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Does anime fanservice ever keep you from recommending an anime?


Well, Kill La Kill I actually do like (though probably wouldn't recommend to a newcomer). It has so much other stuff going like action, art, music and comedy that I can forgive the fanservice.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Fanservice has become so deeply ingrained that it's gone from "fanservicey moments" into entire animes that are essentially built upon the concept. Like, they get super mainstream now too. Kill la Kill is a good example of this.

It's pretty much the sole reasoning for my falling out with Anime.

Well, that and Naruto's shitty writing

Edit: The big thing though is fanservice surrounding 4 foot tall (really 18) toddler anime chicks. That's just creepy yo

Kill La Kill annoyed me because I was liking it as a parody of fanservice, as it was sold on me, but halfway through I started thinking "if the parody is just as fanservice-y as the subject its parodying, is it still a parody?"

I never actually finished it :/
Bakemonogatari is an interesting show full of fanservice. I recommend that people should watch it just for its interesting direction style.

The monogatari series is a perfect example of a show that wants things both ways and as a result ends up being an impossible sell. On the one hand, the Kanbaru story is excellent and tragic and has amazing action. On the other hand, the angles and shots on Kanbaru herself aren't the least bit subversive of standard male gaze fanservice. This pattern repeats for every other girl on the show. It gets worse in Nise. And again worse in Kizu.
I remember watchen Code Geass with my friend telling him how it was so much stupid fun, when previous anime he had watched had little anime fan service.

Then BOOM scene with boobs.
Well, in some instances it does complicate a recommendation, wherein I have to note it as a caveat. Usually if there's a fanservice heavy series I'd possibly recommend to someone, they're already an anime fan and have some tolerance for it, if not are outright fans of that stuff.

Probably the most notable instance where I have really wanted to recommend an anime to people, but have hesitated to do so because of fanservice specifically, would probably be the series Magi. It's an arabian fantasy series which is pretty damned rare enough, and much of the content is largely sans fanservice, and even then some of it is contextualised in a way that I think an average viewer could find themselves comfortable with (for example, a dance scene in a major celebration).

But then, you also have stuff like this (NSFW):

And it can come out of absolutely nowhere. Even in the first episode, there's stuff that just takes a series that could otherwise pass as an all ages but still older leaning affair into straight 'not for kids' territory.
The last anime stuff I watched and recommended were Erased, One Punch Man, Your Name and A Silent Voice. Only One Punch Man and Your Name have "fanservice-y" stuff but it is very light. I dont watch much anime anymore because the shit is so prevalent.

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
I find the person who gets distressed by fanservice isn't really the kind of person I want to talk about anime with.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
I also just like to toss people into the deep end and recommend them Utena. That show is art.
It absolutely keeps me from recommending a show because I don't finish shit with fan service anymore. As long as we're talking fan service like bouncy tits or the worst...underwear flashing.
If I am recommending to another anime fan? No, I'll just mention it.

If I am recommending to a none-anime fan or a more casual watchers I'll just recommend one of the billion of other anime with no fanservice in it. Crazy, I know.
Hell some of it keeps me from watching them. Heard the soundtrack to No Game No Life, read a basic plot description and thought hell yeah! In the fucking intro! Seriously do we need this shit? Jesus if you're gonna do it at least stick to adults so I can look past it to an extent and at least give the show a shot.

To be honest I've grown accustomed to dealing with fan service, but not that type. It's killed so many shows I'd have enjoyed otherwise.


There's fanservice involving adult looking women and then there's extremely uncomfortable fanservice involving nudity and extremely close ass and crotch shots (that leave very little to the imagination) of 10 to 12 year old girls. I can ignore the first one if the rest of the show is good and would probably recommend it in a heartbeat, but the second one makes me queasy; it can be Shakespeare and I'd still nope the fuck out. I tried No Game No Life on a recommendation, and I'm still scarred by that gratuitous crotch shot in the first episode.
There's fanservice involving adult looking women and then there's extremely uncomfortable fanservice involving nudity and extremely close ass and crotch shots (that leave very little to the imagination) of 10 to 12 year old girls. I can ignore the first one if the rest of the show is good and would probably recommend it in a heartbeat, but the second one makes me queasy; it can be Shakespeare and I'd still nope the fuck out. I tried No Game No Life on a recommendation, and I'm still scarred by that gratuitous crotch shot in the first episode.
I guess I am more here. Sadly, it just seems most of what I see in anime I quit is underwear shots of high school girls, then I bail the fuck out.


Yes it does, although as I grow older, I don't really find myself watching anything w/ large amounts of it, or where fanservice is basically the point of the show. I think I have just two exceptions, or maybe give it a pass if it's a "classic" (i.e. Dragonball); other than that, I just kind of roll my eyes now whenever I see stuff like that.

