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Does too much fanservice in games bother you?


Fanservice can never really make a game better unless you like anime ladies and you're desperate for a pull.

Loving the responses from people with anime avatars in this thread, though.

This post reaches a new level of passive-aggressive condescension. If you're going to make fun of people, atleast say it directly to them instead of the mocking tone from the sidelines.


Depends on the game entirely.

You won't see me complaining about the gratuitious fanservice for Rumble Roses or OneeChanbara. Yet I'll be the first person to complain about Samus wearing high heels and having her Zero Suit shrink 5 sizes on her in Other M. I won't tell the girls of Dead or Alive to wear full-body parkas in Beach Volleyball, but I'll roll my eyes and criticize Miranda in Mass Effect for running into battle in a glorified tube sock and not much else.

I think context and intention matter...

Quiet in MGSV was such a poor use of it too.


If the fanservice is nudity for the sake of nudity, yes. If it's something like MGS4 which was basically a MGS best-of... kinda.

Fanservice can never really make a game better unless you like anime ladies and you're desperate for a pull.

Loving the responses from people with anime avatars in this thread, though.

Loving the shit posts from people with pokemon avatars in this thread.



she's 15, right? maybe that's why people don't like seeing her sold as a sex object

I think she's 17 by the time DAN happens - people actually age in the Persona universe. Also, part of her own story in Persona 4 is dealing with her being a sexualized Japanese Pop Idol.


game developers generally approach sex appeal with the subtlety and nuance of a rabid badger

maybe if it were something i could play without feeling like the game were constantly winking at me and nudging me with an elbow, but i don't think i've ever seen that

This. I don't mind games dealing with sexuality, but the way it's being handled is pretty much just pushing for more T&A. Also, context matters. A lot.


Maturity, bitches.
Fan service ala anime style is a reason to hate a game.
So, since anime style is usually just the easy way to say drawn in Japan, you're saying 1. we should hate games produced in Japan 2. Super Mario games are full of fan service? OK then.
but I wasn't peaking at female characters in their underwear through keyholes in the PS1 and PS2 eras.
okay so was this Final Fantasy or what? Because that sounds ridiculous. Is it a minigame like do you have to hold your breath as if you're sniping in COD?

Celes' sprite didn't wear pants(even though her art did) Rosa's sprite didn't either (guess art is wearing tights?) I think some FF2 character's art was more close to Celes' sprite. I think it's just hard to make sprites sexy I guess. It's probably likely that a lot of fan service was lost in localization.

You and others keep bringing up "aimed at Japanese" audiences. You have to be aware of the fact that any JRPG with more than a shoe-string budget isn't going to get by with the 100-200k sales they get out of Japan. This came up in one of the Xenoblade Chronicles X thread. No one in Japan bought that game or the original. If certain types of pandering don't play very well outside of Japan, and most people in Japan don't give a shit about the game, why have it at all? Star Ocean is on that same list as well.
Yeah if there's no financial benefit the needle will swing but people seemed pretty excited for SO5.

I think she's 17 by the time DAN happens - people actually age in the Persona universe. Also, part of her own story in Persona 4 is dealing with her being a sexualized Japanese Pop Idol.

Also she's and idol and just wearing idol shit is her out worse than what Britney Spears or Miley Cyrus were doing shows in?


I wasn't peaking at female characters in their underwear through keyholes in the PS1 and PS2 eras.



Maybe, instead, it's you who should go do something else? Did you ever even stop to consider that you could just elect to not play Japanese games?

Some of us have played Japanese games all our lives and often like the gameplay they offer and its really annoying to see the pandering get worse and worse with every entry as thats not why we got into them in the first place. "Don't play Japanese games" isn't a very useful response. I want to play Japanese games but its getting more and more difficult to tolerate the art in many of these games. And I am speaking as someone who could still just about tolerate even Dead or Alive until they added a damn loli.


Some of us have played Japanese games all our lives and often like the gameplay they offer and its really annoying to see the pandering get worse and worse with every entry as thats not why we got into them in the first place. "Don't play Japanese games" isn't a very useful response. I want to play Japanese games but its getting more and more difficult to tolerate the art in many of these games. And I am speaking as someone who could still just about tolerate even Dead or Alive until they added a damn loli.

Saying "go watch porn" is just as useless.


Looking for meaning in GAF
It depends if it's used to furnish a game rather than carry it.

If the game is good, then the fanservice is just window dressing. If it's not too shlocky or creepy then I'm fine with it.

If the game is obviously a piece of low-effort shit that tries to get sales with blatant fanservice, then no.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Maybe, instead, it's you who should go do something else? Did you ever even stop to consider that you could just elect to not play Japanese games?

