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Emily Rogers: NX Not Using x86 Architecture - Won't Blow Away Current Gen Consoles

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I kind of interpret as the Wii U is dead. NX is coming and it's not a "Wii 3" or "4DS". It's a brand new system like SNES to N64 or N64 to GameCube. Lol why I see people all over the Internet looking so much into this boggles me. It's a new system. That's it. There's nothing more to "read" into.

Yeah that's what I've been gathering as well. "New way to play games" could mean something as simple as just changing the branding to something as crazy as a full on VR console. He's being a purposely vague businessman because if he went out and said bluntly "yeah Pokemon is our last 3DS blowout and the Wii U is pretty much done, wait another 10 months for our next console" I don't think it would go over well with fans or investors.


Interesting. Nintendo has said that they don't like VR in its current form. The way VR is set up now, it wouldn't really work with Nintendo games. That doesn't mean Nintendo can't reinterpret it to work with their games. Perhaps it's a similar idea.

It wouldn't be VR, i know that, but maybe the patent with the glasses. It would be still count as social gaming where other ones could also see what you are doing, with VR not.
It wouldn't be VR, i know that, but maybe the patent with the glasses. It would be still count as social gaming where other ones could also see what you are doing, with VR not.

If you're talking about the patent application in which one of the figures showed a person with glasses looking at a 3D image on a TV, that was actually a patent for a simulated 3D display on a standard 2D screen done with face or eye tracking, rather than anything having to do with VR or AR. This thread discusses that patent application.

I believe the glasses in that patent are merely used as an identifier for the camera on the TV in order to assist in tracking the user's face.

Otherwise I must have missed a glasses patent.


Xbox streaming box or Xbox TV.

Hm... Maybe Xbox TV. That's a fairly decent chance, and explains the "beyond gaming" thing. Well, I guess that we have enough to say that Nintendo has ditched AMD. I hope this doesn't mean that the console will be no better than Tegra-level, because in that case we're looking at something weak enough that some ports would need to be sub-720p. (The next Tegra shouldn't be more than 800 GFLOPS, which can't match Xbone by any stretch of the imagination.)


Hm... Maybe Xbox TV. That's a fairly decent chance, and explains the "beyond gaming" thing. Well, I guess that we have enough to say that Nintendo has ditched AMD. I hope this doesn't mean that the console will be no better than Tegra-level, because in that case we're looking at something weak enough that some ports would need to be sub-720p. (The next Tegra shouldn't be more than 800 GFLOPS, which can't match Xbone by any stretch of the imagination.)
Yeah they're screwed again unless that Scd thing is not vaporware.


Yeah they're screwed again unless that Scd thing is not vaporware.

I think they need a lot more than that, honestly. Hopefully they're actually using Tegra IP to make a much larger SoC for the console, but it would probably cheaper to use one chip for both the handheld and console. I think what Emily was trying and failed to say was something more along the lines of, "It's more accurate to say that it's close to Xbox One, rather than Playstation 4. Even that is stretching it a tiny bit." People are going to disagree, but since we know that she worded it terribly (and despite her denial she definitely paraphrased it, or else she would have put it in quotes), so it's weaker than Xbone by a noticeable amount but is the size of a DVD case. Nintendo will make a big deal about that, thinking that people actually care. Handheld will be very close in power to the console, and there will be a 100% shared library. An SCD might get it to Xbone level.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
I think they need a lot more than that, honestly. Hopefully they're actually using Tegra IP to make a much larger SoC for the console, but it would probably cheaper to use one chip for both the handheld and console. I think what Emily was trying and failed to say was something more along the lines of, "It's more accurate to say that it's close to Xbox One, rather than Playstation 4. Even that is stretching it a tiny bit." People are going to disagree, but since we know that she worded it terribly (and despite her denial she definitely paraphrased it, or else she would have put it in quotes), so it's weaker than Xbone by a noticeable amount but is the size of a DVD case. Nintendo will make a big deal about that, thinking that people actually care. Handheld will be very close in power to the console, and there will be a 100% shared library. An SCD might get it to Xbone level.

