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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface

Speaking of darkness



wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Gorgeous screenies everyone! Has anyone tried landing on a high-gravity world ( >= 2.0 g)? I've heard it's brutally hard.

Yeah, the heaviest I've landed on so far is a 3.1G planet. Honestly I crash landed on it. I came flying in fast in too steep of a dive, thinking I'll just pull up and skim the surface, trying to be a hot dog. Well let me tell you, those high G planets really do pull on the ship differently. When I pulled the nose up the ship drifted in a downward swing much wider than I had anticipated, and I ended up belly flopping and skidding along the surface. Took the shields down immediately and by the time I pulled her off the ground my hull was down to 43%.

So yeah, fly carefully on high G worlds, they ain't no joke.
Darkness is killing me when playing with my Oculus. I cannot go to RES if it is on the dark side of the planet at the time - I CANNOT SEE THE asteroids. Not cool to crash into them all the time :D

Tried planetary landings now. First planet was 0.1G and the SRV jumped and spinned like crazy. I was so nausey after this (Oculus) :D Second planet was only 0.5G and a lot better.

But I don't know how all of the planet things work. Need to read into this. :/

Performance is a lot better compared to 1.3 (Did not try 1.5 enough). I'm kinda impressed.

Oh and I LOVE the drifting while flying on planet surfaces. It makes so much fun. Need to get a sidewinder and fly through some canyons.
I love going on treks in the SRV, that thing is so much fun and the sense of scale you get is really something

From one side


To the other





The Fuel Rats are no joke. Never thought I'd need to call on them, but I jumped out of a nasty Wanted situation into a system that I thought I could scoop from. And then the only system in range was another brown dwarf, so I was stuck. Thought about just blowing myself up, but that would have left me dead broke (I just put a bunch of new upgrades on the FDL, so I had barely enough left to cover the rebuy). Rats to the rescue! They had a guy just one system away, I was back in business in just a couple minutes.


I've been out of the loop for a bit, but I've been seeing old posts on Reddit about smuggling out of Robigo and making serious credits. Apparently this was nerfed, can't seem to find a definite answer as to whether it's worth it or not for me to make the trip out there. I'm only merchant rank, will I be able to get smuggling missions with my rank? I don't want to trek 650 LY for nothing.


That's one sexy lookin' beast:


There's an even bigger gun on the bottom that I can't even use... cost me 13M credits, but I don't have a good enough power plant to actually run it. Everything else is pretty much A-class across the board now. Went toe-to-toe with an Anaconda tonight and didn't even lose my shields.


So I picked up the HOTAS X and now everything is hard as hell. I connected the two modular parts together to sit them on my lap as my desk is quite high up and it obscures my view of the screen.

I'm using the "crab" bindings with some alterations to left and right turn. I guess it just takes time?


So I picked up the HOTAS X and now everything is hard as hell. I connected the two modular parts together to sit them on my lap as my desk is quite high up and it obscures my view of the screen.

I'm using the "crab" bindings with some alterations to left and right turn. I guess it just takes time?

It takes time to get use to it, but eventually it will all click. There is thread somewhere frontier forums with some good set ups to try out. I took one from there and modified it to my liking. One of the best pilots in the game, Isinona, uses the HOTAS X.


By left and right turn, you're using the joystick twist for yaw, right? If not, I highly recommend that. Roll should be moving the joystick left and right.
So I picked up the HOTAS X and now everything is hard as hell. I connected the two modular parts together to sit them on my lap as my desk is quite high up and it obscures my view of the screen.

I'm using the "crab" bindings with some alterations to left and right turn. I guess it just takes time?

I don't have the hotas x, but have the thrust master 1600m (sp?) And the ch pro throttle. I find binding roll to stick twist and yaw to x axis works best for me. Yes, roll is important for maneuvering, but u don't have to be that precise about it, whereas x axis yaw helps with precise aiming.

So for the hotas x maybe bind roll to the rocker on he throttle? And x axis to yaw? Just a suggestion. Not sure if that would help with your struggles?