That being said, I don't even bring up anime to begin with unless I already know the person is into it, or have expressed interest in getting into it. My friends who are already into it have a tolerance of sorts (If you watch it regularly, said tolerance just forms gradually) though, so I could probably recommend stuff like that, so long as it fits the genres they're usually into.

If someone is completely new to anime, then absolutely not. It becomes even more awkward if you're trying to get a female friend into it, because there's the high likelihood that they'll have less tolerance for any of that bullshit. (I recommended my friend Death Note though, she seems to like it a lot so far)

Either way, it doesn't matter, as I've watched plenty of quality shit where it's nonexistent. The stereotype exists for a reason, but it's easy as hell to find something that isn't awkward to recommend. So uhh, if you realize that the only stuff you can recommend to friends has fanservice in it, then I dunno, start watching stuff that doesn't have it lol

I I think the only anime that I enjoyed with fanservice was Prison School. Im not even sure why I enjoyed that show though lol.

Oh I think you know ;D


If I am recommending to another anime fan? No, I'll just mention it.

If I am recommending to a none-anime fan or a more casual watchers I'll just recommend one of the billion of other anime with no fanservice in it. Crazy, I know.

Basically this is where I am at too.


It actually keeps me from watching some anime lol, like Kill la Kill. I had to stop watching that stupid and sad excuse of a show after the second episode. A shame because the action scenes seem to be quite well done, but I'm not gonna put up with the ridiculous and embarrassing shit from the show.
Not so much the fan service, but I've had to retract recommendations to watch Kill la Kill because it's got some billboard-sized trigger warnings. I started at, "If you're uncomfortable with fairly explicit child abuse and sexual molestation..." and then realized that I wasn't going to stop there, and just amended to, "You know, I probably wouldn't watch it if you have strong reactions to anything whatsoever."


Fail out bailed
I basically gave up on anime thanks to the fan service. The only anime I watch anymore is the anime I am forced to watch for work. It boggles the fucking mind.


It keeps me from watching Anime. Like everything new that has been recommended to me is childish or full of fanservice. I think the only anime that I enjoyed with fanservice was Prison School. Im not even sure why I enjoyed that show though lol.

Prison School is a sex comedy. Fanservice is the whole point. A pretty bad example to OP's question.

I strictly believe that whether fanservice in an anime should avert someone from it or not needs to be determined individually. There are cases where it fits and it can add some spice to the mix. Fanservice in Shokugeki no Souma is ridiculously exaggerated in such a way that makes it really funny and fun. Even if it can be sexy as hell (Mangaka's previous experience on that be damned) you still enjoy it more for its comedic value than its erotic.

Speaking about Haruhi, I find the amount of its fanservice so minimal, buried beneath tons of so much quality anime that it shouldn't even be worth questioning it. Even not taking into account how much percentage of the complete product consists of, it's still nothing offensive unless we are talking a hardcore puritan here.

One of my favorite examples of how fanservice can ruin an otherwise absolutely decent show is the Seven Deadly Sins. That's some deeply creepy shit that we sadly put it aside because we are getting so used to it.


Depends on who, and the quality of the show. What shows up in, say, Gurren Lagann isn't enough to make me really want to say to avoid it, while it is something of an issue for Kill la Kill.
I'm a snob so yeah I guess. But I can't think of any shows with a lot of fan service that I've liked. The most pulpy thing I ever recommend is probably Utena.
I mean fanservice by itself is often one strong indicator that a show is bad to begin with and therefore not recommendable. There are very few shows with lots of fanservice that I'd consider any good. The only one I can come up with is the Monogatari series, which is good in spite of it and its a fairly strange show to begin with.

Other than Bakemonogatari and co. though and I suppose Oshiete! Galko-chan (which is a short) I basically don't have a single show which feature a chunk of fanservice in my top50 or so. From what I can see after a cursory look anyways.

It's simply not surprising that the shows whose studio and director decide to implement (sexual) fanservice, which to me is by definition always at the cost of e.g. storytelling and such, aren't great in general.


Sucks at poetry
It actually keeps me from watching some anime lol, like Kill la Kill. I had to stop watching stupid and sad excuse of a show after the second episode. A shame because the action scenes seem to be quite well done, but I'm not gonna put up with the ridiculous and embarrassing shit from the show.

That's too bad, because the 3rd episode is probably the best in the whole show. When I recommend it to others I tell them to at least watch the first 3 episodes. That way if they drop it they'll at least be able to see the best parts of it.


