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E3: Ready for some Dragon Age 3 footage? [Yep, it's coming at E3]

I'm kinda excited. I hope it's like Origins because I've heard bad things about 2. (haven't played it yet, might skip if not connected to 3.)
Better not require an internet connection..


I can't wait to be disappointed again. I'm not even sure what they can do to make a really good impression.
Hopefully they have learnt their lesson from DA2

If it's anything like DA:O I'm in.

Feel free to prove it, Bioware. Feel free to prove it.

It's you guys that have to work hard to get any hype for your shit this time. Gamers are not going to do it for you.

Wow us.

Please don't be like 2. Please don't be like 2.

DA2 killed this series for me. :(

I just want the one true sequel to DA:O.

I hope they learned their lesson from DA II

I can't wait to be disappointed again. I'm not even sure what they can do to make a really good impression.

Please make it more like Origins, pretty please

They just may have learned their lesson guys:

BioWare knows it has some fans to win back after Dragon Age II proved divisive. It’s encouraging that what little has been said thus far about the sequel, Dragon Age III: Inquisition, seems to address many of the biggest complaints. We’ve been promised a dramatically bigger world (where one level is larger than all of Dragon Age II), a party of characters that are more customizable than those in Dragon Age: Origins, and even an entire castle to call our own. All of this will be built on DICE’s Frostbite 2 engine, which can definitely make games look fantastic when used to its full potential – and if rumors prove true, Dragon Age III will have the power of the next-gen consoles to drive it. The one downer we’ve heard so far is that we’ll again be limited to a human main character, as opposed to Origins’ multi-racial options.



While Bioware isn't comprised of people with enough balls to flat out admit their game was awful, they pretty much said during a panel that they learned their lesson.


Unconfirmed Member
DA: Origins was good, DA2 was pretty bad, and DA3 will redeem the series I hope. Bioware saw the backlash, listened to the criticism and are now taking their time with the third game, so the same mistakes shouldnt be repeated. DA2 was rushed, coming out only one year after the original game and expansion.


I'm a bit more worried about the producers looking at something like DA2 or parts of ME3 and going : "Yep, that's good enough. Let's ship it."


I haven't played anything from the Dragon Age series yet, judging by most of the posts Origins is worth getting but is II worth it? (PC)


Unconfirmed Member
I haven't played anything from the Dragon Age series yet, judging by most of the posts Origins is worth getting but is II worth it? (PC)

Depends on how much you like these D&D type rpgs. If you are a fan, then its still a decent enough experience, even if it doesnt live up to Origins, let alone Baldurs gate.


I haven't played anything from the Dragon Age series yet, judging by most of the posts Origins is worth getting but is II worth it? (PC)
Origins was deeply flawed but a step in the right direction in their timid attempt to go back to the Baldur's Gate style.
DA 2 as a sequel was the gaming equivalent of someone coming out of nowhere at your birthday party and pooping on your birthday cake.
Original dragon age feels like game of thrones to me cause you can play different perspective at the start

Yeah. I've said it plenty of times but a Dragon Age game that has a campaign where you shift perspectives going from a new player character to old player characters like the Warden or Hawke within the same game would be cool. Something akin to the original campaign structure in Starcraft, seeing the same conflict from various points of view.

But I highly doubt current EA run BioWare would ever do something ambitious like that. Unless they see that multiple POV's work in GTA5 and decide to copy that since playing copy cat is EA's modus operandi.

I hope they learned their lesson from DA II

I'll believe it when I see it. EA and BioWare talk a big game about acting humble and taking feedback to heart but I don't buy it. The current Dragon Age team at the top isn't comprised of that many people that had their hand in Origins' creation.

I don't doubt that they'll be able to make DA3 look nice visually, but I also have a feeling that is what they'll be banking on in trying to sell the game- that it looks really nice. If BioWare can show and demonstrate that they actually have robust and deep RPG mechanics going on under the hood and its not just a fresh coat of paint, then I'll give BioWare some credit. But BioWare under EA has been about dumbing down and streamlining mechanics to death, so, again, they'll have to show not tell. Cause after getting burned by DA2 and ME3, plus the hope of robust RPGs like The Witcher 3 or Project Eternity, BioWare has to give DA3 some interesting pitch, otherwise I can see myself overlooking it.

DA: Origins was good, DA2 was pretty bad, and DA3 will redeem the series I hope. Bioware saw the backlash, listened to the criticism and are now taking their time with the third game, so the same mistakes shouldnt be repeated. DA2 was rushed, coming out only one year after the original game and expansion.
While a lack of time was a problem with DA2, I don't believe for a second that simply throwing more time at that game would have fixed all of its issues. To some extent it is just flawed to the core and they were seemingly oblivious to some of the poor design decisions- things like the wave combat.

Beyond that, even if they had a short time frame to make the game, what did that entail exactly? If BioWare was plugging away at a Dragon Age sequel and EA barged in and chopped their time in half, then I'd absolutely be sympathetic towards the efforts of the developers to salvage putting together a competent game. But if EA told them from the start that they had a limited time frame to make a sequel to Origins and they made DA2 the way they did? Then BioWare has no one to blame for DA2 but themselves. With the foundation they had with Origins, there isn't any reason they couldn't have made a nice iterative sequel to Origins instead of whatever DA2 was.
Don't know how I forgot about this, was getting hyped for other things.