My God can you stop jumping to conclusions like this, it's not funny anymore.


Xbox streaming box or Xbox TV.

The Xbox TV does actually does make some degree of sense for the "beyond gaming" part, a low-power APU with a few ARM cores and 4 GCN CUs or so would make sense for a device which is predominantly for media consumption with some light gaming on the side (as sharing the same GPU arch as the XBO would make it easier to get less demanding games running on it). It would also explain why AMD were a little evasive when asked whether the new semi-custom wins would cannibalize their existing semi-custom business, as all three new products would cannibalize PS4 and XBO to some extent or other.

Regarding the Xbox streaming stick, I'd imagine they'd use an off-the-shelf SoC for that, no point going semi-custom on a cheap device which is likely to be iterated on quickly.

That all being said, the Xbox "leaks" do add significantly to the likelihood that Nintendo are going with Nvidia for any and all upcoming devices.

Hm... Maybe Xbox TV. That's a fairly decent chance, and explains the "beyond gaming" thing. Well, I guess that we have enough to say that Nintendo has ditched AMD. I hope this doesn't mean that the console will be no better than Tegra-level, because in that case we're looking at something weak enough that some ports would need to be sub-720p. (The next Tegra shouldn't be more than 800 GFLOPS, which can't match Xbone by any stretch of the imagination.)

There's no more reason to believe Nintendo would go with a stock chip for NX than there would be to assume that Sony would use a stock chip for Neo or MS would for Xbox Two.
We don't even know what the NX does, so these rumors shouldn't take the wind out of anything. I guess if it was considered that NX would just be a vanilla console with a vanilla controller I'd understand. That isn't likely since Nintendo feels they need to hold it close to their chest, but who knows.
With all the Xbox leaks today and what we know about Neo so far..... I have absolutely no clue what Nintendo is coming with. But if Emily is not talking nonsense here and the NX is basically a Xbox One...... good lord. That would suck big time.


NX hype seems grounded solely in the Nintendo Faithful . Power isn't for them. They'll buy it regardless.

Lol what NX hype has there been. At least on Neogaf Nintendo is severely hated right now and nobody seems to have hope. Any piece of news or rumor has people losing more and more faith in them. Also I am a hardcore Nintendo fan and do take power and 3rd party into account. If NX looks dumb I have no problem getting a ps4k instead.
Lol what NX hype has there been. At least on Neogaf Nintendo is severely hated right now and nobody seems to have hope. Any piece of news or rumor has people losing more and more faith in them. Also I am a hardcore Nintendo fan and do take power and 3rd party into account. If NX looks dumb I have no problem getting a ps4k instead.
There's been no news.
If Nintendo was so hated here, why all the threads on no news???
We had a fake controller thread reach 8,000 pages, not to mention all the other Nintendo threads with no substantial information from the company itself.
There is thirst here for sure.


Junior Member
With all the Xbox leaks today and what we know about Neo so far..... I have absolutely no clue what Nintendo is coming with. But if Emily is not talking nonsense here and the NX is basically a Xbox One...... good lord. That would suck big time.
The PS4K is bound by the PS4, which would in turn limit the XB1.5 as far as multiplats go.
Devs are still going to have to target the base XBO/PS4 specs since it appears MS and Sony want to maintain backwards and forwards compatibility between those and the Scorpio and Neo. As long as the NX is within that ballpark, it should get 3rd party support, barring the usual issues with the userbase, consoles sales, etc.

And if Nintendo go ahead with the SCD it could in theory allow them to compete with Scorpio and Neo.


Iwata made a big mistake revealing Nintendo's strategy about NX so many years in advance (about creating a new "platform" that would be forwards compatible and not starting from zero every generation), because it seems Sony and Microsoft are quickly adapting themselves to the same strategy and somewhat quicker than Nintendo itself. If this "unified platform iOS-like" is Nintendo's new "gimmick" as some people here believes, it's being copied before we even know anything officially from Nintendo, which is absurd and puts them in a very difficult situation.

