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Dota 2 Beta Thread: [Brewmaster]

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Somewhere, behind that big and hairy chest, Half-Life 3 is hidden. It's there....


yeah, 24 wins and 40 losses. I remember when I was like 20 - 25.
this is so bullshit, always in a team of leavers/n00bs who goes random etc.
just wondering WHY.


Question: Is there a common known bug where you can't left click for group select, maneuvering the minimap, checking heroes, or... well... basically anything that involved the left mouse button?

I seem to have gotten it three or four times now and I think it might have to do with spectating before going into matchmaking. Was wondering if this was known and/or if there is a good fix to it besides restarting the game.

This started happening to me as well this weekend. I have to close the game and restart when it happens.


Should the power treads power correspond to your heroes as in blue when your hero is int? I only ask because someone told me to put my boots on strength when I was enchantress.


Ok, since it's pretty apparent you're not understanding, I'll break it down easy for you.

This was already discussed, and like I said earlier, if you're playing a good team, they'll be able to pocket check u and have a general feel when you're going to rosh, and probably set up extra parameters. A pair of sentries cost 200 g, while a Rosh for the enemy team gives them 1300g. Pretty easy math right there buddy. Also, powershot, wave of terror, treants, scout hawk, veno wards, and many other spells available to commonly picked heroes can easily scout out rosh.

You're honestly just restating what I already pointed out, and I've already discussed how this is probably your best bet at getting into rosh and getting out safely. However, do know that they'll probably notice "hey, ursa isn't in their team. VS/WR/someone else who can easily scout rosh go check, and carry tps" Yes Sanjay, if they have TPs they can easily respond to either you roshing or your team pushing. Surprise!

Dude, 200g every 6 minutes isn't "very costly" and it reaps its rewards if you can keep Ursa out of rosh. Also, just designate one fucking hero to bot lane, and have everyone (or at least 2 heroes) carry a tp, and Ursa cannot rosh, and will probably get killed and/or aegis stolen if he tries.

Yeah professional competitive teams will do that shit, but matchmaking teams? In reality people just don't do any of that shit to stop Ursa getting Rosh.

Get over yourself, Ursa isn't as great a hero as you put him out to be. He's just a right-click hero who can go vanguard and can (but shouldn't) jungle. I'm glad you found your calling, but stop trying to glorify him into anything other then a pubstomp hero.

So I need to get over my self after I found my calling hey? Hater-Bot.

All this stuff you said I've said like when? all I said that hes a good pusher, right click hero to destroy buildings and he kills Rosh for free.


Should the power treads power correspond to your heroes as in blue when your hero is int? I only ask because someone told me to put my boots on strength when I was enchantress.
Depends on your need. If you're a support of some kind, you may want them on Strength for the added health and health regen it offers. In Enchantress' case, the added damage from Int treads is probably not all that much, especially when you consider how much damage Impetus does out of the box. If you need the extra mana and regen early on, that could be worth it, just make sure you have your Nature's Attendants handy.


Protip: Don't play against milk as Ursa.

My first game with Ursa was against Milk. Was a good game, we took mid and bot racks early on by right click buildings, he was hitting really hard but I did not want to kill him but buildings instead, we won.

Team was like get BLINK! I was like NEVER.


Wannabe WoDota 2

Haven't watched it yet... But the guys over at WoDota better get their shit together and start uploading those Dota 2 weeklys they've been talking about.

edit: don't take what I wrote as an indicator of quality; it might be great, I just don't know yet!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Not up to WoDOTA level of play.

Also the editing is atrocious.


I am not Max
Wannabe WoDota 2

Haven't watched it yet... But the guys over at WoDota better get their shit together and start uploading those Dota 2 weeklys they've been talking about.

edit: don't take what I wrote as an indicator of quality; it might be great, I just don't know yet!

What was keeping Slar alive for #1? Wand?


