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Falklands 'will be under our control in 20 years', says Argentine foreign minister.

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Unconfirmed Member
Falklands 'will be under our control in 20 years', says Argentine foreign minister

Argentina's foreign minister has declared he will confront the UK government with a "diplomatic package" that will see the Falkland Islands handed over by Britain in less than 20 years.

Hector Timerman opened a visit to London in which he will press the message that the Islands are a colonial hangover by claiming that Britain would be forced to relinquish its grip on the overseas territory.

He said Argentina was an "incomplete country" as a result of the British claims on what his government calls the Malvinas in the South Atlantic.

"I don't think it will take another 20 years. I think that the world is going through a process of understanding more and more that this is a colonial issue, an issue of colonialism," he said. "We don't support the occupation of foreign lands, and the Malvinas case is the occupation of a foreign land."

While Mr Timerman also vowed to respect the "rights" of the 3,000 residents of the islands, he dismissed the need for their consent to a transfer of sovereignty.

"I don't have to persuade them. The United Nations says there is a conflict between the United Kingdom and Argentina. I don't have to persuade anybody. We have to apply international law and accept the resolutions; if not the UN becomes a body that is only useful when it backs the powerful," he said.


Another in Spanish.

Lets decide this with a football match!


Neo Member
I was just in Ushuaia (capital of the province Argentina claims the Falklands are part of), and it was really quite hilarious how many signs I saw proclaiming it the capital of the Malvinas. Couldn't tell how many people really believed it but the official delusion kept me amused as a visitor.


So, what's Argentina's claim on the Falklands? It was uninhabited before Europeans settled it, right?

As I understand it, it boils down to this: It's super duper close to them.

They have literally never controlled the island, and the residents have all consistently voted wanting to stay with the UK.




So, what's Argentina's claim on the Falklands? It was uninhabited before Europeans settled it, right?

As I understand it, it boils down to this: It's super duper close to them.

They have literally never controlled the island, and the residents have all consistently voted wanting to stay with the UK.

Yeah more or less. The island has ambiguous original ownership with Britain, France, Holland and Spain all having a somewhat legitimate claim at some point. However, the British are the only ones that have had any type of consistent settlement, and have controlled the island definitively since 1840.




They have become an excuse to bait the population when shit goes bad at Buenos Aires. Kirchner has seen better days, so it's time to bring that up again.


AKA Cristina Fernandez

the 1978 world cup also was a smokescreen by the goverment. yes, i said it.
As I understand it, it boils down to this: It's super duper close to them.

They have literally never controlled the island, and the residents have all consistently voted wanting to stay with the UK.

Well, it's further away from Argentina than Paris is from London. London is, obviously, much further than Argentina from it, but then, we don't claim geography to be why we should "own" it.

(It's not really "owning".)
Oh, Argentina is really serious about this, which is why they pulled out of talks in London on the first: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21288084

The people want to be British, let em be. There isn't a native population to surpress, nor cultural artifacts for the Brits to "preserve," so while it's a mystery why they are there, they are.


I especially liked the story about how the leader can't fly in Argentina's plane because of worries that creditors will claim it. i mean, seriously, how embarrassing is that?

LoL, they pay a plane note? But seriously plane repo guys do not play.


Unconfirmed Member
As an Argentinian myself, hearing this assholes saying such stupid stuff makes me wanna cry. We're a laughing stock, we don't have an army... Fuck it, our ships sink while harbored and our planes (the ones that can still take off) are more than 30 years old. If Chile or Brasil wanted to, they could conquer us without blinking an eye. We can't intimidate anybody, and the other countries know that.

They have become an excuse to bait the population when shit goes bad at Buenos Aires. Kirchner has seen better days, so it's time to bring that up again.
Spot-on. It's a smoke screen, used to distract the population from the ever increasing insecurity, inflation (more than 25% per year), foreign currency restrictions, non-payment or underpayment of retirement pensions, political corruption and complete isolation from the world. We've already seen this story before, and it didn't end well.

Damn, anyone who saw our president's speech in Harvard last September surely realised what kind of woman she is. If you haven't, I can link a video here, and translate it for you (as they don't have English subtitles). I fear for the future of this country, if we as a society don't realise we may be heading into a civil war, rate we are going.

I especially liked the story about how the leader can't fly in Argentina's plane because of worries that creditors will claim it. i mean, seriously, how embarrassing is that?
More than I can bear. What happened with the Libertad frigate in Ghana is inexcusable, and in a serious country the politicians responsible would have resigned immediately. Of course, here the answer is to blame the "vulture funds" and try to make the president and her lackeys look like martyrs or heroes.


Whenever an unpopular Argentine leader faces unrest they drag up the Falklands in an attempt to whip up nationalism.

