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Do we have to worry about Notch?


I tend to worry less about people when their wealth exceeds 0.99 billion dollars.

Would I turn down a chance to earn that much money? Heck no. But this amount of money should not be concentrated on a single human being, whatever the achievement / skill / hard work. Having several hundred more times wealth than any human should logically need is a sort of burden, but I won't feel sorry at all for Notch.


Does anyone understand what this even means?

Also, to the people who think we're all monsters:

I'd argue that by venting publicly on twitter about how "hard his life is" he himself is showing a remarkable lack of empathy towards everyone that actually has real problems. If I was in an actual bad place in my life, seeing him acting like his life is absolutely terrible would make me feel like shit.

That's why i find it hard to believe he got issues. Real ones. Seems like the type of stuff you discuss with a pro in private.
But people don't need to completely dismiss him because it's him and this could be impossible.


It could be a sign of things to come, sadly, and the start of a downward spiral. I can't help but wonder if the money got to him as he decided to suddenly move into a huge place at another part of the world, which could be part of this.

Hope he's able to seek help.

What worries me the most is this, though:

Found a great girl, but she's afraid of me and my life style and went with a normal person instead.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Come on, people. Money can't cure depression.

But it can easily create it.

I can't blame the guy, but he seems like he got silly rich, decided he didn't need the people with him before (Mojang) along the way, fucked off with his billions and went "buy everything".

Of course that is what 99% of people would do if you basically got a blank cheque in life, until you start missing what you actually had before, friendships etc and suddenly things fall apart a bit.

I'm sure his fellow colleagues don't actually hate him, but I bet those who warned him about the pitfalls of wealth beyond his wildest dreams will be a bit miffed right now.

Hopefully he can find a way back into development, in the end, it is what he was passionate about before, and once he realises he needs to do it for himself, and not care about what the internet thinks, the quicker his life will get back to normal.


I don't know him that well (or at all), but if his current lifestyle is causing or exacerbating his problems, why does he continue to indulge in it? It almost sounds like he's following some sort of script: "whelp, I'm a billionaire now. Guess I have to buy a big mansion in the hills and party with the most superficial, shitty people I can find before it all comes crumbling down around my ears Citizen Kane style."

No! Get the fuck out of there. Move to some bumfuck town in the Midwest or Europe. Get a 9-5 job in some unrelated field, dedicate yourself to some cause, get a dog. If he is dealing with actual depression, get it diagnosed and seek professional help. There's no shame in it. But if he's in a prison of his own making, he's also the one holding the pixelated pickaxe to break out of it.


The people in this thread mocking him and talking about first world problems are some of the luckiest people alive.


Because clearly they've never known depression or loneliness.

Depression isn't about what you have or what you are doing, it's a feeling deep inside that can overwhelm you and leave you feeling utterly helpless. Being isolated from your friends, family or usual routine can make it even worse and all you want is a little normality.

So yeah, you're lucky but my god I hope for your own futures you learn a little bit of empathy.

Notch if by any chance you read this thread, talk to people. Not "cry for help" tweets (which is a brave and great start of asking for help), but people who can help. Whether that's family or a close friend or a professional or peers in your situation.

If you wanna go back into game dev, do it. Odds are you'll never have another Minecraft cos that was a miracle but figure out what you enjoy and go do it. Even if that means being a "regular dev" somewhere. Hell, go apply for a job at mojang and get back to coding Minecraft if that's what you want to do

Wanted to write this, but you expressed it perfectly. I don't understand why negative feelings are not justified if you're rich.


Markus Persson ‏@notch 16 Min.Vor 16 Minuten

I would Musk and try to save the world, but that just exposes me to the same type of assholes that made me sell minecraft again.
He regrets selling Minecraft? And damn, that exchange with his co-worker


Does anyone understand what this even means?

