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Diablo 3 Beta [Beta withdrawal underway!]

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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Yes, FSAA is in the options but you can't enable it yet
Xamdou said:
I see, so any gaffers that got in the beta?


The Wizard is
the niece of Deckard Cain
(spoiler contains an npc character and the wizard's relation to that character), Yes! I was debating who I would try first if I get into beta/day1 between Monk or Wizard, but that settles it. Game is looking nice and gloomy can't wait.
Milabrega said:
The Wizard is
the niece of Deckard Cain
(spoiler contains an npc character and the wizard's relation to that character), Yes! I was debating who I would try first if I get into beta/day1 between Monk or Wizard, but that settles it. Game is looking nice and gloomy can't wait.
That was the NPC Leah not the Wizard class character.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
TurtleSnatcher said:
It looks dark and gloomy. I love it.
It's dark and gloomy at nights. It's happy and colorful when it's day, just like in Diablo 2 :D
Gold seems really inflated. Maybe it's just accelerated for the beta, but the one guy already has 1,000+ gold.

It'd take hundreds of thousands of gold for it to be worth anything. Compared to WoW at least where the gold is deflated in comparison. Just a different system of economy I suppose. As long as it's balanced...


FieryBalrog said:
What? Why choose only one?

I love the way the zombies die to electricity.
I only get to play Wednesday (3 hrs) and Thursday (12hrs)


Anyways ill still stick with Dota 2. But watch Diablo3.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
CarbonatedFalcon said:
Gold seems really inflated. Maybe it's just accelerated for the beta, but the one guy already has 1,000+ gold.

It'd take hundreds of thousands of gold for it to be worth anything. Compared to WoW at least where the gold is deflated in comparison. Just a different system of economy I suppose. As long as it's balanced...
It's Diablo, Gold is supposed to drop in three digits. I think they'll balance it out though.



This game is so pretty I want to cry! :'D

EDIT:If I remember correctly, when you had more people in your party in D2 the difficulty increased. Maybe I'm thinking of some other game.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
-Mikey- said:

This game is so pretty I want to cry! :'D
Save it for when you actually start playing ♥
nacire said:
Anyone see a demon hunter stream?
Demon hunter doesn't work atm...
I like the buff shrines. Powerful buffs, but you only get them for two or three minutes at max.

And just noticed the first unpolished thing: on the Wizard stream, they don't have an icon for the background of the head on the Wizard in the equip screen. It's just a pink square that says "I need an icon". Most unpolished beta we've seen from Blizzard in awhile!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Doc Holliday said:
GAf eating crow yet again, love it lol
And not a single non-hater is surprised.
CarbonatedFalcon said:
Most unpolished beta we've seen from Blizzard in awhile!
I hope you don't include the original early stages of the WoW beta :)


Why nobody told me there is streams! Also why isn't the DH working? I was kinda even thinking of trying it. Looks like a interesting character and everyone else are going for Witch Doctor.

I'm so sad I'm going away for a month in January so I can't play this game :f


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
MrKnives said:
Why nobody told me there is streams! Also why isn't the DH working? I was kinda even thinking of trying it. Looks like a interesting character and everyone else are going for Witch Doctor.
The game crashes so it might just be his game/computer
Yoshichan said:
The game crashes so it might just be his game/computer

In the one stream with 3 people, one of them is playing a DH. Streamer is a Barb who doesn't know how to play very well, unfortunately. Wizard stream doesn't have commentary though, so it's kind of a tossup.


I really like that you can break down items into crafting materials and items into gold from where ever you are. God I need this.


I assume this is still F&F beta or should I start spamming my F5 in my bnet account? Probably the biggest reason I want to get into the beta is to try all the characters so I can decide which one I will pick as my first.



The supposed secret level has been datamined.
Ponies. Rainbow ponies.
Laughed so hard :lol

Also GAF eating crow, like I said it would. Blizzard delivers.


If health regen has to be in the game at least not let it work while in combat. Unless he has stats to help with that.
Guy playing the Wizard finished. Took him 2, 2.5 hours at most. He's starting a monk though...