As far as I can remember, the only anime that I watched that had fanservice was Yuri on Ice and yeah I don't recommend it to my male straight friends that like anime because I know the guy on guy elements (Even though they're tastefully done for the most part) would make them uncomfortable.
Like with any recommendations, it honestly depends on the person. For example, how new they are to anime, their personal taste, their willingness to put aside aspects of a show they dislike.

Having heavy fan service in a show at this point in my anime career makes it a nonstarter for me, though I recognize that fan service doesn't necessarily ruin a show nor do I regret the fan servicey shows I watched in the past.

So if a person is new to anime, or can't get past that sort of thing then I'll recommend anime that doesn't have it or keeps it at a minimum.

The second part isn't concrete though, especially for amazing shows. I'll recommend Gintama to any anime watcher to my dying breath.

As Haruhi Suzumiya is forever at least time for my favorite anime (fight me), I'll also still recommend it to newcomers and cynical veterans alike, if only because I think other aspects of the show can more than make up for issues with fan service.
Prison School is a sex comedy. Fanservice is the whole point. A pretty bad example to OP's question.

I strictly believe that whether fanservice in an anime should avert someone from it or not needs to be determined individually. There are cases where it fits and it can add some spice to the mix. Fanservice in Shokugeki no Souma is ridiculously exaggerated in such a way that makes it really funny and fun. Even if it can be sexy as hell (Mangaka's previous experience on that be damned) you still enjoy it more for its comedic value than its erotic.

Speaking about Haruhi, I find the amount of its fanservice so minimal, buried beneath tons of so much quality anime that it shouldn't even be worth questioning it. Even not taking into account how much percentage of the complete product consists of, it's still nothing offensive unless we are talking a hardcore puritan here.

One of my favorite examples of how fanservice can ruin an otherwise absolutely decent show is the Seven Deadly Sins. That's some deeply creepy shit that we sadly put it aside because we are getting so used to it.

Oh, that's another good example. An anime version of Arthurian lore, cool! Maybe I can use this to get other people into-
Oh, wait, the molesting. Damn it.


I can never recommend Gurren Lagann to anyone because of how much fanservice revolves around Yoko; it actively detracted from my viewing experience.

Her being~ 14 also makes it incredibly awkward.
No, but I'll give a warning over it. If it's something like Gurren Lagann, I'll just sigh and be like, "yeah this one character is wearing a swimsuit top the entire time so you know, don't watch it around people you respect."

It used to but after seeing stuff like dragon's crown and kill la kill blow up and get celebrated because of their fanservice it started dawning on me that not as many people have an issue with it as certain section of the internet would have you believe.
The thing with series like kill la kill, dragons crown, and
is that they RELISH in the smut with full confidence are not afraid to admit that they want to prioritize art/designs first over plot/worldbuilding. Most people aren't going to be upset with a series whose first episode showcases the character in a g string since they tell the viewers what they are from day 1. BUT if another anime, whose sole intent is to showcase the wonderful world of self insert man saving the world from evil, has a hot springs episode to "lighten up the mood" amidst something relatively serious, many people are going to have issues with that.


Prison School has one of the best stories in anime, but...yeeeeeah.

Lol, Prison School is the type of series where you just have to randomly stumble into people who are into it. Easy way to get an instant side-eye if someone legit tries to recommend it.


The sad state of anime and fan service is why I've stopped watching most of it and selling off my manga/anime collection. Too bad DVD cases were so huge in size back in the day, I thin packed my collection so now they have 0 resale value, doh. I still enjoy the occasional gem like One Punch Man and Mob Psycho, plus I'm always down for more JoJo. My Hero Academia is entertaining in spite of Uraraka fan service.


I can never recommend Gurren Lagann to anyone because of how much fanservice revolves around Yoko; it actively detracted from my viewing experience.

Her being~ 14 also makes it incredibly awkward.

Ohh, I remember this one because there was this one day at University when I was curious about the anime group, I wanted to see what kind of people I could meet there since I was fresh off Death Note and reading D.Gray-Man at the time, I believe. I went into the classroom they were at and they were playing this Gurren Lagann show, which was fine till one part where they kept focusing on the boobs and the butt of the girl. I was like no fucking way I'm putting up with this shit and nope'd the fuck outta there.



I tailor my recommendations to the people that ask for them. And I just tell then everything that's in it when it comes to genre, violence, anything graphic, something too saccharine, or yes, even fanservice.

If I know someone hates fanservice, I won't recommend something with it to them, or if I think the show has some in it but I think they'd like most of the rest of it, I just tell them it has fanservice in it, because transparemcy is a good thing. At least with my group of friends, we don't judge each other over that stuff.
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