Unbelievably some Argentinians consistently fall for it.


How many people inside Argentina actually believe this? Falklands seemingly gets draged up on what seems like a bimonthly basis recently.



They got jacked by Ghana? lol no offense to Ghana, they have a great cuisine

I like this

Moreover, the government may have inadvertently created another legal headache for itself in its effort to dodge the “vultures” seeking payment on their bonds. The charter company from which Argentina chose to rent the Global Express 7000 was Chapman Freeborn, a British firm. Among the company’s other clients is Britain’s Ministry of Defence, which happens to use its planes for transport to the Falkland Islands—a British-controlled territory in the South Atlantic Ocean that Argentina tried to conquer by force in 1982 and still claims today. Chapman Freeborn also leases aircraft to three companies involved with oil exploration around the islands. Just last year Ms Fernández got a law passed preventing the Argentine public sector from buying services from people or firms “who in a direct or indirect way” participate in the Falklands’ nascent petroleum industry. Julio Martínez, an opposition congressman, says he is researching the issue in the hopes of greeting the president with a lawsuit when she returns home from her trip.


Unconfirmed Member
How many people inside Argentina actually believe this? Falklands seemingly gets draged up on what seems like a bimonthly basis recently.
I don't really know. I want to think that people can't be that stupid, but we've been on a downward spiral for the entirety of the last (and the current) century. I don't see it stoping anytime soon, not when there's still so many uneducated and easily manipulable people.
I lived in Argentina for 12 years so I'm quite used to the "Las Malvinas son Argentinas" storyline.

This is the equivalent to when things go poorly for Middle Eastern dictators and they immediately start huffing and puffing about the illegality of the state of Israel. It's all smoke and mirrors to detract from failed policies.


3000 people? why dont they just have a bunch of Argentinians immigrate there and change the demographic?


3000 people? why dont they just have a bunch of Argentinians immigrate there and change the demographic?

Beyond it being a British-controlled territory so they could keep them out, there would be nowhere for them to live and not nearly enough jobs to support them.

It's kind of like asking why the United State doesn't just send 12 million people to Cuba, then have them vote to become the 51st state.


Unconfirmed Member
I wish you guys would just headbutt the bitch. fucking silly old trout looking Botox evita.
Me too, but we can't. She has to stay in charge until the presidential elections in 2015. Then, according to the Constitution, she can't be elected for the 3rd time in a row, but given how the government walks all over it, I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to.

But one thing is clear to me: if she (or anyone else) ever tries that, I'll go to the Casa Rosada myself (and I'm sure many more will too) and do my best best to prevent it from happening, by force if necessary. This country has been there before, both with elected presidents and not, and it wasn't pretty. We don't need any more dictators hidden under the banner of "democrately elected presidents", it was enough enduring Peron and the military dictatorship (and the violence provoked by insurgents who called themselves ERP and Montoneros).

I swear, I can't hear CFK talk without cringing. She's vain, hypocrite (yeah, let's name-call some grandpa who criticized the government for not being allowed to buy 10 US Dollars to gift to his grandchildren, while her own late husband once purchased 2 million dollars a day before said currency increased its value, a couple of years prior to the former episode), ignorant (according to her, the chemical formula for water is H20 -that is, the letter H, the number 2 and the number 0 rather than the letter O), shameless (have you seen her dance on TV while dressed in black due to her husband's death -which had happened more than a year ago, mind you- and making it look like the country was pretty much founded by them? Because I did, and it was as terrible as it sounds), completely lack of self-criticism and many other things it'd take me a long time to write. And she also seems to be mentally unstable, like if she had some kind of bipolar disorder. You can literally see that in action when she speaks: one day she'll be making jokes and dancing and showering herself and her husband in praise, and the next day she'll be complaining about the media and the political opposition and everyone who leaves the country on vacation and pretty much every single thing that doesn't fit her own distorted reality. Yeah, I got a little carried away, but that's our president in a nutshell: a crazy, deranged woman with an inferiority complex ("Everything costs me twice because I'm a woman", in her own words), extreme narcisissm ("I did this", "I said so", "I think that") and several more negative traits, which don't make presidential material at all.

Again I refer you to her trip to Harvard last year, where she openly denied a reality that everyone can see: the restrictions to the purchase of foreign currency, the unexplainable increase of her and other politicians' bank accounts, the constant berating of everyone who doesn't agree with her, the skyrocketing inflation, etc.
Don't see it happening without another War. No way in hell are the residents gonna vote to join Argentina and thus no way Britain is gonna abandon it's subjects.

It's amazing what a president will do to try and deflect attention away from her downward spiral of her terrible administration. Shit, she should just do Playboy and then she gets the same results without the inevitable deaths.
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