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Evolve Big Alpha Impressions/bugs/glitches thread


I never said PSN was down at the moment. But the game being playable on the other platforms and not on playstation as nothing to do with PSN, wasn't the firmware 2.0 for PSN?
Maybe you'd prefer I used the "playstation infrastructure" terms?

It's cool that you're satisfied with the service but over the past few months I've been getting kicked out of Netflix sessions and had digital games locked cause the service crapped out so for a paying service I expect more, especially considering how many subs they got.

2.0 update has nothing to do with psn. Simply the update to the 2.0 update for the operating system of the PS4 has delayed the alpha for PS4.


Played a few games with friends. We got a group of 4 going, and finally managed to connect with solo players who were monsters. It's.... not very fun. :(

For game which demands so much coordination and teamwork on the human team, it also doesn't give the humans much to do at all. It's really dull for a long time until the monster actually triggers something which allows it to be tracked. Even then, it feels like so much of the gameplay loop is dependent on the player being the monster to keep it engaging. If you're playing with a scrub, it's a non-game. If you're playing with someone very experienced, it's frustrating. At least in team vs team games, there's usually an ability curve, here, out of a game of 5 players, one player alone determines the tempo of the match. Not a fan of that at all.

The UI is also really crappy on PC. It feels like it was designed as a console game from ground up and there are stupid things which keeps reminding everyone that it's a console interface meant for buttons. Ugh.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Any tips on playing Monster? I have no idea how to play it. Feels like the Hunters always know where I am, too.

From the match start they drop in right by you, so try to focus on just running away a decent amount at the start. Use sense a lot to make sure they're not nearby while you're hunting smaller animals, and try to focus on the ones with a symbol above their head for a temporary buff.

When you get the chance to evolve, again make sure nobody is nearby, try to find a decent hiding spot and turn. If they find you early into doing this you are not only unable to fight back but take significantly more damage, on top of being a sitting duck for 10+ seconds.

I would recommend starting with a single point in charge at the start and put the rest where you want. If you get hit by a medic's tranq dart, you can still use the charge to keep running away. Or if you're in an early fight and get hit you can still charge at them, since it normally slows you way the hell down without leaping everywhere.

Stealth is important too as they will keep tracking you normally walking around. I haven't messed with it a ton though, since you go pretty slow. Not sure about the best approach with that.


I can't get it to run above 15fps for the life of me. :(

Anyone else having issues with a gaming notebook? It's locked on my integrated graphics in game I'm sure.

Handy Fake

Played a few games with friends. We got a group of 4 going, and finally managed to connect with solo players who were monsters. It's.... not very fun. :(

For game which demands so much coordination and teamwork on the human team, it also doesn't give the humans much to do at all. It's really dull for a long time until the monster actually triggers something which allows it to be tracked. Even then, it feels like so much of the gameplay loop is dependent on the player being the monster to keep it engaging. If you're playing with a scrub, it's a non-game. If you're playing with someone very experienced, it's frustrating. At least in team vs team games, there's usually an ability curve, here, out of a game of 5 players, one player alone determines the tempo of the match. Not a fan of that at all.

The UI is also really crappy on PC. It feels like it was designed as a console game from ground up and there are stupid things which keeps reminding everyone that it's a console interface meant for buttons. Ugh.

This is exactly what I was afraid of.


I can't get it to run above 15fps for the life of me. :(

Anyone else having issues with a gaming notebook? It's locked on my integrated graphics in game I'm sure.

Did you try turning the settings down to Low? Even on a desktop the game seems pretty demanding, probably because it's a really unoptimized Alpha. Nothing is really polished about it at all, but that's to be expected.
This is exactly what I was afraid of.

Nod, it was also why I didn't enjoy that aspect of L4D (so far as pure matchmaking went). The matches are more often than not going to lead to frustration in skill level. The amount of times that you are going to have a balanced and fun encounter are going to be far outweighed by the other kind, which isn't going to be pretty.

Come to think of it, having a game built around a singular L4D game mode is really shortsighted.


Why this game earned its rewards is a complete mystery. It's Titanfall all over again and even more so.


I actually really like Evolve. It is definitely a game for teamwork oriented people, though. I don't see this appealing to the gamers who prefer to lonewolf, even if they play Monster exclusively.

