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Do developers really gain much from porting their 360/PS3 games to Wii U?


Strap on your hooker ...
No time better than around launch. Everyone's looking for a handful of games to justify their system purchase, no matter whether it's also on other consoles.

Applies just as well to old ports, too. There are a massive number of Wii-only gamers this gen that have missed out entirely on the last 7 years of HD games. And even among those that have HD consoles, how many of them have played, say, Arkham City? Maybe 2% of the total install base? There's a lot of room for improvement, even wildly successful games are still a long way away from being as ubiquitous to people that play games as a blockbuster movie is to people who watch movies.


From what little we know about it, at the moment it's just about:
  • Exposure: giving the option to an audience that would've otherwise not been aware of that game.
  • Introduction: Getting people to buy a product that would've otherwise passed by.
  • Costs: Porting a game is cheaper than making a brand new game from scratch.
  • Recognition: Ports also help to expose people not only to this brands, but to the publishers. So they're more willing to try out "more games from WB" after playing Arkham City, than blindly.
  • Additional profits: The ports costs money, but it's a relative small amount compared to the main budget on the other versions (and relative small team -see the rumored 5 people working on Darksiders II Wii U-). So a few extras thousands or even a million dollars added to the other millions from the other versions...is more than $0

Plus been at launch it's always nice, because of the lack of variety and competition, sometimes people buy games for the sake of buying more to justify their purchase; while with time they are more cautious and only buy more specific ones.
Okay, so what is the audience for the Wii U?

Early adopters, Nintendo fans, people who are attracted by whatever the tablet offers from Nintendo.

I agree with TC, their purchase of Assassin's Creed 3 will be incidental to their purchase of the Wii U; neither will be particularly driving the sale of the other.

If it's cheap and easy, there's no reason not to port.


This argument can be used for any new launching console. The new consoles are gonna get ports of popular franchises, you know why, because the dev NEEDS to establish themselves on the new platform and is better for them in the long run when the new gen starts to gain real footing...

Why did most third parties fail on Wii? Because they didn't take steps to make sure they had footing at launch to establish themselves with quality stuff...
Do developers really gain much from porting their 360/PS3 games to Wii U?

I think so. Or does anyone believe they don´t gain something with PS360 multi-titles? A PS3 GTA exklusive wouldn´t have sold the same amount as the PS2 Versions. Gamers split up, not everyone goes multi. If porting is easy and doesn´t cost billions there will be profit and the franchise meets new customers, an opportunity to grow.. I don´t know what 3rd partys are up to, but i wouldn´t think they are stupid enough to shut the WiiU out from the beginning this time. But who knows?
Do developers really gain much by porting their PS3/360 games to Wii U? In particular, how many more copies of a game would they sell by porting games in series established on PS3/360?

This is the kind of thinking that was used at the start of this gen as reasons why DMC4 / FFXIII / GTA4 / VF5 / THPS / GH / etc should stay Sony exclusives.

Because thats where the series were established.


This argument can be used for any new launching console. The new consoles are gonna get ports of popular franchises, you know why, because the dev NEEDS to establish themselves on the new platform and is better for them in the long run when the new gen starts to gain real footing...

Why did most third parties fail on Wii? Because they didn't take steps to make sure they had footing at launch to establish themselves with quality stuff...
Third party launch games by in large failed on the wii because what sold wiis (e.g. the promise of one-to-one motion controls) was not something that was easy to add to games.

It depends on why the wii U is selling. If it's selling because Nintendo launches the system with an amazing first person shooter, then you can pretty much count on third parties following suit.



Well, that's me not sleeping tonight.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
Third party launch games by in large failed on the wii because what sold wiis (e.g. the promise of one-to-one motion controls) was not something that was easy to add to games.

It depends on why the wii U is selling. If it's selling because Nintendo launches the system with an amazing first person shooter, then you can pretty much count on third parties following suit.

They'd have to moneyhat some third party developer then, because I really can't see Nintendo developing an FPS themselves.


Er. I don't think he's angry because of the game getting ported to Wii U, but because they'd delay it for all other platforms just to wait for the Wii U.


Er. I don't think he's angry because of the game getting ported to Wii U, but because they'd delay it for all other platforms just to wait for the Wii U.

