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Does the NX being a hybrid allow for innovation in game design?


I though hardcore gamers hated "innovation in game design" I mean everyone here literally shitted on the Wii for being different. Everyone in the industry hated motion controls. Furthermore, everyone here hates the Wii U's Gamepad. So, if it did have any innovative designed games it would be shitted on here as well. The gaming industry don't have time for innovation.


What does hardware have to do with innovation in game design? You can innovate on any platform.

It isn't hardware that is stifling innovation, it is market research. Giving people what you already know they want is safer than giving them something you think they might want.


I think only being one device means Nintendo can have the time to make a wider variety of games. Example: Instead of spending 4 years on Smash 3DS/Wii U, they only need to spend 2, and the remaining 2 years can be used to make F-Zero x Metroid or whatever.

By having one unified library there's nothing stopping them having more than one device though.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if NX is two separate devices. Yes I know Eurogamer and Emily Rogers have said it's a hybrid, but I don't believe any of these "leakers"

I though hardcore gamers hated "innovation in game design" I mean everyone here literally shitted on the Wii for being different. Everyone in the industry hated motion controls. Furthermore, everyone here hates the Wii U's Gamepad. So, if it did have any innovative designed games it would be shitted on here as well. The gaming industry don't have time for innovation.

It's been a while since Nintendo aimed for "hardcore gamers" though. That's exactly why they hated the Wii, as it was a gimmick aimed at non-gamers.

With regards to the gamepad I think it was hated because it was well underused, Nintendo themselves seemed to have relegated it to nothing more than off tv play. So most people questioned the point of it, as all it seemed to be was a burden on the console that kept the RRP high.

In games that used it well I thought it was viewed as pretty positive, e.g Nintendo Land, Zombi U etc

I also don't care how much people shit on Nintendo, they still prove themselves to create some of the best games ever.
What's the worst gimmicky nightmare scenario for a game on NX? Like, a new 3D Mario where each side of the controller controls each of Mario's legs 1:1


Limbaugh Parrot
Perhaps a surprise function of the device, GPS? Or interaction with your mobile device to determine GPS location? Would certainly provide for interesting AR & social gaming functions.
By having one unified library there's nothing stopping them having more than one device though.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if NX is two separate devices. Yes I know Eurogamer and Emily Rogers have said it's a hybrid, but I don't believe any of these "leakers"

It's been a while since Nintendo aimed for "hardcore gamers" though. That's exactly why they hated the Wii, as it was a gimmick aimed at non-gamers.

With regards to the gamepad I think it was hated because it was well underused, Nintendo themselves seemed to have relegated it to nothing more than off tv play. So most people questioned the point of it, as all it seemed to be was a burden on the console that kept the RRP high.

In games that used it well I thought it was viewed as pretty positive, e.g Nintendo Land, Zombi U etc

I also don't care how much people shit on Nintendo, they still prove themselves to create some of the best games ever.

The first device is going to be hybrid. After a year or two, using their data the might release a console that is 100% compatible with the hybrid, or maybe a handheld


You need to explain me how hardware power could bring innovation nowadays beside slightly upgrading the gfx?


For example Cyberpunk 2077, it would be impossible if you don't have a powerful system.

There's a reason why many games were not ported from the PS360 to the Wii.


The first device is going to be hybrid. After a year or two, using their data the might release a console that is 100% compatible with the hybrid, or maybe a handheld

Why are you so certain it's a hybrid? Because Eurogamer said? I'm being serious not trying to be sarcastic.

Everything is rumour as far as I'm concerned, and I think things must be locked up tighter than a ducks arse as we've had nothing but "insiders" wanting their 15 minutes of internet fame.

Every other hardware normally get's concrete leaks, whether it's pictures of the device, or balls on accurate spec sheets. With the NX we have had nothing that comes close, or could be considered concrete. Seriously look elsewhere every other product get's proper leaks at some point, we find out about games beforehand, hardware, but what have we had for the NX?

Just because someone states leaks as facts doesn't make it any more valid for me personally.
Why are you so certain it's a hybrid? Because Eurogamer said? I'm being serious not trying to be sarcastic.

