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Dragon's Dogma Demo Impressions


did the guy crank his brightness up to 100% or something? Christ that looks ugly.

lol I didn't really notice. I'm glad there are some videos out to ease the pain of waiting though. I've settled on my characters for the most part. Just kinda wish we had more options with hair color and stuff. I dunno why they didn't use a color slider instead of preselected colors.


lol I didn't really notice. I'm glad there are some videos out to ease the pain of waiting though. I've settled on my characters for the most part. Just kinda wish we had more options with hair color and stuff. I dunno why they didn't use a color slider instead of preselected colors.

Yeah, I don't know why but most of the games are like that, I think it's like that with bioware games too where you could easily adjust a value on pc with 3rd party tools, so I would think it's not a technical limitation... but knowing capcom they're probably trying to sell us stupid hair :p

Griffith's hair isn't in the game either, that's a huge flaw!


Some guy from Berserk, his armor is in the game, but you can't really make him because the hair isn't in the character creator :(

Oh ok. Yeah I only ever played Sword of the Beserk on Dreamcast and never watched the anime. So I have no idea who he is. Guess I couldn't have known.

And yeah, I think it's funny how they showed the different premade characters when making characters wear'n armor. I saw this one female wear'n awesome samurai-ish armor. Sorta makes me excited to see what kind of armor you can get throughout the game. Something I loved about Monster Hunter was always seeing if I could find a new set of armor that was not only stronger but better looking.


Some guy from Berserk, his armor is in the game, but you can't really make him because the hair isn't in the character creator :(

have you tried a woman body and hairstyle? O,o sorry, after a quick search for "griffith berserk" this was the first thing that came to my mind...

story trailer on youtube:

capcom is really weird with the dragon's dogma channel on youtube. digital comic chapter 3 does not exist in german, they are re-uploading stuff... maybe it is the same guy like on twitter who tells us every day about a demo coming soon...

Dat screen tearing at the town.

Edit: here's another video from the same uploader (giving commands to your Pawn):


And another one featuring Rathalos:

did the guy crank his brightness up to 100% or something? Christ that looks ugly.

Not sure about cranking it, but on the 360 demo if I moved the brightness slider up 1, the first demo level went from being sorta nighttime-ish to bright, washed-out shit. I was hoping that was just a bug in the demo.


wow that tearing in the town video is some of the worst I've seen. It was tearing even when he was just standing there with the camera still.


wow that tearing in the town video is some of the worst I've seen. It was tearing even when he was just standing there with the camera still.

Yeah, I am sitting here watching that guy's new footage and the tearing is unmistakably bad. Runs nicely enough, but I'll take crisp and clean image quality at the expense of a few frames any day.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Yes. You can go HUD-less.


i hope there are enough clues in npc conversations and what not to navigate to missions without the god damned mini-map. i cant believe how god damned cluttered the HUD is by default. what game has button layouts on the screen at all times like that!?


I gave this a whirl today and really loved the manticore fight. I was figuring out how to fight it and then the sun goes down and it's all dark... I whip out my lantern, but still can't see much.

There I am standing there in the dark, waiting, listening... and then BLAM it dive bombs me from behind and I die.

I was just like "Oh fuck..."

Definitely looking forward to this game.
Yeah, I am sitting here watching that guy's new footage and the tearing is unmistakably bad. Runs nicely enough, but I'll take crisp and clean image quality at the expense of a few frames any day.

I'm the opposite. Frames are more important than tearing. But holy crap, what a lousy engine. Letterboxed it and they still cant get the PS3 running at a high clip, and 360 version tears like a mother. Good game, Capcom.


I'm the opposite. Frames are more important than tearing. But holy crap, what a lousy engine. Letterboxed it and they still cant get the PS3 running at a high clip, and 360 version tears like a mother. Good game, Capcom.

Framerate is fine for me, but I hear you.

MT Framework is a great engine, but considering this is their first game like this and the engine had to be highly modified in order to do it, I'll cut them some slack on the technical front. As I think the game is just going to be so damn awesome at the core. Besides, it is not some unplayable, broken mess on either console. I might even double dip and get both versions.
this dude is uploading video after video^^


"The beginings of a new friendship perhaps?"

one comment from the uploader under the dungeon gameplay:

Man, I cannot wait to just run around and explore. Does anyone know if there are non-quest caves and whatnot strewn about the landscape, or is everything pretty much quest/story related?

EDIT: I like how some of the goblins wears a shields as breastplates.


Aw. I got the impression you could only get that kind of stuff by breaking it off of the monsters.