Strangely enough, I find playing the Monster to be 10x as intense as playing a Hunter.

Why this game earned its rewards is a complete mystery. It's Titanfall all over again and even more so.

Well I love this and absolutely loved Titanfall. I am big on gameplay and particularly like when games take some risk, so maybe that's why. This isn't going to be a game for people who want a dense theme park style game.
Why this game earned its rewards is a complete mystery. It's Titanfall all over again and even more so.

In a controlled environment with teamwork and balanced teams I imagine it is really damn great game. The problem is that doesn't translate into the real world at all.


For game which demands so much coordination and teamwork on the human team, it also doesn't give the humans much to do at all. It's really dull for a long time until the monster actually triggers something which allows it to be tracked. Even then, it feels like so much of the gameplay loop is dependent on the player being the monster to keep it engaging. If you're playing with a scrub, it's a non-game. If you're playing with someone very experienced, it's frustrating. At least in team vs team games, there's usually an ability curve, here, out of a game of 5 players, one player alone determines the tempo of the match. Not a fan of that at all.

Yep, this echoes my thoughts as well. Just played a game with my two buddies and we won... I think? It was so weirdly anti-climactic and it seems totally random how damage is applied and how all of the powers work together. Yeah it's fun when shit hits the fan but there is so much randomness happening that it's hard to recognize what's fun or rewarding about it other than things on screen look wild.

All in all I'm not digging it so far, and certainly can't see myself putting down $60 for a game where you JUST do this.
Thats a little unfair. There are probably way more people playing Evolve than Titanfall right now.

I see what you did there, so edgy.

Problem is TF can stand on its own in terms of solo-play/matchmaking, Evolve cannot.

All in all I'm not digging it so far, and certainly can't see myself putting down $60 for a game where you JUST do this.

You are literally paying $60 for a glorified L4D vs mode. At best even if they spruce it up and add in a MP campaign where you hunt down a CPU Beast with an extraction point, wait that sounds like a reskin of L4D...wonder why that is, oh wait.

Which really sucks. Cause the concept is much better than L4D, least with Evolve you have different characters bringing different things to the team.
So is there any kind of starting guide to playing this? Class skills, game progression, etc?

Perhaps a quick tutorial?

Playing alone I wouldn't mind just figuring it out, but I don't want to fuck up my team.
Nah. If it were that I think we would have had way more fun earlier. L4D Versus in a group of 6-8 friends is amazing, Evolve doesn't even allow 5 friends to play a private game right now. >_<

Right but that isn't going to be the core audience (even though I'm sure they will patch that in before release). With that said, is a glorified L4D vs mode worth $60?

So is there any kind of starting guide to playing this? Class skills, game progression, etc?

Perhaps a quick tutorial?

Playing alone I wouldn't mind just figuring it out, but I don't want to fuck up my team.

Yes there is, sorta. When you start a new game (everytime?) it gives a quick video breakdown of your skills and how the game works.

No worries though, 1/2 your team will quit/DC within 2mins anyways.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I see what you did there, so edgy.

Problem is TF can stand on its own in terms of solo-play/matchmaking, Evolve cannot.

You are literally paying $60 for a glorified L4D vs mode.

There's gonna be some other type of mode(s?) in here they're still sitting on, though I'd imagine they still have the 4v1 focus. This won't have the same type of easy access appeal L4D does so I am really curious to see what happens. But I also want to know what all we have in the actual game.

In the video ign put up earlier there's a few brief spots where you can see this on the UI


So this from the getgo sounds more stressful for the monster and more of an active hunter objective. They could theoretically do a decent amount of mode types messing with different evolution states while what we have in the alpha is the most basic core of it.


I see what you did there, so edgy.

Problem is TF can stand on its own in terms of solo-play/matchmaking, Evolve cannot.

You are literally paying $60 for a glorified L4D vs mode. At best even if they spruce it up and add in a MP campaign where you hunt down a CPU Beast with an extraction point, wait that sounds like a reskin of L4D...wonder why that is, oh wait.

Which really sucks. Cause the concept is much better than L4D, least with Evolve you have different characters bringing different things to the team.

Lol. Just a joke. I have Titanfall.

