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Do developers really gain much from porting their 360/PS3 games to Wii U?


Nightmare fuel.

People freak out over that one but it doesn't bother me.

I doubt 3rd party devs will be flocking to the Wii U without financial inducement from Nintendo. Waste of effort developing for a console with no userbase. Maybe a few years down the road they might care, but a lot can happen.


If they look and run better absolutely, otherwise not really, although the tablet could add some cool wrinkles i guess.


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What. If anything launch is the best time. I don't know why this is even a question. Porting costs relatively little while the benefits of introducing a new audience to your game can be potentially large. Launch is the best way to introduce a franchise

I'm saying that initially they will be trading sales when it launches because the Wii U is only offering a different gameplay experience compared to the 360 and PS3 as far as we know. If everything goes well with these games and they develop Wii U users wanting to play these games on the Wii U more than on the other systems, then the developers will definitely gain from it in the long term scale. I'm not saying they shouldn't port many of their big name games to the Wii U just in time for launch. I agree with you.


WiiU doesn't have an audience yet.

So we don't know.


We. Don't. Know.

Well....you might not. I got Streetpassed today by several Miis. One's message simply said 1.2TFlops. The other said 2Gig. And the final said GTA V Exclusive. Take it however you want but it doesn't come any more verified than that as far as I'm concerned.
I'd imagine anyone interested in games like AssCreed, GTA, and Batman would have managed to get the appropriate platform by now.

I'd imagine that that is a huge assumption to make; there are a lot of 'single console only' people, even just here on GAF and for 'hardcore' gamers who only have a Wii (which I know is difficult for some people to comprehend such a group exists, but it does) those are brands that have reached sufficient exposure as to cause interest.

For all the same reasons that a PS3 only owner would be interested in a Gears Of War Trilogy compilation if it was released on PS3, or a 360 only owner would show interest in a Uncharted Trilogy pack for 360.

A huge Zelda fan would enoy the Batman games - I think everyone could agree with that - but a huge Zelda fan if they were only buying one console would be buying the one that is guaranteed to have Zelda games on it.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
People freak out over that one but it doesn't bother me.

I doubt 3rd party devs will be flocking to the Wii U without financial inducement from Nintendo. Waste of effort developing for a console with no userbase. Maybe a few years down the road they might care, but a lot can happen.

That's why porting would be a good idea, because it would help them build userbase/fanbase on the Wii U. If you're talking about third party exclusives, then yeah, not gonna happen unless Iwata opens his coffers.


Of course they don't have much to gain when you consider the cost of porting to what will be an extremely small userbase, but that shouldn't stop them from doing so.

What I don't see them doing is bothering to make any innovative use of the tablet controller, because that's just a waste a money. It will be a map/inventory screen and nothing more.


I don't really understand why this matters (I honestly don't, not trying to be nasty). I'm saying that people who want to buy RE6, GTAV, or AC3 probably already have a 360 or PS3 where they could buy these games.

You are correct. The audiences are already established there and nobody outside of the extremely hardcore are going to be falling all over themselves to buy a new console for games that they can get on platforms that they already have.

But still, it's better to give it a shot and attempt building an audience than to not even try, right? It's not like they'll lose an arm and a leg just porting.

Do developers "gain much"? No, not really. Especially not in the short term. But I think they'll gain something regardless, even if it's a relatively small.

I'd imagine that that is a huge assumption to make.

Not really. Take the late port of Mass Effect 2 on the PS3 for example. Its sales weren't very impressive at all. And I'd bet anything that Mass Effect s's sales results are extremely skewed in favor of the 360 (I think the UK's results were something close to a 80/20 split). Why? Because most people interested in Mass Effect already got the console that the series was established on. The same thing would happen in your hypothetical situation of Halo and Uncharted ports. Wii U ports will fair no better either, probably worse.

Do I think it was dumb of Bioware to bring the series to the PS3? Of course not. I'm sure they gained some profit from it and expanded the audience of their franchise. I don't think that developers porting their games to Wii U are making stupid moves either. But how much the developers are actually going to gain from it isn't as significant as what you're assuming.
Take the late port of Mass Effect 2 on the PS3 for example. Its sales weren't very impressive at all

I think that is a poor choice to make a comparison with; it is part 2 of a narrative and continuity driven RPG series, and it was released very late.

A better example would be something like Dead Rising 2, although I don't have sales figures for it, I would imagine was a more even split between the consoles despite the PS3 not getting the first or any of the 'prequel' spin offs.
EDIT: I can't believe someone would state with a straight face a gears of war trilogy on PS3 or an uncharted trilogy on 360 wouldn't sell a shit ton.
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