Eh, I dunno. It's not like they'd have a finished version of the game sitting around waiting for the Wii U. Rather, the development cycle would be extended in a way that would accommodate the Wii U's launch, but could also do good things for the game in general. Annoying, perhaps, but not senseless.
This is the kind of thinking that was used at the start of this gen as reasons why DMC4 / FFXIII / GTA4 / VF5 / THPS / GH / etc should stay Sony exclusives.

Because thats where the series were established.
That's a different argument, I think.

It would only be analogous if people were saying they should remain on the PS2.

The argument here, I believe, is that there's an established installed base on the current gen PS3/360 that will be getting largely the same games. This audience has already been "primed" for these sequels.

The Wii U installed base will be comparatively non-existent and may or may not be familiar with these franchises (or be of the demographic to take interest in them); ergo additional sales potential isn't necessarily high.


Experience programming for a new platform. Early adopter bump. Brand/series recognition with people who are Nintendo only.


If the Wii U takes off like the Wii, they'll have a foothold in the mindshare of the userbase that they could potentially build on.

And if it doesn't take off, they don't lose much. Launch hype will probably sell enough copies to cover the cost of the port.
That's a different argument, I think.

It would only be analogous if people were saying they should remain on the PS2.

The argument here, I believe, is that there's an established installed base on the current gen PS3/360 that will be getting largely the same games. This audience has already been "primed" for these sequels.

The Wii U installed base will be comparatively non-existent and may or may not be familiar with these franchises (or be of the demographic to take interest in them); ergo additional sales potential isn't necessarily high.

I see your point, but I was more suggesting that 'brand loyalty' is essentially a myth when it comes to consoles, outside of the diehard fanboys.

Without concrete specs as to what the WiiU can actually do, it is all hypothetical, but if it does have a proprietary bluray equivalent format, it would be quite easy to sell 'combo packs' of franchises started this gen with whatever tech improvements porting the engines would bring - if Batman adds some of its PhysX features I could imagine an Arkham Asylum / Arkham City GOTY 'double bill' with all of the DLC for both included on a single disk would be quite tempting even for those who have already played on a PS3 / 360.
I'm sure a Wii U version of GTAV would sell like hotcakes. Hotcakes are already extremely popular and we all the know Hotcakes V will sell no matter what platform combination it runs on. That much seems to be a given. Worse case scenario is the million+ people who bought the wiiU version would have bought it on another platform anyway? It doesn't strike as a very crushing worst case scenario. Those millions of people decided to buy that version over the others. Given that WiiU version isn't some third rate port job and plays as well or better than the other versions, it can just serve to better facilitate what the consumer wants. Consumers may better appreciate your company's product because you slapped the HUD elements on the tablet controller or did something truly creative with it. Given the minimal costs of the port I don't see a reason for the publishers to analyze the situation too much.

All i know is i hope the rumour that R* is delaying the game so the WiiU can build up a userbase is wrong.

The rumor was a delay of only a few months wasn't it? Sacrificing a launch before the holidays for gaining a few months in WiiU userbase increase seems unlikely to say the least. Using the WiiU launch to hype the game could work better than building the userbase anyway.


They'd be able to get sales from Nintendo only people. But I'd imagine anyone interested in games like AssCreed, GTA, and Batman would have managed to get the appropriate platform by now.

I guess people who are actually willing to double dip could rake in a few more sales as well.
if the ports are relatively simple and not resource heavy a few extra sales at a lower MSRP wouldn't hurt. Just wait till the GOTY edtion and put out the WII U port. But if its a title that didn't perform well on PS360, I can't imagine a Wii U port being a wise idea



Making a potential 120 million customers wait just for a nintendo system of all things seems incredibly foolish. Foolish enough to where I don't believe that rumor since Rockstar normally doesn't do stupid shit like that.


Yes. If Net Present Value of the initial cost outlay and the subsequent future cash flows is positive, then they will gain from porting their games.

Google IRR and NPV if you want to learn more.

Bottom line is, game companies are in the business of making money, and for publicly traded companies, their goal is to maximize shareholder value. The low-costs associated with porting and the resulting revenues from the copies sold will surely result in net positive gain and revenue growth for the company.


The most important thing is that porting to WiiU from 360 is minimal effort. If a couple engineers can port to Wii in a few weeks, then the sales probably justify a WiiU SKU. I wouldn't expect strong online support in 3rd party games. At least in the beginning. It's an on-going commitment to keep a community going and I don't think 3rd parties will devote the resources to it. Particularly if Nintendo hasn't brought their A-game on the unified network, which remains to be seen.

