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Digital Foundry vs. Dead Rising 3

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Never mind the fact that I am only arguing against your double standards and lowered expectations, here's what you said about Dead Rising 3's performance 2-3 months ago:

Now we've shown that 2-3 months ago you were convinced that DR3 didn't have any frame rate issues, let's reaffirm your dislike for bad frame rates:

But, exactly what is a bad frame rate for Senjutsu? Maybe he's OK with 20's dipping into teens and doesn't like single digits? To get to the bottom of that, we need to look at this GTA4 and what Senjutsu thought of it:

Let's see what DF says about the frame rate on GTA4 on 360:

So a game that can drop to sub-20 in some areas is almost unplayable according to Senjutsu.

Except if it's DR3, where the 20's and sub-20 frame rates go from almost unplayable to perfectly acceptable.
I rest my case

Wow...lol. The hits keep coming.



How far from the TV should I sit when playing the game?

it´s like when you go to the Cinema.. you have to sit all the way at the back, so that you aren´t annoyed by other people talking and making noises.. here you sit all the way back, so that you are not bothered by the low framerate and bad textures..

ohh and as a bonus, you should buy some popcorn, according to lots of posters Dead Rising is MUCh better with a low framerate, because they are used to it from the older Dead Rising games. A better framerate would just confuse players, and they wouldn´t know that they are playing a Dead Rising game.
This thread has been a roller coaster. Crazy stuff.

This game does not look appealing in any sense to me. Not graphics, not gameplay, nothing. Can't even hold 30 frames at 720p. Inexcusable. For all the talk of the Xbox having the exclusives, it's looking like hollow talk. I refuse to believe this game wasn't possible on 360.
This thread has been a roller coaster. Crazy stuff.

This game does not look appealing in any sense to me. Not graphics, not gameplay, nothing. Can't even hold 30 frames at 720p. Inexcusable. For all the talk of the Xbox having the exclusives, it's looking like hollow talk. I refuse to believe this game wasn't possible on 360.

That xbone launch lineup is looking more and more like smoke and mirrors as each day passes. Some reviewer saying Ryse is about as fun as dialing phone numbers and DR3's obvious issues. Will Forza 5 be able to hold up the rest?


Wow! This is a pretty massive circle jerk of people who more than likely aren't buying the console anyway. I have a feeling a lot of this is left over salt from the polygon thing. Also it's funny how DF is to be trusted depending on if they are saying something negative about an X1 game. Consolewars/carnival of stupid marches on...

Mr Moose

Wow! This is a pretty massive circle jerk of people who more than likely aren't buying the console anyway. I have a feeling a lot of this is left over salt from the polygon thing. Also it's funny how DF is to be trusted depending on if they are saying something negative about an X1 game. Consolewars/carnival of stupid marches on...

Have DF ever been doubted about their fps tests? hmm...


Wow! This is a pretty massive circle jerk of people who more than likely aren't buying the console anyway.
Hey I want to buy the Xbox One, if only for Forza. But MS is making it incredibly difficult, not releasing the machine in my region for another six months, fucking up my Amazon UK pre-order and changing its mind about every little feature.

Now there is also talk about MS restricting XBL access based on IP region, which means that even if I get the hardware, I won't be able to go online. But I hope that's just misinformation.


Wow! This is a pretty massive circle jerk of people who more than likely aren't buying the console anyway. I have a feeling a lot of this is left over salt from the polygon thing. Also it's funny how DF is to be trusted depending on if they are saying something negative about an X1 game. Consolewars/carnival of stupid marches on...

Opinion peices and factual evidence of frame rates are entirely different.


Wow! This is a pretty massive circle jerk of people who more than likely aren't buying the console anyway. I have a feeling a lot of this is left over salt from the polygon thing. Also it's funny how DF is to be trusted depending on if they are saying something negative about an X1 game. Consolewars/carnival of stupid marches on...

Welcome to pretty much every negative Xbox One thread. :p


And i hoped for 1080p and 60fps to become a standard, finally, with this generation.

What a failure. The smallest, most insignificant generation leap, despite the fact that the current one lasted so long.
Hey I want to buy the Xbox One, if only for Forza. But MS is making it incredibly difficult, not releasing the machine in my region for another six months, fucking up my Amazon UK pre-order and changing its mind about every little feature.

Now there is also talk about MS restricting XBL access based on IP region, which means that even if I get the hardware, I won't be able to go online. But I hope that's just misinformation.

Man im in a similar boat - i ordered a XB1 from Amazon UK - how did they mess up your preorder?

BTW - i dont think MS ever said anything about restricting XBL to location. They have been very clear from the start that you can change regions instantaneously and order games from wherever you want.