In all seriousness where do these L4D comparisons come from? I have L4D on the Mac and had it on the 360 but it doesn't seem to be anything like Evolve to me. Am I missing something besides who makes it? As somebody who has played a bit I'm not seeing it at all. Totally different pace, size, weapons, environments, upgrade system and more are all nothing like L4D.
Lol. Just a joke. I have Titanfall.

In all seriousness where do these L4D comparisons come from? I have L4D on the Mac and had it on the 360 but it doesn't seem to be anything like Evolve to me. Am I missing something besides who makes it? As somebody who has played a bit I'm not seeing it at all. Totally different pace, size, weapons, environments, upgrade system and more are all nothing like L4D.

The current gameplay is damn near the same as L4D Vs. mode.


I think what the game needs for the gameplay loop to be more fun is for the hunters to have some objectives of sorts that they can do around each map. Unique stuff which is fun to pull off and will encourage the monster to take more of a risk earlier on to disrupt these objectives before escaping again. Allow the team to actually -do- things which feel satisfying as a game - build up a better defense perimeter near the power source, recover turrets, heavy weapons, or even something like a power mech left behind when the facility in the stage was abandoned, etc. Hide and seek alone doesn't really cut it for the time investment into a match right now.

The current gameplay is damn near the same as L4D Vs. mode.

No it's not. It's NOTHING like L4D Versus. You sound like you've never played L4D in Versus mode at all.


Neo Member
Very, very disappointed in this. I was really looking forward to a new Left4Dead type of experience. This just feels like a tech demo (and a bad one at that).


Did you try turning the settings down to Low? Even on a desktop the game seems pretty demanding, probably because it's a really unoptimized Alpha. Nothing is really polished about it at all, but that's to be expected.
Yeah, low and very high both give me the same framerate.

I rember Diablo 3 having this issue. Changing things in the nvidia control panel didn't do anything, but you could right click the game's shortcut and a tell it to run with dedicated card. That's not working though.

Whelp, PS4 and PC are a bust for me. :|


Neo Member
Why does the game ask me what class I would prefer before I've ever played any of them and without explaining what any of them do?

Can not find a match either.

I thought this same thing! I just picked symbols at random. A tutorial or bot match would go a long way for this game.
No it's not. It's NOTHING like L4D Versus. You sound like you've never played L4D in Versus mode at all.

Ok. Mind explaining how the game is so vastly different then?

This game is inspired by L4D's tank unit, a very powerful mutant that would relentlessly attack an individual human and deal out immense damage. It moved fast, but a well organized team could always come through. The tank was also playable in Versus mode, an aspect of L4D that makes up the core of Evolve.

You can find various other quotes alluding the exact same thing.


Ok. Mind explaining how the game is so vastly different then?

It's just completely different? Like, the way the multiplayer works is just not the same.

In L4D the Versus mode has both teams playing as Survivors and Infected in alternating rounds for every step of the campaign. Each campaign is generally split into 5 levels. So Team A will play as Survivors first, and Team B will be Infected, then when Team A is either wiped, or they make it to the end of the stage, Team B plays as the Survivors and Team A play as the Infected. It rotates this way all the way to the Finale of the campaign.

When you play as Survivors, you play through a stage, you're not trying to specifically kill other players, you're working together to play through the level. The Infected team spawns as different Special Infected during the map throughout, with cooldown timers for respawns. You try to slow them down and wipe the team by working together. Each team is scored by how far they progress together while playing as Survivors, and at the end of the entire campaign, the team with the higher score wins.

The Tank encounters are parts of the stages, but it's randomized so players don't know it's coming until it's triggered. They're a small part of the overall game experience, not the main part of it. Only one Infected player becomes the Tank, while the others continue to support it as random Special Infected.


I'm actually really enjoying it. Whether i'm the monster who got beat 2 mins into the game or hunters who spent 10mins chasing after trails that go cold theres a sort of anticipation/tension that builds knowing it is getting stronger every minute.

What really hooked me on left 4 dead and what i would really consider a tech leap more than shiny gfx was the idea of the AI Director and how every match can have wild differences. In general the regular bot AI was dumber than a pair of tits on a dead pig but the random elements of the matches is what kept drawing me back and Evolve seems to have those elements in there.

The wildlife, monster perks, hunter perks, character options and the team fortress style importance on everybody's class make me think that many matches will have that bit of random to keep it fresh, at least for me.