You can, poster above you is wrong, you can chop off tusks and tails and such to use as crafting materials ala Monster Hunter. However, like in MH, I'm pretty sure you have to do it before they actually die. In one of the streams a dev specifically mentioned making sure to chop off the tails of the lizard guys because they were a useful component, and in another stream a dev got excited when managing to knock a Cyclops's tusk off and said it was a valuable item.
You can see in some of his videos pieces of the animal being collected before it dies. Unless of course they were just lying on the ground already and the pawns were picking them up.


That is some atrocious town design in that video just a maze of grey hallways.
Wow the screen tearing and pop in is also really bad. there are points in that video were NPC characters
phase in only when the player character is within 5 meters.
That is some atrocious town design in that video just a maze of grey hallways.
Wow the screen tearing and pop in is also really bad. there are points in that video were NPC characters
phase in only when the player character is within 5 meters.

The things its being knocked for in reviews is lackluster level design, repetitive enemies, and a terrible story. If those things are important to you, this may not be a full-price game. Depending upon how I feel about Diablo and Max Payne, I may just put this off until Amazon has it on sale. I'm not one of those people that will forgive bad storytelling.


My copy of game informer came today and the guy seemed to really like it. I know we already talked about the score (8.5) but he really liked the skill/level up system and the combat. Said there was a nice balance between mindless fetch quests and unique ones.

No mention of performance issues or what platform he was playing on so it must not have bothered him much.


I keep going back and forth on day one for this game, but these new vids are making me lean towards day 1.

I think they should put a different demo out, though.


Just played the demo. This game came out of no where and I'm not even close to understanding what exactly the full game is going to be... but i want.


The things its being knocked for in reviews is lackluster level design, repetitive enemies, and a terrible story. If those things are important to you, this may not be a full-price game. Depending upon how I feel about Diablo and Max Payne, I may just put this off until Amazon has it on sale. I'm not one of those people that will forgive bad storytelling.

I think reviewers would have complained a lot more about those aspects of Skyrim if it was a new IP - even if I don't necessarily agree with it. Some people complained about these things, but the hype and excitement made people ignore it to some extent. I'm not saying Skyrim was bad, it was actually extremely good in spite of these things. I hope Dragon's Dogma has A LOT of content as well, though, and incentives to explore the content.

Ala Alba

So, I've made the best custom characters that I think I ever have in a "western" style rpg, 'tis a shame that my only camera is on my phone (and it's terribad).

I'm somewhat undecided between Strider and Mage or Fighter and Mage. Good thing the game lets you change vocation, huh?

All I have to share are the settings, if anyone cares.

Transcribed Settings said:
Color palettes are horizontally from upper-left to bottom-right starting at 1.
Sliders are left-to-right, again starting at 1.

Hair = 10 (Color = 18)
Face = 38 (Size = 6, Color = 15)
Eyes = 31 (Vert. = 4, Spacing = 2, Size = 3, Color/L. Color = 17)
Brows = 14 (Vert. = 5, Spacing = 2, Color = 18)
Nose = 5 (Vert. = 4, Size = 4)
Mouth = 27 (Vert. = 5)
Ears = 2 (Vert. = 2, Position = 3)
Stature (Height = 6, Weight = 2, Color = 15)
Musculature = 4
Torso = 3
Arms = 4
Legs = 1
Stance (Posture = 4, Stance = 4)
Scars = 1
Wrinkles = 1
Facial Hair = 24
Makeup = 1

Hair = 21 (Color = 4)
Face = 28 (Size = 2, Color = 1)
Eyes = 23 (Vert. = 2, Spacing = 1, Size = 4, Color/L. Color = 5)
Brows = 35 (Vert. = 3, Spacing = 4, Color = 4)
Nose = 6 (Vert. = 3, Size = 3)
Mouth = 20 (Vert. = 4)
Ears = 1 (Vert. = 1, Position = 3)
Stature (Height = 3, Weight = 1, Color = 1)
Musculature = 2
Bust Size = 4
Torso = 7
Arms = 2
Legs = 1
Stance (Posture = 3, Stance = 1)
Scars = 1
Wrinkles = 1
Makeup = 8 (Color = 15)


Preordered PS3 version yesterday. Compared the two demos and it looked and ran better overall than the 360 version IMO.
I heard that the 360 version had the better framerate. Is that true or not? Played the PS3 version of the demo, and it seemed to be sub-30 FPS, which sucks.


I heard that the 360 version had the better framerate. Is that true or not? Played the PS3 version of the demo, and it seemed to be sub-30 FPS, which sucks.

I found the tearing in the 360 version pretty annoying, and for some reason it looked worse (the beginning of the prologue looked nasty, something really wrong with the shadows, and other stuff like trees in the griffin section).

I didn't find any issues in the PS3 version.
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