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EA holding live conf on PS4 today at Morgan Stanley tech conf [Up: Summary in OP]


$70?!?! I'm having a hard time buying games for $60, PC gaming is starting to really sound good next gen as I hear more news like this...


I'm not sure why people and the OP are confusing the $70 price point discussion.

The context of the $70 was about the PS3 generation, and "No Comment" to anything else.


I'm not sure why people and the OP are confusing the $70 price point discussion.

The context of the $70 was about the PS3 generation, and "No Comment" to anything else.

The comment was that pricing had not been finalised, but that it could follow a similar trend as this current generation. Whether that means the same pricing, or a similar $10 increase in price was not properly clarified.


The comment was that pricing had not been finalised, but that it could follow a similar trend as this current generation. Whether that means the same pricing, or a similar $10 increase in price was not properly clarified.

Yes, it's speculation. So why are everyone up in arms about it? It's not even a statement.



That summary is disgusting. Gaming is fucked and if this is the way forward then I seriously doubt I will be playing 10 years from now.


needs 2 extra inches
Oh thuway. Does anyone even know how many things "have a 10% chance of happening" but never do before every generation? Almost everything that comes to your mind
I seriously believe $70, 5 hour, singleplayer games with a bunch of forced multiplayer/forced social networking that most players will hate,will cause a crash. Especially prices that will not drop. Consumers have a plethora of cheap iOS games and colossal backlogs to choose from now.



I lost any good feelings I had for EA after the FIFA Wii incident.

Now the talk of $70 games has me losing all good feelings and really has me wishing the NFL license wasn't exclusive. They could sell Madden for $70 and it'd still sell.


Gold Member
EA can try $70, I don't care. I won't buy it, and I know I'm not alone, it will affect their sales and they will go back to $60.


$70 games my ass.

More like a generation of steam purchases is more like it.

And by the way there's hardly a justification for that rise in any event. They plainly state that new game development costs no more than 5-10% what came before.

10% more than the MSRP of games right now is $66. 5% more is $63.

These dollars might seem relatively insignificant, but it's no surprise they want to cut the knife at 70 instead of, say, $64.99. Because they're goddamn greedy as shit. A price rise to 70 is, what, nearly 17% rise in game prices? Am I doing my math wrong, because I'm really shitty at math!

What EA doesn't say is that they probably expect game sales to down next gen regardless of price point. That plus the increase in game development costs plus the fact that publishers had difficulty making the AAA business model work at $60 justifies the $70 anti-used microtransaction friendly model in their eyes. Given their core strengths & target audience, I actually agree with them. There are other options, but it would require them to change too much.

With that said, there's no way in hell I'm spending $70 on a game. At the rate things are going, I may very well skip Sony and MS's consoles this time around.
Going from 85 titles to 15 and at a higher price!

Third party support just ain't what it used to be.

Nintendo must be thrilled with this news.


Well, I hope they're looking forward to people buying less of their games if they really are going to raise the prices. I buy maybe 2 games a year at retail price, I guess next gen is the signal to never buy retail on release ever again.
How the hell does EA thing the industry can sustain $70 and microtransactions?

i have a feeling EA is going to see a sharp decline in revenue by focusing on so few titles. only 15??
EA is such a shitty company sometimes.

There was that 2 year period I thought they seemed pretty cool though.

Dead Space, Mirrors Edge, Bad Company, Skate, Burnout Paradise, Dragon Age Origins. I miss that EA. :(

I hope they do toss some new ideas out and see what sticks like that again next gen.
if they even try to go for $70 launch + day 1 DLC + micro transactions + season passes, they better be prepared for a huge slap in the face courtesy of us consumers.

all $70 will do is cause us to be even more picky than we already are @ buying games day 1. we will wait for sales, and no, dropping $10 to $60 is not seen as a price drop for us consumers.

price your games correctly and you will get sales. if you try to gouge us, be prepared for the backlash
to be honest, outside of a possible burnout sequel (paradise doesn't count) There aren't any EA games I can't live without.

so they can do what they like.

Its when Capcom starts getting the same ideas, thats when Ill start to rage.


Well, I was ready to buy PS4 day 1 but if games are going to be $70 bucks then I think I will wait for price drops on games I want to play before jumping in. If it is just EA games that are $70 bucks then, whatever, I could care less about 90% of the crap EA releases.
$70 and block used games. That's a great way to have your console dead on arrival.

Seriously, $60 games was bullshit even back then. "Higher costs" my ass. Every gen has higher costs and yet PS1 DROPPED game prices and PS2 stayed the same. More polygons equals more money? Give me a fucking break. And they have the nerve to gloat bout micro-transactions.

"We're still going to rip you off with online passes, charge you micro-transactions that should have been on the disc anyways, more useless season passes, AND charge you $70 for kicks"

Before you know it you're spending over $120 on one game. Looks like day 1 titles are done for me. If true of course.


Unconfirmed Member
I can't wait to pay $70 with online pass included and on-disc DLC you have to pay!

Seriously, though, aren't games profitable enough? (at least for those surpassing 500k sales) I'm sure with newer generation tools that will make it easier to develop, publishers wouldn't ride the "detailed graphics and higher production values will require more money" bandwagon. I know making games isn't an easy task, but is there really a valid reason to go up $10 per game besides making more profit?
Just fix your budget management. Cut down on some stuff really if needed, 70 is too much. Reaching the point where 100 dollar difference means nothing compared to 70 dollar games.
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