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DICE: BF4 on PS4 will likely use R2/L2 triggers to shoot

Guns have triggers, not buttons. Its illogical to want the feeling of shooting a gun on a button

Why, when literally every other action in games is controlled with buttons? Jumping in real life isn't much like pressing a button, either. I don't need my controller to emulate the feeling of the actions my character is performing - that's why we have flight sticks, racing wheels, Wiimotes and that big plastic gun-shaped thing you can stick a PS Move into. I like shooting with the buttons. I have a PS3 and a 360, play plenty of shooters on both, and my preference for shooting is L1 and R1 over the 360's triggers.


Sometimes people want functionality over realism. IMO its faster to shoot with buttons. Two cents.
Nevermind the people who are avid gun users completely laughed off that argument for triggers anyway. Generally whatever's most comfortable and convinent makes most sense, and the L/R triggers on Xbox were the only practical option and on 360 the bumpers were such crap they were better for secondary functions like toggling weapons/items/grenades.


Sometimes people want functionality over realism. IMO its faster to shoot with buttons. Two cents.
I agree. There's practically like no travel to the L1/R1 buttons. As far as I can remember on Playstation consoles going back to the PS1 I remember using R1 to fire.

I don't know how much travel these new triggers on the DS4 have but they can't be faster than the L1/R1 buttons.

Boss Man

Nevermind the people who are avid gun users completely laughed off that argument for triggers anyway. Generally whatever's most comfortable and convinent makes most sense, and the L/R triggers on Xbox were the only practical option and on 360 the bumpers were such crap they were better for secondary functions like toggling weapons/items/grenades.
I agree, but to be fair the trigger buttons would have probably never been 'triggers' in the first place if that's not what they were intended to do. So if you're going to have trigger buttons that suck at being triggers then you done goofed.

The L1/R1 made more sense on PS3, and it actually felt pretty dang good IMO. Although I think that wasn't by design. Hopefully this feels better, I'm optimistic.


So, just not me then. :( What do you do to "fix" it? I don't have this problem with CoD or other shooters.

Yeah, but it hasn't been confirmed, right? I'd assume that DICE would want that Share button to function as is since it will be used in lieu of Battlecorder...

Pressing the actual pad to spot sounds mighty cumbersome. I really hope DICE puts it in a good spot where it's easily reachable. People don't spot enough as it is!

Speaking of, let's hope this training level of sorts will teach people how to friggin' spot. If you're a sniper/Recon who doesn't spot and just hangs out at the base to kill, then I hate you and don't want you in BF4!

You can push down the pad more easily than a start/select button. If you watch footage of people using it, you'll see that it seems to require very little pressure to click. (Not like a MacBook trackpad.)


OK, that Demize dude is wrong. WRONG. I've used a PS3 controller using L1R1 to shoot, and I've used a 360 controller using the triggers to shoot. Both on CoD. And I've found that with triggers, you tend to press down more, and then release and press down again for burst firing or semi auto fire. With the L1R1 buttons on the PS3 it's literally a tap, and easy to do. Ask any pro player and they'll tell you. And it's also why there are such things as SCUF controllers. They have a trigger stop, a screw so that the trigger doesn't depress the whole way and it's much easier to fire.

This is what I mean.


That screw in the trigger is everything.

And you guys who think you have to use a trigger because it replicates a feel of a gun. Go fudge yourselves. Why aren't you playing your shooters on Wii instead using this?!

Apparently giving people the option to change buttons is to hard for them to do??? How lazy can devs get there is no end. Whats next? What so hard about it????


Nose how to spell and rede to
Why, when literally every other action in games is controlled with buttons? Jumping in real life isn't much like pressing a button, either.

Press A to apple.

Im stoked about this (and everything else I've read concerning the DS4), but then again I'm a 360 FPS player.
Apparently giving people the option to change buttons is to hard for them to do??? How lazy can devs get there is no end. Whats next? What so hard about it????
Apparently it can lead to all kinds of bugs and makes QA much more difficult. I don't understand why but I'm not a programmer so I'll take their word for it.

I would like all games to have remappable controls. But if the above is true (don't remember what developer I heard it from now) I can understand why most don't.


