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Episode VIII is "The Last Jedi"

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Excellent title.

Possible hint at Rey's origin ('Skywalker saga continuation')?

Edit: THE LAST JEDI = Reference to Luke?

Also: he won't die and Rey won't die etc...


Interestingly enough in a lot of languages they will have to decide which form they will use: plural or singular (since in not all languages - for example German - the same ambigiuty can be achieved). So I guess the final translation could already be a potential spoiler?
Doesn't even the new re-releases of the prequels on amazon and things like that don't have the numbers? Like I believe if you go on there it just says, The Phantom Menance, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith. They removed Episode 1, 2, and 3 from the titles.

The Episode numbers only gained prominence in the marketing with the prequels. Before then it was just Star Wars, Empire, Jedi. The scrolls had episode numbers, but the titles didn't.

The Episode #s were retroactively given prominence in the titling after 2005. The Sequel Trilogy is reverting that back to pre 99 days.
Guys... Jedi is also plural.

That could mean: "Rey, The Last Jedi" but it could also mean: "Luke and Rey, The Last Jedi."

It could be.

The second we know the official name in Spanish I'll let you know. There's no vague "LAST could be plural or singular" in Spanish. It'll either be "El Último Jedi" or "Los Últimos Jedi". If its the latter we'll know its meant to be plural.


The plural of Jedi is still "Jedi" so....

Going to be fun watching Rey be trained by luke. Honestly I think there is more potential for Luke to be tempted by the dark side then him to be killed off.


What ever happened to the episode numbers?
"To kick off a whole new generation of Star Wars fandom, here's Episode VII! Implying there are six movies you need to watch before seeing this one... But like maybe don't watch 1-3 because those are actually really bad and... Okay watch 4-6, and maybe after afew drinks, watch the first three and... Okay so there's this thing called the machete order and..."

You know it's Episode 7. Calling it Episode 7 creates a pretty obnoxious barrier for non-fans. Why do you think Force Awakens was as much of a "Star Wars greatest hits" as it was?


I don't think Luke dies until ep 9. I think the title actually means Luke, not Rey. Rey isn't a Jedi yet and might not be one even in ep 8.
Also, I'm betting Finn ends up being the character that proves midichlorians aint shit, "being strong in the force" aint shit, and if you want it bad enough, you can tap into the force and use it.

Chirrut in Rogue One sorta nudges the door open for that as a possibility.


Luke may not die. A running theme is that "Jedi" don't really work, the Order has imperfections. They had a bunch of dumb strict rules in the prequels and were egotistical which got them screwed, then after VI, Luke tried starting a new order of Jedi but Ben went apeshit causing another round of disarray. The Last Jedi could refer to Luke being the last of that kind of Jedi, and they may try and find a way for Rey to start a new kind of Jedi but without the flaws somehow. So it could just mean the end of the "Jedi" order. Rey will be the first of whatever the new thing is.

But Luke will probably die.
I will be furious if Luke dies. Here you have Hamill clearly excited to be back in the SW universe, working his butt off to get in shape, looking the part, still young and healthy enough to be a big part of the movies... and for the new trilogy you use him for 10 seconds in one movie, and kill him off in the second? No way. Especially if the plan was/is for Leia to be a big part of episode IX. Luke should have the biggest part of the returning cast, not the smallest.

Really hope "Last Jedi" is referring to perhaps Luke and Rey building up a new faction that is different from the Jedi.
Weren't the Jedi around for a thousand generations? That's a pretty good run for a flawed organization.

It can be flawed and still worked. I'm saying they were really blinded by their ego and Palpatine got the best of them.

Really hope "Last Jedi" is referring to perhaps Luke and Rey building up a new faction that is different from the Jedi.

I'm convinced this is it. The "Jedi" order just isn't working for various reasons and Luke after VI and after Ben lost his shit, went seeking the first Jedi Temple--- probably for answers and insight as to how they should be doing things.
I would think they don't kill Luke because then the OT trinity is gone for the final film. I feel like he'd at least make it to the last film.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Why would Luke die? Am I missing something? Finn isn't the last Jedi because you have to be trained to be called a Jedi. So technically Luke is the last Jedi until he trains Rey or Finn, and that could happen at the end of the movie right?


9 will end the Skywalker story, and "Episode 10" may be a completely new thing, new start. I dunno, we'll see. It'll be interesting if 10 takes place after 9 chronologically but doesn't have anything to do with all the Skywalker stuff.

Star Wars Episode IX: No More Skywalkers
Yep, that's a Star Wars.
Solid title, not mindblowing. Pretty logical followup title considering how TFA ended. Everything is fine.