Everything is rumour as far as I'm concerned, and I think things must be locked up tighter than a ducks arse as we've had nothing but "insiders" wanting their 15 minutes of internet fame.

Every other hardware normally get's concrete leaks, whether it's pictures of the device, or balls on accurate spec sheets. With the NX we have had nothing that comes close, or could be considered concrete. Seriously look elsewhere every other product get's proper leaks at some point, we find out about games beforehand, hardware, but what have we had for the NX?

Just because someone states leaks as facts doesn't make it any more valid for me personally.

Because it makes bussiness sense
Allowing something to happen is very different from it actually happening.

Things actually happening depend on more variables than simply being a possibility.


Yes why not? I'm pretty sure there wil be a new Nintendo gimmick to play with because thats what they do since the DS and Wii.


I though hardcore gamers hated "innovation in game design" I mean everyone here literally shitted on the Wii for being different. Everyone in the industry hated motion controls. Furthermore, everyone here hates the Wii U's Gamepad. So, if it did have any innovative designed games it would be shitted on here as well. The gaming industry don't have time for innovation.

Did people really literally sh*t on their Wiis? That is f**king disgusting.



Nintendo will be using this as it's main marketing. I do think both modes will have the full featured games however each version will have its own unique features

Local Pokémon battles with split controllers on one device.

Pokéwalker feature and if system has GPS maybe Pokémon Go style of catching Pokémon in the real world. Also local multiplayer with players who also have NX

Mario Maker
4 player local co op like NSMB Wii U on the same system. Create levels using motion pointer controls

Local 4 player with players with NX device's. Create levels using the touchscreen

Some games will be completing different on both modes

Brain Age on the touchscreen will be like a entirely different game to Brain Age on the TV. One has voice and touchscreen mini games the other has pointer and motion mini games.


Unless I'm crazy it seems like you described the vmu experience on Dreamcast and I don't know what is innovative about 2player split screen.


assuming the thing is essentially a Wii U with long form remote play, i don't really expect much if any "innovation" outside what the Wii U tried

i mean, its nintendo. obviously they'll bring something to the table but the concept in and of itself doesn't bring anything new in the way of gameplay


Well, we already discussed this in the NX threads long ago using Just Dance as an example because of how it was likely the NX would have different styles of play due to different controls.

For Just Dance: Play at home with local multiplayer using Wii Remotes. Play as a portable by playing the game using the touchscreen.

I don't have much more to add.


I had a dream that it was called the Gamecast, and Sega had merged with Nintendo. It had a projector, of course. I think I need to focus on other things in my life.

OP, yes I think some devs could innovate on portable vs home gaming for the same game. The question is whether or not anyone but Nintendo takes advantage of it.


Hitman, wih a significant amount of NPCs

Battlefield, with 64 players over a large destructable environment

Fallout, with a large immersive physics based world

Sports that go for realism

Story based games that need to show human-like performances

Large open world game


OP said innovative.

Mista Koo

Hopefully not, that way you would kill flexibility. One of the main features of the Wii U, off screen play, is killed whenever you do anything unique with the controller.
I though hardcore gamers hated "innovation in game design" I mean everyone here literally shitted on the Wii for being different. Everyone in the industry hated motion controls. Furthermore, everyone here hates the Wii U's Gamepad. So, if it did have any innovative designed games it would be shitted on here as well. The gaming industry don't have time for innovation.

Nice revisionist history. The Wii hype was kickstarted by core gamers who were crazy excited for the promise of motion controls and hardcore games like the Galaxy, Prime, Twilight Princess combo right at the beginning. A backlash started when they focused solely on junk like Wii Music and Animal Crossing Wii, but some goodwill still bounced back after later announcements in that generation. People hate the WiiU because the ,,innovation" is a nonsensical farce which had no proper thought put into it and the console had a shit lineup of games.


OP said innovative.


