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E3 2011 Microsoft Conference Thread [Over]


ADD New Gen Gamer
Outside of kinect titles, their hardcore exclusive lineup this year, and possibly the next is looking pretty bleak.

I get the feeling they intend to cruise through the final years of this generation until the next gen come along, at least for traditional hardcore games.


I watched this conference last night. Utterly underwhelmed. I'd rather have picked my toenails for an hour. All I wanted was a new Trials game or some cool XBLA stuff :(


Hypno Funk said:
This years conference sorta implies to me that next E3 they will just announce their new console.

possibly this casual stuff could be a way of making more money to subsidise a new console


SmokyDave said:
I watched this conference last night. Utterly underwhelmed. I'd rather have picked my toenails for an hour. All I wanted was a new Trials game or some cool XBLA stuff :(

worse than a tory party conference


Hypno Funk said:
This years conference sorta implies to me that next E3 they will just announce their new console.

yup. kinect is whats giving microsoft the hardware jump so of course they're going to support it. creepy cloned children and actards aside i dont think microsofts conference was any worse than sonys. both seem to be riding out this generations hardware with nothing but sequels, 3rd party stuff and motion games.

id be willing to bet that next E3 will be the big xbox720 show and that halo4 will be announced as a launch title and not a 360 game. system will release late 2012.
I have to admit, this is the first year where I'm actually EXTREMELY bothered by the amount of "corridor > rails > cutscene > corridor > setpiece" gameplay being shown.

I mean, ME3 looks great, as a digital movie. But playing that... what's there to play? Move from A to B, trigger cutscene, shoot some dudes in a room, get teleported to the next room, shoot... we complain about on rail shooters, but is this much different?

And a shitload of games showed that kind of gameplay. As I said, I'm usually not bothered, as this is just a show and live demos are balanced around being spectacular. Uncharted 3 was the same, but I'm confident in the final product the balance will be closer to 80% gameplay 20% cutscenes, instead of the opposite we see now.

Still, basically EVERY game shown has been like that. Even those I liked, like Tomb Raider, or Arkham City, are simply set-piece to set-piece amusement park rides. Battlefield 3 was particularly offensive. Amazing graphics, but there was no "game" on show.

It's the worst thing about this E3. I'm not seeing gameplay. That's when you see something like Skyrim and your mind gets blown. I'm not even a big TES fan, but it's so much better than anything else on show it's not even funny.
SmokyDave said:
I watched this conference last night. Utterly underwhelmed. I'd rather have picked my toenails for an hour. All I wanted was a new Trials game or some cool XBLA stuff :(
You might be happy to know that a new Trials was announced (with multiplayer and outside environments) -- Trials Evolution. And some other cool XBLA stuff, and cloud game saves. Cool stuff which was bizarrely left out of the conference (I know they have limited time but the bloody MW3 demo went on for 10 minutes, 5 of them gently floating through water).


InaudibleWhispa said:
You might be happy to know that a new Trials was announced (with multiplayer and outside environments) -- Trials Evolution. And some other cool XBLA stuff, and cloud game saves. Cool stuff which was bizarrely left out of the conference (I know they have limited time but the bloody MW3 demo went on for 10 minutes, 5 of them gently floating through water).
Seriosly, what the fuck. They could have just jumped to the submarine section.


InaudibleWhispa said:
You might be happy to know that a new Trials was announced (with multiplayer and outside environments) -- Trials Evolution. And some other cool XBLA stuff, and cloud game saves. Cool stuff which was bizarrely left out of the conference (I know they have limited time but the bloody MW3 demo went on for 10 minutes, 5 of them gently floating through water).
Happy! I'm over the moon! That's all I wanted from this conference (well, a new Monster Truck Madness would've been even better), I can't believe it wasn't shown.

Thanks for the info :)


InaudibleWhispa said:
You might be happy to know that a new Trials was announced (with multiplayer and outside environments) -- Trials Evolution. And some other cool XBLA stuff, and cloud game saves. Cool stuff which was bizarrely left out of the conference (I know they have limited time but the bloody MW3 demo went on for 10 minutes, 5 of them gently floating through water).

they should have mentioned that at the conference. nice feature
This is what the mainstream press thought:


Overall it was a pretty strong showing for E3's opening keynote and Sony and Nintendo have a relatively tough act to follow. Naysayers may quibble that Microsoft's briefing didn't live up to the gold standard set 2009, but then it's worth pointing out that its competitors haven't managed that either so far. For now, Microsoft seems intent on attracting the biggest audience possible and it's doing it by extending its reach without diluting what attracted gamers to the Xbox 360 in the first place. That in itself, deserves much praise.


That gif in the first post nails it, I'm sure its been said over and over but I'm SO disappointed. Even my "casual" gamer friends who watched it with me asked me "You got a gun?". Way too much focus on Kinect, if they want to push it so badly they really should make it a separate event. This way they are just pushing away their core customer base.


Monty Mole said:
Actually it sounds like even they don't know what it's going to be.

Yeah I saw that mini interview with Spencer and that's what I felt too...well it depends on how good all these crappy Kinect on-rails games will sell this year I guess.

The MS conference yesterday was so disappointing that I'm feeling that last year's was somewhat better.


So basically the Kinect-support for the hardcore comes down to... voice-commands?

Isn't that what the headset could be used for?

Rolf NB

.GqueB. said:
Well thats silly. Some experiences are just geared more towards coop/party play. This is nothing new. I only find gears fun when playing coop. Does this mean gears is "unfun?"
Even opening a paper bag full of shit is fun when you do it with a good friend.

Your quality standards get super low once you get a social interaction to distract you. You shouldn't judge anything this way.

At least Gears is still fun alone.

def sim

I heard on the Giant Bombcast that TF2 is going to be re-released on 360 with cross platform PC play and updates.

Any truth to this? I didn't fully keep up with e3 so a lot of stuff is still surprising me.


rance said:
I heard on the Giant Bombcast that TF2 is going to be re-released on 360 with cross platform PC play and updates.

Any truth to this? I didn't fully keep up with e3 so a lot of stuff is still surprising me.
-Valve has never announced anything like this
-Cross-platform play on 360 requires GFW Live
-Valve owns Steam
-Steam is a direct competitor to GFW Live

So....no. Sounds like they were making a joke to me :)
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