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Eternal Darkness sequel confirmed by Dyack


Has problems recognising girls
Denis Dyack said:
I am most often asked if we have sequels in mind for Eternal Darkness. The answer is absolutely yes. Although this may not be obvious to those outside of Silicon Knights, anyone inside the guild understands that there is really no other answer. When creating an original game we start by conceptualizing an entire universe. Once the universe is conceptualized we then tell a story within that world.
Seriously. This guy has to be on crack.

"Ever since we got these Call of Cthulu sourcebooks, the guild has found, um, a lot of inspiration for a sequel to Eternal Darkness."

Denis Dyack said:
When creating an original game we start by conceptualizing an entire universe.

Next time, you should start by conceptualizing gameplay that doesn't suck ass!


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
drohne said:
lovecraft built that house; silicon knights have just squatted there and done a really tasteless job of redecorating.

so true :lol

drohne said:
he also promised that too human will kill music, film, and fiction. video games will be the premier entertainment medium of the 21st century. and you know who's leading the way? PIOUS AUGUSTUS, THE THRICE-PUISSANT UNDEADE LICHE MAESTER OF BLACKE MAGICK MOSTE UNHOLIE

:lol :lol

Ark-AMN said:
Yeesh, the SK/Dyack hate has reached new levels around here, calling Dyack a "shithead" and stuff now. And you wonder why he will never come back here?

With this kind of rhetoric, you'd think Dyack personally came into your homes and killed your pets or something.

This thread is now complete.


So is he working with Nintendo again..
I thought that Nintendo patented the Sanity effects for ED, and has all the copyrights.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
ahmad said:
:lol Who is that in your avatar???

Just a random ref. Dunno. He makes me smile every time I see him so I put him in my avatar. Took like four hours to compress to size because I suck at photoshop.

And while the spelling thing dronhe did was actually really funny, you guys are brutal. What is with the Dyack hate? He hypes things up?

Do you all want to destroy Peter Molyneux?


Batteries the CRISIS!
Without giving too much away, I can tell you that the theme of each installment will be ‘discovery’, ‘revenge’ and ‘enlightenment’ respectively

"A New Hope" "The Empire Strikes Back" "Return of the Jedi"

Just made me think of that.


"Like I said earlier I think they can only make it if Nintendo publishes it, since Nintendo holds the IP."

They do. But that doesn't stop them from making a completely new franchise in the same vain as Eternal Darkness, and everyone knowing it is Eternal Darkness 2 but just under a different name.

It's exactly what they're doing with BioShock and future F.E.A.R games.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Ark-AMN said:
Yeesh, the SK/Dyack hate has reached new levels around here, calling Dyack a "shithead" and stuff now. And you wonder why he will never come back here?

With this kind of rhetoric, you'd think Dyack personally came into your homes and killed your pets or something.

He betrayed the mighty Nintendo. To many people, that is worse than death.


Yes, as of now, Nintendo still owns Eternal Darkness, not Silicon Knights. But, as we saw with Rare, that can change.

The funny thing is, according to Nintendo’s latest financials, they STILL own a piece of SK. Very odd indeed…


Jealous Bastard
this is one of those "holy grail" announcements that i never expected to hear (though it seems the game is way off)

the equivalent of:
beyond good and evil 2
bionic commando 2
chrono break

holy grail sequels ftw


No.1 said:
They do. But that doesn't stop them from making a completely new franchise in the same vain as Eternal Darkness, and everyone knowing it is Eternal Darkness 2 but just under a different name.

It's exactly what they're doing with BioShock and future F.E.A.R games.
Maybe their new publisher will actually pay for a license from the Lovecraft estate, so they don't have to plaigarize this time.

this is one of those "holy grail" announcements that i never expected to hear
I don't see how this is any more of a "sequel confirmation" than Yu Suzuki admitting that they had 13 chapters of Shenmue planned out. They've got ideas but they don't have a publisher or the budget or anyone working on the project.