Fuck that noise. I like Japanese games. I'm pissed that a significant portion of the output of a country that's still making some of the only entries in genres and styles that I enjoy has largely become "unpalatable" to me
Fuck that noise. I like Japanese games. I'm pissed that a significant portion of the output of a country that's still making some of the only entries in genres and styles that I enjoy has largely become "unpalatable" to me

hear hear. I feel like the low/mid budget JRPGs of the ps1 and ps2 era have almost completely been replaced by pandering trash by the likes of Compile Heart.

Li Kao

I'm quite pleased to see that people didn't respond to some evident bait / thinly veiled insults in the past few pages. Wasn't aware that respecting other people's opinion was such a difficult thing to do.
This is sad, but hey the thread is still ongoing and more and more people share their opinion in a civil manner, let's forget the bad apples.
So, since anime style is usually just the easy way to say drawn in Japan, you're saying 1. we should hate games produced in Japan 2. Super Mario games are full of fan service? OK then.

I think they are saying what the anime community considers the word "fanservice" to be instead of what the rest of us consider to be "fanservice". Not everyone speaks anime culture words.


Fuck that noise. I like Japanese games. I'm pissed that a significant portion of the output of a country that's still making some of the only entries in genres and styles that I enjoy has largely become "unpalatable" to me

By all means, get pissed as much or little as you want so long as you're being respectful(and as far as I can tell you mostly have). I'm only making it a point to call out people who are trying to fly under the radar with their nudgenudgewinkwinkanimeavatar.jpg lolbasementdweller pornaddictedweeabooleavemyindustry... not-so-stealthy insults.

This new avatar will make me the most popular person on GAF.


I guess for me it depends on the game. Nothing in SFV bothers me, not the character designs, not even the boob jiggling. Heck, I even liked R. Mika's little buttslap. Birdie's chain clipping in the character select screen annoys me far more than any of those things.

But I did roll my eyes when I saw the Quiet scenes in MGSV for the 1st time. MGSV tries to be a little more serious and then that. They don't add anything to the game.

In general a little fanservice here and there doesn't bother me at all, have no problems with Cindy, SO5 witch and the like.
I guess context matters.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
hear hear. I feel like the low/mid budget JRPGs of the ps1 and ps2 era have almost completely been replaced by pandering trash by the likes of Compile Heart.

It sucks, until you realize there's a whole slew of fun low/mid budget RPGs from the SNES/PS1/PS2/DS/Saturn/PSP that you probably haven't played... even more so if you play fan translations and/or are open to playing them in Japanese.
she's 15, right? maybe that's why people don't like seeing her sold as a sex object

First of all, she's an idol. That's how idols look.

Second, sexuality is a huge part of her character arc and all the mental anguish that comes with it. It's absolutely appropriate.


And yet, Dancing All Night totally glorifies the idol life.

Bullshit. Have you even played that game's story mode? It approaches Perfect Blue in tone in several scenes.

Hell, the whole damn reason the events of the game unfold is because
an idol who seemed content on the surface and had many fans commits suicide because she couldn't take the pressure; because she felt isolated and felt no one understood her. Then, an up-and-coming idol and big fan of the former saw her kill herself and subsequently suffered from trauma and PTSD.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Bullshit. Have you even played that game's story mode? It approaches Perfect Blue in tone in several scenes.

Color me interested. Idol games have always been offputting to me because everything that I see about them seems to glorify idol culture (even when they present it as a "hard life" or "emotionally difficult" they ultimately can't ever get truly critical because their bottom line goal is still to sell you on it, they have to maintain the fantasy)


Also, I don't mind the occasional fanservice from a game. Whatever. But stuff like this Tweet made me laugh during E3. Yeah, the costume is a bit weird. But it could have been a lot worse. https://twitter.com/femfreq/status/611229178596233218
EDIT: Now w/ pic

I dunno. Costumes don't really bug me as much except for like Dead or Alive 5 where the game almost runs off of micro transactions for costumes. Then you got games like P4DAN where the fanservice (sort of) made sense due to her being an idol.

Oh man i remember that tweet

That was the first thing i heard about Anita, made me dislike her because i thought thought she usually lies to prove a point. (i changed my views concerning her soon after E3 though)

And some people here thought i was a GG'er for a while because of that lol
Color me interested. Idol games have always been offputting to me because everything that I see about them seems to glorify idol culture (even when they present it as a "hard life" or "emotionally difficult" they ultimately can't ever get truly critical because their bottom line goal is still to sell you on it, they have to maintain the fantasy)

You probably want to play P4 or P4 Golden first if you haven't.