He touched the black heart of a mod
A franchise as big as Battlefield has no business not having customizable controls. It's ridiculous.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
The only game that really did it this gen was UT3 IIRC. In the end I don't think it'll happen, creating a division in the player base is risky in the long term and the majority want to have peace of mind or feel 'safe' using their controller.

FF14 does it too.

Personally I don't see why its a big deal. Console gamers are already used to this type of thing with both racing and fighting games having alternative controllers designed for that game type in mind, so this KB+M distinction is kind of weird.

I think a nice compromise would be to just have it off for public games and have it as a toggle for private ones.

As for the triggers I don't have a real preference but seriously how hard is it to enable button mapping? Seems dumb to just not give the players the choice. If they want to shoot with R1 or R2 then let them, heck if they're really one of those crazy weirdos then let them shoot with X too.
Apparently it can lead to all kinds of bugs and makes QA much more difficult. I don't understand why but I'm not a programmer so I'll take their word for it.

I would like all games to have remappable controls. But if the above is true (don't remember what developer I heard it from now) I can understand why most don't.
I remember there were alot of games on ps2 that you can map your controls they did it then what changed?
I hope there is customizable buttons but at the same time, I'm not opposed to having L2/R2 as trigger buttons. I mean it is a trigger button, it would be a waste to improve something that no one wants to use. I think people should think of battlefield as a realistic game and trigger kind of keeps it that way. I would rather use L1/R1 for COD than L2/R2.


He touched the black heart of a mod
I've spent plenty of time with shooters on the 360, enough to know that I certainly prefer using the PS3's L1 and R1 than I do the Xbox triggers. It's a speed and effort sort of thing.


Makes my move to the PS4 from 360 easier lol, loving this but I bet there will options to change them for sure. Controller must be hella awesome for them to make a change like this.
I've spent plenty of time with shooters on the 360, enough to know that I certainly prefer using the PS3's L1 and R1 than I do the Xbox triggers. It's a speed and effort sort of thing.

Yeah but battlefield is a realistic game. I think it's more exhilarating when pressure determines who's better, not who can rape the button the fastest. It one thing that spoils the whole realistic point of the game. I think it just makes the outcome fair. But if the triggers are digital opposed to analog, I wouldn't think of there being a huge disadvantage


I wonder how hard it is to code to add an option of

Control A:
R1 = Fire
L1 = Aim

Control B:
R2 = Fire
L2 = Aim

might need like 10-20 people and 10-30 days to work on this I guess...

right Dice?


I really would love an explanation from DICE as to why this is so difficult to implement.

Are they not using getter/setter methods or something?
I really would love an explanation from DICE as to why this is so difficult to implement.

Are they not using getter/setter methods or something?

I don't have BF3, but assuming it doesn't have control config options on consoles then this entails an entirely new set of UI which can take a bit of time. By a bit of time I mean a couple days. Pretty hilarious when they're releasing videos talking about their wind effects and network synced water.

"It's hard" here probably means "we don't want to". I don't know why anyone would say this kind of stuff. Customers will call you out.
If the triggers are as great as all the impressions make them out to be then I'm alright with this but an option would be nice for those who prefer R1/ L1 to shoot.


He touched the black heart of a mod
And some of you talk about dev being lazy for not allowing remapable inputs... (I agree that it's stupid, not that it's because of laziness)

I just think that precise aiming and timing should take precedence over pulling back a trigger.

Yeah but battlefield is a realistic game. I think it's more exhilarating when pressure determines who's better, not who can rape the button the fastest. It one thing that spoils the whole realistic point of the game. I think it just makes the outcome fair. But if the triggers are digital opposed to analog, I wouldn't think of there being a huge disadvantage

Battlefield has a ways to go in the realism department before I think it's worth sacrificing responsiveness for exhilaration. It's still a game, and to me, the actions of my character on screen happening when I want them to is more important than lengthening the process of those actions happening for the sake of realism.


I like R2/RT better for shooting, but what I really hate is when racing games make me use the trigger. I'd rather accelerate with anything other than the trigger. I guess this is mainly because of me disliking pressure-sensitive driving more than anything though.
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