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Edge #250 - The World's 50 Greatest Developers

Valve baffles me. I really don't get it.

They must have a building full of capable, creative people and they barely put out anything. Half Life isn't rocket science. It's not like there needs to be years of planning for a theme park FPS.

Their last big release was less than 2 years ago, just like Naughty Dog and Rocksteady. How exactly is Valve barely putting out anything compared to other studios?

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Valve baffles me. I really don't get it.

They must have a building full of capable, creative people and they barely put out anything. Half Life isn't rocket science. It's not like there needs to be years of planning for a theme park FPS.

The manager-less approach is great for PR headlines, and provides a fun environment for workers at a studio that never has to worry about whats paying the bills, but in "real world conditions", they'd have been buried several times over. I often see it as a waste of a helluva lot of talent.

I didnt go through the actual placement of stuff on here the first time, but throwing a studio of WIZARDS like Sony Santa Monica down at 44 of the list is fucking preposterous with the swarthes of inept clowns theyve jammed up on that list before them.


Valve baffles me. I really don't get it.

They must have a building full of capable, creative people and they barely put out anything. Half Life isn't rocket science. It's not like there needs to be years of planning for a theme park FPS.

Even without their games which are pretty much universally considered excellent, Steam alone would put them at number 1.

The manager-less approach is great for PR headlines, and provides a fun environment for workers at a studio that never has to worry about whats paying the bills, but in "real world conditions", they'd have been buried several times over. I often see it as a waste of a helluva lot of talent.

Pretty sure Valve is located in the "real world". I'm also pretty sure the working conditions play a huge part in why their games are so amazing.
I'm confused as to why people believe that it's an impossibility for Mojang to be #2 on this list. First of all: multiple games should not be a requirement to make this list - especially if that one game is as important as Minecraft or League of Legends.

Secondly: I've heard countless developers (ex. Clint Hocking, Peter Molyneux) say that Minecraft is the single, most important game made in the last ten years. How does that not qualify Mojang as a top-tier developer?

Thirdly: Someone please explain to me how Valve is not the clear choice for the top developer? Because they haven't released HL3? What about everything else they've released in the last four years?And that includes Dota 2 and the constant updates to TF2.
Valve baffles me. I really don't get it.

They must have a building full of capable, creative people and they barely put out anything. Half Life isn't rocket science. It's not like there needs to be years of planning for a theme park FPS.

I was honestly kinda bummed out when they got Doug Church since I figured he wouldn't get a chance to make anything great.


SCE Japan Studio didn't make the list. Created Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Gravity Rush, Siren, LocoRoco, and they didn't make the top 50 of best developers in the world? Okay.
To someone who has read this article;

Does it say what the criteria for the choices here was? Because when I look at it, it looks like a list of influential / impactful developers. So not just sales, status, good will, review metrics, but also just their significance in how they create waves in the industry.

1) That at least explains Valve as number one. They basically have done the impossible, and they are becoming better and better and keep doing the right things. In it's own way, it has been in Valves best interest that Origin came along. Valve would not be able to be what they are now, if they were the only viable PC games store service.

2) Majong, as number 2 is also a reasonable choice simply because Minecraft has traveled so far into mainstream culture and has become a new sub-genre that has taken creationist gameplay and sharing to heights not imagined before. I personally feel that LittleBigPlanet was supposed to be that game, but for various reasons, Minecraft was the game that transcended and became a pop culture phenomenon.

3) Nintendo EAD, is hard. In a sense it makes sense, because once again it's Nintendo first party versus the world. It's not to my taste anymore, but it's clear that many people still enjoy their Mario games.

4) Platinum, is probably an Edge favorite. Simply because of the cool factor of Infinite Space, Bayonetta and Vanquish. You got a hardcore fan favorite on your hands, and even if these didn't sell, you are hard pressed to find better comprable experiences on the marked. Along with this is the highly anticipated Metal Gear Revengeance, and the hopefully-awesome Anarchy Reigns, as well as Bayonetta 2, and the innovative Wonderful 101("Mass Action Hero game"). To me it makes sense. They are respected by all. They have beaten Capcom, and Tecmo at their own game, as kings of japanese action. Bayonetta was a really, really special game.