I don't have the hotas x, but have the thrust master 1600m (sp?) And the ch pro throttle. I find binding roll to stick twist and yaw to x axis works best for me. Yes, roll is important for maneuvering, but u don't have to be that precise about it, whereas x axis yaw helps with precise aiming.

So for the hotas x maybe bind roll to the rocker on he throttle? And x axis to yaw? Just a suggestion. Not sure if that would help with your struggles?


Yeah, I might try that. I currently have roll on the stick left/right as default, yaw on the rocker and stick twist for left/right thrusters. I'll try out your setup after I get home tonight.

Needs a lot of practice, but it is definitely more enjoyable over the controller setup I was using at the start.


So I've been messing around with Voice Attack. Come to find out that I had downloaded it before because I couldn't get the trial. It was cheap so I just bought a key. At first I was getting really annoyed because nothing was working until I read that one should try the "recorder" option and that worked for me. So I had a few things mapped and tried it out for an hour or two. Being able to issue voice commands are nice when they work.

That said I have to say though that I think me manually selecting commands along with me knowing which key on the keyboard does what is actually faster. I waste a lot of time making sure I'm saying a command clearly enough for the computer to me up. Even when I do it doesn't always work I've found. This is something I've noticed watching some streams that use voice attack while playing the game as well.

So I'm just going to consider this a loss for a few dollars. I don't think I'll keep using it. Maybe I'll give it another go in the future.


I've been out of the loop for a bit, but I've been seeing old posts on Reddit about smuggling out of Robigo and making serious credits. Apparently this was nerfed, can't seem to find a definite answer as to whether it's worth it or not for me to make the trip out there. I'm only merchant rank, will I be able to get smuggling missions with my rank? I don't want to trek 650 LY for nothing.

Robigo is a no go. Its super nerfed. "Do not get scanned" missions are tedious, as the AI cheats, and you never know if the scan will complete or not. The regular smuggling missions require a lot more cargo room than pre-1.5

It also takes 12 - 15 jumps (~240LY) to get back to the bubble, so unless you have a lot of fuel on board, or enjoy fuel scooping for three minutes at a time...

I didn't even mention the hoards of AI that will interdict you between your jumps.


I love going on treks in the SRV, that thing is so much fun and the sense of scale you get is really something

From one side

To the other

Hmmm... looking at these shots, I feel like the landscape features are too soft and indistinct. Need more features - crags, cliffs, hard edges, boulder clusters, hard silhouettes to help define more way points and areas of uniqueness.


Did a new mission tonight called "Targeted Theft" where a contact asks you to find a specific named NPC and steal its cargo. Found him, popped the shields, hatch breaker completes and I get my collectors to grab the 10 Beryllium. Head back to station and can't turn it in. The Beryllium had to be tagged "Mission specific" but he only dropped standard cargo. Wasted an hour. It's shit like this that drives me bonkers lol. Can't wait until this season is over.


Hmmm... looking at these shots, I feel like the landscape features are too soft and indistinct. Need more features - crags, cliffs, hard edges, boulder clusters, hard silhouettes to help define more way points and areas of uniqueness.
Could be that they do not have shadowing term for indirect light.


Did a new mission tonight called "Targeted Theft" where a contact asks you to find a specific named NPC and steal its cargo. Found him, popped the shields, hatch breaker completes and I get my collectors to grab the 10 Beryllium. Head back to station and can't turn it in. The Beryllium had to be tagged "Mission specific" but he only dropped standard cargo. Wasted an hour. It's shit like this that drives me bonkers lol. Can't wait until this season is over.

Try getting a bounty at your favorite RES spot, and having no way of paying it :(

There's a ton of weird ass bugs they need to fix.


Hmmm... looking at these shots, I feel like the landscape features are too soft and indistinct. Need more features - crags, cliffs, hard edges, boulder clusters, hard silhouettes to help define more way points and areas of uniqueness.

Could be that they do not have shadowing term for indirect light.

No, the quality of the surface rendering is simply sub-standard. On a planetary scale it's great, but it's "Molten Ice Cream Mountain" (height maps) through and through on the surface. As it's already quiet taxing for some hardware and needs to be uniform across graphic settings however due to being a networked game (can't have people floating around details that others can't see), I suspect it wasn't reasonable to improve it much.