Also, to the people who think we're all monsters:

I'd argue that by venting publicly on twitter about how "hard his life is" he himself is showing a remarkable lack of empathy towards everyone that actually has real problems. If I was in an actual bad place in my life, seeing him acting like his life is absolutely terrible would make me feel like shit.

Which part? The first is referring to Elon Musk and his philanthropic work.
I'm willing to lessen the burden, Notch.

Seriously though, people do treat you differently when you have enormous wealth. Many big lottery winners feel isolated and find themselves hanging out with other lottery winners who have some common ground.

I would try to invest in worthwhile projects. Use the money for good. keeping hold of it or buying expensive things leads to worry of security, you end up in fort knox and not trusting anyone and living a horrible life. You just need to keep enough to play the bills and fund a few things of your own interest.


Gold Member
Sounds like he regrets selling the company. Not surprised really, this kind of thing is more common than you think with people who suddenly get rich like this, especially if he didn't have a close knit network of friends beforehand.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
I'm not surprised in this thread, just disappointed.

Hope you find something that fulfils you Notch. Always strive to improve yourself.


May I have a cookie?
Seems like that is the case from what I'm reading.
I agree with this.

I don't wish sadness or depression on anyone, but I view it as a character flaw that what he decided to do with that amount of money is retreat to beverly hills (or wherever it is) to a giant tacky mansion and hang out with famous people.

If he has no motivation to pursue something creative or important simply because he's rich already, then I can't relate to him. If he has mental illness I hope he gets help.
Well said!

I dont think the money here is the problem, seems he had problems before getting all that and he is just blaming his depression to money and fame, when its probably more deep.

I had a huge depression during a whole year becuase I lost what I thought was my group of best friends, my work and my own creation, all at the same time, and its the most horrible experience ive ever had.
Quoting because this sounds like genuinely helpful and constructive feedback


He should put his money to work with something like making home and building or make private campus in the middle east
He could make double what he already have right now
Does anyone understand what this even means?

Also, to the people who think we're all monsters:

I'd argue that by venting publicly on twitter about how "hard his life is" he himself is showing a remarkable lack of empathy towards everyone that actually has real problems. If I was in an actual bad place in my life, seeing him acting like his life is absolutely terrible would make me feel like shit.

Maybe he IS feeling like shit, even more so after venting on Twitter.
Maybe he does lack empathy, and that is part of the reason why he feels so lonely and bad.
Maybe feeling bad is a real problem; you know, it impacts him greatly - who in the hell are we to judge it is "not real".
Maybe, just maybe, he needs help to connect more with people who can be meaningful to him, and to channel his qualities into the betterment of everyone, including him.
Thing about money is, even if he just give it up and goes back to his normal lifestyle, I guess he'll just be looked as the guy fool who couldn't handle it. Dude needs someone else in his life.
The people in this thread mocking him and talking about first world problems are some of the luckiest people alive.


Because clearly they've never known depression or loneliness.

Depression isn't about what you have or what you are doing, it's a feeling deep inside that can overwhelm you and leave you feeling utterly helpless. Being isolated from your friends, family or usual routine can make it even worse and all you want is a little normality.

So yeah, you're lucky but my god I hope for your own futures you learn a little bit of empathy.

I have had depression for most of my life and I still say first world problems, his situation is all of his own doing.

He got rich and moved country to a massive empty mansion. Goes to holiday in one of the most vapid places on earth with other shallow people and then moans about how having so much money has made him like this.

He isolated himself and thats too bad.

If I didn't have to worry about money again I wouldn't move away from my support structure into a massive empty mansion. I would take care of my family and friends and then just travel the earth and experience anything and everything I could with other people that I care about.


No! Get the fuck out of there. Move to some bumfuck town in the Midwest or Europe. Get a 9-5 job in some unrelated field, dedicate yourself to some cause, get a dog. If he is dealing with actual depression, get it diagnosed and seek professional help. There's no shame in it.

This makes it sound really romantic, but at the same time it's probably something that he could do if he was adamant about it. Also "they'd recognize you right away!" doesn't really apply to most of the world in Notch's case.