Jealous Bastard
border said:
I don't see how this is any more of a "sequel confirmation" than Yu Suzuki admitting that they had 13 chapters of Shenmue planned out. They've got ideas but they don't have a publisher or the budget or anyone working on the project.

let me dream, punk :(


This can't happen without Nintendo and I don't think that SK will be repairing that relationship anytime soon.


Symytry said:
This can't happen without Nintendo and I don't think that SK will be repairing that relationship anytime soon.

Are you saying Nintendo owns the IP then? Why does Dyack try to portray they still have a buddy-buddy relationship with Nintendo, is that true?


No.1 said:
"Like I said earlier I think they can only make it if Nintendo publishes it, since Nintendo holds the IP."

They do. But that doesn't stop them from making a completely new franchise in the same vain as Eternal Darkness, and everyone knowing it is Eternal Darkness 2 but just under a different name.

It's exactly what they're doing with BioShock and future F.E.A.R games.

Good point.

Kittonwy said:
Are you saying Nintendo owns the IP then? Why does Dyack try to portray they still have a buddy-buddy relationship with Nintendo, is that true?

Yes Nintendo does own it. Maybe the buddy-buddy relationship is just for this, so they can continue a series, and not have the big N pass it to someone else. They already lost one (Legacy of Kain) that ended up being a big hit, I doubt they want that to happen again.
Kittonwy said:
Are you saying Nintendo owns the IP then? Why does Dyack try to portray they still have a buddy-buddy relationship with Nintendo, is that true?

they could very well be "buddy buddy" but business is business and Nintendo has no reason to just freely hand over an IP so SK can go make a game for Xbox or PS3.


Just like Factor 5, Silicon Knights isn't owned by any company, but I don't think you'll see any non-360 games from them this generation.


I don't really need a tag, but I figured I'd get one to make people jealous. Is it working?
Why is everything a trilogy now?

Damn you Star Wars and LotR.


jjasper said:
Good point.

Yes Nintendo does own it. Maybe the buddy-buddy relationship is just for this, so they can continue a series, and not have the big N pass it to someone else. They already lost one (Legacy of Kain) that ended up being a big hit, I doubt they want that to happen again.

My question is, is Nintendo still buddy-buddy with Dyack? Or is that just from Dyack's viewpoint?

Seriously I never really thought Blood Omen was that big of a hit until Eidos pumped some serious money into Soul Reaver, but by then Dyack was out of the picture.


Kittonwy said:
My question is, is Nintendo still buddy-buddy with Dyack? Or is that just from Dyack's viewpoint?

Seriously I never really thought Blood Omen was that big of a hit until Eidos pumped some serious money into Soul Reaver, but by then Dyack was out of the picture.

Oh I have no idea if it is just Dyack or if they really are buddy-buddy. Yeah I just meant that they created a franchise lost it, and then someone else made a lot of money off it. I never played Blood Omen so I don't know if it is good or not. I doubt they want the same thing to happen twice though.


DIYMF Alumni
I like Eternal Darkness a lot. I feel it was an outstanding game at the time and have loaned to quite a few friends just so they can experience it. I'd love to play a sequel, though I'm sure nothing is in development as of now. I'm not impressed with what I've seen of Too Human, which is disappointing since it was originally a PSX game and has definitely been hyped up for years. I certainly wasn't impressed with Eternal Darkness in its earliest form either on N64, so we'll see (but I'm not holding my breath on TH). He really has been talking about the "universe" thing as early as he's been allowed to talk about ED, like back in 2001.

I just don't get the Dyack hate here; he's a really nice, creative guy who seems to work overtime to make a good game. He also goes outta his way to communicate with the fans. What's the deal? He's uh, fat? Like I'm sure all the folks who post at GAF are in great shape... :lol He hypes his games to death? What developer doesn't? Really. He betrayed Nintendo? OH TEH NOES!!!11 Did I miss something?


Jealous Bastard
Maximilian said:
I like Eternal Darkness a lot. I feel it was an outstanding game at the time and have loaned to quite a few friends just so they can experience it. I'd love to play a sequel, though I'm sure nothing is in development as of now. I'm not impressed with what I've seen of Too Human, which is disappointing since it was originally a PSX game and has definitely been hyped up for years. I certainly wasn't impressed with Eternal Darkness in its earliest form either on N64, so we'll see (but I'm not holding my breath on TH). He really has been talking about the "universe" thing as early as he's been allowed to talk about ED, like back in 2001.