Klick through Outerras presentation on their terrain generation. You'll see at once where Horizons' terrain detail generation stops in comparison - before Outerra even gets to convincing surfaces with horizontal displacement.

So I'm just going to consider this a loss for a few dollars. I don't think I'll keep using it. Maybe I'll give it another go in the future.

You'll want to rely on it for non crucial convenience tasks only. Not exclusively either. E.g. landing gear when you're busy with the thrusters, a request docking macro, maybe the headlights or supercruise when you're lazy. Never for crucial time sensitive tasks, like power management, weapon groups and deploymemt, sonetimes supercruise. Also, the Windows voice recognition has an option to train it. Unless you haven't done it already, you might try that to improve the reliability for you - voice attack is based on that Windows feature.

Is it too old or too new? I don't have an update.

Edit: Nvm, Options > Check for Update worked in the launcher. Thought the update would download through Steam.


You'll want to rely on it for non crucial convenience tasks only. Not exclusively either. E.g. landing gear when you're busy with the thrusters, a request docking macro, maybe the headlights or supercruise when you're lazy. Never for crucial time sensitive tasks, like power management, weapon groups and deploymemt, sonetimes supercruise. Also, the Windows voice recognition has an option to train it. Unless you haven't done it already, you might try that to improve the reliability for you - voice attack is based on that Windows feature.

I didn't even bother with some of the more detail task. I figured I'd start with the simple stuff like the land gears as you said and a few other things. Trying to map something like power management seemed like a recipe for disaster. I figured out how to do it but it seemed like unless things were exactly right there would be a lot of problems. I did do the windows voice recognition training as well. Was even having trouble with that at parts. I'm wondering if it could be the mice I have playing a part.


No, the quality of the surface rendering is simply sub-standard. On a planetary scale it's great, but it's "Molten Ice Cream Mountain" (height maps) through and through on the surface. As it's already quiet taxing for some hardware and needs to be uniform across graphic settings however due to being a networked game (can't have people floating around details that others can't see), I suspect it wasn't reasonable to improve it much.

Klick through Outerras presentation on their terrain generation. You'll see at once where Horizons' terrain detail generation stops in comparison - before Outerra even gets to convincing surfaces with horizontal displacement.
Agreed, they still have lots of work ahead to get to terrain quality seen from Outerra.
Helpful hint. If you're going to killsteal in a resource extraction site, think about the following first: Do I have a significant bounty myself? Are there police around? Is who I'm stealing from in a much bigger ship than me?

How the hell does the game figure who gets credit for a kill, anyway (between un-winged players)? I took this FDL from full to about 60% by the time this guy showed up, and in an FAS with a frag cannon did much more damage to the thing from there on out but he still had the kill. Is it literally just "last hit gets the credit"?

But now I've got 200k of bounty claims from all over the place, not sure what this guy was up to but he was a trouble-maker for sure.


No, the quality of the surface rendering is simply sub-standard. On a planetary scale it's great, but it's "Molten Ice Cream Mountain" (height maps) through and through on the surface. As it's already quiet taxing for some hardware and needs to be uniform across graphic settings however due to being a networked game (can't have people floating around details that others can't see), I suspect it wasn't reasonable to improve it much.

Klick through Outerras presentation on their terrain generation. You'll see at once where Horizons' terrain detail generation stops in comparison - before Outerra even gets to convincing surfaces with horizontal displacement.

Just have to hope that the engine is easy to work with and highly modifiable/upgradeable, I can't imagine them carrying out their "ten year plan" with this kind of terrain generation for the more complex planets.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Did a new mission tonight called "Targeted Theft" where a contact asks you to find a specific named NPC and steal its cargo. Found him, popped the shields, hatch breaker completes and I get my collectors to grab the 10 Beryllium. Head back to station and can't turn it in. The Beryllium had to be tagged "Mission specific" but he only dropped standard cargo. Wasted an hour. It's shit like this that drives me bonkers lol. Can't wait until this season is over.