Synonyms: change, alteration, revolution, upheaval, transformation, metamorphosis, reorganization, restructuring, rearrangement, recasting, remodelling, renovation, restyling, variation; new measures, new methods, new devices, novelty, newness, unconventionality, modernization, modernism; a break with tradition, a shift of emphasis, a departure, a change of direction; informal a shake up; informal a shakedown; humoroustransmogrification


I though hardcore gamers hated "innovation in game design" I mean everyone here literally shitted on the Wii for being different. Everyone in the industry hated motion controls. Furthermore, everyone here hates the Wii U's Gamepad. So, if it did have any innovative designed games it would be shitted on here as well. The gaming industry don't have time for innovation.

I'm probaly a hardcore gamer and i loved the Wii motion controls, don't get the hate for it. And the Wii U tablet i love it for off tv play, but i can understand the big flaws the Wii U haves and why it does not appeal to the mass market.

I hope Nintendo turns it around with NX, wich i think they might will since they are open to change their core strategies now.

Let some younger devs take the helm at development or atleast let them co design with for example Miyamato and some other veteran devs there to give their games modern or new gameplay twists. I guess they already kinda do if you look at the upcoming Zelda game and splatoon, Miyamato also talked about doing revolutionary things in the new Mario game. Wich all sounds great.
I though hardcore gamers hated "innovation in game design" I mean everyone here literally shitted on the Wii for being different. Everyone in the industry hated motion controls. Furthermore, everyone here hates the Wii U's Gamepad. So, if it did have any innovative designed games it would be shitted on here as well. The gaming industry don't have time for innovation.

Innovation for innovations sake gets quite rightly mocked, especially when it negatively effects actual game design and enjoyability.

The best innovation is born in software, and is one of Nintendo's greatest strengths. It's given us standardised shooter controls, RPG mechanics, dialogue options and player choice, and incredible titles like Super Mario Bros., FFVII, Ocarina of Time, Ico, Halo, Splatoon and Minecraft, amongst thousands of other small steps and massive leaps that have driven our hobby from a nerdy sideshow to the biggest entertainment medium of our age.

Of course even that has its drawbacks, because for every masterpiece that completely changes the rules, there's stuff like Sonic Boom and Paper Mario Sticker Star that are just finger painting with shit because. Innovation purely for innovations sake, not because it's an improvement.

And thus we come to the far more problematic innovation that is hardware, which comes in one of two flavours:

-Hardware born of a need in the software.
-Hardware born of a need to be different that software is forced to work around.

And the Wii fell into this category, and was a huge hit until the novelty wore off, and Apple innovated on it to make smartphone gaming the same thing but better for the software it was compatible with.

Good examples of hardware innovation would be things like creating shoulder buttons because there weren't enough face buttons, analogue sticks for 3D movement, followed by twin sticks, built in hard drives to improve performance and load times, built in Internet for online multiplayer and digital stores, even HD displays for improved picture quality and immersion, all brilliant, beloved innovation by the hardcore, and now fundamental parts of the entire gaming industry.

Then you've got hardware that is born independently of software, that the software is forced to work around, and just makes things worse for most games, because you're trying to fit a square shaped peg into a round hole. Wiimotes and Move Controllers, Kinect, 3D screens, 3 handled controllers, U draw tablets, dance matts, balance boards, second screens, and so on and so forth, that fundamentally tried to force a change in how games are designed and how people enjoy playing them.

Now sometimes this works out for individual titles, and sometimes these 'gimmicks' are built upon by others to branch off into another, independently successful market, like Handheld gaming, Smartphone gaming, and possibly VR gaming, though time will tell on that.

Basically, 'hardcore gamers', or to be more accurate, people who consider games to be a hobby of theirs already (which is most bloody people by this point), like innovation when it takes what they liked already and makes it better.

What people don't like, is being told 'What you like is wrong, you have to like this instead!'.

Which is what Nintendo has been doing since the N64, and only paid off for them with the Wii and DS because they lucked out on offering the new audience the PS2 birthed an easier entry point into gaming than the other established players.

Even then, their failure to innovate properly by building on that success let that audience go to their competitors in every corner of the game industry, especially when Apple took minimalist motion controls, lifestyle accessory gaming, multimedia and social interactivity to a level Nintendo simply cannot reach.

