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Doctor Doom is an anti-social computer programmer in the upcoming Fantastic Four film

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This is the screenwriter btw.

"This plot synopsis is bullshit! Our Reed Richards works in retail, not a convinence store."
I'm not equally defensive. Usually what I'm saying about Latino Review is that they're never anywhere NEAR as wrong as people say, and that the name "Latino Review" has become a shorthand whipping boy for people who wanna front on messageboards like they know what they're fuckin talking about. "Latino Review is ALWAYS wrong" "Man, has LR ever gotten anything right?" "Last time LR was right Jesus was still still voiding his godly bowels into cotton swaddling."

I mean, I'm sure if you did a post search regarding my defenses of LR, you'd find me saying such kindly things as "they get it right about...50-60% of the time" and "they're pretty self-aggrandizing."

But they also DO give a shit, and they're putting in work beyond reading a forum and then half-assing it into a post. There are writers there actually doing legwork. So when they swing and miss (which again, happens about half of the time) it's at least an EARNED swing. As opposed to ComicBookMovie, where it's just some dipshit with a twitter feed and a reddit account picking through the recycled food after it's already passed through the internet's digestive tract.

Again: It's weird to me that you advocate people just pay more attention while still saying they should check ComicBookMovie at all. If you care about paying attention you should already fuckin' know better, right? Because you're paying attention.

ComicBookMovie is clickwhore bullshit content aggregation for lazy people who don't give a shit whether the stories are right or not, they just wanna have something to talk about. Which is why nobody at ComicBookMovie cares about whether their stories are right or not, because that has no bearing on whether or not anyone clicks on it.

I know this because I pay attention :)

edit: hell, in the one positive example you cite of a guy at comicbookmovie caring about what they do - you don't remember his name :) The one example of someone at the site giving a shit, caring about their work, and he's just as anonymous as all the other humps - everyone gets drowned in the same regurgitated rumor vomit spewed all over the site's chest. That's comicbookmovie for you.

I feel like there are times when Latino review just pulls things out of their ass. The instance im thinking of is when they said that the justice league movie was being based on the late 70s darkseid story from jla. Anyone who's ever read that story would know that it had no chance in he'll of being adapted for the first justice league movie. It reaked of them finding out that darkseid was the villain and then finding a story where he fights the jla to "report" on
I think this movie could end up being like Fox's version of GR Spirit of Vengeance, them taking one more chance not to fuck up before the rights going back to Marvel.

Also who has the rights to Annihilation as I could see that working well in the Guardians sequel?
I think this movie could end up being like Fox's version of GR Spirit of Vengeance, them taking one more chance not to fuck up before the rights going back to Marvel.

Also who has the rights to Annihilation as I could see that working well in the Guardians sequel?

Fox have the rights to Annihilus, sadly. I think he's bundled in with the F4.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I think this movie could end up being like Fox's version of GR Spirit of Vengeance, them taking one more chance not to fuck up before the rights going back to Marvel.

Also who has the rights to Annihilation as I could see that working well in the Guardians sequel?

The negative zone, annihilus, galactus and silver surfer are all tied into the Fantastic Four license. So Fox.
I think this movie could end up being like Fox's version of GR Spirit of Vengeance, them taking one more chance not to fuck up before the rights going back to Marvel.

Also who has the rights to Annihilation as I could see that working well in the Guardians sequel?

Not that their plans can't change, but they've already announced a date for the sequel. This one is going to have to bomb astronomically for them to give up on it. I've said it before, but it's going to have to take some shadowruns to get anyone that still owns any of the Marvel properties to release their grip on it. They all want to create their own shared universes for that Marvel money.


I feel like there are times when Latino review just pulls things out of their ass.

A lot of scoops are pulled from their ass. They strike gold some times (they called Thanos being in Avengers like a year ahead of time) but most of their exclusives are utterly false.

a tweet from may, 2013:


Again, they swing and miss quite a bit. But even WITH a maybe 50-60 success rate on their (usually sourced) stories, they're STILL doing better than the shotgun blast of forum posts, unsourced "scoops" and linkback/trackbacks to other sites actually doing work that comicbookmovie is.

edit: January of 2013 they called Chadwick Boseman, too.

The Black Panther rumor ended up being partially wrong. They botched the World War Hulk rumor, too - but not the part where Hulk apparently freaks the fuck out in Avengers 2, leading to serious ramifications in the universe down the line.

Again - they have their fair share of fuckups. It's going to happen when you're trying to end-run the studios PR arm. But their batting average is fairly decent for that line of work. And it's AMAZINGLY better than say, comicbookmovie's batting average. So not only is that site stepping up to the plate more often, they're getting less hits. And it's obvious that even if Mayimbe, Gonzales, Chavez, etc. miss on a scoop, they're at least putting in the work. They're calling people, they're emailing people, they're trying to verify shit. I'll always give credit to a site for actually trying as opposed to promoting a site that obviously doesn't give a single fuck.

It's why people clowning Latino Review as a means to prove to people how much they're not a sucker, while advocating STAY being a sucker by reading a less-accurate site, reads as all sorts of backwards, to me.


That plot synopsis was too fantastic.

"The Negative Zone" is actually a coffee shop that the gang hangs out in. Ben becomes furious as he can no longer enjoy biscotti. They break in his rock fingers.

The big twist is that Doom was in the back hacking on a laptop the whole time.
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