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Dragon Age voice actor Greg Ellis (Cullen, Anders) attack Mike Darrah on Twitter, Mike promise he won't work on Dragon Age again





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I don't care about nonsense like this. That being said, it's still fun to see some "professional" full grown adults go to Twitter and go at each other's throats like some angsty pre-teens/teens.

Edit: I am definitely curious about their bickering, lol. WHO FARTED IN WHO'S FACE?!
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I still have no idea what he's done that's sparked a reaction, but I doubt it matters anymore, it looks like a cesspool of hate circling the drain from all involved.


They can argue all they want. That's between them. My 50 bucks only depends on the actual game.


Ah I see people are claiming Greg is a racist and transphobe.

Which means he's probably not and that he's just not kooky left enough for Bioware or *GASP* a moderate/libertarian/conservative.

Kotaku is definitely pushing that angle

the writer went as far as to include this line

Ash Parrish said:
Ellis, notable for his portrayal of Anders and Cullen, has fallen out of favor with some fans for his support of U.S. President Donald Trump and “out-of-the-box thinkers” like “Blexit” organizer and right-wing puppet , Candance Owens. Some of his other inspirations include noted bigot Jordan Peterson and Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA fame


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Kotaku is definitely pushing that angle

the writer went as far as to include this line
"Right-wing puppet"

Yeah never change, Kotaku.


King Snowflake
Stupid. Of course companies don't want to be associated with overly political nut jobs. And of course people will cry "free speech" ignoring the company's right to stay out of politics.


What a circus. Dude I've been wanting to be a fly on the wall at Bioware ever since the ME3 Ending Debacle. That place has got to be toxic as fuck. I just want former employee after former employee to come outta the woodwork and give testaments to what it was like working at that place. I'm still waiting for one of them to talk about ME3's ending, and how completely fucked it was.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Stupid. Of course companies don't want to be associated with overly political nut jobs. And of course people will cry "free speech" ignoring the company's right to stay out of politics.
I know, right? Good thing to know they let totally sane, totally not racist people like Manveer Heir and his "White Tears" mug and his bragging about it on Twitter work there.


Stupid. Of course companies don't want to be associated with overly political nut jobs. And of course people will cry "free speech" ignoring the company's right to stay out of politics.
Well EA added over political Kapernik to Madden and Nike loves him. So it it mainly they don’t want to deal with right wing nut jobs. They are cool with the left wing ones.


Can I just say that two grown men having a Twitter slapfight is downright embarrassing? Keep that shit private assholes. You're not making either of yourselves look good.

That said, it's really shitty of Bioware to publicly humiliate Greg Ellis like this. Using that shill site Kotaku to try and paint him as some sort of Alt-Righter. But if Bioware really is a SJW hellhole like they say, then it deserves to burn to the ground. I only wish great IPs like Mass Effect and Dragon Age didn't go down with it.


Kotaku is definitely pushing that angle

the writer went as far as to include this line

In what world is Charlie Kirk anything more than a moron? Bigot no, moron yes.


Disloyal? LOL! I'm only loyal to fucking getting paid. If he went into work looking for friends and loyalty, he came to work for the wrong reasons. Imagine working at a place for 10 years to cry over this shit?

I don't know this Mark person, but I agree with them. Why the fuck would you legit expect to even be hired by that company again when this is the stupid shit you are tweeting? How many companies really would want to keep hearing this shit by a voice actor? I don't know any publisher that would put up with that PR nightmare.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I don't care about nonsense like this. That being said, it's still fun to see some "professional" full grown adults go to Twitter and go at each other's throats like some angsty pre-teens/teens.

Edit: I am definitely curious about their bickering, lol. WHO FARTED IN WHO'S FACE?!
Can I just say that two grown men having a Twitter slapfight is downright embarrassing? Keep that shit private assholes. You're not making either of yourselves look good.

That said, it's really shitty of Bioware to publicly humiliate Greg Ellis like this. Using that shill site Kotaku to try and paint him as some sort of Alt-Righter. But if Bioware really is a SJW hellhole like they say, then it deserves to burn to the ground. I only wish great IPs like Mass Effect and Dragon Age didn't go down with it.
So glad I dropped Twitter months ago. I sincerely believe it's the worst thing to happen to the Internet, not counting something horrendous like CP of course.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Twitter drama fueled by inarticulate, extremist left gaming media trolls with no zero grasp on reality and abuzz with ideological possession and zero original thought - they're just repeating what makes them feel virtuous.

Typical, boring, predictable.

As for the melodrama of two grown-ass men fighting it out on Twitter, well....

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Whoever stays, I doubt they'll fuck up the trilogy port since its not a full remake so its more on a technical level. But a future installment ME....boy, seems like Bioware is full of twitter warriors and LGBT finger pointing at everything if they are not included in the discussion. Just make a fucking space opera game, I dont need modern day politics included in it.


Gold Member
Video game employees acting like jackasses on Twitter. I would have never guessed.

Have worked at big companies all my life and seen tons of employees from all levels either quit, get fired or pressured out with a package.

Never seen any of them bicker back and forth at each other or against the company on social media ever.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Greg seems to have some built up frustration. I almost want to believe him. The other person sounds like they walked out of a GameStop corporate meeting. :messenger_grinning_smiling: You just wait till Dragon Age Day!
My guess is this might be politics related. Greg is a pro-Trump guy and you can guess how that must go with "White Tears" Mug Bioware.


What it would look like if it weren’t written by a “journalist”:

Ellis, notable for his portrayal of Anders and Cullen, has fallen out of favor with some fans for his support of U.S. President Donald Trump.

It’s always [name], [insult or association, truthful or not, that allows you to dismiss them], [remaining text]
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
That top person’s name says it all. These people have nothing meaningful going on in their lives and they resent existence so they spread misery.
Lol I didn't even notice that until you pointed it out.

Imagine hating someone you don't know so much you change your username to [Person I Don't Know That I Hate] Club.


Did that kotaku article really call Jordan Peterson a bigot? Delusional is the kindest word I can think of to describe that blog writer.

It's Ash Parrish and Kotaku...nobody is surprised anymore...if this was just the 20th time or something they pulls shit like this...but it's once a week with these guys.
This was extremely unprofessional on his part and could ruin his career acting.

Dis shit gonna be good
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