Honestly I mostly ignore missions in Elite, a lot of them are like that where you just get confused by unclear goals or objectives, and so many of the missions I've tried make you an intense NPC beacon where impossible odds of Vultures, Clippers, and Anacondas relentlessly come after you no matter what kind of ship you are flying. Missions pretty much force you into combat, like most everything else FDev puts into the game, lol. The only missions I regularly bother with are the mining missions, BUT I go mining first to collect the ores and THEN I fly to a station, dock, and grab mining missions with my full cargo hold, instantly completing them for nice credits. If I take the mining missions FIRST then no matter where I go mining I get NPC pirates coming after me and interrupting my mining, hunting me down, interdicting me in supercruise, etc. If I wanted some combat I wouldn't be out mining in an asteroid belt away from other pilots!

I hope they eventually put exploration missions into the game, but one of my biggest fears is that any such missions will make the explorer an "NPC magnet" like every other mission, which is ridiculous seeing how most explorers run without weapons at all. We'll see some day, maybe.


Anyone encountered a surface mission where you're tasked with delivering some cargo to a planetary outpost but the planet (and the outpost) doesn't exist? Happened twice to me last night. Jumped into the destination system and did a scan with my advanced discovery scanner and it was just a multiple star system with no planets, and no stations/outposts with the name of the place I was supposed to go. Happened two different times last night and I had to abandon the mission and lost a lot of progress toward my next federation rank.

Well that's sucky. Still, the other player had about the same bounty as the FDL he stole, so I'll be okay. :)

Anyone encountered a surface mission where you're tasked with delivering some cargo to a planetary outpost but the planet (and the outpost) doesn't exist? Happened twice to me last night. Jumped into the destination system and did a scan with my advanced discovery scanner and it was just a multiple star system with no planets, and no stations/outposts with the name of the place I was supposed to go. Happened two different times last night and I had to abandon the mission and lost a lot of progress toward my next federation rank.

Yep. Exact same thing happened to me a few days ago. Asked to deliver a shipment to a station that just wasn't there. Not sure what's going on with that.


No bald cap? Lies!
Just ordered my CH Pro Throttle a whole year after I picked up my Combatstick and ED. Going to have to spend a fair bit of time retooling my configuration and then getting used to it as I'm fairly well tuned to my current keyboard setup. I like the Combatstick more than the Fighterstick since I don't care for all the hats that comes with and prefer the dedicated buttons, but it is by far the less popular of the two so there really doesn't seem to be any configs I can just steal and tweak for myself. So I'll have to craft my own from scratch and test things out.

Played all weekend after giving in and buying Horizons. Last time I had played much was around 1.4 I think, had only just upgraded to a Viper MkIII and was finding it to a bit too squishy so I traded it in the for the MkIV instead. Spent most of my time doing some odd jobs and started dabbling in RES hunting, which is very lucrative easily netted 300K in most runs before I ran out of ammo or got too dinged up to keep going. But I let myself side lined a few too many times and racked up some bounties once I gained access to some better jobs that were offering 100-200K for stuff like Hostage Rescue and other bounties which seemed enticing.

But they were all too good to be true. Easy missions requiring you to find and deliver a modest amount of some cargo for 100K or more seemed good enough but in reality they could take a while simply due to traveling to find and acquire said resource. Plus they often could end up being multi staged missions. So that 100k was easy but in that time I could have easily made 3-4x that at an RES point hunting.

Then there were the Hostage Rescues and item retrieval missions that were offering up to or over 200K which seemed great, except those could take a while just supercruising around waiting for your target, then there was the little fact that they're all completely broken which kind of really sucks. You can find your target and blow their hatch without issue, but none of the cargo they drop is "(mission specific)" so even if they drop hostages or important documents they won't be accepted when you try to turn them in. So not only does it take a bit of time you also don't get anything from it and likely racked up a 1k or so bounty for interdicting and attacking the target ship, more if you blew them or possible escorts up.