I'm in the "liked some aspects of DA2 better than DA1" camp. For me, the companions & combat were better in the second, but the story, customization and setting were way better in the first.


If it's more like Origins than 2 I'm definitely interested. Hopefully the story is coherent this go-round, even if it's simplistic like the original
I am really excited for this game. I hope they bring over some of the characters from Dragon Age 2. They were the best part of that game.


No bald cap? Lies!
100% agreed. Well, I still enjoyed the story in DA2.

The first 2/3s were good, albeit severely under developed, but what was there was interesting. The final act was atrocious in every way though. Poorly thought out and flawed to the core, what was there was completely rushed and just made no sense.

Most of DA2s problems for me were results of what felt like rushing and an overall lack of time spent on adequately fleshing things out. Only a handful of things felt like fundamental missteps and not simply a result of poor execution or lack of time.

The game feels like a first draft in just about every way, the basics are there and the very rough edges of possibly good ideas can be gleaned but overall it's a very unfinished product that needs time and a lot of revisions to really made things work.
Liked 1, loved 2, so yeah, can't wait.




Unconfirmed Member
While a lack of time was a problem with DA2, I don't believe for a second that simply throwing more time at that game would have fixed all of its issues. To some extent it is just flawed to the core and they were seemingly oblivious to some of the poor design decisions- things like the wave combat.

Beyond that, even if they had a short time frame to make the game, what did that entail exactly? If BioWare was plugging away at a Dragon Age sequel and EA barged in and chopped their time in half, then I'd absolutely be sympathetic towards the efforts of the developers to salvage putting together a competent game. But if EA told them from the start that they had a limited time frame to make a sequel to Origins and they made DA2 the way they did? Then BioWare has no one to blame for DA2 but themselves. With the foundation they had with Origins, there isn't any reason they couldn't have made a nice iterative sequel to Origins instead of whatever DA2 was.

I agree with most of your points. When it comes down to it, there are some pretty bad design choices in DA2 that cant be blamed on lack of development time, but are simply a display of bad judgement. However, i do believe that they probably had to roll out a product with rushed gameplay concepts and elements that they werent fully satisfied with. Lets not forget though that this is the same team that made DA:O, and many of them were around as early as Baldurs gate 1 and 2, so it is a proven team.

I simply think there is reason to be optimistic after all, since we know that they are capable of delivering. All im trying to say is that i believe that between the massive backlash from the last game, the extra development and biowares track record, we are basically guaranteed a big improvment over DA2.
Yeah. I've said it plenty of times but a Dragon Age game that has a campaign where you shift perspectives going from a new player character to old player characters like the Warden or Hawke within the same game would be cool. Something akin to the original campaign structure in Starcraft, seeing the same conflict from various points of view.

But I highly doubt current EA run BioWare would ever do something ambitious like that. Unless they see that multiple POV's work in GTA5 and decide to copy that since playing copy cat is EA's modus operandi.
That would be cool as fuck.

If this is on next gen, how are we supposed to import our saves?


Let Evilore please make a new OT when it comes out,because Return of the Shitmountain was my favorite before i was a member.


I have 300 hours played under Dragon Age: Origins. Only finished DA 2 once. After DA 2, ME 3, and SWTOR I really have no faith in Bioware anymore. Just another cash grab from EA, I wouldn't even play if it I got it for free, waste of time.


Neo Member
I have a good feeling about this against all odds but if nothing else it should probably end up better than DA2. That game felt hella rushed.
I wanted to like DA2, I really did. I couldn't get over the knock back Mechanic though, it seemed like every time I tried to do anything my character was stumbling due to knock back.

Was I playing wrong or was this shit just borked? And if borked, is there a mod or fix for it?


Obviously Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 were letdowns (DA II moreso than ME3) but I remain optimistic for DA3, an RPG in frostbite? Come on it has to be better.


Obviously Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3 were letdowns (DA II moreso than ME3) but I remain optimistic for DA3, an RPG in frostbite? Come on it has to be better.

The engine has never been used for something on the scale of a full blown RPG. It's been used for shooters and car games and it probably requires a lot of work just make a game like Dragon Age 3 work. I'm not exactly hopeful about their first RPG with a new engine.


The engine has never been used for something on the scale of a full blown RPG. It's been used for shooters and car games and it probably requires a lot of work just make a game like Dragon Age 3 work. It's been used for shooters and car games. I'm not exactly hopeful about their first RPG with a new engine.

Depends how you look at it, there are reasons to be tepidly hopeful, and reasons to be worried.


Junior Member
Wait didn't the rumors say Orlais was supposed to be in civil war during Dragon Age III? With all the intrigue they talk about there I'm starting to think they're basically gonna try to turn this into Game of Thrones.


One of my most anticipated reveals at E3. I still think Bioware is incredibly talented and loved ME3. DA2 was probably their worst game to date but even then, it's a decent game, IMO. It wasn't better than DAO but it was still decent on its own.

RPGasm at E3. Dark Souls 2, Witcher 3, DA:I...


Not really interested in this title. Still play DA:O to this day but they are sticking to a conversation system in which i cannot roleplay in. And if i cannot roleplay in in the game due to not knowing what my character is going to say prior to saying it i might as well play another generic action/adventure game.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't wait to see what they have in store. I was one of the few people that actually liked the second game. If they rectify its shortcomings this time around, I'll be there on day one.

After putting twenty hours into my fourth playthrough of KoTOR recently (iOS release), I've realised that I've been missing some Bioware RPG action lately.
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