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Diablo 3 Beta [Beta withdrawal underway!]

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Artadius said:
So, we'll see if my original prediction will come true or not of beta starting today.

While the timeline I put together from the SC2 beta doesn't coincide with how the D3 timeline has progressed, I do still think the timeframes are likely to be very similar.

We all hope you are right, we all do.
Doesn't seem good though.


Fourman said:
Still really early in the day where Blizzard is so anything could happen.
Its pretty easy to find out when it happens because the internet will explode.

But yeah, its only 10am down here.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
now I dont even care about the beta anymore. I mean if it's true that eu f n f haven't gotten their beta then that means my chances of getting a spot has gone from slin to none...


Corky said:
now I dont even care about the beta anymore. I mean if it's true that eu f n f haven't gotten their beta then that means my chances of getting a spot has gone from slin to none...

I kinda feel the same. If there is another wave of F&F that means we aren't getting a closed beta at least in the next week so I'm slowly going from super excited F5'ng my bnet account to "they call me when they need" me.
Tbh I don't even know why I was so expecting the beta to come today but I kinda was. Now I'm just starting to feel the disappointment


Just figured out how, and opted into the beta... CANNOT WAIT! I will die from a thousand orgasms if I make it in.

Most pumped for the witch doctor, and people (in this thread) saying he is the least liked just makes me like him more.

Here's my witch doctor build I just came up with: Extra damage, and cooldowns that trigger mana regen

Does anyone have any awesome Witch Doctor videos? (Like whoever made that hour long wiz video needs to do a witch doctor one!)



formerly nacire
Cipherr said:
I'm a little worried about the respeccing ability. I love that its unlimited and free to swap skills, I'm not so hot on it being doable while in a dungeon. I would love it if I didn't have to accustom myself to swapping skills in between battles in order to be an above average player.

I thought about this a bit and my first inclination was have players only able to switch abilities in town. Upon further thought, this would just mean everyone would always be porting to town mid dungeons, which would be a real drag on the rest of the group.

There was an old episode of the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon where all of the heroes magical weapons had lost there charge. They had to journey to a place that was called the hall of heroes or some shit in order to recharge them. It might be cool to have some sort of Hall of Heroes Dungeon or Trial that scaled to the heroes level that one must journey to and complete to respec. This would make it less desirable to respec mid quest/dungeon and also add a bit of coolness factor to actually swapping skills out.

Since you're bound to be swapping shit around on your first play through as you acquire new abilites, maybe it should only be required in nightmare and beyond.

*Maybe the spirits of the Diablo 2 Heroes should be the ones in the hall that you have to commune with in order to respec.


formerly nacire
MrKnives said:

Well Demon Hunter is the class I've put the most time into I've had a lvl 13 since last week that I continue to play and I've leveled a couple more to get rare drops off of the skeleton king. As far as resource management goes, I don't really have a problem with it outside of the cost of a few abilities. Of course that's with a level cap of 13 so who knows how that translates into end game. Vault is a good example of a discipline ability that needs to cost less. You can only use 3 vaults back to back before your discipline is depleted. Add in that the ability can get hung on small obstacles, etc. and you can see the issue.

I do agree that the abilities themselves need a different roll out order. It seems to me that by level 13 all classes except for the Demon Hunter can absolutely annihilate a large pack of mobs. The Demon Hunter gets it done for sure, but not quite like the others. I think rolling out multishot earlier would probably remedy this, but until you try it out, who knows.

In theory I like the idea of two independent resources, but I'm betting in the end they will go with a single resource like the other classes do. Since demon hunters often come from villages and towns ransacked by demons who have slayed their loved ones, I think Revenge would be a nice resource.


nacire said:
Well Demon Hunter is the class I've put the most time into I've had a lvl 13 since last week that I continue to play and I've leveled a couple more to get rare drops off of the skeleton king. As far as resource management goes, I don't really have a problem with it outside of the cost of a few abilities. Of course that's with a level cap of 13 so who knows how that translates into end game. Vault is a good example of a discipline ability that needs to cost less. You can only use 3 vaults back to back before your discipline is depleted. Add in that the ability can get hung on small obstacles, etc. and you can see the issue.

That's a bug though, read about it on beta forums.


formerly nacire
squidyj said:
Blizzard can never get hunters right :l
Being a hunter in WoW since beta and now looking forward to the Demon Hunter I have to say that they do get a lot right, but it never quite feels just right. :D

Changing to a focus resource is probably the best decision they have made regarding the hunter class in WoW. And honestly, the Demon Hunter is far from being broken, it just needs a little tweaking.