Took me like 3 times before I looked up and realized they were impossible to complete. I accidentally borked my first rescue op when I bungled the retrieval of a life pod and blew it up, whoops, (I also didn't know that target ships will reappear even if you blow them up, you just have to go back to supercruise and wait around for them to show up again). Then I tried again, successfully this time around went to turn them in and looked up that those quests were broken. Later on I accepted a document retrieval not thinking it was broken like the hostage rescue, but it was. So that was like 3+ hours of wasted time where I could have made the better part of a million credits hunting in RES points.

Still over the course of the weekend, despite wasting a ton of time with useless jobs and general dicking around looking for good systems, I went from a Viper MkIII with 300K in the bank to a MkIV, relatively well kitted, and just shy of 4 million in the bank.

Not sure if I should bother upgrading to a Vulture now(I'm not too keen on only 2 hardpoints, but that maneuverability) or just sticking with my MkIV and holding out for a Python down the road. Or investing in something like a cheap mining ship or trade ship and trying that out for a spell. I'm just shy of making Dealer rank which would open up some pretty lucrative jobs with factions I'm already friendly with but don't meet the trader rank requirements for those missions.
So I was used to the old bounty system where you could just pay them off at a station. Lo and behold I'm docking somewhere this weekend, when a security NPC scans me. No biggie I think to myself, I don't have any contraband or anything. All of a sudden the station's all like FUCK YOU as I'm just about to enter the dock, and my shields disappear.

Punched full reverse and got the hell out of there with 2% hull remaining when I low waked my Cobra out of there. Guh..

Surprise, learned they added time-based bounties you don't just pay down immediately.


No bald cap? Lies!
So I was used to the old bounty system where you could just pay them off at a station. Lo and behold I'm docking somewhere this weekend, when a security NPC scans me. No biggie I think to myself, I don't have any contraband or anything. All of a sudden the station's all like FUCK YOU as I'm just about to enter the dock, and my shields disappear.

Punched full reverse and got the hell out of there with 2% hull remaining when I low waked my Cobra out of there. Guh..

Surprise, learned they added time-based bounties you don't just pay down immediately.

Same thing happened with me. Had a decent 80k bounty from some assassination missions and botched rescue Ops in a system, but no big deal I though. Took on some humanitarian job to deliver them some food for a nice chunk of change. Right as I'm entering the station, boom! docking request rescinded, shields are nearly gone and I've got 3-4 patrol vehicles bearing down on me. I had to quick get inside of the station, turn around and boost out of it and just kept boosting till I cleared the Mass Lock and promptly dumped their food stuffs when I was clear.
Same thing happened with me. Had a decent 80k bounty from some assassination missions and botched rescue Ops in a system, but no big deal I though. Took on some humanitarian job to deliver them some food for a nice chunk of change. Right as I'm entering the station, boom! docking request rescinded, shields are nearly gone and I've got 3-4 patrol vehicles bearing down on me. I had to quick get inside of the station, turn around and boost out of it and just kept boosting till I cleared the Mass Lock and promptly dumped their food stuffs when I was clear.
Yep, that sounds about right. :)

For the uninitiated: http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Bounty

I love this quote from there:
"Imagine if this were IRL. You get a speeding ticket and you goto the court house to pay the fine. Instead of getting treated with respect. The officers draw there firearms and shoot you without remorse."
That's one sexy lookin' beast:


There's an even bigger gun on the bottom that I can't even use... cost me 13M credits, but I don't have a good enough power plant to actually run it. Everything else is pretty much A-class across the board now. Went toe-to-toe with an Anaconda tonight and didn't even lose my shields.

Looks better than my Gold version, tbqh.
braben is live on their 24 hour christmas stream


I REALLY hope he drops some hints about where people are supposed to be looking for meta-alloys, barnacles, or generally progress the UA mystery. It's kind of exciting having the possibility of finding something alien on one of these planets but honestly, it's too cryptic again, there's no confirmation that anything can be found, it might not even exist and FD may be stringing us along while they make it. If they would even just confirm whether the content we're looking for actually exists would be a great start .