I know this is GAF and I should just be grateful it's not another thread full of bleating about framerates and resolution but the sheer volume of ignorance and arrogance on display here is truly breathtaking.


I'm willing to lessen the burden, Notch.

Seriously though, people do treat you differently when you have enormous wealth. Many big lottery winners feel isolated and find themselves hanging out with other lottery winners who have some common ground.

I would try to invest in worthwhile projects. Use the money for good. keeping hold of it or buying expensive things leads to worry of security, you end up in fort knox and not trusting anyone and living a horrible life. You just need to keep enough to play the bills and fund a few things of your own interest.

You could also live like you don't have the money. I know people that are very wealthy (though not that wealthy) and living within artificially limited means allows them to no let the money take over.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
does anyone really believe that money is a vaccine against depression?


Well if he really wants out of this depression then he'll have to find something else to focus on, what better than what he was good at before, making games?

Because people are just going to shit on him as a spoilt millionaire, despite the nice little efforts he makes.


giving employees 120.000 $ is sure not cheap.
A very good friend once said if i win e.g. 4 million € in lottery (because i constatly play lottery), i should give him 1 million. He was serious. He said i still would have 3 mill.

So i bet some "friends"/people notch knew expected to get get rich too when he got filthy rich. When he didn't gave them enough or anything, he was the "cheap" one.

Depression is nothing to take lightly without or with money. Non depression people can't really image how this is.
But i don't know why he thought that parties with shallow celebrities and leeches is the best thing you can do in live when you have money. Build a new company, get a goal, do a lot of travels, meet new people around the world (without saying I'M FILTY RICH).
Do crazy bucket list things.

Hope he gets back on track.


Not unusual even for lottery winners. Hope he finds some peace. And also the strength to get the hell off of social media.


May I have a cookie?
Depression is a condition of the mind, not the wallet.
I'll go out on a limb and say that he probably wasn't suffering from clinical depression prior to selling the company. My basis for this is that creating a multi million selling piece of software and building a huge global brand around it aren't typical behaviors associated with the intense feelings of helplessness and worthlessness and the extreme lack of motivation that are attributed to depression.

He needs to unburden himself of all that money and start over with a new challenge.

Notch, call me.
Take a number and get in line :p


Which part? The first is referring to Elon Musk and his philanthropic work.
Both parts, really. I primarily associate Musk with innovation rather than philanthropy, and I don't know what the second part is talking about at all.

edit: Good, at least I'm not alone in my confusion.
I don't understand this? Unless he thinks young guys in silicon valley are actually trying to save the world with "cross-platform business-facing minimal message-oriented transport layers".
Markus Persson ‏@notch 16 Min.Vor 16 Minuten

I would Musk and try to save the world, but that just exposes me to the same type of assholes that made me sell minecraft again.

I don't understand this? Unless he thinks young guys in silicon valley are actually trying to save the world with "cross-platform business-facing minimal message-oriented transport layers".


He can change his life style any time he wants, he has the money to do it.

that's not how depression works though. when you are in it, you don't have the motivation and at some point you are so stuck in apathy and negative thoughts that you give up and don't even want to feel better.
when I was depressed I had lots of avenues available to get better that honestly probably would have helped, but internally what I felt was that I just wanted to vanish. not necessarily kill my self and die, but just fade away, become unborn or in some way leave the world without affecting anything. that to me was a warm inviting thought, not some horrible episode of melancholia.

I have no idea of whether notch is really depressed or just feeling mellow, but you can't apply the way a normal healthy person thinks and reasons to a depressed person.

I'd argue that by venting publicly on twitter about how "hard his life is" he himself is showing a remarkable lack of empathy towards everyone that actually has real problems. If I was in an actual bad place in my life, seeing him acting like his life is absolutely terrible would make me feel like shit.
where can I look up the definitions for real problems?