I'm more curious about how the opening crawl will work considering how this one starts.
I don't think Luke dies until ep 9. I think the title actually means Luke, not Rey. Rey isn't a Jedi yet and might not be one even in ep 8.

This because there is no one else to train Rey, other than Luke.

Luke had Ben in 4, but also Yoda in 2 others.


I don't think this means Luke dies.

Just that Luke is the last Jedi around.

Could also take it as just like Kylo Ren and Snoke aren't Sith, Luke and his followers won't really be Jedi going forward. He goes to the temple, starts a new, learns the error of the ways, hey lets have families lets be normal people. Etc. Etc.

Would be kind of lame if it is a "I'm last... its up... to you... Rey... there is... another..."

"eh eh? See? SEE WHAT WE ARE DOING!!?"


I have a feeling they're going to try and top the "No, I am your father" twist by having Luke go to the dark side.

Leaving Rey as the Last Jedi.
really don't see the Jedi willingly closing up shop. they aren't that principled. furthermore even if they were, the Sith are still out there, it would be like waving a white flag and letting the Dark Side win.

if TFA proved anything it's that nostalgia is gonna be a huge driver for the next trilogy and they are digging into the Skywalker mythology more than ever.


Well... I was afraid of this. I was discussing Star Wars with friends at New Year's and said, "Once Luke dies I think my interest in the series will die too." Now I'm sad :(
The possibilites:

- Luke dies, Rey is the last Jedi
- Rey turns to dark side, Kylo dies, Luke lives, he's the last Jedi
- Rey turns to dark side, Luke dies, Kylo turns to light side, he's the last jedi
- Luke dies, both Rey and Kylo are sith, someone else is the last Jedi

Certain things are: Rey will survive the episode, Luke will never turn to dark side, one of them is a goner.

I don't think Rey would ever turn to the dark side. It's Disney.


what if it just means that Luke is the last Jedi before she because one. by the next movie it will be the last two jedis? and no one is dead. similar to how luke had to go through training
And return of the Jedi meant a sole Jedi and still it was Rückkehr der Jedi Ritter (<- Plural) in Germany. Doesnt mean shit, most likely its just lazy translation ;)

That was in the 80s. You can be sure that Disney has that shit on lock and that something that important is getting localized properly. The nuance in the translation is probably intentional.
I will be furious if Luke dies. Here you have Hamill clearly excited to be back in the SW universe, working his butt off to get in shape, looking the part, still young and healthy enough to be a big part of the movies... and for the new trilogy you use him for 10 seconds in one movie, and kill him off in the second? No way. Especially if the plan was/is for Leia to be a big part of episode IX. Luke should have the biggest part of the returning cast, not the smallest.

Really hope "Last Jedi" is referring to perhaps Luke and Rey building up a new faction that is different from the Jedi.

Thats exactly what I think will happen.
Everyone is wrong.

Luke lives, Rey rejects the way of the Jedi.

Rey decides that the philosophy of the Jedi is flawed, that love and attachment make people stronger, not weaker. She chooses to embrace her emotions, but use them for good, not evil. She forges a new path between Jedi and Sith, and Luke remains The Last Jedi.


Get Inside Her!
Could just mean "Luke's the main thing in this movie." Even if Rey's all fancy with the force and shit, she's not necessarily an actual Jedi. Luke's the last one now, and may remain the last one throughout.

Everyone is wrong.

Luke lives, Rey rejects the way of the Jedi.

Rey decides that the philosophy of the Jedi is flawed, that love and attachment make people stronger, not weaker. She chooses to embrace her emotions, but use them for good, not evil. She forges a new path between Jedi and Sith, and Luke remains The Last Jedi.

Yeah, something like that.


The opening crawl of TFA refers to Luke as the last Jedi, so I wouldn't automatically assume that he is going to die in this one.


Well... I was afraid of this. I was discussing Star Wars with friends at New Year's and said, "Once Luke dies I think my interest in the series will die too." Now I'm sad :(

Afraid of what? Lol, it's only a reference to Luke being the last one, back in TFA even.


I have a feeling they're going to try and top the "No, I am your father" twist by having Luke go to the dark side.

Leaving Rey as the Last Jedi.

Luke: "Rey, I am your father"

Rey: "Really?"

Luke: "Yes, and look on the bright side, you learned who your father was in a lot better way than I did"


Also, I'm betting Finn ends up being the character that proves midichlorians aint shit, "being strong in the force" aint shit, and if you want it bad enough, you can tap into the force and use it.

Chirrut in Rogue One sorta nudges the door open for that as a possibility.
Mark my words, he's gunna learn the ways of the force, one way or another.
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