Being bored of jumping endlessly from similar system to similar system again I'm really hinging on the UA mystery actually go somewhere now. It's been over a year since the game released now, they've stitched random gameplay mechanics in that make little to no sense in how they slot in (looking at you CQC) yet we've been chasing this damn 'story' for months and we're not really any closer than before.

The community are so burned from the last time that they won't even participate in the current community goal which alludes that it should progress the story, since the last time they did it they got screwed over and received a shiny new pirate base and no progress. So if they won't even take part what do we do from here? Everyone is hell bent on finding those green things from the trailer but for all we know they're not even in.

I don't get how FD are ok with having the community spend the best part of a year looking for something without any indication it even exists to be found. I'm of the mindset that it's content that isn't implemented, but since they won't confirm or deny it what do we do? search 400 billion systems endlessly?


Do advance scanners allow you to get detailed scans when you are further away from the planet, etc? For example if you could scan a planet when you are a 100Ls can you scan it when you are a 500ls or 1000ls away? Or does it just allow you to detect more objects at once and you still have to get really close to objects to scan them?

Right now I have a basic scanner and a detail surface scanner. Wondering if it's worth the money to upgrade to a intermediate or advance scanner (not sure on the price for this one). About to start exploring now that we can land on planets.


Do advance scanners allow you to get detailed scans when you are further away from the planet, etc? For example if you could scan a planet when you are a 100Ls can you scan it when you are a 500ls or 1000ls away? Or does it just allow you to detect more objects at once and you still have to get really close to objects to scan them?

Right now I have a basic scanner and a detail surface scanner. Wondering if it's worth the money to upgrade to a intermediate or advance scanner (not sure on the price for this one). About to start exploring now that we can land on planets.
The advantage of the Advanced Discovery Scanner is that with one scan you can detect every object in the entire system (the basic discovery scanner only detects bodies within a 500ls range, intermediate is 1000ls). Regardless of the scanner, you still have to fly to each and scan them normally. It just makes it so you don't have to fly around spamming the scanner trying to find out if there are more objects around. If you're planning on doing any exploration, it's absolutely worth the money for the ADS. I think it costs around 1.5 million CR.


The advantage of the Advanced Discovery Scanner is that with one scan you can detect every object in the entire system (the basic discovery scanner only detects bodies within a 500ls range, intermediate is 1000ls). Regardless of the scanner, you still have to fly to each and scan them normally. It just makes it so you don't have to fly around spamming the scanner trying to find out if there are more objects around. If you're planning on doing any exploration, it's absolutely worth the money for the ADS. I think it costs around 1.5 million CR.

Hmmm... looking at these shots, I feel like the landscape features are too soft and indistinct. Need more features - crags, cliffs, hard edges, boulder clusters, hard silhouettes to help define more way points and areas of uniqueness.

There's a lot to improve on as far as the terrain rendering goes, which they have to do in order to get Volcanic and atmospheric worlds in there, but you can still get some gorgeous vistas rolling around on the current planets.


No, the quality of the surface rendering is simply sub-standard. On a planetary scale it's great, but it's "Molten Ice Cream Mountain" (height maps) through and through on the surface. As it's already quiet taxing for some hardware and needs to be uniform across graphic settings however due to being a networked game (can't have people floating around details that others can't see), I suspect it wasn't reasonable to improve it much.

Klick through Outerras presentation on their terrain generation. You'll see at once where Horizons' terrain detail generation stops in comparison - before Outerra even gets to convincing surfaces with horizontal displacement.

Oh man... that's pretty awesome. So much detail with Outerra's terrain generation. Well, they published their techniques, so hopefully Frontier dudes can crib that stuff and use it well. Exactly the kinda stuff I was asking for.
When I'm done with work I finally get to satisfy my morbid curiosity and see my play time.

Edit: Oh, did no one post the patch notes?


Elite Dangerous: Horizons patch 2.0.02 incoming
Greetings commanders, we're rolling out an update this morning.

We expect the servers to be down for up to 30 minutes. The servers will come down at 10.30AM this morning and will return around the top of the hour.

Here's the changes...