I just don't get the Dyack hate here; he's a really nice, creative guy who seems to work overtime to make a good game. He also goes outta his way to communicate with the fans. What's the deal? He's uh, fat? Like I'm sure all the folks who post at GAF are in great shape... :lol He hypes his games to death? What developer doesn't? Really. He betrayed Nintendo? OH TEH NOES!!!11 Did I miss something?

my thoughts exactly.

besides the nintendo thing..



He was a active member here...no? Did he leave on bad terms or something? Also what if the game actually turns out to be great? I can imagine what you all will say about CliffyB if his game doesnt live up to the hype. What a turn off for other devs that might try to bring GAF some info from the horses mouth on there new project(s).


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
RumpledForeskin said:
He was a active member here...no? Did he leave on bad terms or something? Also what if the game actually turns out to be great? I can imagine what you all will say about CliffyB if his game doesnt live up to the hype. What a turn off for other devs that might try to bring GAF some info from the horses mouth on there new project(s).

I don't know if you could consider him "active," but he was pretty savagely attacked in an earlier thread. I remember even Jaffe was there defending him.


Considering that Dyack has (essentially) said the reason they left Nintendo is because Nintendo doesn't want games turning into interactive movies, and Nintendo owns the ED franchise... I don't see why Nintendo wouldn't pass off the franchise to one of its own development partners. ED was fun and all, but it could have done with a little more interesting gameplay elements and a little less exposition. I do give SK credit, they know how to write a good story, even if it was ripped straight from the pages of Lovecraft and his contemporaries.


It's not like name recognition is going to help whatever Silicon Knights makes for whatever non-Wii console, so who cares?
I would expect they managed to work out some sort of agreement for Dyack to talk so defninitively about it. They let Rare split with much more valuable franchises, so I don't see why they would try to sit on a flop like ED.

Yeah, they could always hand it to another developer, but considering how the brand is worth next to nothing to most people, they might as well start from scratch with an original IP (or relaunch one of their forgotten franchises) rather than saddling themselves with Dyack's backstory if they really want something in that genre.


FitzOfRage said:
I would expect they managed to work out some sort of agreement for Dyack to talk so defninitively about it. They let Rare split with much more valuable franchises, so I don't see why they would try to sit on a flop like ED.

Yeah, they could always hand it to another developer, but considering how the brand is worth next to nothing to most people, they might as well start from scratch with an original IP (or relaunch one of their forgotten franchises) rather than saddling themselves with Dyack's backstory if they really want something in that genre.

The difference between SK and Rare is that Nintendo sold Rare to MS. SK wanted out, so I could see Nintendo acting a little different to SK.

This is all speculation I have no idea how the breakup went.

Edit: What is with the personal attacks, that is just messed up. I think Too Human looks like shit too but Jesus, it is his job to promote his game even if it sucks.


he hyped Too Human to be God of War, DMC & NG killer in one swoop

drohne said:
he also promised that too human will kill music, film, and fiction. video games will be the premier entertainment medium of the 21st century. and you know who's leading the way? PIOUS AUGUSTUS, THE THRICE-PUISSANT UNDEADE LICHE MAESTER OF BLACKE MAGICK MOSTE UNHOLIE

And SK screwed up the MGS remake on GC. And IMO Eternal Darkness was terrible.


FitzOfRage said:
I would expect they managed to work out some sort of agreement for Dyack to talk so defninitively about it. They let Rare split with much more valuable franchises, so I don't see why they would try to sit on a flop like ED.

Yeah, they could always hand it to another developer, but considering how the brand is worth next to nothing to most people, they might as well start from scratch with an original IP (or relaunch one of their forgotten franchises) rather than saddling themselves with Dyack's backstory if they really want something in that genre.
Ahh, but if Nintendo gave Eternal Darkness over to Retro Studios, the series would suddenly become a fap-a-thon. Think about that. :lol
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