Essentially its a glorified left 4 dead tank battle with large open space and the tides turned (humans on offence) and customisation. I think its great and I'n looking forward to what other game types they have.


After a 5 game winning streak as the Goliath, I have to say this game is INTENSE AS FUCK. It does rely on all 5 players being on their shit for the game to be fun, though. The Hunters need to keep pressure on the Monster and the Monster needs to know when to run and when to fight, and how to confuse his trail.

That being said, I'm glad there's already two Monsters, and more coming. If they can make the options for both teams really diverse, perhaps giving drastically different playstyles between each monster, and maybe eventually a 5th class so that every game isn't the same team build (I know there are different characters within each class for different skills, but something else to spice it up would be nice) then there can be some serious replay value, even with limited modes. Speaking of which, there can definitely be a ton of different game types to keep things fresh. I can totally see a King of the Hill type mode where 4 people each play as a monster and try to conquer a base or defeat and eat some elite monster that the other three would have to gang up on, then.

Lots of possibilities, here. I'm loving it and can't wait for February.


Yep, this echoes my thoughts as well. Just played a game with my two buddies and we won... I think? It was so weirdly anti-climactic and it seems totally random how damage is applied and how all of the powers work together.

Not to be rude, but it's not random. I'm noticing a lot of people are kind of hammering the game in this thread without looking up the different skills of each class. What you're referring to is the Medic's Sniper shot. It's applies a weakness point to the Monster.

I highly encourage all of you to try each class. Each one is introduced not only with a cutscene, but with weapon/tool instructions when you first use them. It's fantastic.

ADDING MORE: This is very much a teamwork oriented game. It reminds me of League of Legends or Dota, where there is no one character that can do everything. You need someone to tackle, someone to apply weakness, someone to heal/shield teammates who take damage, someone to apply pressure, someone to root, etc. It's utterly fantastic in a setting where you apply coordination.


lol that was easy. Gonna let my daughter play some dance central but if anyone wants to battle a decent kraken send me an invite in about an hour.


From my play through today it seems to me that the tracker is the most important person on the team. I fought a nub monster that made the game feel boring as they weren't attacking us so I switched to the tracker and hunted the monster down. When I caught up to it I laid out harpoons and through up the arena so it couldn't run and we did battle. After the 3rd time of catching the monster in the arena my team killed it. It seems a lot of people I played with don't know you can dash in any direction. It makes a huge difference chasing and fighting the monster.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Played a few rounds with friends, still playing, we're all enjoying it a lot as humans. We seem to really click together and are enjoying it. More in-depth later.


Guys, please do remember to take your complaints, bug-reports, experiences, impressions and feedback such as ideas, suggestions and whatnot and post them on their official 2K thread - a lot of their team spends a lot of time reading it, and Robb recommends people post everything they have to say there, even if it's not actual bug-reporting but simply feedback and suggestions :)

Here's said thread. I really do recommend posting there if you can be bothered setting it up, the more people chime in the more of a chance the game will be better for it.

... Also, I just had a lobby where we had atleast 11 people connect. Everyone got disconnected because "Server Full"


Got into two more games, one where we got wrecked again because no one could find the Monster before it went Tier 3 and one where we wrecked it's shit because the Monster thought it could charge head onto us when it was still Tier 1. Even when we won it didn't feel particularly fun because there was just so little to swallow. Doesn't help that the UI is pretty crappy and completely unhelpful. Is there some kind of strategy to hunting the monster other than following the bird markings?

I guess I just expected more out of the meta than this but I feel like the only way this game becomes fun is if you have players who are legitimately great at the game. Outside of that I don't feel like I'm presented with that much of a legitimate individual challenge to forge on and feel like I'm accomplishing something, which was something that made L4D a lot of fun even if I was playing with an anonymous/untalented team. I was super excited for it but I can't say I'm enjoying it. That and I'm starting to realize a bit that the thought of a L4D-style arena game where the only enemy is basically a super charged Tank isn't as fun as it seemed to be on paper. Kind of a bummer as this game was one of the reasons I chose to invest in a PC (not that I regret it obviously but me wanting to play this game was a really huge reason).


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I really wonder how this can be fun more than a few rounds. I just can't see it.

It's not like L4D where stuff like ammunition or monsters like The Witch or the Tank are completely randomized. You never know when they're coming or spawning or when a horde zombies comes, you never know that. This is what makes L4D so awesome, each playthrough is always different.