If Iwata wouldn't say anything so specific more than two years ago, maybe the Neo and Scorpio wouldn't exist today and the NX would have a better chance against the regular PS4 and Xbox One. Or maybe those new revisions are rejected by their respective fans and it generates a massive userbase movement towards Nintendo if they make a good product (difficult I know, but never underestimate pissed fans -PS3 earlier years, Xbox One presentation, Wii U life-). E3 can't come soon enough to see what MS and Sony are really planning.


Iwata made a big mistake revealing Nintendo's strategy about NX so many years in advance (about creating a new "platform" that would be forwards compatible and not starting from zero every generation), because it seems Sony and Microsoft are quickly adapting themselves to the same strategy and somewhat quicker than Nintendo itself. If this "unified platform iOS-like" is Nintendo's new "gimmick" as some people here believes, it's being copied before we even know anything officially from Nintendo, which is absurd and puts them in a very difficult situation.

If Iwata wouldn't say anything so specific more than two years ago, maybe the Neo and Scorpio wouldn't exist today and the NX would have a better chance against the regular PS4 and Xbox One. Or maybe those new revisions are rejected by their respective fans and it generates a massive userbase movement towards Nintendo if they make a good product (difficult I know, but never underestimate pissed fans -PS3 earlier years, Xbox One presentation, Wii U life-). E3 can't come soon enough to see what MS and Sony are really planning.

It's a pretty big stretch to say that MS and Sony copied that idea. It's a very obvious idea, especially after the mega success of the iPhone/iPad. If anything MS and Sony are both copying Apple (as well as Nintendo, if they are doing with this uniform platform idea).


Iwata made a big mistake revealing Nintendo's strategy about NX so many years in advance (about creating a new "platform" that would be forwards compatible and not starting from zero every generation), because it seems Sony and Microsoft are quickly adapting themselves to the same strategy and somewhat quicker than Nintendo itself. If this "unified platform iOS-like" is Nintendo's new "gimmick" as some people here believes, it's being copied before we even know anything officially from Nintendo, which is absurd and puts them in a very difficult situation.

If Iwata wouldn't say anything so specific more than two years ago, maybe the Neo and Scorpio wouldn't exist today and the NX would have a better chance against the regular PS4 and Xbox One. Or maybe those new revisions are rejected by their respective fans and it generates a massive userbase movement towards Nintendo if they make a good product (difficult I know, but never underestimate pissed fans -PS3 earlier years, Xbox One presentation, Wii U life-). E3 can't come soon enough to see what MS and Sony are really planning.

I'll need some evidentiary support for this statement. Sony doesn't exactly have a good history, even recently, of respecting backwards compatibility or carrying software forward. Hell, even Microsoft has a better history of that and their record isn't that great, either.


It's a pretty big stretch to say that MS and Sony copied that idea. It's a very obvious idea, especially after the mega success of the iPhone/iPad. If anything MS and Sony are both copying Apple (as well as Nintendo, if they are doing with this uniform platform idea).
A strategy that I don't recall neither Sony or MS considering seriously until very recently, and after Iwata discoursed it. This is obviously based on the Apple way but was never considered for consoles until now (not sure if MS and Sony designed PS4 and XO with this in mind, correct me if I'm wrong, I'm very interested. But Iwata was already making decisions inside NCL to do this even when Wii U was in development starting with the new HQ built to unify hardware and both software teams).

It's impossible to know if MS and Sony are basing this new strategy on Apple or Nintendo, or both 50/50, but seeing how quickly Sony reacted to the Wiimote years ago with the Sixaxis, or MS with smartglass, I'm inclined to believe Nintendo's plans always have some influence in their competitors, even when -in the end- Nintendo's ideas are not that successful.

I'll need some evidentiary support for this statement. Sony doesn't exactly have a good history, even recently, of respecting backwards compatibility or carrying software forward. Hell, even Microsoft has a better history of that and their record isn't that great, either.