You said it doesn't feel like the DH can dispose of mobs as quickly or easily as other heroes but I think that might change as you get more spells and add runes to them. Key word is rockets, rockets everywhere.


formerly nacire
MrKnives said:
You said it doesn't feel like the DH can dispose of mobs as quickly or easily as other heroes but I think that might change as you get more spells and add runes to them. Key word is rockets, rockets everywhere.

Yeah MrKnives, I couldn't agree more and considering I've only had a lvl 13 look at the classes, Blizzard is the only one who knows what things pan out to be endgame. So if there are changes rolling out internally, there must be something happening.

If the changes are occurring due to the beta feedback, then I would say its a class balancing act across the similar levels. At the lower levels each class kinda has a "Fuck Yeah" moment. For me it was Monk - Dashing Strike, Barb - Leap Attack, Wizard - Wave of Force, and Witch Doctor - Firebats. The Demon Hunter while having some awesome abilities, just doesn't have that "Fuck Yeah" moment by lvl 13. So this could be referring to the rollout order of abilities. Maybe getting one of the DH's more powerful abilities out of the gate earlier could help remedy this.


formerly "chigiri"
The Auction House is up now. Accessibly from the Hero select screen. Works nicely around the "non-persistent" world that way. Snagged some really nice items from there.




artadius said:
*rage comic*

To be honest with you, I was feeling the same way, but once they introduced the skill calculator, I really just want the beta to end and a release date to come out. GIVE ME RUNESTONES NOW.


lordy88 said:
To be honest with you, I was feeling the same way, but once they introduced the skill calculator, I really just want the beta to end and a release date to come out. GIVE ME RUNESTONES NOW.

Oh I understand you so well - but I know it'll take at least 2-3 months till the final game will be released - and i need something to make this itching go away :)
nacire said:
Well Demon Hunter is the class I've put the most time into I've had a lvl 13 since last week that I continue to play and I've leveled a couple more to get rare drops off of the skeleton king. As far as resource management goes, I don't really have a problem with it outside of the cost of a few abilities. Of course that's with a level cap of 13 so who knows how that translates into end game. Vault is a good example of a discipline ability that needs to cost less. You can only use 3 vaults back to back before your discipline is depleted. Add in that the ability can get hung on small obstacles, etc. and you can see the issue.

I do agree that the abilities themselves need a different roll out order. It seems to me that by level 13 all classes except for the Demon Hunter can absolutely annihilate a large pack of mobs. The Demon Hunter gets it done for sure, but not quite like the others. I think rolling out multishot earlier would probably remedy this, but until you try it out, who knows.

In theory I like the idea of two independent resources, but I'm betting in the end they will go with a single resource like the other classes do. Since demon hunters often come from villages and towns ransacked by demons who have slayed their loved ones, I think Revenge would be a nice resource.

Gonna just post what I did on Reddit with a few modifications, but here are my thoughts on why the Demon Hunter has felt a bit off, and what could be done (just from watching streams mind you, without having the opportunity to test play myself.)

CarbonatedFalcon said:
I did think [Discipline and Hatred] had problems. Discipline isn't useful enough since it's only used for more defensive abilities, so that always seems to be full, while you're easily running out of Hatred all the time. So you have half your resources just sort of sitting there wasting away a lot of the time. When you do need Discipline, it depletes a bit too rapidly.

I think it would be better if instead of splitting the resource globe in half, Discipline and Hatred make use of the whole globe, but it's a swirl of two colors. Using one type of ability pushes it more towards one color, forcing you to use the other kind to push it back. Not using any resource consuming/generating abilities for awhile allows you to recede towards a default point. So you attack (or kite) some, and then do the reverse for a bit. Rinse and repeat.

Kind of like the (fairly) recently implemented Druid Eclipse mechanic in WoW.

Hopefully they do something like that if they stick with two resources (or something else even better!) and I hope the other changes also turn out well (I'm not sure what else I would change.)

Revenge, as you mentioned, would also be a nice singular resource, or they could take my idea but eliminate Hatred altogether with Discipline being the primary resource - using Hated style attacks depletes it (attacking = losing your cool) while the current Discipline Style attacks fill it up again. Would need to be tweaked a bit more there with some limitations, so you couldn't just spam Discipline abilities, but you get the idea (balance, forcing you to use both.)