But if quality ports are easy, then maybe the tablet features push people toward a WiiU version if they own multiple consoles. Even if 3rd party games don't find clever uses for the touch screen, you still have the ability to stream and use it while the TV is on. The coolness of that feature may be a little underestimated.
I see your point, but I was more suggesting that 'brand loyalty' is essentially a myth when it comes to consoles, outside of the diehard fanboys.

Without concrete specs as to what the WiiU can actually do, it is all hypothetical, but if it does have a proprietary bluray equivalent format, it would be quite easy to sell 'combo packs' of franchises started this gen with whatever tech improvements porting the engines would bring - if Batman adds some of its PhysX features I could imagine an Arkham Asylum / Arkham City GOTY 'double bill' with all of the DLC for both included on a single disk would be quite tempting even for those who have already played on a PS3 / 360.

I don't think it would so much be the impact of brand loyalty, as having an already established an audience.

E.g. The market is known for Assassin's Creed 3 on the PS360, but isn't proven on the Wii U.

It's also a somewhat vicious cycle that can occur. Publisher's don't have proof of an audience so they avoid the platform, meaning they don't build an audience. When they do release a title, since they haven't built an audience it does poorly - which they use as evidence for a lack of an audience for their titles. At least it looks like they're trying to avoid that with the Wii U.
That, and Nintendo will match marketing dollars for select launch titles, and who doesn't want free money?

So let's see:

Aliens: Colonial Marines
Killer Freaks from Outer Space
Darksiders 2
Ghost Recon Online

That's off the top of my head. E3 should give a better picture of some of these games.


How many copies of RE5 were sold on the 360, despite an RE game never being on an Xbox console?

I think I've made my point.


All i know is i hope the rumour that R* is delaying the game so the WiiU can build up a userbase is wrong.

If they want to sell it on there why the fuck wouldn't they? After the game's been out for a month they'll barely sell any new copies.


If they do port over 360/PS3 games it is just for extra revenue. I don't see what is so hard to understand about that. That is pretty much the only reason. Something like a 3D GTA game will sell a ton any any device, so it makes sense to expand the audience.

The only other reasons I can think of are Nintendo moneyhats and if they genuinely think that the Wii U will be able to enhance their game enough to warrant a new release. I don't think we will see many (if any) ports like that.


Death Prophet
I don't know. Since...you know, there's few details about the system, its price, it's timeframe....and basically everything else.

I don't really understand why this matters (I honestly don't, not trying to be nasty). I'm saying that people who want to buy RE6, GTAV, or AC3 probably already have a 360 or PS3 where they could buy these games.

Maybe they figure: "I can get the best looking version of the game, or the one with the cool unique tablet features, and I can also sell my 360 because it's on the way out anyway, and I want to sell it while it's still worth something."

That's still not really gaining a sale. It's trading a sale on one platform for the sale of the game on another platform. Then again, I suppose the Wii U will be better for them in the future then, so I guess it supports the developer.
I don't really understand why this matters (I honestly don't, not trying to be nasty). I'm saying that people who want to buy RE6, GTAV, or AC3 probably already have a 360 or PS3 where they could buy these games.

Well, if people want to buy the best versions, they'll want the WiiU one, I guess? Judging by what Gearbox recently said, the WiiU version of Aliens is going to be the best one? I dunno man.

Why would anyone have bought multiplatform games on the PS3 when it launched, when they could have just bought the same games on the 360 since it had already been out for a year?


I don't really understand why this matters (I honestly don't, not trying to be nasty). I'm saying that people who want to buy RE6, GTAV, or AC3 probably already have a 360 or PS3 where they could buy these games.

That is dumb though. Granted, in the case of AC3 I don't think many people will be jumping in on the third one. But the Resident Evil and GTA games stand alone pretty well. They all have growing audiences. Some people just have a Wii, or don't have any current gaming system at all. The WiiU could be their jumping in point. Or, they could be someone who got a Wii when they were a kid and are now growing up and wanting a different variety of games. If the WiiU has them, and that is the name they are familiar with, why not?

If developers just thought "Well, our games are only on the PS3/360 so people know where to find them." they would never grow. Did you question GTAIV going to Xbox? Devil May Cry 4 going to the Xbox? Epic Mickey 2 going to every console ever made?