Well it's all rumors until they show their plans, but I read today in the Scorpio thread about incremental updates and the software being backwards and forwards compatible from now on... Wouldn't make sense to make upgrades otherwise. But who knows. It's all speculation now. Anyway, the NX should be something like this, if Iwata's statements are to be trusted.


with the new Xbox and Playstation, it seems that the NX is going to be outdated on release date if what Emily is saying happens.

I think Sony and Microsoft have lost their fucking minds with what they're doing. This cycle started with sensible hardware to help recover from the losses of last gen. Now we're right back to an arms race, which will cause even more developer/publisher casualties. The games from last gen to this gen haven't changed. They've only gotten prettier, and still run at questionable framerates. The power developers are being given nowadays isn't making new ways to play games or genres. It's just used for graphics, and the longer it goes on, the more people will wake up to the fact that 'you know what? this sucks. I'm out.'


Iwata made a big mistake revealing Nintendo's strategy about NX so many years in advance (about creating a new "platform" that would be forwards compatible and not starting from zero every generation), because it seems Sony and Microsoft are quickly adapting themselves to the same strategy and somewhat quicker than Nintendo itself. If this "unified platform iOS-like" is Nintendo's new "gimmick" as some people here believes, it's being copied before we even know anything officially from Nintendo, which is absurd and puts them in a very difficult situation.

If Iwata wouldn't say anything so specific more than two years ago, maybe the Neo and Scorpio wouldn't exist today and the NX would have a better chance against the regular PS4 and Xbox One. Or maybe those new revisions are rejected by their respective fans and it generates a massive userbase movement towards Nintendo if they make a good product (difficult I know, but never underestimate pissed fans -PS3 earlier years, Xbox One presentation, Wii U life-). E3 can't come soon enough to see what MS and Sony are really planning.

It has nothing to do with Nintendo or Iwata. It has everything to do with
a) Current tech trends and what consumers are used to (ie. they're used to shorter tech cycles and spending more money on consumer tech), and
b) The fact that the Xbox got its ass kicked this gen and therefore MS wants to move on as quick as possible without burning their XB1 base too badly - ergo the 'inremental upgrade' or full backwards compat or whatever you want to call this.

Anyway, like I've been saying since the start, none of this would be an issue if the fucking thing had been a 3DS replacement releasing this year like it should have been. Instead they're going to walk into a hurricane in mid-2017 with a new home console. Either they've come up with something properly revolutionary or unbelievably cheap /good value or else it'll be another bloodbath for them like this gen was.


It has nothing to do with Nintendo or Iwata. It has everything to do with
a) Current tech trends and what consumers are used to (ie. they're used to shorter tech cycles and spending more money on consumer tech), and
b) The fact that the Xbox got its ass kicked this gen and therefore MS wants to move on as quick as possible without burning their XB1 base too badly - ergo the 'inremental upgrade' or full backwards compat or whatever you want to call this.
Maybe you're right with the first point, although it's not yet proven in the console field. It's a very risky movement that could backfire badly. We don't know yet if the market will adapt to the "change my phone/tablet every two years" thing. But the second point is different because we're not talking just about MS, as Sony is apparently doing the same thing. Maybe for other set of reasons, but in the end it's the same strategy.

And I'm not the one calling or wanting things, it's all about the news/rumors/leaks we are getting about those Neo/Scorpio projects... :p Thank you for commenting tho, I appreciate it :D


Maybe Nintendo is just giving up on 3rd party support completely and simply going for an extremely affordable setup? Like a $200 system that'll run games on par with x1 that doesn't really have any gimmicks besides wii remote support? I can't justify spending $350-400 on an extra system that'll just play a few games. $200 though? $250? I'll buy it and get all the new mario/zelda games.


Maybe Nintendo is just giving up on 3rd party support completely and simply going for an extremely affordable setup? Like a $200 system that'll run games on par with x1 that doesn't really have any gimmicks besides wii remote support? I can't justify spending $350-400 on an extra system that'll just play a few games. $200 though? $250? I'll buy it and get all the new mario/zelda games.