How the hell did this won so many awards including Best of E3 and Gamescom?

Edit: Oh and how stupid is it that Daisy can revive people. I mean seriously what were they thinking...


Got into two more games, one where we got wrecked again because no one could find the Monster before it went Tier 3 and one where we wrecked it's shit because the Monster thought it could charge head onto us when it was still Tier 1. Even when we won it didn't feel particularly fun because there was just so little to swallow. Doesn't help that the UI is pretty crappy and completely unhelpful. Is there some kind of strategy to hunting the monster other than following the bird markings?

I guess I just expected more out of the meta than this but I feel like the only way this game becomes fun is if you have players who are legitimately great at the game. Outside of that I don't feel like I'm presented with that much of a legitimate individual challenge to forge on and feel like I'm accomplishing something, which was something that made L4D a lot of fun even if I was playing with an anonymous/untalented team. I was super excited for it but I can't say I'm enjoying it. That and I'm starting to realize a bit that the thought of a L4D-style arena game where the only enemy is basically a super charged Tank isn't as fun as it seemed to be on paper. Kind of a bummer as this game was one of the reasons I chose to invest in a PC (not that I regret it obviously but me wanting to play this game was a really huge reason).

This is basically my experience with the game. However I was never excited for it. After playing it, I am not at all surprised why I never cared about it.
This game needs more factors other than wildlife and Hunters hunt monster. Hunters need an objective and I've been saying this since before E3
on a different gaming forum

Hunters need motivation to drive the Monster out of hiding, the monster is on the run and being stealthy until Stage 3 at which point he can come and devour the Hunters.

That or something needs to change with the Monster hints, chasing him leads to usually the Hunters being on his tail until the end or until he breaks away and evolves. I've tried to flank his footsteps and flank him but I never can cut him off just right.

Just some two copper.


Also, early game really comes down to the trapper being not bad. 3 games in a row the monster was able to evolve to lvl 3 before we had even touched him really because the trapper didn't use the dome once. Without that you can never really catch up.


Played a few games with friends. We got a group of 4 going, and finally managed to connect with solo players who were monsters. It's.... not very fun. :(

For game which demands so much coordination and teamwork on the human team, it also doesn't give the humans much to do at all. It's really dull for a long time until the monster actually triggers something which allows it to be tracked. Even then, it feels like so much of the gameplay loop is dependent on the player being the monster to keep it engaging. If you're playing with a scrub, it's a non-game. If you're playing with someone very experienced, it's frustrating. At least in team vs team games, there's usually an ability curve, here, out of a game of 5 players, one player alone determines the tempo of the match. Not a fan of that at all.

The UI is also really crappy on PC. It feels like it was designed as a console game from ground up and there are stupid things which keeps reminding everyone that it's a console interface meant for buttons. Ugh.

Did you have mouse acceleration? Tried to play it on my mates PC and it was completely broken.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I really wonder how this can be fun more than a few rounds. I just can't see it.

It's not like L4D where stuff like ammunition or monsters like The Witch or the Tank are completely randomized. You never know when they're coming or spawning or when a horde zombies comes, you never know that. This is what makes L4D so awesome, each playthrough is always different.

How the hell did this won so many awards including Best of E3 and Gamescom?

Edit: Oh and how stupid is it that Daisy can revive people. I mean seriously what were they thinking...

Hunting a player controlled monster has elements of that, since you can generally not predict them. I am not really surprised at a lot of the impressions as the game won't have the same appeal L4D did, but I do really like what's here after playing it a lot. You can tell when a monster player is good, and even with randoms I found a group using mics and we were doing a good job splitting up and using the map to cut off the route he was going. The highlight was actually seeing the monster was running towards a map corner, so I actually threw the Trapper shield up to actually trap him on the outside in the corner.

Daisy being able to revive is probably her best asset. She basically is a 5th member since the monster actually needs to kill her too, or else people will respawn. The alpha isn't very clear but this is just one single loadout, there are more people in each role to unlock so Daisy isn't always here, it's only part of the girl's equipment. The other trapper uses sound traps around the map, which is really powerful in the later game.


Neo Member
I haven't really been following this but I played a couple matches just then. Can't say I'm personally all that crazy about it, it feels kinda mundane. Each match just involved chasing the signs and holding the fire button at the monster, then occasionally using the class-specific ability.