If he wants friends that don't care about money he only has to ask, he seems like a cool guy... too bad that we live thousands of miles apart.
If he wants to be friends he has to accept that i don't like minecraft though :p
Both parts, really. I primarily associate Musk with innovation rather than philanthropy, and I don't know what the second part is talking about at all.

I always jokingly call musk Tekno Jebus, because he is pushing sections of technology forward.


So stop partying in Ibiza and do something constructive. Fund the development of some games and get involved.

Psychonauts 2 still needs making.


Depressed because you are poor? Well then money will help. Depressed because lonely? Nope.

Often depression from poverty is not depression from physically lacking the money you want, but rather feeling inadequate or being unhappy that you cannot have what you want. Having more money is only a band-aid for that. Once you have adjusted to a lifestyle standard befitting your wealth, there will be lots of new barriers to be depressed about. For most people, there will always be those richer and more successful than you, and there will always be more things out of your reach no matter how rich you are. That can all lead to having the same depressed feelings.


I always jokingly call musk Tekno Jebus, because he is pushing sections of technology forward.

Exactly. So from my perspective, that tweet basically read "You know, I could revolutionize a couple of technological fields if I wanted to, but you're all a bunch of meanies, so I'm not going to."
Very confusing.


giving employees 120.000 $ is sure not cheap.
A very good friend once said if i win e.g. 4 million € in lottery (because i constatly play lottery), i should give him 1 million. He was serious. He said i still would have 3 mill.

So i bet some "friends"/people notch knew expected to get get rich too when he got filthy rich. When he didn't gave them enough or anything, he was the "cheap" one.

It's all depend on the context, some people look into % relatively than raw figure.

Then again some people just cannot be satisfied. Usually one who is the 2nd / 3rd most important member in the team. If you give them what they want, the wealth doesn't trickle down.
On the topic of depression: it's unfortunately something that people often don't think of as a disease. If you ask a psychiatrist, she'll tell you all about signal substance imbalances and how different drugs have been developed to provide a stable baseline that will allow you to function normally. It's not something you can remedy by stuffing your life with people and things. Certainly there are things that will allow you to elevate your mood, but you can suffer some pretty brutal dips if you are ill. Those are my own experiences, before I went on medication.

I'm not a doctor so I can't speculate as to where Notch fits into all of this.


I think he always was a bit messed up. He does seem to regret selling Minecraft? I guess he could just ask MS for a position on the MC team ...


that's not how depression works though. when you are in it, you don't have the motivation and at some point you are so stuck in apathy and negative thoughts that you give up and don't even want to feel better.
when I was depressed I had lots of avenues available to get better that honestly probably would have helped, but internally what I felt was that I just wanted to vanish. not necessarily kill my self and die, but just fade away, become unborn or in some way leave the world without affecting anything. that to me was a warm inviting thought, not some horrible episode of melancholia.

I have no idea of whether notch is really depressed or just feeling mellow, but you can't apply the way a normal healthy person thinks and reasons to a depressed person.

We don't know if he's actually depressed or just sad. I've never been clinically diagnosed with depression, but I've felt like I had it for a long time in my life (and still feel that way sometimes). And trust me, if I would have had any chance to change it I would have done so.

You don't get depressed for no reason, you just need to find what it is. He has the time and money to seek professional help, and the money to do what's necessary to get better. From those tweets it looks like he doesn't like his lifestyle. He has no responsibilities or family, what's preventing him to change it?
Because people are just going to shit on him as a spoilt millionaire, despite the nice little efforts he makes.

That's just how internet is unfortunately. But people also say good about him don't they? I always saw him as the cool guy who made minecraft and donated to GDQ events till I entered this thread and saw he was hated apparently.


ITT - fuck people who are depressed if they have money.

Fuck is wrong with you Gaf? That's some cold shit.
I agree. It's a great lack of empathy. I'm in a pretty bad economic situation right now, but I still understands how he feels. Not having things working out for you and a lack of meaningfulness in day to day life would bring anyone down.
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