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Dragon Age Inquisition Multiplayer Announced - 4 player Co-op, has free DLC (ala ME3)


No bald cap? Lies!
I'm not seeing any mention of a Readiness Rating type gameplay element in the SP, nor a denial of it. I really really hope they don't tie it into the main campaign other than just the setting and loose story elements. Actually tying gameplay elements is bothersome. I don't want to have to play it if I don't want to just to get the most out of my SP experience.


"Multiplayer runs sort of parallel to the Inquisitor’s story -- you’re working for the Inquisitor, running behind-the-scenes Operations with a squad.

Isn't this the exact same premise as the mass effect 3 coop story? Not that I am complaining, the co-op in me 3 was surprisingly fun, so I will probably try this mode after completing the single player.


Welp, that actually gets me interested in the game. I think I stopped playing ME3MP around the 400h mark.

Isn't this the exact same premise as the mass effect 3 coop story? Not that I am complaining, the co-op in me 3 was surprisingly fun, so I will probably try this mode after completing the single player.

Yeah, the N7 Operatives were there to hold the ground that Shepard conquered in the first place.


Sounds like it'll be promising. I just hope they don't go vanilla ME3 and make it so to get all endings you HAVE to play multiplayer. I don't mind it tying in and affecting partially but it shouldn't determine if you get all SP content.


I remember everyone thinking ME3's multiplayer was going to be tacked on and needless when it was announced/rumoured but that turned out to be a really fun mode to play with friends. If this is anything like that was then count me in.


I'm not seeing any mention of a Readiness Rating, nor a denial of it. I really really hope they don't tie it into the main campaign other than just the setting and loose story elements. Actually tying gameplay elements is bothersome. I don't want to have to play it if I don't want to just to get the most out of my SP experience.
From what I saw in the IGN vid, they seem to stay that the SP and MP is separate.


Sounds potentially fun for a while but it really isn't what I'm looking for with this game however I will definitely give it a try. So, as long as the singleplayer experience doesn't suffer in any way as a result of this multiplayer mode I'm totally fine with it.

I've been feeling for over a year now that I'd prefer a coop dungeon crawl mode instead of just horde mode. And they delivered exactly that. Fuck yes.

By the sound of it, its gonna have a map randomization a lot like Resistance 2's coop.
Here's the one question that needs answered:

Did they artificially stretch out the time it takes to earn a new box of items?

It sounds like it from the article. LoL takes forever to earn something new. ME3 had a good balance. If you were good, it might take ~3 matches to earn the highest price item thing.


Hmmm, Though I loved the ME3 multiplayer this looks to play very differently and I'm not sure if I like it. What I liked about the ME3 multi was experimenting with different play styles and races. Inquisition multi just looks like an MMO.


I remember everyone thinking ME3's multiplayer was going to be tacked on and needless when it was announced/rumoured but that turned out to be a really fun mode to play with friends. If this is anything like that was then count me in.

It sounds like an upgraded version of that from the article.

You have more areas to play with (you go through a series of maps instead of just one), the characters banter with one another while walking through, and a few other features like that, but otherwise it sounds very similar.



I've been feeling for over a year now that I'd prefer a coop dungeon crawl mode instead of just horde mode. And they delivered exactly that. Fuck yes.

By the sound of it, its gonna have a map randomization a lot like Resistance 2's coop.

That gif! I've never seen that! Had to bite my tongue on the train - fucking LOL!

And man - I'm seriously hyped for this - co-op? Gimme gimme gimme!


Anyone want to bet against there being microtransactions to get boosterpacks (or whatever they will call it)? Anyone? ... Hello?
Hmmm, Though I loved the ME3 multiplayer this looks to play very differently and I'm not sure if I like it. What I liked about the ME3 multi was experimenting with different play styles and races. Inquisition multi just looks like an MMO.

Exactly, how I feel. IT looks MMOish. Also given the multiple ways you can control your character, I wonder if they will have the action mode or the other boring mode.
Nice, they sure took their time in announcing it. Was starting to think that the multiplayer ended up canned. I'm excited to try it out though. I really enjoyed the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer and this seems like a logical evolution of that. Glad they stuck with the same free DLC model as well.

Is there any B-roll of the multiplayer yet or is it just that IGN sit down interview thing?


The multiplayer is 4 person coop focused on loot huh? So Dragons Age: Inquisition multiplayer is Diablo?


I like ME3 multi so I'll give this a shot.

As long as the single player ending isn't directly tied to multiplayer progress, I'm ok with this.

Agreed, have a friend whose ME3 single player got messed up because it wouldn't recognize multi progress.
Isn't this the exact same premise as the mass effect 3 coop story? Not that I am complaining, the co-op in me 3 was surprisingly fun, so I will probably try this mode after completing the single player.

Yes, and normally that would make me excited (I loved Mass 3's co-op), but I also got excited about a voiced protagonist in DA2 for exactly the same reasons: "This worked great in Mass Effect! I'm sure it will be great in Dragon Age too!" - Turns out if you screw up the execution, it's going to feel too much like a copy/paste attempt rather than something that fits the game. Here's hoping they get this one right.
Yes, the mass effect 3 multiplayer wasn't bad. But it felt unnecessarily and needless. What I mean is the way the try to shove it until your face by trying the ending of the game to it.

It might turn out well, maybe. It certainly wont get in my way, at least, hopefully.

Unnecessary? That was one of the best MPs I played last gen.
Will playing MP be required to get the full-game experience?
No. The SP campaign is separate from MP. In SP, you have the support of three specialists who can send agents to missions. MP characters are agents. At the start of a MP mission, you will hear one of the specialists explaining the goal of your mission.

Is MP going to affect my endings in SP?
No. Absolutely not. Our goal with Dragon Age multiplayer is not to affect your SP campaign. We simply want to give our fans the chance to play with their friends for the first time in the Dragon Age universe.



This was exactly my view before I played ME3s multiplayer, which was easily one of the best multiplayer experiences I've had in the last few years. If it's as good as that, I'll buy the game just for it.

Well, I guess it's not like the single player campaign will suffer because of the MP, so I am fine in any way. If I'll end up enjoying it, all the better.
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