5) Naughty Dog. One I can't understand on this list. But then again, I have not played Uncharted 2 or 3, so my opinion matters little.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
SCE Japan Studio didn't make the list. Created Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Gravity Rush, Siren, LocoRoco, and they didn't make the top 50 of best developers in the world? Okay.

Western media just conveniently forgetting all of japanese video game development outside of a few token studios, with often highly westernised individuals as the poster children (Kojima, Kamiya), has become a genuine concern. When I'm seeing Ninja Theory on a list and no mention of the Dragon's Dogma team, and as you say, no mention of the Gravity Rush Sony team, questions have to be asked.

Sony Bend or Cambridge not on the list is also a bit of a joke.
SCE Japan Studio didn't make the list. Created Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Gravity Rush, Siren, LocoRoco, and they didn't make the top 50 of best developers in the world? Okay.

I would agree that there is a lot of talent on display here, but I'm not sure if Team ICO has contributed to their success as of late - at least not to make this list. Still, Gravity Rush and Tokyo Jungle are good enough products to warrant a serious discussion of their absence from this list.


Gold Member
I have never ever seen that happening in EDGE threads. They are not IGN so their picks always piss off certain folk.

I see. Well I am certainly not here with some hidden agenda and I don't want to make this "issue" bigger than it is. The list is a nice shoutout to 50 good developers, after all.


How in the hell is platinum at #4?

I agree they haven't had a great track record, but the studio is really interesting in that they have auteur-driven projects being made in a traditional, heads-down hierarchical Japanese games development environment. They're what the other trad Japanese studios are to aspire to if they want to survive. That or mobile.

The list really is wonderful, though it shows how important Valve is that Mojang ended up number two -- 2012 was their year. Nintendo EAD might be a little high simply because this is the first of a yearly list and they haven't done anything notable in over a year.
A mean that had to and still is developed by a developer. Valve.

Also, it's so much more than that now. It's a social hangout for gamers. It's the freaking Facebook of Gaming.

It's a way for them to do business, a way for us to buy games. The rest is icing. Socializing has never been a problem for gamers before Steam.


Mojang? Ninja Theory?

Meanwhile, no Volition. What a joke... I hate lists.

And how the hell did 343 rank above Id? Id basically invented the FPS genre and created serveral popular IPs. 343 developed one Halo game? /scratches head


4) Platinum, is probably an Edge favorite. Simply because of the cool factor of Infinite Space, Bayonetta and Vanquish.

Incidentally, Infinite Space was Nude Maker, who also did Terror Of The Stratus. Even with those 2 games, I'd gladly make the argument that they're more interesting/better/innovative than 20 of the teams on the list.


ok if we're talking about steam i guess thats pretty cool in terms of what it gives the consumer but i don't think its an amazing feat of engineering.

personally I never found Valve's games more than mediocre games with a gimmick. like portal is funny but the FPS platforming gameplay is terrible and its barely worth playing to hear the jokes. the only one I really like is dota 2 and thats hardly something that they created..

Mikey Jr.

I'm confused as to why people believe that it's an impossibility for Mojang to be #2 on this list. First of all: multiple games should not be a requirement to make this list - especially if that one game is as important as Minecraft or League of Legends.

Secondly: I've heard countless developers (ex. Clint Hocking, Peter Molyneux) say that Minecraft is the single, most important game made in the last ten years. How does that not qualify Mojang as a top-tier developer?

Thirdly: Someone please explain to me how Valve is not the clear choice for the top developer? Because they haven't released HL3? What about everything else they've released in the last four years?And that includes Dota 2 and the constant updates to TF2.
Rockstar and infinity ward shaped and
influenced entire generations. How is minecraft important?


Valve baffles me. I really don't get it.

They must have a building full of capable, creative people and they barely put out anything.
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Portal 2
Team Fortress 2
Alien Swarm
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
and about 3 times as much TF2 content (maps, game modes, etc) as there was when the game shipped

All since 2007.

Stop being dumb about this.
Mojang? Ninja Theory?

Meanwhile, no Volition. What a joke... I hate lists.

And how the hell did 343 rank above Id? Id basically invented the FPS genre and created serveral popular IPs. 343 developed one Halo game? /scratches head

I think it is sort of an annual list, hence the emphasis on recent activities by these studios. At least that should explain why Id is down there. I'm not sure if this is really the case, however.


If South Park would have released, Obsidian would be on there.

