks that are perfect for savoring.

I am taking vacation from Tuesday on and can't freaking wait.
Like your thought process you will have an epic time. Can you link those zealousd videos? Never seen them.


I'm going to wake up around 1am (the game launches at 2am my time) and spend the next hour finalizing who I'm going to run through the game with initially (if that isn't finalized already). When the game launches I'm going to do the quickest Skeleton King run imaginable, and then marinate in new content for the next sixteen or so hours until I pass out. Roughly six to eight hours later I will arise, spending only the energy necessary to make it back to my computer and sit down for more D3.

If the servers go down, I may go outside and experience nature. More than likely I'll hit F5 like a madman and count the seconds as I suffer withdrawals.
I am training for a muay thai fight, and this is on my mind way more! I don't know if thats a good thing or bad thing. I'm gonna knock out both my opponents just so I can get home sooner to play more Diablo!!! haha


I'm going to wake up around 1am (the game launches at 2am my time) and spend the next hour finalizes who I'm going to run through the game with initially (if that isn't finalized already). When the game launches I'm going to do the quickest Skeleton King run imaginable, and then marinate in new content for the next sixteen or so hours until I pass out. Roughly six to eight hours later I will arise, spending only the energy necessary to make it back to my computer and sit down for more D3.

If the servers go down, I may go outside and experience nature. More than likely I'll hit F5 like a madman and count the seconds as I suffer withdrawals.

I'm anticipating a lot of caffeine to drive me through work instead of real sleep :x

On the plus (down?) side, I have to wait for my CE to arrive anyway so I'm not doing anything Tuesday until ~5PM anyway!


I'm anticipating a lot of caffeine to drive me through work instead of real sleep :x

On the plus (down?) side, I have to wait for my CE to arrive anyway so I'm not doing anything Tuesday until ~5PM anyway!

I'm in the same boat :(

Oh well at least I have lots of work to do to tide me over that day..

My plan is to play through normal as quickly as possible with one of my oldest friends who I used to play Diablo 1&2 with all the time. We played through D2 so many times together and I can't wait to reexperience that. We both have like a week off work and are probably just going to try to rush through the game, no skipping cutscenes or anything. Game unlocks at 3 AM and i'll probably play until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. Might have to take my dog out to the park to walk a couple miles at some point in the afternoon, but other than that its going to be D3 all day.

To kill time between now and then i've been reading ASOIAF again. On the second book right now, I think by the time I finish the third book it should be Monday


It'll be pretty cool if I can recoup the cost of the game with the RMAH.

It's easily doable. You'd be making less than minimum wage doing it though, unless you got lucky with some rares later on.

If I see good opportunities, I'll convert my gold pile to items, sell those for money, and cash out that way. If I can't, I'll just sell gold and accept that dastardly 15% commodities fee on top of the 15% paypal fee.
OT is looking good to go live (sometime) tomorrow, as planned. I'm most of the way there. The things left that will take the longest are compiling and uploading all my graphics, and final formatting with forum code one I get everything else done.

I had a headache and wasn't feeling well most of today, so I'm going to bed early and will work on the rest in the morning.


It's easily doable. You'd be making less than minimum wage doing it though, unless you got lucky with some rares later on.

If I see good opportunities, I'll convert my gold pile to items, sell those for money, and cash out that way. If I can't, I'll just sell gold and accept that dastardly 15% commodities fee on top of the 15% paypal fee.

Not planning on farming to sell for cash or anything, just hoping that maybe I'll get a nice drop I don't need and a few of those sales will add up as I push into Inferno.


OT is looking good to go live (sometime) tomorrow, as planned. I'm most of the way there. The things left that will take the longest are compiling and uploading all my graphics, and final formatting with forum code one I get everything else done.

I had a headache and wasn't feeling well most of today, so I'm going to bed early and will work on the rest in the morning.

Don't worry about it. This thread has some mileage on it, but it's still serving us well. Thanks for the hard work.

Not planning on farming to sell for cash or anything, just hoping that maybe I'll get a nice drop I don't need and a few of those sales will add up as I push into Inferno.

I think there is money to be made selling to people that just can't get past whatever boss is in their way. For instance, if they hit level 20 and there is a new set of weapons, and their level 13 kit just isn't cutting it, they may be willing to spend a couple bucks on a level 20 weapon (or armor, or whatever) for their class. There's no way I'll have time to bother with that while I'm busy questing though.

Woke up after only two hours, expecting that the OT's been released... FUCK :( I'm so tired.



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Woke up after only two hours, expecting that the OT's been released... FUCK :( I'm so tired.


Are we getting an OT in the next few hours? I'll probably put some time in with Tales or DOTA2 while waiting. I want to be part of the Yoshi Magic.


Are we getting an OT in the next few hours? I'll probably put some time in with Tales or DOTA2 while waiting. I want to be part of the Yoshi Magic.

Tomorrow at some time:

OT is looking good to go live (sometime) tomorrow, as planned. I'm most of the way there. The things left that will take the longest are compiling and uploading all my graphics, and final formatting with forum code one I get everything else done.

I had a headache and wasn't feeling well most of today, so I'm going to bed early and will work on the rest in the morning.


Can you increase the difficulty right off the bat? I don't even want to bother with normal difficulty. It was so easy in beta.

Can't wait till you're getting your ass handed to you and complaining in here. Why can't people get it through their heads that the content in the beta was the TUTORIAL.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I wish I had a RL friend as enthusiastic about this game as Yoshichan.
After I experienced the launch of Lord of Destruction in Sweden, I knew that the Diablo-series was ridiculously huge here. And I really mean over-the-top. Everyone and their mothers played it and I'm not even joking. I remember during LoD, I asked my best friends mother if she and her friends (which happened to be all middle aged women) could help me out with some things in-game. They were A LOT better at the game than every single one of us... they had the age advantage, damn it! We were only kids :_:

WoW was big in Sweden, but Diablo always felt more "ompf". Everyone's been talking about it ever since it's been announced - but now that we're reaching the launch, I'm literally hearing people talk about Diablo wherever I go. On the buss to the pharmacy? Check. In a grocery store? Check. Inside Burger King? Check.

It's those moments, these specific moments that makes me realize how hyped I am. Knowing that everyone around me is hyped makes me even more hyped. So basically, if it wasn't for the amount of hype around me, I wouldn't be remotely as crazy as I am today :3


Can't wait till you're getting your ass handed to you and complaining in here. Why can't people get it through their heads that the content in the beta was the TUTORIAL.

Something pent up inside, friend?

I asked a question and was answered by some human beings with basic courtesy. But thanks for your bitter rant.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Lies!!! I remember how crazy you got for Dark souls!!!! Admit it bro, its in your blood! I still remember that finger :p
Haha, no I meant in general! I've been hyping games for so long now that it's made me who I am today. If there hadn't been any hype around games then I'd be... um, "calmer" today :3
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