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Eurogamer's Games of the Generation


10 Flower
09 Portal 2
08 Mirror's Edge
07 Nier
06 GTA5
05 Half-Life 2: Episode Two
04 Braid
03 Portal
02 The Last of Us
01 Journey


And Portal is much better than Portal 2. The puzzles are better, the writing is better, the story is better, the only thing that isn't better are the graphics.


Portal 2, while probably the best video game comedy, is sprawling, imperfect. Portal is so well-paced and tightly-designed; a portrait of restraint in a medium where no one can seem to help themselves. I think it's perfect, and a smart choice over its sequel.

I was going to say the same thing. It's not just the premise and payoff that makes the original Portal great - it's the overall experience and there's something about that original experience that's lost in the sequel. What's lost is that concise, one-sitting nature of the first game. Don't get me wrong, both are great but there's something special about the first one.


Mass Effect 2 thread.

That doesn't matter. Judge the games individually and Portal 2 is the better game.

I played Portal 2 first so your reasoning doesn't work.
I agree Portal 2 is the better game, But Portal is more deserving to be on a game of the gen. list.


I was going to say the same thing. It's not just the premise and payoff that makes the original Portal great - it's the overall experience and there's something about that original experience that's lost in the sequel. What's lost is that concise, one-sitting nature of the first game. Don't get me wrong, both are great but there's something special about the first one.

That's a good thing. I hate starting games and finishing them before lunch time of the same day.
GAF should have a vote on the best game of the generation kinda like the GOTY that we do.

I was hoping StuBurns wasn't joking about doing something like this next year

On the Portal 1 vs Portal 2, Portal 1 was kinda perfect, both in its concept and execution of its ideas. I really did not see a place for a sequel or any meaningful improvement, but leave it to Valve to try their best to keep bringing the surprise and innovation. The comedy is broader, the adventure is longer, the storytelling more overt, its clearly standing on the shoulders of the first one's concepts, but its a great game nonetheless; better than any Portal sequel had any right to be. And the co-op segments are fantastic
I hear but I've never been able to play them with anyone :(
Portal 2?

Portal was just a demo, an appetizer, portal 2 really delivers.


At the end of Portal I felt like wow that was a neat brain exercise.

After Portal 2 I was blown away in several ways. Truly amazing experience. It put all the mechanics into actual practical use it seems. Clever as hell. And funny.


Portal felt unfinished to me. It's not art, people. Portal 2 was the full experience on par with ResEvil4 and other such technological achievements in interactive media.


Ok, Portal is a good choice.

They'll probably have Bioshock 1, Red Dead Redemption, Super Mario Galaxy 1 or 2, The Last of Us, Uncharted 2, Demon's or Dark Souls and possibly Mass Effect 2 (I vastly prefer the first one, but I don't think they'll pick that one).
Portal 1 had one of the tightest game designs I've seen in a video game. It was short sure but it delivered.

Portal 2 had a lot of segments that dragged because you had to look through a very massive environment for one block that had white pain which was more annoying than thought provoking.


I think Eurogamer summed up Portal 2 the best when they originally reviewed it:

Portal is perfect. Portal 2 is not. It’s something better than that. It’s human: hot-blooded, silly, poignant, irreverent, base, ingenious and loving. It’s never less than a pure video game, but it’s often more, and it will no doubt stand as one of the best entertainments in any medium at the end of this year. It’s a masterpiece.

Portal and Portal 2 are my games of the generation. They're incredible.


Portal was the one that blew minds. In Portal 2 you already knew the surprise.

Fuck the surprise, the execution was verging on flawless. Portal 2 did fucking mind boggling shit to Portal 1. Every aspect of Portal 2 is utterly incredible.
As a single player focused gamer, the shit you find, see, do, hear and experience in Portal 2 is better than I could have possibly imagined from the game.
They found and fleshed a story around the hollow original which worked and worked extremely well.

I finish games very rarely and re-play even less often. I've finished Portal 2 four times and jesus christ is it good.

How many fucking games can bring a tear to the eye from
a potato mounted to a gun, saying goodbye to a recording?
EDIT: I also have a completely and utterly irrational boner for
big / old industrial complexes, the 1950's / 1960's - big warehouses, Black Mesa style bunkers, just huge big military massive old complexes with big doors, old valves, massive old conveyor belts - etc. Every aspect of the old section (the floors, the typewriters, the couches, the office layout) basically had me fucking oozing........................ jesu christo was that section the tits
Definitely my GOTY.