Apart from that, I agree with most of the devs there. ND or RockStar shouldn't be so high though, or even in the top 20.


What I like:
SE is not on the list.
FromSoftware is on the list!

What I dont like:
Where is CdProjekt Red and why isnt it above mojang?


Junior Member
The rolling desk concept and the lack of a hierarchy makes it on the most unique companies in the world, if we also factor in their major success.

I dont think that is particularly unique. Even ND has the same philosophy.


Valve's products are unorthodox, DOTA 2 is a big example. Such a great game and yet many of those arguing about Valve doing nothing in the last years never heard of it.
The same applies for CS:GO.
So arkane studios >>>>>>>>> kojima productions, dice, rocksteady, media molecule ? Ninja theory>>>>>> sony santa monica? Yeah this definitely one of the worse list I have ever seen in my entire life.
Lists like this are always stupid and there's nearly no way you could do this objectively.

Nevertheless I'm glad that Platinum and From are in the top 10, which is far more than I could've hoped for.

Also - cool cover.

Mojang is not that great of a developer though. All they've done so far is one sandbox game and even that didn't get all the features it was promised to get before Notch went to another project. Also Minecon seems like one of the worst gaming related events ever.


If South Park would have released, Obsidian would be on there.

Apart from that, I agree with most of the devs there. ND or RockStar shouldn't be so high either.

I don't understand how this was handled. CDP's last game was released in 2011, same with Bethesda and Eidos Montreal who also made the list. Was there a cutoff date to make the list, something like August 2011?

And that's not even counting the...."quality" of games from some of the people on this list.


Mojang higher than naughty dog? The most bullshit list I have seen in years. I wouldn't put valve over Nintendo either. Tbh I wouldn't rate platinum so high.

Something like that yes.... as expected from Valve. Kinda (pleasantly) surprised that ND got as high as number five though.
Oh come on

Minecraft is ace, deal with it
Its good but claiming that they're better than studios that keeps trying something new and risking a new idea like Naughty Dog, Platinium or EAD is absurd not that everything that they've produced is gold but you should admire their continous seek of trying something new, saying that a developer of just one successful game is better than some is as if saying EAD should be on the top of the list just because they created Mario.
22. Terry Cavanagh

Singling out one person as a great developer, and he deserves it just for Don't Look Back, Super Hexagon, and VVVVVV. Very prolific too.

Considering this is neogaf where people are on the pulse, not sure why you don't understand why Mojang (Minecraft is a game-changer whether you like it or not), Arkane (Dishonored is their GOTY), Valve, From Software, and Platinum are that high on their list.

Why is CD Projekt not on their list? Have you read the reviews for the Witcher games? Witcher 1 got a 5, Witcher 2 got a 6. Kind of obvious right there, even though I love those games Edge clearly doesn't.

5 pages in, use some logic by now.


Western media just conveniently forgetting all of japanese video game development outside of a few token studios, with often highly westernised individuals as the poster children (Kojima, Kamiya), has become a genuine concern. When I'm seeing Ninja Theory on a list and no mention of the Dragon's Dogma team, and as you say, no mention of the Gravity Rush Sony team, questions have to be asked.

Sony Bend or Cambridge not on the list is also a bit of a joke.

You know why Bend isn't on this list, and why they'd never be on any major industry "Best developers" list unless it's specifically about handhelds. They are one of the best studios in SCE WWS but unfortunately they won't be recognized as such until they're gone.

Oh, and if we're playing the "Edge = UK bias" card than the exclusion of Studio Liverpool/Psygnosis is interesting. Though a UK bias is the only way I could explain Ninja Theory making a Best 50 Developers list, lol.


Valve baffles me. I really don't get it.

They must have a building full of capable, creative people and they barely put out anything. Half Life isn't rocket science. It's not like there needs to be years of planning for a theme park FPS.
Well, here's the thing: they are scarily consistent in the quality of their output (regardless of subjective tastes), they are extremely profitable, they are a leading model in terms of post-release support for their titles, they released dozens of FREE updates and DLCs over the years and they single-handedly developed and dominated the digital distribution model.
Plus, they are one of the most community-driven (and community-friendly) big companies around.

On a personal note, I also have the feeling that there's constantly interesting things happening around them and what they are doing.

So... Serious question: *who* do you think would be a better leading model for the industry and on what bases?
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