For a next-gen game, at 720, I don't think sub 30fps is acceptable. 720 at a steady 30fps would be ... okay ... because the game looks like a lot of fun from the videos I've seen. I thought that's what Dead Rising was meant to be ... fun, I enjoyed the first Dead Rising, didn't play the second, the only thing that really took away from the fun was the dips in frame rate.

Can't have fun when you are getting annoyed at the frequent drops it frame-rate, it spoils the experience!

I want to play this game, experience these scenes below without getting annoyed at the slowdowns.

Direct frame buffer captures...






You didn't see what I did there...


This is a huge clusterfuck. Instead of having a conversation and discussing issues at hand, we turn this thread into a witch hunt and celebrate like a bunch of high school degenerates.

What is the point?

If you want to shit on the guy, do it in clear daylight under another thread. Let others who want to hear more information or discuss the games performance alone so we don't have yet another thread that gets locked by a mod because we can't have a single decent thread anymore without it turning into a popularity contest.

I really don't like these posts because it attempts to absolve responsibility for the one who caused this.

THE REASON people jumped on him is specifically because someone was analyzing what he was saying and realizing that none of it could be taken at face value because he was being a huge hypocrite. At that point, yes, a lot of people had some sort of cathartic release on Senjutsu, because it has been coming for years. EVERY topic he goes into, he does this shit. This disingenuous tripe where he spills his bullshit, tries to pretend he's objective, and then continually ignores every single time someone points out where he's not.

This is a discussion forum. When you post, people remember. It's not isolated. This thread has exploded because it's the culmination of all his nonsense, not because people want to pick on someone. I don't want to pick on Senjutsu. The other day I wrote out a very detailed post explaining why people feel the way they did about his posts and what he can do to change it. But instead, he ignored it and pretended once more that he was just some innocenct objective, he of Team Xbox and he of indefensible arguments non-stop.

NO ONE should feel sorry for him. He is not being bullied. A better comparison would be a person who was constantly poking a HORNETS NEST and then is fucking surprised when hornets sting him.

I agree that we should discuss the topic, but part of the reason he got dismantled was because people were doing exactly that. It may have gone overboard, it may have not, that's no longer my job to say, but he deserved it, and threads can have co-existent conversations. It doesn't only have to have one path.
I really don't like these posts because it attempts to absolve responsibility for the one who caused this.

THE REASON people jumped on him is specifically because someone was analyzing what he was saying and realizing that none of it could be taken at face value because he was being a huge hypocrite. At that point, yes, a lot of people had some sort of cathartic release on Senjutsu, because it has been coming for years. EVERY topic he goes into, he does this shit. This disingenuous tripe where he spills his bullshit, tries to pretend he's objective, and then continually ignores every single time someone points out where he's not.

This is a discussion forum. When you post, people remember. It's not isolated. This thread has exploded because it's the culmination of all his nonsense, not because people want to pick on someone. I don't want to pick on Senjutsu. The other day I wrote out a very detailed post explaining why people feel the way they did about his posts and what he can do to change it. But instead, he ignored it and pretended once more that he was just some innocenct objective, he of Team Xbox and he of indefensible arguments non-stop.

NO ONE should feel sorry for him. He is not being bullied. A better comparison would be a person who was constantly poking a HORNETS NEST and then is fucking surprised when hornets sting him.

I agree that we should discuss the topic, but part of the reason he got dismantled was because people were doing exactly that. It may have gone overboard, it may have not, that's no longer my job to say, but he deserved it, and threads can have co-existent conversations. It doesn't only have to have one path.

This right here.


It's Ryse that looks technically decent.

Forza has better models but god awful aliasing and LOD issues. Add baked lighting for more disappointment.
Played Forza as well as DR3 at the Xbox event in London last week. Was hugely underwhelmed by both.

The LOD and aliasing issues aren't the killer for me - the complete lack of texture filtering is. The road/grass looked awful the further it got away from the car. Rock solid FPS though and the aliasing wasn't as noticeable just because it ran at 1080. That makes a huge difference even if it's not ideal (hell, even 4K games still have aliasing although naturally a lot less).

Ryse looked OK but they're doing themselves a disservice by constantly showing off the multiplayer which is bland and clearly a downgrade to handle multiple people.

Kinect Sports Rivals is gorgeous though - lovely use of colour, crisp IQ and THAT water.

Zoo Tycoon runs at between 10-15 FPS (not exaggerating) and KI looks really nice considering the 720p res.

As for DR3... Yeah, the DF article is spot on. It's nearly constantly in the mid20s. And that's not OK. Especially when it still suffer from serious LOD. The lack of loading screens is wonderful though. Then again, Ghost Recon:AW boasted of the same thing at the start of the 360's life....
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