I don't think they'll go above $300, assuming the rumor they'll be using carts rumor is true. They really like the $350 price hurt them.
I think Sony and Microsoft have lost their fucking minds with what they're doing. This cycle started with sensible hardware to help recover from the losses of last gen. Now we're right back to an arms race, which will cause even more developer/publisher casualties. The games from last gen to this gen haven't changed. They've only gotten prettier, and still run at questionable framerates. The power developers are being given nowadays isn't making new ways to play games or genres. It's just used for graphics, and the longer it goes on, the more people will wake up to the fact that 'you know what? this sucks. I'm out.'

This is how I see it too. If the PS4 wasn't so successful out of the gate then I might understand this decision from Sony, but it just feels like releasing a successor/upgraded console way too soon where people will either feel abandoned if neo gets exclusives or not many will buy it if it doesn't. As for MS, they're still way in the red from the XBOX division overall, so unless they have some really convincing data showing them that a ridiculously powerful, ridiculously expensive console will somehow break even even after the PS3 happened, well then I really don't understand what they're thinking either.

This could end up really nicely for Nintendo if they wind up putting out a fairly cheap, fairly impressive console with a huge slew of exclusives you can't get on any of the current or iterative PS or XBOX consoles. As usual marketing will be key, and that's where Nintendo is likeliest to drop the ball.
This is how I see it too. If the PS4 wasn't so successful out of the gate then I might understand this decision from Sony, but it just feels like releasing a successor/upgraded console way too soon where people will either feel abandoned if neo gets exclusives or not many will buy it if it doesn't. As for MS, they're still way in the red from the XBOX division overall, so unless they have some really convincing data showing them that a ridiculously powerful, ridiculously expensive console will somehow break even even after the PS3 happened, well then I really don't understand what they're thinking either.

This could end up really nicely for Nintendo if they wind up putting out a fairly cheap, fairly impressive console with a huge slew of exclusives you can't get on any of the current or iterative PS or XBOX consoles. As usual marketing will be key, and that's where Nintendo is likeliest to drop the ball.

If I recall, Kimishima used to at least work at NoA (or was even in charge, can't quite remember) before being moved back to Japan, so I think he probably understands marketing to the west more than his predecessor, and he apparently wasn't a fan of the Wii U's name. I imagine Nintendo has learned more than a few lessons from their ill-fated attempt to market the Wii U.

Daft Punk

This is how I see it too. If the PS4 wasn't so successful out of the gate then I might understand this decision from Sony, but it just feels like releasing a successor/upgraded console way too soon where people will either feel abandoned if neo gets exclusives or not many will buy it if it doesn't. As for MS, they're still way in the red from the XBOX division overall, so unless they have some really convincing data showing them that a ridiculously powerful, ridiculously expensive console will somehow break even even after the PS3 happened, well then I really don't understand what they're thinking either.

This could end up really nicely for Nintendo if they wind up putting out a fairly cheap, fairly impressive console with a huge slew of exclusives you can't get on any of the current or iterative PS or XBOX consoles. As usual marketing will be key, and that's where Nintendo is likeliest to drop the ball.

It seems like it makes no sense, but in Sony's case this is not a bad move. We are hitting the point in the generation where more games are starting to drop and console sales are slowing down. Neo allows Sony to refresh PS4 and keep momentum going. Scorpio is MS's attempt to correct the mistakes of the past without completely writing off the generation. In Nintendo's case, they are going to have to come out with something truly disruptive to muscle in on these upcoming iterations.


With all these PS4K and Xbox 1.5 leaks about power etc, I'm starting to think the NX will be another non-starter just like the Wii U.
Maybe Nintendo is just giving up on 3rd party support completely and simply going for an extremely affordable setup? Like a $200 system that'll run games on par with x1 that doesn't really have any gimmicks besides wii remote support? I can't justify spending $350-400 on an extra system that'll just play a few games. $200 though? $250? I'll buy it and get all the new mario/zelda games.

Im still trying to understand who this 250 dollar box would be for. As a consumer why would I want to pay 250 to play a very small selection of games?


With all these PS4K and Xbox 1.5 leaks about power etc, I'm starting to think the NX will be another non-starter just like the Wii U.

