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Do you think GTA6 will be current-gen only?


On one hand Rockstar loves to make money, and they are no stranger to remastering releases.

But on the other, I think companies are starting to realize it is time to let go, the userbase is there now. Given that this project could be their most ambitious yet, do you see them releasing only on current gen and PC?


I agree because of the low-end CPU in last gen machines there is no way GTAVI would run on those.

Remember that the CPUs in current gen are 3-4 times faster than last gen.


Gold Member
Rockstar usually bets on releasing games on consoles first and with PC ports later. They may of course change their approach, but it's safe to bet it'll be PS5 and Xbox Series only at launch

As for if the PS4 and Xbox One will have it... I don't think so. I think we already reached the point of cross-gen releases and most of games forward will be current gen only


They will re-release it multiple times. You can bet your ass that you get a "Definitive Edition" for next gen and a "Ultra Definitive Edition" for the gen after that. GTA7 will come some time after 2040. And people on this forum will still call me out for shitting on Rockstar for that development clusterfuck.


Of course they will release GTA6 on every possible platform. Rockstar won't say no to the potential customers of the 200+ millions of sold PS4/Switch/XboxOne units.


Gold Member
its cross gen
they will show it running on pc but claim its running on ps5
epic will use a lot of that china money to keep it exclusive for one year
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On one hand Rockstar loves to make money, and they are no stranger to remastering releases.

But on the other, I think companies are starting to realize it is time to let go, the userbase is there now. Given that this project could be their most ambitious yet, do you see them releasing only on current gen and PC?
Yes guaranteed current gen only. Rockstar is going to pull another GTA5.


King Snowflake
It better not be. I don't think they are arrogant enough to put out a cross gen title at this stage. Keep in mind it will not be released for some time.


Gold Member
Nah, they’ll put it on every system that can run it. Probably all the way up to PlayStation 8.
R* have some of the best programmers in the world, whatever they pull out the bag it's going to blow a lot of games out the water on a technical level. That's something I know they'll deliver so it doesn't bother me too much about which hardware will support it.


Most definitely. With all the talk of them utilizing a new animation systems and the rumor of a new water simulation system. Why would they want to development for 2013 hardware specs just to support the lowest common denominator.

Consumers will flock to were GTA is available, not the other way around. It's a system seller, and has been since the PS2 days.
This is slightly off topic but it does concern GTA 6, do you guys think Playstation and Xbox top executives are aware of GTA 6's release date? It would make sense for them to release their first party titles more strategically to avoid what will be one of the biggest game releases in history.


If it is current gen only -> ps5/series gen, then pc, then ps6/series 2 gen
I would be 0% surprised if it released on PS4.
if ps4 can handle rdr2 and the much beloved lou2, not entirely improbable it can handle a bare bones slightly advanced version of rdr2 a.k.a. gta 6.


GTA5 has 190m sales to date.

ps5 has 47m sales to date

ps4 has 117m..

xbox one 58m

xbox series 21m

Six weeks after release, gta 5 had 29m sales and 190m sales to date. Take 2 is FOR SURE aiming to beat the 29m sales number of gta5 6 weeks after release. GTA 5 in 2013 released on consoles which to date have around 80m in sales each..

Based on past behavior they will release on consoles first, pc later.

If they release current gen only, they have, to date, only 70m consoles to work with. Yikes! This is around half of what was available to them when gta 5 launched for ps3/360.

Based on this, I think gta 6 will be cross gen ps4/5 solely because of their greed and how good of a business man Zelnick is - which he is.

So: day one cross gen ps4/5, later pc, a year after that - launch title for ps6.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
By the time it releases it will be over 4 years into the generation. It would be one way to cripple the game.


Are you crazy? Of course it's next gen only. Please God it's not being built for the Series S. And please God they're working on a ps5 pro patch for launch.


Be lying to myself if i thought it would be current gen only. Gona have sloppy frame rate, probably 1080p.. and very tonned down visuals. HOPE im wrong.
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Of course, it will be a Year 4 or Year 5 release for the current-gen by the time it comes out.

Why are we even discussing this?
Of course it would cripple the game immensely, but not the game sales?
GTA has the power of driving console sales like no other game in the industry, not even your +95MC Naughty Dog critical darling or Super Mario/Zelda game.

They could have released it in the Year 1 of a generation exclusively on the then next-gen platforms and it would debut at +15M copies sold, have an unbelievable attach rate and sold out all units of next-gen console hardware in existence.
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Are you crazy? Of course it's next gen only. Please God it's not being built for the Series S. And please God they're working on a ps5 pro patch for launch.
they are not big fans of pro patches. They prefer to sell you a new version. Source GTA 5 on next gen.


Just like how RDR2 was last gen only, this will be current gen only. PS5 and Xbox Series, and I guess the next Nintendo system is possible too. I just don't see them releasing this game on last gen, when we're gonna be five years into the current gen.


No lol

EDIT: I mean no - it'll definitely get an enhanced edition next-gen. Current-gen only (for now)
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Gold Member
They've talked about raising the bar on videogames similar to what they did with older games. RDR2 was basically the upper limit of what can be done on PS4 so if they want to go further, they need to leave those systems behind. This isn't a situation like GTAV where it was released on PS3/360 with their large installed bases while the PS4/One had installed bases of zero. There are tens of millions of current gen consoles out there.

They want to sell this game for 10 years. They need to provide a base that can grow for that amount of time and they can't do it by being shackled to 10 year old hardware with netbook CPUs. They might release on PC day one to capture a bigger audience though, which would be a break from tradition.
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The company that milked the same game for 3 generations and you think they will leave all that potential money out? you bet your ass it will be crossgen


Gold Member
Xbox One, Ps5 and Switch 2.

As well as whatever happens next.

Rockstar loves Nintendo and all the rumors I read (and I believe them all) switch 2 will be so powerful it will be a juggernaut of power. GTA 6 will run so easily on it.


I agree because of the low-end CPU in last gen machines there is no way GTAVI would run on those.

Remember that the CPUs in current gen are 3-4 times faster than last gen.
Crazy that GTA 5 was made for PS3/Xbox360 in mind.

We will basically go from shit 3core cpu from 2005, slowassfuck hdd,256 mb ram to today's cpu/ssd/16gb ram
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