- Crash fix for following crafting sub-menu access from modular menu
- Crash fix for skimmer firing
- Fix crash from NPC messenger
- Fix crash with missing asteroid physics
- Fix an audio crash near planetary ports or when deploying SRV's
- Fix an error when resurrecting a dead commander with an alive vehicle
- Don't overwrite the plotted route in the galaxy map if opening the system map
- Fix an issue where the planned route could be wiped after a hyperjump
- Fix module buyback not correctly preserving full details of the module being restored
- Stop disconnecting players with a transaction server error when failing to eject cargo
- Ship spins very fast after launch and is destroyed fixed
- Make POI's that were supposed to be visible from the ship be visible
- Cargo racks at POI's do not spawn loot
- Add planetary checks to "don't die" missions
- Add missing timers for off base planetary missions
- Extract mission destinations for mission external panel entries so mission icon shows up on galaxy map
- Off set Wing members drop outs to avoid collisions
- Apply cargo transfer to cached ship state so it won't forget our cargo changes when we dismiss/recall our ship
- Fixed stolen flag being sent incorrectly in cargo transfer and boarding
- Fix for incorrect landing volumes on Diamondback Scout
- Fixed some missing paint job references
- Don't set the near planet flag on saves for platforms that don't support Horizons
- Don't generate rocks when in a glide
- Fix for floating rocks after switching vehicle types
- Select correct GPU if an nVidia Optimus is installed
- Minor surface shader optimization
- Balance tweak for GPU timings on min spec AMD cards
- Changed the way we find the gpu version to match the way we select the graphics adapter. We now the first non-Intel card instead of the last card
- Unable to accept CQC squad invite with mouse, can only use controller to select it
- Added the user's time played to the Commander statistics screen
- Fix missing black paint job for Viper MkIV
- Various text fixes
- Latest translation batch added


No bald cap? Lies!
I think I'm going to really try and actually get good(more like not total shit) at Flight Assist Off once I get my Pro Throttle. I've dabbled with it a bit, mostly in dog fights just to quickly turn about on a passing enemy and other simple stuff, but I've never really tried to go full no assist and really fly around with it. I can keep myself steady decently enough in normal flight but once a fight rolls around I just don't have the finesse and muscle memory to keep on point, especially with fixed lasers. My hit/miss ratio is like 1/30 without FA. Watching videos of people just dance around space is so amazing though. To be able to be just a fraction as good as them would be greatly rewarding.

I think having a real full range throttle will help a lot with that, and especially with the Pro Throttle's mini-joystick for vertical and lateral thrusters instead of using WASD like I am now, with FR keys as 10% incremental Forward/Reverse thrust controls, which can be tricky to manage all at once. Doubly so once you throw in power management which I still have to the default 123 keys.


I think I'm going to really try and actually get good(more like not total shit) at Flight Assist Off once I get my Pro Throttle. I've dabbled with it a bit, mostly in dog fights just to quickly turn about on a passing enemy and other simple stuff, but I've never really tried to go full no assist and really fly around with it. I can keep myself steady decently enough in normal flight but once a fight rolls around I just don't have the finesse and muscle memory to keep on point, especially with fixed lasers. My hit/miss ratio is like 1/30 without FA. Watching videos of people just dance around space is so amazing though. To be able to be just a fraction as good as them would be greatly rewarding.

I think having a real full range throttle will help a lot with that, and especially with the Pro Throttle's mini-joystick for vertical and lateral thrusters instead of using WASD like I am now, with FR keys as 10% incremental Forward/Reverse thrust controls, which can be tricky to manage all at once. Doubly so once you throw in power management which I still have to the default 123 keys.

not me, but watch the video below, some people are just too good with flight assist off.

not me, but watch the video below, some people are just too good with flight assist off.


That music with the video is rad as hell. I can almost emulate that sort of motion but the mouse is way too finicky with FA-off since if it's at all off-center you keep on moving, can't just let go of the stick to kill inputs. The broader movements aren't too bad, where it gets tough is in the fine tuning necessary to line up shots. How Isinona does it I have no idea.


Looks really cool, but I don't think it helps all that much.
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