Skeleton King looked pretty awesome. Didn't seem like too difficult a fight, but the abilities and animations were fantastic. Hopefully Inferno and the other later difficulties really pump things up. It only took the guy 2 minutes or so max to kill him, which is kind of disappointing coming off WoW dungeon and raid bosses. He's only really a sub-boss though I guess.

-Mikey- said:
If health regen has to be in the game at least not let it work while in combat. Unless he has stats to help with that.

That's one thing that has kind of worried me - I know it's only the first few hours of the game at most, on the easiest difficulty, but I haven't seen anyone even get close to dying. I'm sure it will be tuned the further you get/the higher the difficulty though.


I cant believe that the haters could not have been more wrong.

The game looks beautiful. Yes, even better than in Blizz trailers, surpriiiiise!
The atmosphere looks and feels creepy. What? Did you really think screenshots will be enough to judge this, and a few trailers?
The engine is amazing. Yep, it is not outdated, it is not horrible - it is awesome.
The music is mind-blowing. No Uelmen. Guess what. He is not alone in being genius.

I have some crow prepared. Sit down, eat it.
V_Arnold said:
I cant believe that the haters could not have been more wrong.

The game looks beautiful. Yes, even better than in Blizz trailers, surpriiiiise!
The atmosphere looks and feels creepy. What? Did you really think screenshots will be enough to judge this, and a few trailers?
The engine is amazing. Yep, it is not outdated, it is not horrible - it is awesome.
The music is mind-blowing. No Uelmen. Guess what. He is not alone in being genius.

I have some crow prepared. Sit down, eat it.

I never really doubted that it would look good in the end, though I still want to see some things in person on my own screen - the streams lose a lot of the little details that I would like to look at.

Physics are amazing though.


CarbonatedFalcon said:
That's one thing that has kind of worried me - I know it's only the first few hours of the game at most, on the easiest difficulty, but I haven't seen anyone even get close to dying. I'm sure it will be tuned the further you get/the higher the difficulty though.

Like you could die before going to Tristram in D2....


CarbonatedFalcon said:
That's one thing that has kind of worried me - I know it's only the first few hours of the game at most, on the easiest difficulty, but I haven't seen anyone even get close to dying. I'm sure it will be tuned the further you get/the higher the difficulty though.
I don't have a link or anything to back this up, but I've read from a few different places people saying the beta is tuned to be much easier on purpose.

They make leveling a lot easier in the WoW betas, so there's precedent.


CarbonatedFalcon, worry not. You are not supposed to die in the first 10 levels of Wow, as you are not supposed to die in the first quarter of Act 1 in D2 anyway.
Also, I'm starting to get why they're only going to allow 4 people per game. Just watching 3, there's already sometimes a lot of visual clutter. 5, 6, or more could get insane, especially at higher levels with flashier (and more) abilities.

Not that I was completely against a small limit anyway. Would be nice if they could sneak 5 in there though, so you could have one of each class in your party.
V_Arnold said:
CarbonatedFalcon, worry not. You are not supposed to die in the first 10 levels of Wow, as you are not supposed to die in the first quarter of Act 1 in D2 anyway.

I have died in the first 10 levels of WoW before (though that was pre-Cata, so I don't know what it would be like now, especially with all the experience I have.) But I totally get it. I'd just like to see a bit more of the difficulty curve - too excited for this game.


rozay said:
I really doubt I'll get in so I hope someone playing this has a sandy bridge i5 & intel HD 3000 graphics and can let me know how it runs!
There's a list somewhere that was datamined, a HD3000 autodetects to low settings so it should run pretty well at that configuration level.
I just watched that Barb stream for a solid 40 minutes. Game looks AMAZING. He was playing with a wizard + demon hunter friend and got to
where like 50 skeletons came at them all at once. Barb is jumping around sending bones flying everywhere - projectiles from the other two flying all over the place. This shit is fucking glorious.
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