GOTG though? Love to give it to Journey, I'd love to! but gentlemen,......
September 17,...... ♥


Portal is perfect. Portal 2 is not. It’s something better than that. It’s human: hot-blooded, silly, poignant, irreverent, base, ingenious and loving. It’s never less than a pure video game, but it’s often more, and it will no doubt stand as one of the best entertainments in any medium at the end of this year. It’s a masterpiece.

This quote is ridiculous. A videogame is loving? Often more than a videogame? What the fuck is he talking about?


Just know there's gonna be at least one game listed that'll send people apeshit at it's inclusion. Happens every time something like this comes up. My money's on something like Journey or Last of Us being that game.

All I ask is that one Nintendo game gets up there. I already know its crazy to think a handheld game might get up there.


Edit: Oops, double post!

This quote is ridiculous. A videogame is loving? Often more than a videogame? What the fuck is he talking about?

It's often more than a pure video game. When people say something along the lines of pure video game, they're generally talking about something that is very mechanically driven. Saying it is more than a pure video game is saying that it has a lot more to offer in other areas, such as the characters, story, world, etc.

As for your interpretation of what he meant by "loving", it's so specific and obtuse, I don't even think it is worth me even bothering to try and explain because I don't think it'd do any good.


It's often more than a pure video game. When people say something along the lines of pure video game, they're generally talking about something that is very mechanically driven. Saying it is more than a pure video game is saying that it has a lot more to offer in other areas, such as the characters, story, world, etc.

It's a hilarious way of saying that alot of his enjoyment from the game comes not just from the puzzle-solving, but also from the atmosphere.


Will they add Handheld games?

I really hope they add TWEWY up there. It certainly one of my favourite games that gen.
I'm expecting a decent list from eurogamer.
I wonder if they'll go with Demon's or Dark Souls. They went with Portal 1 instead of 2 because that's the one that introduced the franchise's groundbreaking gameplay mechanic but with Souls it's a bit different, though imo it should still go to Demon's.
Just know there's gonna be at least one game listed that'll send people apeshit at it's inclusion. Happens every time something like this comes up. My money's on something like Journey or Last of Us being that game.

Why the hell would TLOU's inclusion be controversial? Not having it on the list on the other hand would be weird.


Portal is a great choice (Portal 2 would have been fine too)

Others that leap to mind for me, and most are substitutable with others in their series: Super Mario Galaxy, Bioshock, Uncharted 2, The Last of Us, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Borderlands, Arkham Asylum, and at least one indie...thinking Braid or Fez.


Games of the generation, kgo:


Red Dead Redemption
Halo 3
Last of Us


Bioshock Infinite
Fallout 3
Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
Smash Bros Brawl
Twilight Princess

.....Wind Waker HD (lol)


The list will be something like this:

Portal, BioShock, Fallout 3, Uncharted 2, Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, Super Mario Galaxy, Skyrim, GTA V, The Last of Us.
Hard to believe Gears of War being left out on people's lists here. For many people, it was one of the first games that felt 'next-gen'. Really tight gameplay, great single-player and co-op campaign, insane visuals for the time, great xbox live multiplayer etc.

EDIT: Would like to add that Portal is a great choice. Done it in one day, loved it start to finish. And the ending was so great when it was new and fresh, before it became a 'meme'.
Just know there's gonna be at least one game listed that'll send people apeshit at it's inclusion. Happens every time something like this comes up. My money's on something like Journey or Last of Us being that game.

Portal is a good start though. Just hope Demon's Souls gets it's dues also.

It'll be Heavy Rain.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl is in fact the game of the generation. Someone please get in touch with Eurogamer's editors before they make a grave mistake and say it's Skyrim or something.
Games of the generation, kgo:


Red Dead Redemption
Halo 3
Last of Us


Bioshock Infinite
Fallout 3
Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
Smash Bros Brawl
Twilight Princess

.....Wind Waker HD (lol)

Halo 3 and CoD4 over Fallout 3 and Super Mario Galaxy?


Get Oblivion and Skyrim outta there too.

nope. By this rule derivative crap gets a free pass. This is why IGN et. al is unreadable bilge.

How is this even close to true?

It just seems like you think you can make any point right by shitting on IGN... because they gave Portal 2 GoTY I guess?
Portal is an excellent choice.

Glad they're going for defining games rather than "best". There's a more interesting look back at the last 7 years in what was important rather than merely enjoyable.

I'm expecting to see Wii Sports, Rock Band and Uncharted 2, bare minimum.


If Super Mario Galaxy/Super Mario Galaxy 2 isnt in it, they can fack off with this list right now
And if its in this list it should be at the top (IMO)

And if Uncharted 2 is anywhere in sight lol
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