I dunno, I found it ok?


This game is fun, but only in bite sized chunks. I don't have any problem with games that are fun to pick up and play for 15-20 minutes at a time but that doesn't really work well for games that are multiplayer only like this is. It's not going to do anything positive for the total life of this game if everyone playing it only plays for short periods of time and goes "welp, I'm good for a while!"


It's just completely different? Like, the way the multiplayer works is just not the same.

In L4D the Versus mode has both teams playing as Survivors and Infected in alternating rounds for every step of the campaign. Each campaign is generally split into 5 levels. So Team A will play as Survivors first, and Team B will be Infected, then when Team A is either wiped, or they make it to the end of the stage, Team B plays as the Survivors and Team A play as the Infected. It rotates this way all the way to the Finale of the campaign.

When you play as Survivors, you play through a stage, you're not trying to specifically kill other players, you're working together to play through the level. The Infected team spawns as different Special Infected during the map throughout, with cooldown timers for respawns. You try to slow them down and wipe the team by working together. Each team is scored by how far they progress together while playing as Survivors, and at the end of the entire campaign, the team with the higher score wins.

The Tank encounters are parts of the stages, but it's randomized so players don't know it's coming until it's triggered. They're a small part of the overall game experience, not the main part of it. Only one Infected player becomes the Tank, while the others continue to support it as random Special Infected.

I think they mean it feels the same, which I agree. It feels like L4D vs. Hulk Tank, but only at it's core. Sure, there's a bunch of other things going on but it closely resembles a match of survivors vs a beefed up tank. What Evolve adds to that is roles and an objective.

I personally think it's a mix of L4D Vs. and Giants. But I actually had a lot more fun playing Giants back in the day.


I think they mean it feels the same, which I agree. It feels like L4D vs. Hulk Tank, but only at it's core. Sure, there's a bunch of other things going on but it closely resembles a match of survivors vs a beefed up tank. What Evolve adds to that is roles and an objective.

I personally think it's a mix of L4D Vs. and Giants. But I actually had a lot more fun playing Giants back in the day.

It's not a good comparison for anyone who actually plays a ton of L4D though. Survivors vs Tank is not a mode in L4D, it's not a major part of the game, and it's not even what players like best about it in Versus. It doesn't share any of the actual game flow, objectives, scoring, that L4D has. People who make the comparison keep bringing up Survivors vs Tank, but that's not what L4D mainly is, nor is it a specific game mode, nor is it what the game is really good for!
I think they mean it feels the same, which I agree. It feels like L4D vs. Hulk Tank, but only at it's core. Sure, there's a bunch of other things going on but it closely resembles a match of survivors vs a beefed up tank. What Evolve adds to that is roles and an objective.

Nod. At its core, the gameplay really does feel the same. I already said that I think Evolve does some nice things in terms of adding to that formula (I especially like how each Hunter has a different role vs just another generic survivor).

They would have done themselves a massive favor if they would have had more than the one game mode in the "Alpha".

It's not a good comparison for anyone who actually plays a ton of L4D though. Survivors vs Tank is not a mode in L4D, it's not a major part of the game, and it's not even what players like best about it in Versus. It doesn't share any of the actual game flow, objectives, scoring, that L4D has. People who make the comparison keep bringing up Survivors vs Tank, but that's not what L4D mainly is, nor is it a specific game mode, nor is it what the game is really good for!

Right and I fully admit I didn't play a ton of Vs. To me it has core gameplay that feels the same, obviously I'm not the only one that feels the similarities as it has been mentioned in this thread a few times and in articles discussing Evolve.

Reminds me of the TF discussion when people said it felt like CoD with Mechs (which it did to me) even though there were vast differences.

Joystiq said:
That feeling is different from Left 4 Dead, but it turns out that one of Evolve's greatest inspirations was drawn directly from Left 4 Dead: Tank battles. The Tank, as Left 4 Dead players well know, is a massive, hyper-aggressive zombie capable of pounding players with its gigantic fists or smashing them with huge chunks of concrete. That's not too far off from the Goliath, who hurls boulders and smashes the ground with equal ferocity. Evolve was the "brainchild" of turning Left 4 Dead's Tank fights into a full game, says Grace
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