Death Prophet
Why would anyone have bought multiplatform games on the PS3 when it launched, when they could have just bought the same games on the 360 since it had already been out for a year?

Because a significant amount of people only owned, and still only own, a PS3. My argument is not that these games on Wii U won't sell, but that developers are simply trading sales on 360 or PS3 for sales on Wii U. In other words, your audience is not really that much bigger on this new console.


Post Count: 9999
Do publishers directly gain in terms of money? No, not really. The userbase just isn't there versus the cost early on. What's gained by devs (and therefore publishers) however is experience. The best way to gain experience is by doing, and it's less risky to use a title that already has the gameplay, levels, etc already designed. Other than some potential extras, the majority of the budget is spent on development.

I think the particular Wii U situation works out quite well for all involved. Unless things end up way off the mark everyone foresees, 720 and PS4 will be more powerful than Nintendo's offering (likely substantially so). What this scenario will mean is that early on, many devs will have more optimized games running on Wii U which should help at least shrink the divide a bit. Since we can assume Wii U will have a larger userbase at least in the early goings of next gen, being able to offer the best possible port given the confines of the HW is good for publishers. You don't want shoddy ports hitting the system with the largest next gen userbase.
Because a significant amount of people only owned, and still only own, a PS3. My argument is not that these games on Wii U won't sell, but that developers are simply trading sales on 360 or PS3 for sales on Wii U. In other words, your audience is not really that much bigger on this new console.

So....they shouldn't make anything then? I dont know what you think the other option is or is going to be.
Not that much, but they can expand their audience to new horizons. Referent to launch titles, some people who will get the WiiU day one are Nintendo fans that don't own a PS3/360, so it will be a completely new experience to them. As the userbase grows, many developers may see porting as a cheap opportunity to grab a quick buck. It's not that complicated.


So....they shouldn't make anything then? I dont know what you think the other option is or is going to be.
The other option might be to try to establish new franchises. When platforms are not yet mature, the user base is more likely to be receptive to unproven games. After a platform reaches a certain level of maturity, in theory its user base is more likely to stick with the tried and true.


Because a significant amount of people only owned, and still only own, a PS3. My argument is not that these games on Wii U won't sell, but that developers are simply trading sales on 360 or PS3 for sales on Wii U. In other words, your audience is not really that much bigger on this new console.

But you're also only thinking short-term.

What happens when you want to move on to AC 4, GTA VI, RE 7 (and wow we're getting up there in numbers). Would it not be wiser to start building an audience on the Wii U for next gen sequels as well?


Junior Member
I think we're still running in to the perpetual catch-22. Publishers don't want to risk it because the audience for their kinds of games might not be there, but it's not gonna just appear out of thin air.

Typically the kinds of games that are popular on a platform are the most popular ones released within the first year of its lifespan. Shooters are popular on the HD twins now because that's what was good at launch and in 2006. Nintendo isn't going to make a shooter by themselves because that's just not what they do.

Maybe Nintendo really would have to moneyhat some of these guys to get the ball rolling, or even publish a shooter from a western developer. Hell, we still don't really know what Retro is working on with the guys from Crytek and Naughty Dog...
So....they shouldn't make anything then? I dont know what you think the other option is or is going to be.

Yeah, this is so silly I don't even ... yeah.

It cost a fuck ton to make these HD games so they likely want to at LEAST have the option of selling the games to as many people as they can. If a port is easy and cheap to make why NOT do it? And in THIS case? Where you have 6-7 years of games that people who only got the Wii (the system that sold how many consoles?) would have interest in?

To put it bluntly I don't think owning 2 or more console is as common as the OP thinks. A lot of people buy one console and stick with it these days. So the only way to sell to them is .... to port your game onto their system of choice.


At launch, no I don't think so, but if these games sell like hotcakes and build the proper userbase, then I can see it being more beneficial in the long run. Honestly there isn't a clear answer right now, but compared to several other Wii U speculation threads this is healthy discussion.


WiiU doesn't have an audience yet.

So we don't know.


We. Don't. Know.
At launch, no I don't think so, but if these games sell like hotcakes and build the proper userbase, then I can see it being more beneficial in the long run. Honestly there isn't a clear answer right now, but compared to several other Wii U speculation threads this is healthy discussion.

. . .
What. If anything launch is the best time. I don't know why this is even a question. Porting costs relatively little while the benefits of introducing a new audience to your game can be potentially large. Launch is the best way to introduce a franchise
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