And the segregated globe was just really awkward, even if not directly viewed next to the other resource globes. Out of Hated but full on Discipline? You may have resources (half full on them even!), but you can't necessarily do what you want, which just feels off.


Freki said:
Oh I understand you so well - but I know it'll take at least 2-3 months till the final game will be released - and i need something to make this itching go away :)

Dark Souls thread is on page 1. ;)
Freki said:
Oh I understand you so well - but I know it'll take at least 2-3 months till the final game will be released - and i need something to make this itching go away :)

Every now and then I find a game I feel like playing.
Problem is, the last 2 times that worked, they were Indy games (Capsized and Bastion) so weren't the longest games...

I too am sad about my inbox being empty =[


Pixel Pete said:
Every now and then I find a game I feel like playing.
Problem is, the last 2 times that worked, they were Indy games (Capsized and Bastion) so weren't the longest games...

I too am sad about my inbox being empty =[

well bf3 will help for sure - but the beta there hasn't started yet aswell....


I can't wait to get my hands on this game. I'll have two of each class, different specs and one of each gender. All maxed out. Can't wait to give my soul to this game. GIVE IT TO ME BLIZZARD!!!!!!!!!!


Blizzard you tease.

I have 7 games in my bnet account, one being EU WoW starter pack. So now I logon to my account and see 8 games. My face instantly goes


Just to realize they now also added a US WoW starter pack to my account.

Oh Blizzard you fucking tease stop playing with me already!

Edit: Seeing people posting that they got their F&F key. Bye closed beta. I'm done. Gotta go to bed.
Well from what I read on the Official Forums, they started the F&F Beta around 10pm PST. So, while it's going on 5:30pm PST, there's still a chance it could come after "normal business hours."


Big Papa Husker said:

Gaylord Sweetwood said:
Well from what I read on the Official Forums, they started the F&F Beta around 10pm PST. So, while it's going on 5:30pm PST, there's still a chance it could come after "normal business hours."

Just got my F&F invite in my e-mail tonight. I'm in North America. 7:50PM EST, for what it's worth. The F&F is probably going to be going on for a little while longer, I'd assume.
TheExodu5 said:
Just got my F&F invite in my e-mail tonight. I'm in North America. 7:50PM EST, for what it's worth. The F&F is probably going to be going on for a little while longer, I'd assume.

So, you're connected then?
TheExodu5 said:
Just got my F&F invite in my e-mail tonight. I'm in North America. 7:50PM EST, for what it's worth. The F&F is probably going to be going on for a little while longer, I'd assume.
How'd you get F&F? You know someone at Blizzard?! ;|
TheExodu5 said:

congrats man! Go and thrash yourself in that game for a good while, but please, if you are willing, come back with some nice shots, or 60fps videos or something. But play, first. Just...play. :(


Yes, I will definitely post content. It might be hard to post much this weekend, since I'm LANing with buddies, but I'll do my best.
Blue post on skill swapping:

We're currently testing a few different solutions, but I don't have anything specific to report on that front just yet. We're okay with players changing their builds while they're out adventuring, but we're not comfortable with players running around with their skill pane open swapping skills during combat. We'd also rather not have a system which forces players to return to town. We’ve tried it, and it feels really bad. Of course, worse comes to worse and if our attempts to curb use in combat fail, it could very well be what we have to resort to.


So when Blizzard first said that the beta would start by the end of Q3, did that just refer to the F&F invites? Or does that include the public closed beta?
Instro said:
Hm, maybe just lock the skill bar from changes for 1 minute anytime an active skill is used?
That idea sounds okay. But one minute sounds too long imo, something they would definitely need to test so that the lockout period feels natural. Now that this has been brought up, the first thing that popped up in my head is to limit skill switching based on nearby enemy counts. Not sure if it's even possible/practical, but they could just lock it out once you hit 'x' number of nearby enemies to prevent hotswapping of skills but you could still change it if say only one or two enemies are nearby.


OMFG finally! been waiting all week for my FnF!

edit: aaaaand they're releasing a service update that's preventing me from logging in. FML
B-Dex said:
What were these designers doing for the last 3-4 years? Seriously.
The skills were originally more like D2, somewhere between D2 and WoW. There was a skill tree and respeccing. But they found everyone just respecced every time they got a new skill and put all their points in that.
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