Nintendo was never going to compete on power. WiiU's gimmick and price were a blunder that hopefully won't be repeated by the NX (better gimmick at a lower price)
With all these PS4K and Xbox 1.5 leaks about power etc, I'm starting to think the NX will be another non-starter just like the Wii U.

These talks about neo and scorpio (especially scorpio if the rumoured specs end up being true) shows that Nintendo has no interest in competing for the bigger power. It's a fight they can't win IMO.
BUT this is not a pass for delivering a weak ass hardware. I hope they reach PS4 level for the sake of being a little future proof.
If I recall, Kimishima used to at least work at NoA (or was even in charge, can't quite remember) before being moved back to Japan, so I think he probably understands marketing to the west more than his predecessor, and he apparently wasn't a fan of the Wii U's name. I imagine Nintendo has learned more than a few lessons from their ill-fated attempt to market the Wii U.

I think his problem with the Wii U's name was that it was too similar to Wii, so to be honest that is already an improvement. They surely learned some lessons but I'm not sure I have that much confidence that they won't repeat some of their mistakes, at least marketing-wise.

It seems like it makes no sense, but in Sony's case this is not a bad move. We are hitting the point in the generation where more games are starting to drop and console sales are slowing down. Neo allows Sony to refresh PS4 and keep momentum going. Scorpio is MS's attempt to correct the mistakes of the past without completely writing off the generation. In Nintendo's case, they are going to have to come out with something truly disruptive to muscle in on these upcoming iterations.

Neo by itself might be a decent plan, that's true. But with MS also coming out with an iterative console, and presuming both are going to be pretty expensive it's actually the perfect time for Nintendo to come in with their own brand new hardware. I know we like to think power sells consoles but it's not really all that true. If the NX comes out around the same time as the Neo and Scorpio, and is the only one of those consoles to actually have exclusive games you cannot play anywhere else, I don't think the lack of power (which we honestly can't even be sure of yet) will have as much of an impact as some think it will.

If you could buy a new $499 console from Sony or MS that plays the same games as their old consoles, or you could buy a new $299 console from Nintendo which plays all new games you can't get elsewhere, which of those sound more appealing? I'm not saying it's a slam dunk for Nintendo but it's definitely not as doomy and gloomy as some of those here seem to think it is.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
With all these PS4K and Xbox 1.5 leaks about power etc, I'm starting to think the NX will be another non-starter just like the Wii U.

We don't know if there's anything similar for Xbox One-Two, but Sony requires developers to not release exclusive PS4K games. I suppose there could be something similar with Xbox One-Two, if it really is an upgrade to One and not a completely new console (the upgrade's price could be in the 449.99-499.99 range too, which would slow down its adoption compared to the original PS4 at 399.99). In the case, theorically NX shouldn't have problems in getting PS4/One ports, as OsirisBlack said right in this thread days ago. And I want to highlight as much as possible THEORICALLY, in the sense that it wouldn't be the hardware what stops the ports from coming.


Its probably been said before but I really think NX wont be powerful because it'll be a handheld streaming stick thing.


Maybe Nintendo is just giving up on 3rd party support completely and simply going for an extremely affordable setup? Like a $200 system that'll run games on par with x1 that doesn't really have any gimmicks besides wii remote support? I can't justify spending $350-400 on an extra system that'll just play a few games. $200 though? $250? I'll buy it and get all the new mario/zelda games.

Iwata said they would have a "Nintendo-like solution" to the problem of lack of third party support. So I'm sure they have something cooked up for that. If they're going with Nvidia GeForce Now might be a part of that.

If I recall, Kimishima used to at least work at NoA (or was even in charge, can't quite remember) before being moved back to Japan, so I think he probably understands marketing to the west more than his predecessor, and he apparently wasn't a fan of the Wii U's name. I imagine Nintendo has learned more than a few lessons from their ill-fated attempt to market the Wii U.

He was head of NOA for 12 years and head of Pokemon USA before that.

He's lived in the US for at least 25 years of his life (might be 35), between working at NOA, Pokemon USA, and Sanwa Bank in the US.
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