Oh dang, I had no idea it automatically filled hp with the extra strength

You can't die from turning it off, but you always get the hp from turning it on.
So you'll always have at least 475 hp after turning it on.

On the video: I think it was ok. However no fantastic stuff, except maybe #2 which I liked


If it's not, then valve is pulling a supreme troll by letting me download on the wrong partition >_>

Edit: Ok - Crazy beta-ness resulted in irrational exuberance. Apparently activating a playdota giveaway while in OSX will prompt the usual steam activation cycle and provide you with the option to install. Directly taking me to the library/downloads section and it brought down what looks like the entire client. Except there is no OSX application within.

Only after the fact was I provided the "not available for your platform" message. Derpy derp.


So is there a group of Gaffers who are new to Dota/Dota 2 who play together? If so, I would love to play with some of you.

Would love that too. A friend of mine and I just got into the beta and are sort of just stumbling around, having fun with the game.

s'called balance.

So is it better to not scale Lion's ult then? At 650 mana, if you take it at every level, you can't cast it along with earth spike and hex which are (arguably?) more important in a team. Should you just take one level for decent ganking/mid game burst then just take stats?


So is it better to not scale Lion's ult then? At 650 mana, if you take it at every level, you can't cast it along with earth spike and hex which are (arguably?) more important in a team. Should you just take one level for decent ganking/mid game burst then just take stats?

why wouldn't you take it? You're not losing anything by leveling up. So you don't cast it every teamfight, it doesn't matter. You'll have it when you need it.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It only costs 200 mana at level 1, 420 at level 2 and 650 at level 3.

You should always take it whenever it's available because it contributes to 75% of your dps, your teammates will be relying on that one big nuke on the priority target.

Most of the time, team fights won't last long enough for you to worry about running out of mana after using Finger of Death, and even then, what is a 2 second stun going to do for you that 850 damage could not?

If you're expecting a team fight you should be conserving your mana rather than using earth spike on creeps or whatever. Mana drain ranged creeps when its safe to to keep your pool topped off.


It only costs 200 mana at level 1, 420 at level 2 and 650 at level 3.

You should always take it whenever it's available because it contributes to 75% of your dps, your teammates will be relying on that one big nuke on the priority target.

Most of the time, team fights won't last long enough for you to worry about running out of mana after using Finger of Death, and even then, what is a 2 second stun going to do for you that 850 damage could not?

If you're expecting a team fight you should be conserving your mana rather than using earth spike on creeps or whatever. Mana drain ranged creeps when its safe to to keep your pool topped off.

Ah, that makes sense. The game I was playing the team never really came together for one big fight so it was almost constant small skirmishes through most of the match. Using the ult on one person would basically leave me empty for any other fights.

I'll chalk that up to low skill bracket.


Just got off 2 fountain hooks with my friend. 1 on Ursa who was doing Roshan, saw him go in, which was really funny. Another one on Slardar.

When that killed him he said he was gonna report me for abuse. Which kinda makes me not wanna do it again :/

It's not really abuse though is it? Think I read this worked in Dota 1 as well, and it counts as a mechanic?


Just got off 2 fountain hooks with my friend. 1 on Ursa who was doing Roshan, saw him go in, which was really funny. Another one on Slardar.

When that killed him he said he was gonna report me for abuse. Which kinda makes me not wanna do it again :/

It's not really abuse though is it? Think I read this worked in Dota 1 as well, and it counts as a mechanic?

It's not abuse.


will learn eventually
Since I am finally in, can someone link me to some good ressources for a newb? I have no idea what I am doing lol


Just got off 2 fountain hooks with my friend. 1 on Ursa who was doing Roshan, saw him go in, which was really funny. Another one on Slardar.

When that killed him he said he was gonna report me for abuse. Which kinda makes me not wanna do it again :/

It's not really abuse though is it? Think I read this worked in Dota 1 as well, and it counts as a mechanic?

Not abuse, don't sweat it. Valve specifically left this bug in because they found it hilarious, and it's impractical and difficult to do.
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