Which is kind of undermined by parading her grinning so happily on badges and shit, I'd say. xD But whatever you say.

Ultimately, she finds happiness in being an idol, and about expressing herself that way. Is that problematic? Is that seriously something to take issue with? Is her dress really scandalous, especially when we take into account her occupation?
Oh man i remember that tweet

That was the first thing i heard about Anita, made me dislike her because i thought thought she usually lies to prove a point. (i changed my views concerning her soon after E3 though)

And some people here thought i was a GG'er for a while because of that lol

How on earth did you get to the conclusion that she usually lies to prove a point from that tweet? She merely states that its unfortunate that of all the images they chose that one to put on the badge. Point to me exactly where the lie is here. Please.

Jeez cant imagine why people thought you were part of gg.


It doesn't bother me as much as I think it's completely ridiculous. I've said it before, but having gigantic jiggling boobs and ass shots is at best embarrassing, at worst disgusting, but usually a mix of both.


XSEED Localization Specialist
she's 15, right? maybe that's why people don't like seeing her sold as a sex object

Wait, you're talking about the E3 badge pic, right? How is that "selling her as a sex object"? She's fully clothed, and dressed entirely appropriately for dancing. There's nothing even remotely sexualized about that image.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Ultimately, she finds happiness in being an idol, and about expressing herself that way. Is that problematic? Is that seriously something to take issue with? Is her dress really scandalous, especially when we take into account her occupation?

Hmmmmm well my rather thorough distaste of idol culture (and its not limited to idol culture or japanese culture, there are other types of media I dislike for similar reasons) probably isn't a topic for this thread...

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Hmmmmm well my rather thorough distaste of idol culture (and its not limited to idol culture or japanese culture, there are other types of media I dislike for similar reasons) probably isn't a topic for this thread...
Haha ditto, we're getting off-topic as hell now. I don't even know why we're talking about Anita really..


Unconfirmed Member
Haha ditto, we're getting off-topic as hell now. I don't even know why we're talking about Anita really..

Well, we were talking about Rise. And how this obsession with her being "15" (which she wasn't in the art that was being criticised) isn't really warranted for her character arc.


While I agree on most of your examples, Overwatch really isn't helping..

I appreciate the occasional non-obvious character design in that game, but to put Blizzard out of blame with those 2-3 designs is crazy. Not even talking about Sylvanas, Kerrigan and stuff from their other franchises.
Those don't bother me. As long as it doesn't detract from the experience the game is otherwise trying to portray. Japanese games on the other hand...
Hmmmmm well my rather thorough distaste of idol culture (and its not limited to idol culture or japanese culture, there are other types of media I dislike for similar reasons) probably isn't a topic for this thread...

It's not like it shows or even implies Rise is part of the shadier side of the industry, at least in Persona 4 (haven't played Dancing All Night yet). I see nothing wrong with her accepting the lifestyle while simultaneously being critical of a portion she isn't part of.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I finished it. And I can wholeheartedly agree with you. One of the most painful experiences ever in a game

Funnily enough based on what I saw (I have not played Akiba's Trip) the whole "stripping girls" mechanic didn't bother me in the slightest, since a.)it looked to be completely gender balanced and b.)I don't think I've ever seen something that felt more sexless and less titilating. It looked like stripping down mannequins.

Now as to other fanservice in the game I can't speak...
If Kojima was just truthful about Quiet, I would not have an issue with her.

I really agree with this. Kojima coming so far as to say not to worry about Quiet because she is an "antithesis to female characters" and we will "feel ashamed" for judging her just makes the whole situation worse. Quiet is like the most egregious example of degrading fan service I could ever come up with, but it's so much worse because Kojima (who I normally really respect) denied his own words and deeds, which he should be ashamed of.


XSEED Localization Specialist
Well, we were talking about Rise. And how this obsession with her being "15" (which she wasn't in the art that was being criticised) isn't really warranted for her character arc.

Even if she were 7, that outfit is entirely nonsexual. Like, not even remotely objectifying or sexualized, as far as I can ascertain. I can't even comprehend objections to that image. Is it just because it shows midriff? Like, are we seriously saying that showing midriff is anti-feminist or objectifying or something? Because if so, I'm just... baffled.

Even if she were 7, that outfit is entirely nonsexual. Like, not even remotely objectifying or sexualized, as far as I can ascertain. I can't even comprehend objections to that image. Is it just because it shows midriff? Like, are we seriously saying that showing midriff is anti-feminist or objectifying or something? Because if so, I'm just... baffled.


Wait, how is a miniskirt, thigh highs, bare belly and a low cut top "nonsexual"?
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