So yeah, 'innovation' is in no way the problem, except for those with the attention span of nats that want to constantly start over ever generation from zero who take it too far.

Personally, I'm very excited by the idea of a Hybrid because that would be a sensible way to innovate, building on the success of mobile/handheld gaming, Nintendos great software, and all the lessons learned from the PSVita and DS/3DS sounds awesome to me.

But if they try and reinvent the wheel again with it then they can fuck right off.


the piano man
ok, if I were to play this game of guessing and speculating I'd say the following:

people misunderstand the Hybrid concept.

I think Nintendo will have an "ecosystem" in which all of their software will be one and the same in each hardware. no more "store for 3ds" and "store for WiiU".

the handheld part of their business will be playable on TV with ease via a dock or accesory to connect it to their main Home console.

won't necessarily mean that the handheld is the main controller or the only means to play games theree.

this handheld will probably function as the gamepad for the NX version fo Zelda.


Innovation for innovations sake gets quite rightly mocked, especially when it negatively effects actual game design and enjoyability.

The best innovation is born in software, and is one of Nintendo's greatest strengths. It's given us standardised shooter controls, RPG mechanics, dialogue options and player choice, and incredible titles like Super Mario Bros., FFVII, Ocarina of Time, Ico, Halo, Splatoon and Minecraft, amongst thousands of other small steps and massive leaps that have driven our hobby from a nerdy sideshow to the biggest entertainment medium of our age.

Of course even that has its drawbacks, because for every masterpiece that completely changes the rules, there's stuff like Sonic Boom and Paper Mario Sticker Star that are just finger painting with shit because. Innovation purely for innovations sake, not because it's an improvement.

And thus we come to the far more problematic innovation that is hardware, which comes in one of two flavours:

-Hardware born of a need in the software.
-Hardware born of a need to be different that software is forced to work around.

And the Wii fell into this category, and was a huge hit until the novelty wore off, and Apple innovated on it to make smartphone gaming the same thing but better for the software it was compatible with.

Good examples of hardware innovation would be things like creating shoulder buttons because there weren't enough face buttons, analogue sticks for 3D movement, followed by twin sticks, built in hard drives to improve performance and load times, built in Internet for online multiplayer and digital stores, even HD displays for improved picture quality and immersion, all brilliant, beloved innovation by the hardcore, and now fundamental parts of the entire gaming industry.

Then you've got hardware that is born independently of software, that the software is forced to work around, and just makes things worse for most games, because you're trying to fit a square shaped peg into a round hole. Wiimotes and Move Controllers, Kinect, 3D screens, 3 handled controllers, U draw tablets, dance matts, balance boards, second screens, and so on and so forth, that fundamentally tried to force a change in how games are designed and how people enjoy playing them.

Now sometimes this works out for individual titles, and sometimes these 'gimmicks' are built upon by others to branch off into another, independently successful market, like Handheld gaming, Smartphone gaming, and possibly VR gaming, though time will tell on that.

Basically, 'hardcore gamers', or to be more accurate, people who consider games to be a hobby of theirs already (which is most bloody people by this point), like innovation when it takes what they liked already and makes it better.

What people don't like, is being told 'What you like is wrong, you have to like this instead!'.

Which is what Nintendo has been doing since the N64, and only paid off for them with the Wii and DS because they lucked out on offering the new audience the PS2 birthed an easier entry point into gaming than the other established players.

Even then, their failure to innovate properly by building on that success let that audience go to their competitors in every corner of the game industry, especially when Apple took minimalist motion controls, lifestyle accessory gaming, multimedia and social interactivity to a level Nintendo simply cannot reach.

So yeah, 'innovation' is in no way the problem, except for those with the attention span of nats that want to constantly start over ever generation from zero who take it too far.

Personally, I'm very excited by the idea of a Hybrid because that would be a sensible way to innovate, building on the success of mobile/handheld gaming, Nintendos great software, and all the lessons learned from the PSVita and DS/3DS sounds awesome to me.

But if they try and reinvent the wheel again with it then they can fuck right off.

Absolutely fucking nailed it. Great post.
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